The Saddamite; a psychopathology profiled: sadism, sodomy, BDSM and AIDS
At the last supper, Jesus offers the disciples `bread and wine`, which is the `body and the blood` in the transubstantiation1 of the Catholic Mass in which the churchgoer accepts the Holy Spirit. It is the acceptance of `God`s love`, the Paraclete (1 John: 2.1), born from the side of Jesus – in the same way that Eve is from Adam`s side – when Longinus` spear cuts open Jesus` side, and she`s `given` by God upon Jesus` Ascension to Heaven.
Upon the cross Jesus is `the body and the blood`, but not to the Christians. To the sadists, Jesus is a masochist and, for homosexuals, a homoerotic image of sado-masochistic fantasy. The helplessness of a man with another man`s spear in him. This is Jesus`body and blood` in Satanism, which is sadism and sodomy.
In combination, sodomy and sadism derive from the name of the Marquis De Sade (1740-1814) who`s synonymous with torture and, indeed, wrote a novel 120 Days of Sodom (1785). What is the Marquis De Sade`s is AIDS as the bane of the 20th and, so far, the zeitgeist of the 21st century. It`s a `blood disease` and, although Jesus` cross represents Redemption, the obverse meaning of the imagery is temptation to sadism - and homosexuality, which is sodomy.
In Eden, God says there shall be `enmity` (Gen: 3.15) between the serpent`s `seed` and the `seed` of the woman, for having Adam and Eve eat of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` (Gen: 2.9). The serpent`s `seed` is the `seed` of sadism (blood) and sodomy (semen, and excrement) and the woman`s `seed` is for innocent progress and development – peace and love.
Men promulgate the idea of the `devil` as evil, because `to devil` means `to impede development`. They impede development and so represent `devil-opment`, which is the negative of the photograph, as it were. Woman is the Creator`s Producer and Product – Civilization – and so is positive development. Men are the `devil` that they idolatorize as themselves; that which they depict as the `devil` is actually God`s `developer`. In her spiritual realm, Woman is the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, working to create, produce and save.
Jesus preaches Redemption because God doesn`t want to develop men`s `negative`, but Woman`s `positive` development. Men are fertilizer. 9/11 and Guantanamo Bay tells us that sadism (terror and blood) is what they want, and its attendant `sterile waste` metaphor - sodomy (AIDS as fertilized faeces, rather than foetus).
Jesus is the `Son of Man` (Matt: 26.64) and `the Second Adam`, and according to the Bible his crucifixion represents Redemption from sin - which is `original` in Eden. The sin of the serpent`s `seed` is AIDS in the 21st century, a reification of the Evil One. Jesus is the `enmity` of the woman`s `seed` towards evil, which means Woman is the eternal enemy of the `seed` of the serpent – which is sadism - and the spear of Longinus` cutting open of Jesus` side is a projection of the power of the serpent`s `seed` to give AIDS to Woman in the 20th century. The Holy Spirit - as the Paraclete - is `God`s Spirit` in Woman as the `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet`. She is by man`s side as the Paraclete, but the spread of AIDS through blood, semen, and excrement is a part of the `enmity` the serpent`s `seed` has for her.
It is a paradox that Jesus on the cross is a sado-masochistic homoerotic icon while simultaneously being the act of Redemption from sadism and the serpent`s `seed` of sterile sexual aridity: torture, AIDS, sterility, and death. It is reminiscent of Revelation, and the four horsemen of the Apocalypse: war (torment), pestilence (AIDS), famine (sterility), and death.
The red dragon of Revelation lies in wait to eat the child born to the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` (Rev: 12.1-18). He is the epitome of the devourer, which is what men are - eaters of Woman`s product - Civilization. The dragon is a father, and the meaning is that God is the parent - men aren`t. They are `war, pestilence, famine and death`, whereas Woman is `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet` (the Paraclete in both physical and spiritual realms). She is Civilization because it is her Product, and men destroy it periodically, that is, it is eaten by men pretending to be fatherly on behalf of God, God`s Producer as Woman and God`s Product as Civilization.
The child born to the `clothed` woman `rules the nations with an iron scepter`. She is `God`s love` and he is `God`s law`, which enforces the teachings of the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, so that the good can have Redemption and the evil are kept from harming them; because they would. This is why Jesus` crucifixion is a paradox. From the evil`s point of view, he`s a sado-masochist, and from the good`s perspective, he`s an actuator of God`s awakening. God gives the Earth the Paraclete and takes Jesus to prepare him for his Second Coming and his extermination of the Evil One as a continued threat to innocence, progress and development, which is the American Dream and Manifest Destiny.
Christianity fails to understand that sadism and sodomy are what evil is – exactly that. Jesus represents the knowledge that God is love, which means that woman`s body is good and, as `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet`, she is doubly good. Sex per se is good, that is. In Islam, Jesus` Ascension doesn`t follow from crucifixion or death. Jesus is `translated` into heaven. In Christianity Jesus isn`t married, but in Islam it isn`t a consideration. Jesus` privacy isn`t even considered. If he is married, it`s what the Christians call `marriage in the sight of God`, which was Adam and Eve`s. Before the `Evil One` tempted Eve to eat of the `forbidden fruit` of the `tree of the knowledge of good and evil` in Eden. Adam and Eve were expelled from God`s Paradise for accepting the poison of the `serpent`s seed`. It`s important to Christians that Jesus is without a woman, because of the Holy Spirit effectively emergent from his side by spear birth as the Holy Spirit/Paraclete. The womanlessness of man is an archetypal symbol of the spiritual/intellectual development of mankind without sex, which was relevant 2000 years before space travel. Because the denial of carnality was necessary if space rockets were to be developed by 1969 and Neil Armstrong could proclaim from the moon:
`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`
Although `Woman` is necessary, because all development springs from her womb, the `serpent`s seed`, that is, men, don`t want the `woman`s seed` to escape from her enslavement. Consequently, the `Evil One` in the Garden of Eden represents the men who`d deny mankind the blessings of `Woman` in order to force humanity into spiritual/intellectual developments such as the intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) rather than send a human to Mars. In symbolic terms, the `serpent`s seed` would rather destroy her on Earth than conceive of the colonization of Mars and an end to the Roman war god`s depredations. However, in the Christian Bible the evil are depicted as warring in heaven with the `woman`s seed` while she`s `hidden` upon the Earth. The `serpent`s seed` receive eternal unendurable pain as their punishment from God and the `woman`s seed` receives a new heaven and Earth. The war god Mars is defeated. However, because violence is the valence of men, `Woman` as a species with her own penis is God`s new valence, which suggests that men are the `serpent`s seed` and `woman`s seed` will supercede it because male semen is merely a vehicle for an evil parasitism.
Pop star Britney Spears describes herself as `Miss American Dream since I was seventeen` in the lyrics to Piece Of Me (2007) and the cover of the CD single features her as a Christ-figure on the cross. The spear of Longinus is missing from the picture because Britney is representing herself as the Holy Spirit/Paraclete already born from Jesus` side. In other words, she`s `Woman` born from Adam`s side in Eden and from Jesus` side at the crucifixion: a spiritual being wherever she is. She`s the Holy Spirit/Paraclete by one`s side that guides one to spiritual/intellectual growth. Although the spear of Longinus is a symbol of birth, it`s also a symbol of men`s piercing of the veil of `Woman`, that is, the female Holy Spirit/Paraclete by the side of humanity, which is a piercing of the veil of death in the spiritual realm where she persists.
Longinus` spear`s piercing of Jesus` side is symbolic of men`s approach towards `Woman`. They`re looking to kill her. Even though she`s `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet`, which is why Jesus is a symbol of Redemption and future punishment. Because `Woman` is a species with a penis of her own as `futanarian` (, Britney Spears on the cross on the cover of Piece Of Me symbolizes `Woman` born without the `serpent`s seed`, that is, male semen, because `futanarian` woman will replace Adamic man with God`s new species if men don`t accept the teachings of her Holy Spirit/Paraclete and convert from evil towards her. On the cover of Piece Of Me Britney Spears has replaced the spear of Longinus with herself as the symbol of the Holy Spirit/Paraclete as the spears of God`s new species of futanarian Woman. In the Bible the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` is `hidden` because she has her own penis and is a species, which men would kill if they could:
`Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven but they refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev:16. 10)
Men don`t want the species `Woman` even though the story of Eve from the side of Adam and the Holy Spirit/Paraclete from the side of Jesus indicates that `Woman` is both the physical and spiritual nature of God`s future, that is, `futanarian`, species of humanity. Jesus was born from the Virgin Mary without the evil `serpent`s seed`, that is, male semen, because `Woman` is to be self-reproductive and self-productive. Jesus represents mankind`s last chance but not humanity`s. Although Jesus describes himself as `the son of man`, he`s the child of the `woman`s seed` insofar as he prefigures the birth of woman as a species without male semen. Britney Spears Oops I Did it Again (2000) synonymically refers to `side` and `hid` because she represents the `hidden` woman of Revelation that men don`t want. She`s `hidden` because of what mankind has already done to her. Men would murder her in their fear of being replaced by God. Concealing what they do, they hide from her and God`s vengeance.
As `Miss American Dream` since the USA`s Declaration of Independence from the British Empire in 1776 the archetype of `Liberty` is discernible in Britney Spears` oeuvre because her name is prophetically linked with the multi-faceted spears of the Holy Spirit/Paraclete placed by God at the side of each woman to nurture her species` development. The motto of the United States of America is e pluribus unum, that is, `one of many`. So Britney Spears represents the multi-valences of the spears of the Holy Spirit/Paraclete born from Longinus` spear, that is, the `Spear of Destiny`. Britney`s appearance on the cover of the CD single Piece Of Me points towards fulfilment of the American Dream and the USA`s Manifest Destiny through acceptance of `Woman` as the Holy Spirit/Paraclete:
`If I said my heart was beating loud
.If we could escape the crowd somehow.
If I said I want your body now.
Would you hold it against me?` (2011)
Hold it Against Me is Britney Spears` contemporary artist`s referencing of the spear of Longiinus as the `Spear of Destiny`. In the midst of the crowd, Longinus` spear attempted to pierce the still beating heart in the side of Jesus to effectively give birth to the Holy Spirit/Paraclete that has been the spiritual/intellectual valence of humanity ever since. `Woman` at the side of mankind is meant to be held and not pierced by a spear. Although the male valence is penis as piercing spear, `Woman` is not meant to be pierced by weapons. Consequently, `futanarian` woman with a penis of her own has her own piercing spear and, although Britney Spears is depicted as fighting against herself in Hold It Against Me, the valence of the species `Woman` isn`t to use herself as a weapon against herself.
The Bellamy Brothers pop group sued Britney Spears for `plagiarising` their single `If I said you had a beautiful body would you hold it against me?` Later the Southern Belle from Louisiana recorded If You Seek Amy as her response. In the CD video single she`s Southern Belle Amy. The song`s title is translatable as `F*U*C*K me` because that`s what the penis is for. Human beings have only two physical valences: eating and ejaculating. Obviously Hold It Against Me is a unique recording and the line `If I said you had a beautiful body would you hold it against me?` is in the public domain because it`s usage is so common. Consequently, The Bellamy Brothers` suing of Britney Spears represents their desire for more money to eat and ejaculate. As Britney Spears doesn`t want to be eaten, that is, speared, by mankind`s penis` desire to manufacture itself as a killing weapon, her solution is `F*U*C*K me`.
The theme of the woman taken from the side of Adam in Eden, and Jesus` difficulty in winning her return to mankind`s side, is the human epic. `Woman` resides by the side of mankind from the spiritual realm as the Holy Spirit/Paraclete, and emerges therefrom as `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet`. The spear of Longinus announced mankind`s intention to enter the spirtual realm by piercing Jesus` side after his death. As the Holy Spirit/Paraclete in the spiritual realm, `Woman` is there to effect Redemption for man; if man accepts her teachings and Jesus`.
In Catholicism the `Assumption of the Vrigin Mary` is the assumption that Jesus` mother ascended to heaven because `Woman` belongs there by right of sufferance. The `seed` of `Woman` as a spiritual and physical species with her own penis as `futanarian` is assumed to be redeemed if Catholic dogma is to be interpreted correctly. `Woman` is humanity but the `serpent`s seed` is men`s. Mankind`s Redemption is dependant on the emergence of the `hidden` woman and her futanarian `seed`. If mankind doesn`t accept her, it`s perdition for attempted species genocide:
`Vengeance is mine`...says the Lord.` (Rom: 12.20)
In Jesus` Second Coming, he kills Satanism with his Sword. It is God`s vengeance, but not Jesus`. He is the instrument and although it is a necessary action it is a dispassionate despatch of the Evil One. It is, however, Jesus` triumph. The `marriage of the lamb` in heaven with the `bride` is the wedding of `Woman` as a species with herself where there are no paparazzi to spy and men can have no conception of what it may be.
In Eden, the serpent spies on Eve and, effectively, wants to see her naked without Adam, so he tempts her to `know` him. She wants to be `known` but wants Adam to be by her side during the affair, so gives him the `fruit` and invites the serpent to `know` Adam. Adam and Eve perceive their nakedness before the Evil One, and understand that they are to be `known` by him. She wants Adam by her side as the `safe haven` of civilization while she waits for the Evil One`s `serpent`s seed` to manifest.
In God`s sight Adam and Eve are innocent; progressing and developing without threat, which is the American Dream and Manifest Destiny. In the sight of the Evil One, they`re innocent; progressive and developmental in spite of being threatened. The `marriage of the lamb` in heaven in Revelation means beyond the eyes of the Evil One, and so the American Dream and Manifest Destiny is fulfilled.
Revelation indicates what Jesus` marriage isn`t: sadism and sodomy. `God is love`, as Jesus tells us in the New Testament, so Jesus` remarriage with the Paraclete`s omnipresence means the marriage of `Woman` in God where noone but God sees her. Christianity would seem to want to deny Jesus a wife because he`s represented as celibate, but Revelation celebrates the `marriage of the lamb` (Rev: 19.7-9), which is identified throughout the Bible as the Messiah. The Christian epic seems to be concerned with who sees the bride. Just as the story of Genesis was concerned with Adam`s being alone with Eve before the serpent saw her.
In Christianity Jesus` marriage is `public` but his performance in bed isn`t describable. Because the Christian perspective holds that Jesus must remain celibate, the male members of the church as Jesus` bride are against reproduction for the `son of man`. However, if the bride is `Woman` as a species, the male members of the church are excluded. Jesus` celibacy is assured but mankind goes to hell for seeking to prevent the human species from continuing. In the transubstantiation symbolism of the Catholic Communion, bread and wine as symbols of Jesus` body and blood are consumed by the parishioners in desire for transformation. If the human species is `Woman` with a penis, Redemption implies translation of the male form into the female. Because Jesus was born from the Virgin Mary without male semen, Mary prefigures the woman with a penis` whose `seed` is the species and doesn`t need mankind for its future.
It`s the unspoken tenet in Christianity that Jesus is celibate and virgin. Why should he remain so? Jesus Redeems from sin by means of his `body and blood`, and Redemption is what Christians want. But the `body and blood` is sadism and sodomy to the irredeemable, who have eternal perdition. It is what Jesus` crucifixion meant. The angle of perception determines where the evil lies. The crucifiers represent the evil that`ll have perdition.
Jesus is Redemption and the evil `crucify` as the camera `angle` of the 21st Century paparazzi crucifies those in the `public eye` by spreading lies, which is `bearing false witness`, and the equivalent of `bearing a sword` that is of the Evil One`s intelligence. In Piece of Me (2007) Britney Spears wears a small sword and the video is a critique of the paparazzi. The cover of the single features Britney Spears on the cross as a Jesus figure. As a symbol of the Holy Spirit/Paraclete, she`s a `sword trainer` and, as the camera lenses are training their eyes on hers, so she`s training her Sword, Jesus`, on theirs. In terms of the crucifix as `Sword` technology, Britney Spears is the representative `Woman` and the lenses of the paparazzi are her crucifiers.
In Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984), Harrison Ford shoots a swordsman preparing to fight him with a sword. His weapon is less complicated to use and he murders a developing soul. In cinematic terms, he`s glib despite his opponent`s offer to communicate. In Revelation the sword that comes out of the mouth of Jesus is the symbol of Jesus` ability to command. The sword from Jesus` mouth is emphasized because he isn`t glib, whereas glibness is the valence of weapons that bring instant death. Such irrevocably `glib` weapons are the instruments of cowards. As the Logos Jesus commands progress and development. Although male technology is a threat to `Woman` and human art, civilization and culture, the birth of the `New Redeemer` from the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` in Revelation while the `red dragon` (Rev: 5.12) waits in vain to devour her child suggests the triumph of Logos and the ability of the `New Redemer` to communicate and command on behalf of `Woman` won`t be threatened by weapons of instantaneous death wielded by glib cowards.
The Sword of Revelation isn`t symbolic, it`s superior technology. Here on Earth is sadism and sodomy, which is what evil is definable as. The paparazzi, for example, are `buggers` who invade privacy. As the serpent did in Eden to reveal Adam and Eve`s nakedness. The `marriage of the lamb` in Revelation is God`s promise that the bride won`t be seen in heaven by the `buggers`. As the `Woman` of Revelation leaves Earth, she `bruises the serpent`s head with her foot` and escapes the machinery of damnation. The serpent represents evil and doesn`t want `Woman`. In ancient Greece `Woman` was enslaved by greek pederasts for the purpose of spreading its contagion of war. The male serpent`s semen wants its `seed` to be the `buggers` of `Woman` as a species and spy on her. A euphemism for a homosexual pederast is a `bugger` because `Woman` is the species men don`t want to develop and so she is spied upon. The HIV/AIDS` virus is homosexual pederasty`s `seed`, that is, a biological weapon against her `host` womb, which encourages her to perpetuate heterosexual monogamy rather than perpetuate her own species. Consequently, the `seed` of `Woman` with a penis of her own is sterile because `hidden` and so scarce. Because the `buggers` of the paparazzi cameras are the spies of homosexual pederasty that `bear false witness`:
`Now are you sure you want a piece of me? (you want a piece of me)
I'm Mrs. 'Most likely to get on the TV for strippin' on the streets'
When getting the groceries, no, for real...
Are you kidding me?
No wonder there's panic in this industry
I mean please...
Do you want a piece of me?`
Even American Magazines like Hugh Hefner`s Playboy or Playgirl don`t feature women with a penis because it`s a threat to the hegemony of homosexual pederasty and the camera lies. If a woman has a penis she knows wwhere it should go. Equally the male penis knows where it should go. Consequently, desire for woman isn`t gender specific but universal. Moreover, the desire of `Woman` for herself is more legitimate because the penis is hers and it desires her because she`s the human species. The woman who looks at herself in the mirror doesn`t crave a man: the penis craves her. And it isn`t confined solely to the male. But the paparazzi lies. `Woman` is attracted to herself as `futanarian` woman with her own penis. But there are no educational or media depictions of the glamorous `futanarian` babe because the paparazzi are the spies of homosexual pederasty seeking to maintain its enslavement of `Woman` and continue with its contagion and war upon her Earth. The red dragon of Revelation waits to devour the `New Redeemer` born to `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`. It waits in vain to `snap` because the paparrazi can`t lie before God.
The child is `he who shall rule the nations with an iron scepter`, which is the enforcing of God`s law in order that `God`s love`, that is, `Woman`, shall prevail. The moment is encapsulated by the paparazzi `dragon`, but the meaning is obscured. Clothed with sun (male) and moon (female), she`s hermaphroditic and futanarian, that is, `Woman` with her own penis, and she bruises the head of the dragon with her `fut`. Men hide `futanarian` woman from her own species `Woman` because she doesn`t need men. She`s separate and men prey on her when they`re not being parasites upon her `host` womb as God`s enemies. As God tells the serpent in Eden, there`ll be `enmity` between its `seed` and hers, because she has a penis of her own and men don`t want her to. The paparazzi train their lenses on `Woman` like guns, because they are devourers and that`s what they`re training for. To kill her and everything she has produced for God, her creator, that is, the art, civilization and culture that is from her womb upon the Earth.
Britney Spears` (1982-) sword worn as a pendant in Piece of Me is better technology. It symbolizes the smallness of mankind who`ll devour `Woman` because she might grow. In terms of cameras, men are negatives. As the `red dragon` that `snaps`, the paparazzi are the `buggers` who spy while preparing to devour Britney Spears` and the species of `Woman` with her own penis as well as the Earth. The paparazzi are the representatives of an alien hegemony of homosexual pederasty and lies. However, if men won`t develop God can. Jesus` Redemption from men is the saving of `Woman` and her developmental potential. Because she`s the producer of God`s product, that is, human art, culture and civilization. In Revelation it is written `the number of the beast is the number of a man.` Because a man is a beast if God decides mankind is iredeemable. In Genesis the serpent tells Adam and Eve, `You shall be as gods.` If Adam and Eve eat of the fruit of the `tree of the knowledge of good and evil`. But God is a human God, that is, it is better to be God`s than enslavers of the human species of `Woman` as alien parasites.
Only by accepting Jesus can you have Redemption. He didn`t like being crucified. That is what he is redeeming from, and so acceptance of the Redeemer is what`s required because crucifixion is evil. Jesus is the Redeemer; not crucifixion. The fiction the evil promulgate is that crucifixion is Redemptive. Jesus teaches the law of God as `God`s love` (Luke: 10. 27), and the Holy Spirit/Paraclete is the `spirit of Woman` which inculcates the love of good. Because she is appetizing but not edible. In Eden the fruit is husbanded but the descendants of Adam represent the contagion of homosexual pederasty and war. `Woman` as a species is her own fruit and she won`t devour it, because she can cook. She is able. In Genesis Cain slew Abel for being able to cook. Because men don`t want development for other men. Jesus` Redemption is the perception that he was able, whereas men`s perspective is that woman cooks because she`s Abel. Men are Cain because they don`t want to develop and devour the potentially able `Woman` because her development would mean her escape from the cannibals` pot.
Men aren`t cannibals, because `Woman` isn`t their species. Moreover, although Revelation describes the `red dragon` as the devourer, the parasite as vampire isn`t an adequate description of what the male homosexual pederast is. In the heart of Europe is Transylvania, which was a part of Greater Hungary until after WWI. In Hungarian `futanar` means the teacher who travels. As Jesus did. The vampire myth derives from the 15th century Transylvanian figure of Vlad who impaled his enemies on stakes after battle. In the media vampires are portrayed as immortal and eternally youthful and unchanging. But vampires are depicted as evil and stakes are used to end their lives. Longevity is perceived as dangerous because `Woman` might remember she has a penis if there are `futanarian` women old and desirably youthful enough to teach her. The stake is a symbol of the male penis that ends her life. Because her male enslavers don`t want the human species to live. Consequently, although the term isn`t so pejorative, parasite more accurately defines what men are while vampire and particularly `vamp` more carefully describes what `Woman` is:
`...a seductive woman who exploits men by use of her sexual charms.`
In Revelation `MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH` is mysterious only to those who don`t perceive that she is the victim of mankind`s enslaving of her for parasitism and men`s evil valence of homosexual pederasty and devouring warfare upon her Earth. Babylon is a victim and a `vamp` insofar as she needs must live with the parasites because she`s not aware of God`s plan for the development of her species `Woman`. Consequently, the figure of the `vampish` woman prefigures the anciently beautiful and immortal `Woman` as a species with her own penis that men have called `vampire`, whereas as parasites men more properly correspond to the term they have appropriated to describe her.
The spear of Longinus in Jesus` side at the crucifixion is reminiscent of the stake in the heart of the vampire. Jesus` offer of the `bread and the wine` to his disciples at the `Last Supper` as his `body and blood` prefigures the torture of his body and the spilling of his blood. To his crucifiers he`s a vampire because he preaches immortality. In other words, longevity is associated with vampirism because it interferes with men`s parasitism. Acceptance of the `body and the blood` symbolically as the `bread and wine` of the Catholic Communion implies the conferring of immortality upon the `vampire`, that is, `Woman` as a self-producing species with her own penis, who is symbolized in Catholicism as the Virgin Mary who can give birth without contamination by male semen. The meaning of transubstantiation is transformation of the male into the female, which is prefigured by Jesus` `Passion` upon the cross as the `lamb` of God.
The equation is a simple one. Men want to devour Woman and her product, which is civilzation, whereas the vampire wants to confer immortality and live with the beloved `Woman` forever. The `bread and the wine` are symbols of what they want together. The wine of love and the pleasure of sex. The `bread` as the `body` is sex without love, which is those who do not want `Woman` and her product, that is, art, civilization and culture. In Christian terms, if the body of `Woman` isn`t loved neither is the church as the `bride`, that is, art, civilization and culture. Lovelessness is the devourment of parasitism. For those who represent the `Evil One`, the `blood of Jesus` is life experienced elatedly at having taken, which is the bloodthirstiness of the sadist. In the guise of a `snapper` photographer, the `serpent`s seed` has grown into an aspect of the `red dragon` whose popular ascendancy depends upon its spreading of its contagion of sadism for those who want to watch the struggles and sufferings of its chosen victims:
`My God! My God! Why hast thou forsaken me?` (Matt: 27.46)
Jesus` horrified anticipation of extinction is what sadist`s try to make their victims experience. The Holy Spirit/Paraclete is the omnipresent `spirit of God` given to the Earth for Redemption through `God`s love` by means of `Woman`. The Holy Spirit/Paraclete is the immortal spirit of `Woman` present to those who accept God. The sadist wants to torture those with the `spirit ` to inflict suffering. Especially upon those who live in the spirit and, aware of one another, are awake to the sadist`s aim.
Vampires are Christian insofar as their myth is of a long lived collective awareness with a shared spirit. In mythic terms, the long memory of the vampire means that the parasites of alien homosexual pederasty can`t persuade acceptance of the contagion of war, plague and death. In the vampire myths drinking blood from the body is the means of attaining to immortality, but Jesus advocates drinking wine and eating bread as symbols of his `body and blood` at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion and death. In Catholicism bread and wine are symbolically consumed as Jesus` `body and blood` in the Holy Communion service of transubstantiation, which suggests a forswearing of parasitism while implying a tacit acceptance of the concept `vampire`.
Acceptance of the Holy Spirit/Paraclete is the principle of transformation from parasite to immortal human, while the vampire that rends corresponds to the `serpent`s seed` grown into the draco of Revelation in fulfilment of the serpent`s promise to Eve in Eden,`You shall be as gods.` In short, Jesus corresponds to the immortal vampire insofar as longevity with awareness through memory of mankind is concerned. But Jesus` God is human insofar as God`s new species of `Woman` with her own penis isn`t a parasite. The serpent`s exhortation to Adam and Eve, `You shall be as gods,` is an encouraging of them to be inhuman and non-human, that is, the aliens of homosexual pederasty and its contagion of devouring warfare. Consequently, God is human but no longer mankind because men aren`t kind. The `woman`s seed` is the future, that is, `futanarian` woman with a penis of her own as a self-reproducer and producer of art, civilization and culture without men. God`s omniscience is that mankind will be superceded by humanity because men are now evil. Those who accept God are God because God is humane and Redemption for mankind is `Woman` because she`s the human species. If mankind doesn`t accept her as the physical embodiment of the Holy Spirit/Paraclete, that is, `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet`, but makes `war in heaven` against the `woman`s seed` (Rev: 12. 17) because she`s independent as `futanarian` woman with a penis of her own, she`ll have a `new heaven and Earth` while the male `serpent`s seed` receives perdition.
Those who do not accept God are merely egotists who believe that other people have no significance other than to provide them with the opportunity to dominate and devour, which is what those who like sex are persuaded they are for; in BDSM and `snuff` movies, for example. In Arabia is the tradition of the `evil eye`, which is understandable if eyes are for seeing and the Evil One is the `evil I`, that is, the ego that perceives all others as not itself, but is perceived by other individuals - as Adam and Eve perceived it in Eden - as watching with egotistical aims of domination and devourment. Pornography is simply a depiction of the only physical valence human beings possess apart from eating, but humans are taught by the aliens of homosexual pederasty and enslaving war`s contagion that the male penis is pornographic and shouldn`t be seen. Because `Woman` has a penis of her own and, if the penis were liberated, `Woman` as a species would be visible.
Pornography is definable as evil because men are present therein as parasites upon the flesh of `Woman` who, if she knew she were a species with her own penis, wouldn`t need men at all. In other words, pornography is a valence of homosexual pederasty`s enslavement of `Woman` as a species insofar as it represents the `big lie` that men are humans while they`re actually the evil parasitical alien enslavers of the human species. Pornography is sex education, but with man and woman together. Although sex is jpart of `God`s plan` for mankind`s and humanity`s Redemption, pornography is used to present ignorance as the desirability of remaining innocent, whereas heterosexual education actually signifies the devilling of progress and the devourment of development for `Woman` as a species with her own penis and self-reproductive valence. `Woman` is the future of production and economics but, to be a part of it, mankind would have to accept `futanarian` woman. So far men haven`t and, according to Revelation, the consequence is perdition.
The `red dragon` of Revelation waits to devour the child who is to dominate on behalf of the woman who gives birth. The child is a dominator, and the dragon is a devourer. The woman will be dominated and devoured, that is, her art, civilization and culture, if the child does not adhere to the conditions of his rulership, which is to protect futanarian `Woman`. Because she represents the human species` future development. Consequently, the `New Redeemer` casts the `Evil One` from heaven and protects the `hidden` woman`s `seed` upon the Earth until she`s ready to emerge. In Genesis the `woman`s seed` is described as leaving the Earth and `bruising the head of the serpent with her foot`, which could coincide with the emergence of her `futanarian` sister . The `Evil One` remains upon the Earth and Jesus` `Second Coming` as the `Sword` of God condemns those who have accepted the evil `serpent`s seed` of sadism towards the enslaved species of `Woman` to perdition, which is unendurable eternal pain.
God`s creation of a new heaven and Earth signals an end the dominating and devouring by men of `Woman`. She`s God and the Holy Spirit/Paraclete, which is `the marriage of the lamb`. The evil can never see the `futanarian` marriage of `Woman` with her own penis to is, herself, and so what occurs must either remain conjecture; or a war will ensue waged by the evil to see what God doesn`t want them to. Because the evil are the parasites that mankind has become and don`t want the human species of futanarian `Woman`. If they found her, they`d blind her, that is, occlude humanity from its own art, civilization and culture. By murdering `Woman` as a species with her own penis, the evil would take control of her `secret places` and Earth would become her prison. Reimposing `concentration camp` enslavement, the devouring `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty would continue its war against her. In Revelation the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour the child born as the `New Redeemer` with the `iron scepter`. He rules to protect `futanar` woman. If `Woman` wasn`t accepted, the `red dragon` would dominate, enslave and devour her. However, because it `waits in vain`, God`s futanarian `Woman` with her own self-productive valence is new improved humanity and her success is certain.
When offered the Earth by the `Evil One` while preparing for 40 days in the desert for his teachers` `Mission` to preach the `Word of God`, Jesus replied: `Avoid me.` As a teacher he speaks, but afterwards he comes in Revelation with the Sword. So Jesus avoids evil until he is ready to be a hero. The Bible is the epic engagement of mankind with the forces of evil and Jesus` defeat of the `Evil One` by means of the Sword that wins his `bride`, that is, the `church` after the epic engagement, is the conversion of Jesus` established Christian church to `Woman` as the human species with her own penis. The `marriage of the lamb` is `Woman` as the human species, and `suffer little children` is Jesus` maxim because he could teach them:
`Jesus Christ! Superstar! Walks like a woman and he wears a bra.`3
Jesus Christ Superstar (1971) was written by composer Andrew Lloyd Webber and lyricist Tim Rice and was a popular playground theme at primary schools. The actual lyric is, `Jesus Christ! Superstar! Do you think you`re what they say you are?` The playground rhyme is Revelation insofar as it represents the subconscious emergence of the truth of Jesus` teachings and the role of `Woman`. If the future of humanity is `futanarian`, Jesus would wear a bra.
The `marriage of the lamb`, which is Jesus and his `bride`, the `church`, is unknowable. Because the `serpent`s seed` since Eden represents the `enmity` of men towards `woman`s seed`, that is, the products of her own penis as futanar, she`s unknowable after the `marriage of the lamb` when the `woman`s seed` receives a new heaven and Earth from God and the `serpent`s seed` receive perdition as a punishment for attempting to thwart her. In terms of Redemption, mankind would have to accept `Woman` as the human species. If they don`t, God will occlude men from heaven and Earth.
In Eden, Adam and Eve are describable as originally hermaphroditic: 'Male and female He created them both.' (Gen 1:27). Adam and Eve perceive themselves to be naked, because they are perceived by what isn`t God. The `Evil One`, whose `seed` will be the serpent`s, wants to separate the originally hermaphroditic pairing of Adam and Eve and torment them. Although the penis desires the woman, it is no longer perceived as her penis, which makes her womb `host` to the parasite that will devour her as an alien predator upon her art, civilization and culture in the shape of its undeclared wars against her, which is evident in its later stages of devouring parasitism as the `blood plague` of Revelation, that is, homosexual pederasty`s virality of HIV/AIDS` biological warfare. The evil serpent`s persuading Adam and Eve to eat of the `forbidden fruit` of the `tree of the knowledge of good and evil` so that it can `know them` is a metaphor for the separation of the penis of `Woman` from herself. The serpent of Eden represents the valence of evil homosexual pederasty that seeks to know mankind as the people of Sodom and Gomorrah wanted to `know` and were destroyed by God (Gen: 18, 19) because homosexual pederasty`s contagion is war and HIV/AIDS` biological warfare against the `host` wombs of `Woman` and the Earth it devours parasitically in its `developed` stage:
`Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16.10)
HIV/AIDS` appearance in the latter stages of the 20th century was described as `an incurable plague of biblical proportions` because homosexual pederasty is evil and, according to Adam and Eve`s experience of the serpent`s poisonous nature in Genesis and Matthew, Mark, Luke and John`s description of Jesus` path to crucifixion in the Gospels, the valence of the `serpent`s seed` is to torment and sadistically torture the human species. Jesus` birth from the Virgin Mary prefigures self-reproductive futanarian `Woman`, that is, humanity, and men no longer qualify because they`ve accepted the valence of the serpent as theirs. Jesus was crucified because he was womanless. The side of Christ was pierced by the spear of the Roman centurion Longinus because Eve was from the side of Adam and Jesus was the `Second Adam`. Consequently, Longinus` spear was probing Jesus` rib to discover the hiding place of the `Second Eve`. The valence of the evil is to take the woman from the side of man, which is the `serpent`s seed` since Eden, that is, the serpent`s seeking to insinuate itself between Eve and Adam. In the realm of the spirit `Woman` corresponds to the Holy Spirit/Paraclete and the evil sepent`s seed wants to insinuate itself there also.
In the Old Testament the Shekinah is the `spirit of the law` and she dwells within the environs of the Ark of the Covenant where the tablets of the law of God is kept. In terms of the New Testament of Jesus` teachings, the Shekinah corresponds to the Holy/Spirit/Paraclete, which means that the `voice` of God`s law is female. Consequently, if God`s law is to prevail, the Holy Spirit/Paraclete as `teacher, guide, comforater and helpmeet` sent by God through Jesus after his crucifixion and death, has to be listened to. Because `Woman` is the human species and unredeemed mankind no longer has a voice. Mankind`s voice is adulterate insofar as it seeks to take `Woman` from the side of `Man`. God`s `futanarian` species of `Woman` with a penis of her own constitutes an independent production, which can`t be separated from the side of herself. To attempt to do so is how God defines evil and so those who seek to thwart `Woman` by adultery are given perdition by God as punishment.
Jesus` marriage as `the lamb` is what cannot be witnessed by the evil because it`s occluded, but they want to `know` the `bride` in sodomy, that is, through their valence of homosexual pederasty and warfare, which is why Revelation describes `war in heaven` between the `serpent`s seed` and the `woman`s seed` and the inevitable triumph of `Woman`. In Revelation Jesus` `bride` is identified as the `church` but, if humanity is to be `Woman` with her own penis as the human species, Jesus` bride and church won`t be mankind`s. The Christian perspective is that the church as Jesus` bride will rule in heaven for mankind. But God`s heaven is where God rules and `Woman` is the human species whose `marriage with the lamb` of her own church isn`t necessarily mankind`s but is humanity`s.
Men are rebels against God if they think they can rule in God`s stead in heaven, which is why the serpent in Eden has `enmity` with the Woman; because it rebels against God. Eve, in the guise of the Holy Spirit/Paraclete is the `Second Eve` from the rib of the `Second Adam`, Jesus. By virtue of Longinus` piercing of Christ`s side at the Messiah`s crucifixion and death, that is, spear birth. The `Second Eve` is preparing to teach mankind Redemption, and to guide mankind along the path of God. Before Jesus` `Second Coming` in Revelation with the `Sword` to deliver `Woman` from sadism and sodomy, that is, the evil `fruit of the tree of the knowledge`, which the serpent originally tempted Eve with in Eden. The `knowing` of sodomy is antithetical to the `knowing` of the Holy Spirit/Paraclete, which corresponds to Jesus` distillation of `God`s law` as, `love your neighbour as you love yourself`, whereas the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s valence is plague from the `host` womb of `Woman` and war against it and its products of art, civilization and culture. Sadists want to inflict pain on those who know each other in God because each can see the others with the eyes of the Holy Spirit/Paraclete. Jesus was crucified because the `serpent`s seed` didn`t want Christian knowledge, that is, `woman`s seed`, because the Holy Spirit/Paraclete would have eyes to see. As the number of Christian eyes grew so the number of evil eyes would dwindle. The evil wouldn`t be able to occlude the good and would be themselves extinguished.
Those who `know` through the Holy Spirit/Paraclete have the sundering pain of separation from God because the evil want to `know` only sodomy and sadism. Only men are capable of sodomy so Redemption is for them. `Woman` can`t sodomize and the `Assumption of the Virgin Mary`2 in Catholicism underlines her essentially redeemed nature. She is assumed to belong in heaven since the beginning of creation. God`s punishment for anal sex is the `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS because homosexual pederasty is not only sterile but represents the enslavement of `Woman` as a species to further its valence of contagion through warfare by means of its boy sons, that is, its parasitical poisons against the Earth. Effectively, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because homosexual pederasts don`t want a vagina of their own but seek to enslave. Consequently, God`s creation of `Woman` as an independent species with her own penis is God`s final exclusion of homosexual pederasty from the creation.
Upon the cross Jesus represents `Woman` and the desire of the `serpent`s seed` that mankind should have lived without her. The spear of Longinus pried into the side of Jesus to discover her. As the `Second Eve` the Holy Spirit/Paraclete effectively emerged from the rib of Jesus as the `Second Adam` when Christ`s side was pierced by the spear of the Roman centurion to continue the `Mission` as `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet` in promulgation of the teachings of Redemption through the love of God`s `Woman`.
Redemption requires acceptance of the Holy Spirit/Paraclete, but the spear of Longinus in Jesus` side is a symbol of mankind`s desire to `know` her in homosexual pederasty. Men didn`t accept the teachings of Jesus but wanted to `know` Christ., and Longinus` spear seeking to discover the Holy Spirit/Paraclete by the side of Christ is a symbol of mankind`s desire to `know` her sadistically too.The Holy Spirit/Paraclete by the side of the `Second Adam`, that is, Jesus Christ, wasn`t visible. But the existence of the Holy Spirit/Paraclete is described as a reality in the Bible. Consequently, Jesus` torturers were tormenting a blind man who wanted to see. As `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet` the Holy Spirit/Paraclete corresponds to Antigone in the more ancient story of Oedipus who married his mother, Jocasta, and blinded himself because of the power of the incest taboo amongst the Greeks. Antigone, Oedipus` daughter, became the Holy Spirit/Paraclete for Oedipus as `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet` to his blindness. But Antigone`s selflessness is similar to Christ`s insofar as helplessness against the desire to be good is what sadism preys on. Antigone`s Christ-like desire to help self-blinded Oedipus is the evil`s mockery of `Woman`, who wastefully uses her eyes to guide men who don`t want to see rather than develop her own species` valence.
Homosexual pederasty and enslavement of the `host` wombs of women to further spread their contagion of war was the basis of ancient Greek society. Recognizing that `Woman` was a species with her own penis would have been an eye-opener. Consequently, homosexual pederasty would have to blind mankind to that realization in order to maintain its parasitism and enslavement of the `host` wombs of women. The story of Oedipus, Jocasta and Antigone, which the dramatist Sophocles portrayed in Oedipus Rex, is an explication of homosexual pederasty`s blindness and blindings. According to Jesus, `love your neighbour as you love yourself` was a self-evident truth because you are your neighbour, and so Oedipus` marriage to his mother Jocasta is, in Christian terms, `love your neighbour as you love yourself`. But the strength of the incest taboo causes Oedipus to not want to see. Because nausea and disgust at `Woman` is one of the methods employed by homosexual pederasty. In preventing `Woman` from being seen as the human species with a penis of her own, that is, with an independent reproductive and economic valence, the devouring monster of homosexual pederasty ensures the breeding of `boy sons` for the spreading of its contagion of warfare, which in the latter stages of the 20th centrury had developed into the `poisons` of HIV/AIDS. The `boy sons` of the `red dragon` of Revelation were spreading its `poisons` in `biological warfare` against the wombs of women who`d been the hosts to its parasitism.
The Roman centurion Longinus` spear probing the side of Jesus for the Holy Spirit/Paraclete by Christ`s side is a precuror of the mocking of the blind by those who can see because they have put out your eyes. Just as Oedipus can`t see that he is Jocasta, and homosexual pederasty`s incest taboo tells him he mustn`t, because then he`d know God`s `Woman`, so Jesus` Holy Spirit/Paraclete is `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet` for those who want to see. Consequently, the aim of the evil is to blind and torment. If Eve was from Adam`s side in Eden and Jesus was the `Second Adam` from whose side pierced by Longinus` spear effectively emerged the `Second Eve` as the omnipresent but invisible Holy Spirit/Paraclete, adultery would be the `Original Sin`. Because the Holy Spirit/Paraclete as `Second Eve` from the side of Jesus as `Second Adam` would be the `spirit of Eve` taken from Adam`s side by the evil serpent of Eden. Jesus couldn`t see the `spirit of Eve` because Christ was blind. But Jesus was born from the Virgin Mary as a prefiguration of the `futanarian` female with her own penis and capacity to self-reproduce without male semen. Consequently, although the serpent was able to take `Woman` from the side of mankind without its being seen, God`s omniscience prevails insofar as God`s providence and foresight reveals men`s desire is to be blind and without `Woman`, that is, the human species, which is separated from mankind`s blinding because it doesn`t need men`s `seed` to see.
Misers don`t want `Woman` to be seen or spoken to. The misers don`t have the `Sword` of God but the Sword of the misers, that is, the sodomizers, who don`t want the Holy Spirit/Paraclete to be seen or spoken to either. Because the Holy Spirit/Paraclete is `Woman` in the realm of the spirit. The Sword of the misers is a blinding weapon, which removes sightedness because homosexual pederasty is an enslaver of the `host` wombs of women and, if the teachings of the Holy Spirit/Paraclete guided mankind, the `red dragon` of war would be exposed:
`Look at the King! Look at the the King! Look at the King, the King, the King!
The King is in the altogether, but altogether, the altogether
He's altogether as naked as the day that he was born
The King is in the altogether, but altogether, the altogether
It's altogether the very least the King has ever worn.` The King`s New Clothes (1952)
The song from the Hans Christian Andersen Hollywood movie starring Danny Kaye is about a ruler who`s naked, but his entourage have convinced him he`s wearing the finest clothes until one morning they encounter a boy who doesn`t understand that he isn`t supposed to see. If a woman with a penis were to stand beside a woman without a penis and a king were to stand with her, it`d be The Emperor`s New Suit (1837) again. In biblical terms, the boy represents the `New Redeemer` `born to the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` who rules with an `iron scepter` to protect her while she is `hidden`. Because the king in the Hans Christian Andersen folktale represents the paucity of the argument that mankind is protective of the species `Woman` because he can`t stand naked alongside her without his ridiculousness being evident. Consequently, blindness is what he wants. Lest his penis be seen to be inferior to that of the human species.
The sodomiser employs the `Sword` of the miser to separate `Woman` from the side of mankind by means of her beauty, which homosexual pederasty encourages the eyes to view as more valuable than the environment. Consequently, the world becomes a mirror of evil in which woman`s beauty is all that remains of mankind`s depredations upon the Earth. `Woman` is the dwindling screen of desire. The less visible she is, the more she is desired. While the world collapses into wars of terrror, vendettas and plagues, the mirror of the Earth of `Woman` becomes more evil. Misers want their `treasure` to remain `hidden` because, as all art, civilization and culture emerges from the `host` womb of `Woman`, it is most valuable. However, if `Woman` is deemed to be of more worth than the Earth, it`s because homosexual pederasty`s `red dragon` wants to continue its war against the Earth while mankind remains blinded by the `hidden` beauties of `Woman`.
In Revelation the `hidden` woman is protected before she leaves Earth and the `woman`s seed` receives a new heaven and Earth from God. Mankind as the miserly captors of `Woman` don`t want her to leave and would blind everyone to her existence. With the exception of cinema and magazine representations that, dwindlingly alluring over the internet, falsely encourage belief in the beauty of `Woman` rather than the Earth. Arousing the libidic energy of the human species` of `Woman` with a penis` sexual instincts which, transformed into spiritual and intellectual knowledge, has its desire for the stars diverted into intercontinental ballistic missiles rather than spaceplanes to take her to Venus, homosexual pederasty`s depictions of `Woman` are designed to inspire false hope in the future. But long enough for the misers to murder `Woman` rather than allow the human species` penis to escape its parasitical enslaver and devourer.
The misers of sodomy, that is, the sodomizers, seek to replace `Woman` by the side of mankind with themselves as evil spirits and HIV/AIDS is a manifestation of the spirit of evil homosexual pederasty, which seeks to insinuate itself spiritually by means of anal sex in order to come between the soul of the individual and the Holy Spirit/Paraclete. In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung the soul of mankind is described as female, that is, the anima, whereas the Shekinah or `spirit of the law of God` in the Old Testament and the Holy Spirit/Paraclete that effectively emerges from the side of Jesus when pierced by the spear of the Roman centurion Longinus is the `Second Eve` from the `Second Adam` and so is female also. According to Jungian psychology the spirit of `Woman` is definable as a group of men to which the female ego responds. Jung calls this the anmus, and doesn`t ascribe to `Woman` the properties of a soul. If `Woman` is the human species with its own penis, the appearance of men in her psyche, that is, dreams, art and imagination, is as a predator upon her species, which explains her animus. Jung views the collective unconscious of humanity as the source of all creativity and inventiveness, that is, dreams, art and the imagination is the souce of civilization and culture. Consequently, the male imago in the unconscious of `Woman` exists as her devourer. Jungian psychology doesn`t detect her as having a soul because she is a soul and, in the realm of the spirit, she corresponds to the Shekinah or Holy Spirit/Paraclete as the `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet`. What Jung identifies as the animus of `Woman` isn`t her spirit at all but the soul-eater.
In animist societies the camera lens is feared because photographers are perceived as soul-catchers. In the video single for Oops I Did It Again pop star Britney Spears explores the concept of the soul-eater. In her red pilot` suit she hooks her spaceman and winches him up above herself wearing a white bikini dress. Beside his space helmet are the tines of a giant`s fork, which is in accordance with the `giant` motif of the video. Britney descends inside a giant`s ring at the beginning because it`s `One small step for a man, one giant leap for makind,` which are the words spoken by Apollo 11`s Neil Armstrong as the USA`s first man on the moon from the NASA space programme in 1969. The camera beside his space helmet marks him as a soul-eater because the male`s supposed desire for `Woman` is conditioned and fake.
In symbolic terms, Britney`s the red sun of Japan and a kamikaze pilot because of the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` giving birth to the `New Redeemer` while the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour him. In historical terms, the sneak attack on the US Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbour by the red sun of Japan`s kamikaze pilots and the equally unheralded attack by Al Qaeda terrorists, whose symbol is the yellow moon, upon `Liberty` at the mouth of New York Harbour when hijacked planes crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on Manhattan island on 9/11 2001, is `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` giving birth in the jaws of the devouring male. In Oops I Did It Again Britney presents herself as the white female moon whereas the moon of Arabia is traditionally male. Recorded in 1999 Oops I Did It Again predates 9/11 2001 but the tines of the giant`s fork beside her astronaut`s space helmet and camera suggests that he represents mankind as the soul-eater and devourer of `Woman` as the human species and that this is what concerns her.
In Jungian psychology Logos or the `Word of God`, which becomes Jesus as the Sword against the evil in Revelation, is male and is symbolized by the sun, whereas the moon is female and is identified as the principle of Eros, that is, relatedness and relationships, which is symbolized as the moon. If `Woman` is a species with her own penis as `futanarian`, her male principle is Logos and her female principle is Eros, which are symbolized in Revelation by the figure of the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` giving birth to the `New Redeemer` who will protect her with his `iron sceptre`. In Oops I Did It Again Britney Spears depicts the psychological mechanism of the male spirit, which corresponds to the animus of Jungian psychology, that is, the male imago to which the female is conditioned to react as if to sexual desire. If the male is a devourer of `Woman` as the human species, her initial conditioning is to accept a symbiotic relationship. The male`s latent stage is a masquerade of sexual desire masking its active stage of devouring parasitism. Because relationships and relatedness is associated with the female principle of Eros, which is symbolized by the moon, an attack upon the female moon by the male moon was predictable, and 9/11 was an attack upon `Liberty` by the yellow male Arabian moon of Al Qaeda.
The symbolism accords with the biblical prophecy of `the woman clothed with the [red] sun [of Japan] and with the [yellow] moon [of Al Qaeda] at her feet`, which signals the birth of the `New Redeemer` after the defeat of Japan in 1945 and George W. Bush`s declared `War On Terror` (2003-) against Osama Ben Ladan`s Al Qaeda. But the symbolism of `the man on the moon` is of a parasitical devourer keeping `Woman` as the human species imprisoned upon the Earth in order to periodically consume her art, culture and civilization. In Revelation God gives the `woman`s seed`, that is `Woman` with her own `futanarian` penis, a new heaven and Earth, while the parasitical non-relationship with men as the feigned symbiosis is dissolved and unredeemed mankind receive perdition as punishment.
In the Bible God destroys the `cities of the plains` (Gen: 18, 19), that is, Sodom and Gomorrah, because of homosexual pederasty and its spreading of its contagions. At the beginning of the 21st century New York and the Pentagon were the suicide targets of terrorist passenger plane hijackers and so corresponded to the `cities of the planes`. In 20th century terms, Gomorrah was `Camorra`, which is `mafia`. The atttacks on Pearl Harbour by the red sun of Japan`s kamikaze suicide pilots in 1945, and on `Liberty` in New York Harbour by the yellow moon of Al Qaeda`s kamikaze plane hijackers in 2001, were aspects of `the cities of the plains`, that is, Sodom and Gomorrah, insofar as Pearl Harbour and New York Harbour represented acts perpetrated by the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty (Sodom) and devouring war, and the vendetta of `Camorra` (Gomorrah). If the USA`s destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by dropping atomic bombs from planes to end WWII effects a correspondence between those `cities of the planes` and the `cities of the plains`, that is, Sodom and Gomorrah, Pearl Harbour and `Liberty` in New York Harbour on 9/11 represent the beginnings of God`s victory over Sodom and its `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and war, and vengeance against Gomorrah`s baleful moon of `Camorra` and perpetuation of mafia vendetta.
The `Camorra` motif in The Godfather (1972) Hollywood movie about the mafia starring Marlon Brando is of the puppeteer pulling the strings of terror and vendetta, which denies `Woman`, that is, God`s Holy Spirit/Paraclete as `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet`, in favour of the evil spirit of `action` represented by the `boy sons` of homosexual pederasty`s war god Mars` children, that is, the `poisons` of HIV/AIDS` `biological warfare` against the `host` womb of `Woman` as the human species attacked by the parasitical devouring virality of what once was understood to be human. The evil spirit of `action` in accordance with the devouring parasitical aims of homosexual pederasty and its god Mars is perceived by the individually acting ego as `demonic` possession by what the USA`s first Grand Master of science fiction Robert A. Heinlein (1907-88) described in his novel The Puppet Masters (1951) as `slugs`:
`Earth was being invaded by aliens and the top security agencies were helpless: the aliens were controlling the mind of every person they encountered. So it was up to Sam Cavanaugh, secret agent for a powerful and deadly spy network, to find a way to stop them--which meant he had to be invaded himself!`4
The typical 50s alien invasion scenario is identifiable as mafia or `Camorra`. It`s no accident that `slugs` are a euphemism for bullets because, if people won`t do what the mafia bullies want them to, its coercion or execution. When H. G. Wells` War Of The Worlds was broadcast as a radio play in 1938 by director Orson Welles several people suicided because they believed the alien invasion to be real. When viewers saw the hijacked planes crashing into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre on 9/11, 2001, many believed it to be a Hollywood movie, and later World Trade Centre (2006) starring Nicholas Cage was indeed filmed as what was effectively a 50s style alien invasion movie.
9/11 was 50s style because `Woman` is the human species with her own penis and self-productive `new` economic valence while mankind is no longer human but represents demonic alien possession. Many 50s movies such as It Came From Outer Space (1953) or Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (1956), and even Robert A. Heinlein`s 50s novel The Puppet Masters, which was made into a 1994 film starring Donald Sutherland, feature alien possession by `slugs`, etc. The alien invasion theme masks the identity of the aliens, who are men as the devouring parasite of enslaved `Woman` and the human species. As Robert A. Heinlein`s character Sam observes, `... he had to be invaded himself!` Sam decides he has to accept the virus in order to understand and deal with it, which is a typical theme of science fiction. But so is Heinlein`s perception in the short story `They` (1941) where, to understand the `Glaroon`, is to be `assimilated`. 9/11 was mankind attacking itself in a 50s style alien invasion movie to present itself in the second Gulf War (2001-12) and the `War On Terror` (2003-) as the protector of `Woman` as the human species. Whereas its 50s alien invasion movie has been going on since the dawn of recorded history. So `Woman` as the human species can be destroyed in mankind`s genocidal wars against even her `host` womb. Fooled by its propoganda wars of 50s alien invasion movies from Hollywood, `Woman` believes she`s being defended while the evil alien parasite devours her whilst pretending `heroism`.
Osama Ben Ladan was from a rich Saudi Arabian family who espoused `Camorra`, that is, the Taliban`s mafia style vendettas against the `woman` seed` of Arabia, that is, `Woman` with a desire to learn and be educated, which USA`s President George W. Bush labelled gangsterism. The demolishing of the `Twin Towers` was a raising of `woman`s seed` to the ground in the `Big Apple`. The Hindu name for the Muladhara chakra at the base of the spine is `Vam`, which suggests `the base`, that is,.Al Qaeda, represents the traditional vampire that doesn`t want `Woman` to escape from its devouring parasitism. For Al Qaeda the `Big Apple` represents the throat chakra of the Hindu system, which is Visuddha or `Ham` and so the image of the pig with the apple in its mouth is prominent in the symbolism because ham or pig meat is forbidden or haraam to Arabians while Westerners are big pig eaters:
`The healthfulness of the fifth chakra is in relation to how honestly one expresses himself/herself. Lying violates the body and spirit. `5
In the Hindu system `Ham` is the power of the voice and so the USA was being attacked on the foundations of its truth. Ancient Greece was founded on the enslavement of `Woman` for the purposes of spreading the contagion of homosexual pederasty and its `gay boy sons`, that is, its contagion of war that had become its `gay poisons ` of HIV/AIDS` `biological warfare` against `woman`s seed` by the end of the 20th century. In other words, the raising to the ground of the World Trade Centre was an attempt to reestablish the Graeco-Roman foundations of `rough trade` through worship of homosexual pederasty`s war god Mars.
The paradigm is the Greek horse before the walls of Troy, which was hollow and was taken into the city where Greeks emerged to capture the city for homosexual pederasty and the furthering of its contagion. The Trojans had accepted the huge wooden horse as a `friendship gift`, and the feigning of friendship was what the 9/11 hijackers and the HIV/AIDS` cell represent. The 9/11 Arabian terrorists bought tickets as tourists at Boston airport and the HIV/AIDS` cell contaminates the human system by pretending to be a white cell of the body`s defences. Consequently, 9/11 was a Greek horse and a paradigm of homosexual pederasty`s treacherous and cowardly virality, which is what Mars, god of war, represents. Because the human system lives by defence and invading war signals defeat.
After the fall of Troy, legend has it that Prince Aeneas founded a colony in Britain, which later constructed the British Empire and the United States of America threw off its yoke in 1776. Consequently, 9/11 was an attempt to restore worship of Mars, the god of war, where `Liberty` was endeavouring to give birth to the `New Redeemer` by means of the truth that the `Big Apple` of the `woman`s seed` had nurtured since Eden. Because Mars` war god of homosexual pederasty is the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` for the `woman`s seed` since Eden, the `biological warfare` of sodomy and `Camorra`, that is, the vendetta of the `serpent`s seed` against `Woman`, is the meaning of God`s destruction of `the cities of the plains`, Sodom and Gomorrah, and the significance of Pearl Harbour and New York Harbour as the birthplaces of the `New Redeemer` born to `Liberty`, that is, the `woman clothed with the sun [of the USA`s atomic bombing by planes of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end WWII in 1945 ] and with the moon [ of Al Qaeda, and `the base` attack of the `beasts` of Revelation upon her foundations in 2001 ] at her feet`, which is the pedestal upon which freedom stands in `the cities of the planes` of the United States of America.
9/11 was an alien invasion plot designed to focus attention on men in business suits. `Woman` as a species with her own penis and self-reproduction constitutes a separate economic valence. The World Trade Centre was chosen because `rough trade` is the name used by homosexuals to describe boys who would be out of reach of pederasty unless economically depressed. The Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre were destroyed because homosexual pederasty wanted the world to be a `rough trade` centre without the new economics represented by the valence of `Woman` with a penis as the human species.
The traditional appeal of `Camorra` is to family, that is, man and woman with their children in heterosexuality and monogamy, but 9/11 was a prototypical 50s alien invasion style plot with terrorist hijackers crashing planes into the Twin Towers of New York to divert attention away from `Woman` as the human species and back towards the aliens in business suits whose `rough trade` is in the `boy sons` of war. Waging poisonous vendettas against `woman`s seed`, that is, the gay boy sons` poisons of thankless homosexual pederasty`s HIV/AIDS` `biological warfare` upon the womb of `Woman` that had hosted its evil parasitism, heterosexuality and monogamy was a cover for homosexual pederasty`s devouring parasitism.
Because `Woman` as a `futanarian` species with her own penis and self-reproducive system constituted a threat to the parasitical evil aliens, 9/11 was devised as a means of feigning protectivity from the aliens towards `Woman` as the human species so that the devouring parasite would be able to continue with its enslaving of `Woman` at a low level of technological achievement. Maintaining the imprisonment of `Woman` to kill her as a species in its periodic genocidal wars against her art, culture and civilization, the evil parasitical `serpent`s seed` and `perpetual enmity`.of men towards `woman`s seed` masquerades as her defender against itself:
`How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child!`6
In the Hindu system of chakra levels of spiritual and intellectual development the base of the spine is associated with family and is called the Muladhara chakra. The translation of the Arabian word `Al Qaeda` is `the base`, which suggests that Osama Ben Ladan`s terrorist organisation represented `Camorra` insofar as it doesn`t want humanity to be anything other than a reproductive system for homosexual pederasty and war. The `Big Apple` of New York was chosen because `Adam`s apple` is the common name for the epiglottis, which is situated in the throat and is an area of the body that corresponds to the fifth chakra in the Hindu ladder of the developing of raised human consciousness. The destruction of the Twin Towers was a raising to the ground, that is, of consciousness to the `base`, which is Muladhara and denotes parasitical values insofar as heterosexuality and monogamy denote the enslavement of `Woman` to a devourer.
Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because God hates homosexual pederasty and its false family values. Heterosexuality and monogamy are a fake symbiosis designed to lull the parasite`s victim into feelings of protection while the latent symbiotic phase develops from the `serpent`s seed` into the devouring `red dragon`. In Genesis (3. 15) God tells Eve that the `serpent`s seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `woman`s seed`, which accords with the notion of Gomorrah as representing family vendettas, that is, the mafia values of `Camorra`. God`s destruction of Gomorrah was because of his hatred for the `serpent`s seed` and its `perpetual enmity` for `woman`s seed`, which is manifested through homosexual pederasty`s wearing of the guise of heterosexual monogamy and support for the family.
As a parasitical virality the `serpent`s seed` represents the vendetta of `Camorra` against the `woman`s seed`, which is `Woman` as a species with her own penis and economic productive valence. In Revelation `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` gives birth to her protector, that is, the `New Redeemer`, while the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour him, which means `Woman` is protected by God.
9/11`s attempt to prevent the dawn of humanity instead heralded the birth of the `New Redeemer` because of God`s `Providence`. The defeat of the `red sun` of Japan in 1945, and the attack upon `Liberty` in 2001 by the `yellow moon` of Al Qaeda, was the child of humanity born to the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`. According to Revelation the `red dragon` of Sodom, that is, homosexual pederasty and war, and `Camorra` which is the `perpetual enmity` of the mafia families of the `serpent`s seed` for the `futanarian` family of the `woman`s seed`, wasn`t able to prevent the birth of the `New Redeemer`, who actually can protect the `woman`s seed` with his `iron scepter`. The `boy sons` of `Camorra` are the `poisons` of homosexual pederasty`s `biological warfare` of HIV/AIDS in its vendetta against even the `host` wombs of the women who have borne the evil parasites.
The mafia in their 50s style alien invasion movie are aliens who don`t want humanity to progress beyong their demonic possession and subjection. The consumer in the local supermarket is idientified as an alien by the floorwalker as soon as he/she approaches the food counter. In the local bank the security guard announces the appearance of the alien before the customer even has a moment to open a cheque book. The ticket inspector declares his intention to unmask the alien even before getting onto the bus to inspect tickets. The alien is here amongst the human species and everywhere he is declaring humanity to be the invader of its own space and time. Their `knowing` is `Camorra`, which is the vendetta of the camera`s surveillance that picks out the human as the alien`s victim. Sharon Stone in the Hollywood movie Sliver (1993) prefigured the future of the human species on Earth kept under watchful eye by its alien predators. Sliver represents the `come, horror` of sexual perversion in which individuals are tortured by the evil alien parasite for experiencing ejaculation:
`Come together right now over me.`7
In sexual terms, the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah are represented in the 21st century by HIV/AIDS` encouraging sodomy and the vendetta of `Camorra` through BDSM, which promotes unconsensual sex as `playful` bondage, dominance, sadism and masochism, but in Christianity obedience to God`s plan for reproduction doesn`t require sadisitc coercion. Nor does the individual buying a burger from McDonald`s ask to be identified by the alien security guard as a space invader before he eats; eating being the other physical valence of human beings besides ejaculation. The aliens are tormenting the humans` physical valences of ejaculation and eating, and the human species has only those two physical valences. BDSM and sodomy represent sex for the aliens who want to `know` humans and have convinced the humans that ejaculation and eating, that is, the physical valences of humanity, are frowned upon as evil alien behaviour by the Earth`s guards who see themselves as the actors in the 50s alien invasion movie that they`ve turned the supermarket, bank and bus passengers into.
In Toxic (2004) Britney Spears sang `Your toxic gun slipping under`, which refers to the toxicity of a male penis with HIV/AIDS, and the horror of life lived in terror of it: `With a taste of poison paradise, I'm addicted to you.` It`s the threat to the American Dream of innocent progress, development, and Manifest Destiny. 2001`s 9/11 was premeditated horror and terror equivalent in sexual terms to BDSM, where two passenger planes, submitting to domination and bondage, sado-masochistically were `allowed` through because they seemed `civil` to US` radar. Acceptance of the Holy Spirit/Paraclete as the `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet` of the soul allows the individual to travel. Because they`re welcome. The 9/11 terrorists represented the evil spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah, that is, the vendetta of `Camorra` and the devouring parasite of Greek sodomy, which model of contagion is homosexual pederasty and viral invasion, Just as the Greeks before Troy feigned friendship to the Trojans in order to gain access by means of the hollow wooden horse in which they hid, so the Arabian terrorists pretended to be tourists in order to board and hijack civilian passenger planes to use as Greek horses and crash them into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre. Obviously, the Holy Spirit/Paraclete wasn`t with the terrorists and their journey ended in a culdesac . It`s a dead end without the Holy Spirit/Paraclete because the `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet` doesn`t go that way.
The spirit of the 9/11 terrorists was that of sodomy and `Camorra` but they were welcome guests of the United States of America, which means they betrayed hospitality first and, in Christian terms, corresponded to Judas who, having broken bread and drunk wine with Jesus at the `Last Supper`, betrayed him to his death. Jesus had Resurrection and Ascension because of the Holy Spirit/Paraclete but sodomy and `Camorra` is hated by God and that path isn`t welcome in heaven because its the spirit of evil. human beings have only two physical valences; eating and ejaculation. Jesus` distillation of the law of God is `love your neighbour as you love yourself` because love is the valence of the Holy Spirit/Paraclete. Christianity is very simple; love is the spiritual valence of God, and to have Salvation it is only necessary to love:
`All you need is love.
All you need is love.
All you need is love, love.
Love is all you need.`8
Although art, civilization and culture are spiritual products from the `host` womb of `Woman`, higher spiritual levels of creativity and inventiveness derive from humanity`s valences of eating, sex, and love. The desire to hang curtains necessitates the purchase of a stepladder, which is consumption, that is, a form of desire associated with eating, whereas the closing of the curtains in the evening so that the couple can enjoy sexuality presupposes the third valence of love. Everything derives from the basic three valences. But love doesn`t require the individual to be the inventor of higher technologies, although development is an aspect of the transformation of sexual libido or instinct into spiritual and intellectual growth through love for something. In simple terms, Jesus represents the Messiah because he advocates love and technology, that is, the transcendence of sexual desire for spiritual and intellectual advancement. Although love is enough to save the soul, because it`s tacit acceptance of the Holy Spirit/Paraclete, the alien parasitical enslavers of `Woman`, as the `host` womb of the human species, do so for the purpose of birthing its devouring monster of homosexual pederasty and warfare. Exercising the `spirit of Sodom`, the `serpent`s seed` enslaves love`s valence for the production of art, culture and civilization. Expressing the `spirit of Gomorrah`, that is, the vendetta of `Camorra`, or `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` since Eden for `woman`s seed`, the spirits of evil seek to destroy the daughters of Eve, who are the Earth`s true family.
`Camorra` is the unforgiving spirit of `perpetual enmity` borne towards `woman`s seed` by the `serpent`s seed`. In simple terms, the spirit of sodomy and `Camorra` is plague and vendetta through warfare against the family of `Woman` as the human species waged by an evil parasite. Because the species of `Woman` as `futanarian` with a penis of her own is `hidden`, so the true nature of the wars upon the Earth are concealed. The male parasite isn`t attacking itself; it`s doing what parasites do: destroying the `host` species. Just as Judas betrayed the `host` after breaking bread and drinking wine with Jesus, which is called the `host` in the Communion service of Catholicism, that is, the `bread and the wine` as symbols of the acceptance of the Holy Spirit/Paraclete, so the 9/11 terrorists betrayed their American `host`, symbolized by `Liberty` in New York harbour because, rather than the Holy Spirit/Paraclete, they had embraced the evil spirit of the destroyer of `Woman` and her Earth. Because it isn`t in the nature of parasites to love.
Jesus taught Redemption through love, which is the spiritual valence of the human, whereas the two physical valences are eating and orgasm. In Judaism the Messiah isn`t acknowledged as Jesus. But Christ`s valence of love, that is, the transformation of eating and sex into technological advancement through consumerism and the desire for life, prefigures the machine that cares for the human, which would be `Meshiahn` and the fulfilment of Jesus` teachings because `Woman` as the human species would be protected from mankind as her destroyer. Consequently, the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, who gives birth to the `New Redeemer` with the `iron scepter` to protect her while she remains `hidden` upon the Earth, would be the `Meshiahn`, that is, the humanized machine, or robot, that wouldn`t allow the spirit of evil to destroy the Earth. Because it`s `human` programming wouldn`t allow it. In simple terms, the programmer with the Holy Spirit/Paraclete could program machines to protect the human valences of eating and sex. The machine would be the `Messiah` because programmed to protect `Woman` as the human species with her own penis` love valence in terms of art, civilization and culture. Although Jesus` teachings would qualify him as the Messiah, the `Meshiahn` wouldn`t appear until Logos, that is, the spirit or `Word of God` had developed through technological advancement. In terms of Judaism, Jesus won`t be the Messiah until the `Meshiahn`, that is, the `New Redeemer` with the `iron scepter`, appears.
As Sodom was the place of sodomy and Gomorrah represents the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` for the `woman`s seed`, which in the 201st century is the lying `family` values of `Camorra`, that is, vendetta against `Woman as the human species, so Saddam Hussein (1934-2009), whose, whose name means `crusher` and `small man` represents the idea that men seek to make smaller what is big, and so Al Qaeda`s terrorists attacked the `Big Apple` of the accrued knowledge and wisdom of humankind since Adam and Eve`s expulsion from Eden for accepting the `serpent`, and its evil `seed`, rather than God`s `Big Apple` of immortality from the `tree of life`. In Genesis Eve is described as crushing the head of the `serpent` before she leaves Earth. Saddam Hussein`s name identifies him as a target for the `crusher` because he`s a `small man` who hates what is bigger. The Twin Towers were the most prominent feature on the New York skyline because they were big, which is why the small men of Al Qaeda attacked them. Small men don`t want development or growth because the enslavement of the human species is their aim. As this passage from Gulliver`s Travels illustrates. Gulliver awakes amongs tthe Liliputians of Liliput, who are all small men and have bound him for slavery:
`I attempted to rise, but was not able to stir: for as I happened to lie on my back, I found my arms and legs were strongly fastened on each side to the ground; and my hair, which was long and thick, tied down I the same manner. I likewise felt several slender ligatures across my body, from my armpits to my thighs. I could only look upwards, the sun began to grow hot, and the light offended mine eyes. I heard a confused noise about me, but in the posture I lay, could see nothing except the sky.`9
In symbolic terms, Eve is `Liberty` who crushed Saddam Hussein and Osama Ben Ladan`s Al Qaeda because the evil serpent`s seed` wanted her `Big Apple`, which rperesented the fruit of the `tree of the knowledge of good and evil` with which the serpent of Eden had tempted Eve. God sent the Holy Spirit/Paraclete to continue Jesus` teachings for the Salvation of the `woman`s seed` and 2000 years after Christ`s crucifixion, death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda attacked New York`s `Big Apple` of Eve`s wisdom on 9/11, 2001. Because the truth that men were a parasitical virality seeking the destruction of `Woman` as a species with her own penis and economic valence was too much for the little men to swallow. Because Saddam was a `small man`, New York`s `Big Apple` is the `big man` of Eve`s, whose `Adam`s apple` helped humanity to speak its own mind and its voice won`t be silenced.
Baghdad`s Saddam had a bag put over his head and `to hang by the neck until dead` was the order to the executioners. Because he`d supported Al Qaeda`s small men who wanted to choke off the voice of truth coming from `Liberty` and New York`s symbolic throat chakra of rising developed human consciousness, that is, the `Big Apple` of Adam and Eve in the United States of America. Baghdad`s Saddam was the place of sadness for Adamic man because Jesus` torturers were sadistic towards the Second Adam and Iraq`s Saddam was a small man amongst other small men tormenting a big man with a big voice. Adamic Jesus and the voice of the Holy Spirit/Paraclete emerging from the throat chakra of the `Big Apple` 2000 years after Jesus` founding of Christianity. The United States of America`s `open door` Christian policy does court disaster, and the legend blazoned on the statue of `Liberty` is indicative of Emma Lazarus` hubris in penning 1883`s `The New Colossus`:
`Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!`
The events of 9/11 don`t detract from the meaning of `Liberty` but the welcome extended to aliens by the United States of America relates to `Sodom and Gomorrah` and the false sexual freedoms implicit in the notion of BDSM, which encourages sodomy, and sadism as an aspect of `Camorra` or vendetta. The murder of Jesus was sadistic because it represented vendetta and `Camorra` aganst Christianity by the families of ancient Rome and their support for the torments of the `circus` in which Christians were later thrown to the lions as sacrifices to their war god Mars and its valence of homosexual pederasty. Consequently, the United States of America`s `open door` policy of welcoming the detritus of humanity was ultimately an invitation to contagion by those who`d succumbed to the sexual philosophy of BDSM, which argues that bondage and submission to sado-masochism is acceptable. In Revelation the `blood plague` of the `red dragon` is the `biological warfare` of homosexual pederasty and war`s HIV/AIDS against the `host` wombs of women. Because ancient Greece`s symbol of homosexual pederasty and war`s enslavement of women`s `host` wombs to spread its disease is the `Greek horse`, 9/11`s terrorist hijacked planes were `Greek horses` carrying the `blood plague` of vendetta against `Woman` to the `Big Apple` of Eve. But adherance to Jesus` teachings could have prevented the contagion of homosexual pederasty`s worship of the Roman war god Mars from spreading. Because Jesus` door is narrower:
`The door to heaven is narrow. Try hard to enter it. Many people will want to enter there, but they will not be able to go in.` (Luke: 13. 24)
BDSM signals `danger` and the `blood plague` of the `red dragon` of sodomy, that is, HIV/AIDS from blood, shit and semen, and the vendetta of `Camorra` against Jesus` Holy Spirit/Paraclete, who is `Woman` in the spiritual realm as `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet` and again in the physical world where `Woman` is the `host` womb to the parasites of the `gay boy sons` of homosexual pederasty that destroys her in its variegated vendettas against her. Including the `biological warfare` of the `gay poisons` of HIV/AIDS, which is the weapon of homosexual pederasty`s that even attacks its own `host` and so is paradigmatic of 9/11 and all other terrorist attacks.
Although Saddam`s `Big Apple` of Adam`s Eve presaged the birth of the `Second Adam`, that is, the `Second Coming` of Jesus Christ as the `New Redeemer` with the `iron scepter` to protect the `hidden` woman of the Earth that had borne him, the United States` support for Saddam Hussein by giving him the third largest army in the world was an invitation to machismatic Arabia to indulge in the sodomy of homosexual pederasty and war and the vendetta of `Camorra`, which amounted to HIV/AIDS` developing from BDSM and 9/11`s airaids over New York and Arlington`s Pentagon as the airborne equivalent of the `seeds` of the contagion sowed by the United States of America itself when assisting Saddam Hussein. Despite the evidently potent symbolic connection of Iraq`s Saddam to the `Big Apple` of New York`s Adam`s Eve.
The Iraqi dictator was being asked to indulge in BDSM and the consequence was the spread of wars contagion through terrorism as far as the Western European powers. Terrorist bombings in London`s Underground metro trains on 7/7/2005 could be directly attributed to the United States of America`s inability to interpret its own symbolic structures in terms of the Christian Bible. If the woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` was `Liberty`, and the red sun of Japan and the yellow moon of Al Qaeda were her garments of victory over Japanese fascism in 1945 and Islamic fundamentalist terrorism in 2001, Iraq`s Saddam could have been perceived as the Antichrist seeking to take a bite of of New York`s Adam and Eve`s `Big Apple` on 9/11. Because the United States of America supported Saddam, the most obvious conclusion would be that they didn`t want to stop him:
`Almost one hour after the attacks on the London Underground, a fourth bomb was detonated on the top deck of a number 30 double-decker bus, a Dennis Trident 2 (fleet number 17758, registration LX03 BUF, two years in service at the time) operated by Stagecoach London and travelling its route from Marble Arch to Hackney Wick.`10
9/11 was the Advent of the Antichrist as the exponent of homosexual pederasty and wars` sexual valence of BDSM and its concomitant virality of HIV/AIDS. As the paradigm of the `blood plague` of the Antichrist`s `Camorra` in the shape of `biological warfare` for its vendetta against the `host` wombs of the human species of `Woman`, the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` is for `futanarian` woman with her own penis. Born on the Earth, the `hidden` woman protected by the `New Redeemer` with his `iron scepter`, according to Revelation, is `hidden` until it is time for her to leave for God`s new heaven Earth while the evil `serpent`s seed` receive the punishment of perdition for its `perpetual enmity` against `woman`s seed`.
If the woman with the red hair standing next to the man at the railway station doesn`t share with the man the understanding that she can have sex with the blonde woman in the railway carriage that he can see waiting for the train to leave, and that the blonde may have a penis of her own, they are part of an alien information system that has interfered with the structure of their human brains so that they`re aliens. In Homeland Defense terms, a human system con only be defended against aliens. However, if the system is alien, there`s no defence. The United States of America is in the position of explaining to the Homeland that it couldn`t defend itself because it`s allowed its people to be educated into accepting aliens rather than humans. Our human systems are vulnerable to attack because the information system is alien to humans and doesn`t permit of the construction of human brains.
`A defense readiness condition (DEFCON) is an alert posture used by the United States Armed Forces. The DEFCON system was developed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and unified and specified combatant commands. It prescribes five graduated levels of readiness (or states of alert) for the U.S. military, and increase in severity from DEFCON 5 (least severe) to DEFCON 1 (most severe) to match varying military situations.`11
If you weren`t deaf, you wouldn`t know when to be at DEFCON 1 because the information system is alien. Consequently, US` defences on 9/11 didn`t stop the alien threat to the `Homeland` because aliens are what the system is designed to construct. US Grand Master of science fiction Robert A. Heinlein wrote a novel Time Enough For Love (1973) in which he posited longevity as the expressed need for greater sexual activity, and technological advancements, including bodily rejuvenation, facilitated sex and, indeed, was what technology was for. The management of time in the human system by alien brains is designed primarily to prevent `Woman` from having enough leisure as a byproduct of the development of labour saving devices, to please herself.
The alien brains don`t want `Woman` to orgasm, because it would mean that she had sufficient technology as the orgasm of `Woman` takes longer to develop. However, penis ejaculation is much more efficient and `Woman` with a penis would obtain sexual gratification after a few minutes. Therefore the suppression of the penis of `Woman` as a species is a form of male cruelty and a concomitant of the alien brains` enslaving of her. Her sisters` lengthened pleasure is given in many `human` societies as a reason for female circumcision to the point at which clitoral pleasure is impossible. Because it interferes with the whores` employment. In other words, men`s system is alien because it is designed to torment `Woman` as the human species. The ensuing Gulf crisis was an alien invasion by `home grown` aliens because that`s what the `builders` wanted:
`An evil group of men has always wanted to rule the entire world. In the past conquest has failed to achieve this, due to the resulting outrage and awareness of the enemy. In our present time an evil group are trying a subtle but effective way to rule. This is to gradually infiltrate and delude the masses into accepting their ideas. Such subtle gradualism, along with distraction (such as unnecessary work, study, entertainment and sport) is being used effectively. Few people will therefore be aware of what is going on.`12
Because acceptance of the Holy Spirit/Paraclete is as simple as saying that you are capable of `love` and accept that, sexual desire is the vehicle of human nature, which means the American Dream and the Manifest Destiny of the United States of America is `Woman`, and that`s in accordance with God`s observation in the Bible that the `serpent`s seed` with its `perpetual enmity` towards `woman`s seed` received perdition as a punishment while `Woman` receives a new heaven and Earth. Although the United States is criticised for its emphasis upon `Woman` in its iconographical representation of her in its media, such depictions are entirely in accordance with scripture and the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John`s understanding of Jesus` proselytizings:
`I`m Miss American Dream since I was seventeen.` Britney Spears Piece Of Me
Without acceptance of `Woman` as human with a human brain, men will promote an alien system designed to construct aliens, which here upon the Earth as themselves will attack the United States of America, that is, `Liberty`, as a symbol of `Woman`, and the freedom that comes of acting in accordance with Jesus` teachings of the Holy/Spirit/Paraclete. The Christian question is, `Do you accept the Holy Spirit and Jesus` teachings?` The answer is that sexual desire for `Woman` has `love` as its natural spirtitual valence because eating and ejaculation are human nature`s physical valences, which means the acceptable answer is, `Yes`. To suggest more is to be suggestive and advocate the spirit of homosexual pederasty, which is what the Catholic church is often accused of. Because it`s true. If homosexual pederasty`s physical valence is war, its spiritual valence is the equivalent of the HIV/AIDS` cell that asks the body if it`s converted because the Holy Spirit/Paraclete isn`t enough for the homosexual pederast`s evil spirit of possession. William Burroughs, the US science fiction writer once posed the question:
`What moves in when the spirit moves out?`
Burroughs was a homosexual `junkie` and so the question was easy for him to pose. The spirit of homosexual pederasty is what possesses the body if the love of `Woman`, that is, the Holy Spirit/Paraclete, isn`t present. The `Evil One` doesn`t want the human species to continue, or enjoy its physical valences of eating and sexual intercourse, because the penis of `Woman`, and the penis per se, is taboo. In some states of the USA `oral sex` is defined as `sodomy` to underscore homosexual pederasty`s victory over a spiritual aspect of the human mouth`s physical valence. Consequently, an aim of the spirit of evil is to possess the body and speak with its mouth, which is made easier in an alien system without human information to allow the individual to construct a human brain. In short, Burroughs` question wasn`t sufficient. A more pertinent query would have been, `What is it that is so alien it`s prepared to deconstruct the human brain to insinuate the spirit of homosexual pederasty as an acceptable valence? The answer is simply that which seeks the extinction of the human, which is definable as `Woman` or the `woman`s seed` because homosexual pederasty is her would be extinguisher.
Saddam Hussein`s army might be described as the might of Saddam, that is, Saddam might, which denotes power, valence and possibility. Saddam might have defended freedom in the Middle East, that is `Liberty`, which is why the USA gave him the third largest army on Earth. But he decided to attack Kuwait with the `Saddamites`. The Iraqi army`s invasion of Kuwait was a form of homosexual parasitism, that is, `sodomite`, which is what the small men who invaded the Emir of Kuwait`s home represent. The body of the Earth is art, civilization and culture from the `host` womb of `Woman` as the human species. Alien invaders are her `sodomites`, which gives meaning to the name of Saddam, `the mite`, where `Hussein` means `small, handsome man`. and `the mites of Saddam` were the soldiers of the Republican Guard. Although `sodomite` is a term that directly refers to a place, that is, Sodom, `Saddamite` would indicate a follower of Saddam Hussein, the glamour of the `small handsome man` with the machismo and the moustache who, as the epitomy of the `gay biker` attractive to homosexuals, was a single individual, that is, a `mite` and not a city, like Sodom, or a nation as, for example, the Hittites, who were descended from Ham and his son Canaan, who gave his name to the `Promised Land`, which the Jews received from God after their exodus from slavery in Egypt.
Saddam Hussein`s `Saddamites` weren`t representative of a city or nation, but of the animal magnetism of the homosexual pederast, which is viral in nature. The Saddamites` `contagion`, as the spiritual equivalent of HIV/AIDS towards the body of the Earth, represent the degeneration of the human species because, effectively, they`re terrified of what is greater and seek to devour it. Not merely due to its size, but because that`s what parasites do. Having constructed an alien system that makes it impossible to construct human brains, the `serpent`s seed` have degenerated the humans so that they too have become parasitical aliens with `perpetual enmity` towards `woman`s seed`. In Revelation the `woman clothed with the [red] sun [of Japan`s defeat in WWII] and with the [yellow] moon [of Al Qaeda`s defeat in WWIII] at her feet` gives birth to `he who rules with the iron scepter`. According to scripture, the `New Redeemer` is Jesus in his `Second Coming` role, so he would be the giant that the small men don`t want. Consequently, the `red dragon` of the `serpent`s seed` in Revelation is whoever has been prepared to prevent Jesus` Redemption and so is depicted as waiting to devour him. In vain.
According to Revelation Jesus rules on behalf of `Woman` until the `Evil One` is extinguished. The machismo of BDSM and HIV/AIDS ar ethe physical and spiritual valnces of the `Saddamite`, which in historical terms denotes the rulership of royalty, which was responsible for WWI, followed by that of the terrorist dictators, who may be collectively perceived as charismatic mites because they don`t represent anything but themselves. `Liberty` in New York harbour represents the triumph of the `seed` of the `hidden woman`, that is, Eve`s Holy Spirit/Paraclete, at the `Big Apple` where `clothed with the sun` of her victory over the royalty of the British,13 German and Japanese Emperors in WWI and with `the moon` of Al Qaeda `at her feet`, the USA represents triumph over the global mites of terrorist dictatorships that superceded such dynastical monsters as King George I, Kaiser Wilhelm II, and Emperor Hirohito. Saddam Hussein was the last of the mites who sought to prevent the innocent progression of the American Dream and its technological fulfilment in Manifest Destiny through God`s `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet`, that is, the Holy Spirit/Paraclete as the developer of humanity`s instincts into intellectual creativity and invention.
Saddam Hussein means `crusher` and `small man`. As a bigger man, he`ll crush the smaller, and as a smaller man he`ll seek to make the bigger even smaller than the small man he is, which seems `human` unless we comprehend that it`s the `woman`s seed` he`s measuring. The serpent`s seed`s system is designed to prevent `Woman` from remembering how much she`s been abused by homosexual pederasty`s `perpetual enmity` for her species. The pop group The Who once sang the lyric from Substitute, `I hope I die before I get old.` Homosexual pederasty wants `Woman` to die before she gets old so she doesn`t remember her abuser. The scientific development of longevity by means of technological developments and medical treatments is the `Wise Old Woman` to defeat homosexual pederasty because the `serpent`s seed` doesn`t want development. Pederasty wants `boy sons`, which are the `poisons` spreading the `serpent`s seed` of `perpetual enmity` of hatred for the human species of `Woman` in its wars and `biological warfare` of HIV/AIDS against the `host` womb for its alien brain.
The information system of the `serpent`s seed` declares its `perpetual enmity` for the human species everywhere, and is represented by its education programme to transform them from human into alien. Put simply, Christianity`s `Virgin Mary` gave birth to Jesus without male semen and, in his `Second Coming, Jesus as the `New Redeemer` protects the `hidden woman`, that is, `Woman` as a species with her own penis and socio-historical valence. Consequently, Mary is a prefiguration of `Woman` as a species that`s self-fertilizing and self-productive. Without an education programme that promulgates a human information system, the `big lie` that men are unredeemed parasitical life forms is disseminated to impressionable human brains and, as a consequence, humanity is now alien.
In the developmental psychology of Carl Jung, the symbol of the Ourobouros serpent is self-fertilizing and self-begetting, but also self-devouring. Because it represents the symbiosis of the `small man` with the species of `Woman` with her own self-reproductive valence. The `Saddamite` becomes parasitical in its final stages and, at the last, becomes the devouring `red dragon` depicted in Revelation. Because `Woman` is the human species, the parasite doesn`t want her to reproduce or develop. Its devouring wars against `Woman`, that is, art, civilization and culture from her `host` womb, would reach cessation and its evil would devour itself. Without a human education `Woman` as the parent of the species would succumb to the virality of the parasite`s information system, which is attempting to give her a brain as alien as itself to help in her own devourment of herself.
Britney Spears on the cover of her CD Piece Of Me appears on the cross of Jesus. Because of Longinus` role at Jesus` crucifixion, where the spear of the Roman centurion effectively pierced the side of Christ to birth the Holy Spirit/Paraclete as the `Second Eve` from the side of the `Second Adam`, Piece Of Me denotes the role of `Woman` by the side of humanity; either as physical `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet`, or as spiriual Holy Spirit/Paraclete, who corresponds to the `hidden woman` taught by Jesus and protected by Christ as the `New Redeemer`, that is, `Woman` as a species with her own penis. In Oops I Did It Again Britney was figuratively moving back to the South from her California days on Mickey Mouse Club to present herself as Pixie and Dixie, who were two cartoon Southern mice that had `perpetual enmity` with Mr Jinx, the cat: `I hate those meeces to pieces.` in her red `catsuit`, she raises her spaceman by means of a hook and pulley, which is a comment on children`s education. Suspended above her the spaceman`s camera captures pictures of Britney wearing a white bikini dress. She is `pics see`, that is, Pixie, whereas in her red .`catsuit` she`s `Dixie`:
- `I wish I was in the land of cotton,
- Old times they are not forgotten;
- Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
- In Dixie Land where I was born in,
- Early on one frosty mornin,
- Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.`
Mr. Dixy was a slave owner around New Orleans and French-speaking Lousiana, which is Britney`s home state: `His rule was so kind that `Dixy's Land` became famed far and wide as an elysium abounding in material comforts.`15 Someone once asked Queen Elizabeth II about the `hoop` skirts worn by women for formal dances. She replied that it was so that the man couldn`t be seen. In Oops I Did It Again Britney, in her red `catsuit`, is `dick see` because she isn`t wearing a `hoop` skirt to conceal her `man`, which makes it obvious she doesn`t have one. `Dick` is a euphemism for both penis and `detective; for example, the cartoon figure of detective Dick Tracy (1990) played by the notorious Hollywood womanizer Warren Beatty in the movie. Consequently, Oops I Did it Again is Britney`s critique of the `serpent`s seed`s information and education system for humanity, which presumes `Dick` can see her because he has a penis.
In the antebellum period of the Southern United states of America the `hoop` skirt was worn to balls because it concealed `woman`s seed`, that is, her penis or `man`, as Queen Elizabeth II once observed. Just as Britney`s `dick` couldn`t be seen on Disney`s Mickey Mouse Club, so Britney`s `dick` can`t be seen when she`s wearing her red `catsuit` in Oops I Did It Again. Because children aren`t supposed to see it, according to alien brains and alien brain constructors. Although children think they know the meaning of the term, they aren`t allowed to do enough `dick` or `detective` work to discover `woman`s seed` has a penis through the research medium of the internet; for example. Moreover, women can`t reveal it. Penis visibility is an educational taboo. Most women don`t even know. Because men have destroyed her memory of herself and occluded her through their murder of `futanarian` women.
Wearing a white bikini skirt in Oops I Did It Again, Britney Spears` `Pixie` could have a penis, even though it`s obvious that, in her red `catsuit`, Britney doesn`t. Consequently, Oops I Did It Again is a critique of Christianity`s education and information system which, on the one hand, advocates acceptance of the Holy Spirit/Paraclete so that everyone has a piece of God in them and are a collective and, on the other hand, advocates `love your neighbour as you love yourself` in tacit acceptance of the truth that God is present in each of us and so humanity is `One`. Concomitantly, there`s no intrinsic barrier to the understanding that Britney Spears can be both duplex, that is, more than one individuality, and a woman with a penis as well as a woman without. However, the serepnt`s seed`s `perpetual enmity` doesn`t want her to self-reproduce and so humanity is taught the `big lie` of monogamy, which is that of the devouring parasite who doesn`t want `Woman` to breed as a species with her own penis.
Although Pixie and Dixie are cartoon `meeces` that love cheeses, that is, Jesus, the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` for `woman`s seed` is actual and indicates the valence of tolerance, patience and humour that `Woman` as a species has to present in order to live with her devouring parasite. On the cross of Jesus, who was conceived without contamination by male semen, Britney appears on the cover of the CD single Piece Of Me as a representative of the `woman`s seed` that accepts Christ`s teachings and the Holy Spirit/Paraclete rather than the spirit of the serpent`s seed`s evil torturer`s valence of homosexual pederasty and HIV/AIDS. Just as the Roman centurion Longinus` spear may be understood as searching for chinks in Jesus` armour, so Britney on the cover of the CD single Piece Of Me represents the Holy Spirit/Paraclete that, as a `piece` of the light of God in each individual, affords a chink of light, as `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet`, to direct the soul to God. In terms of Oops I Did it Again, the chink in Jesus` armour is Mr Jinx who represents the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` for `woman`s seed`, which has drawn the blinds, that is, occluded her species through murder, but that curse will be removed when the `hidden woman`, protected by Jesus` Second Coming` as the `New Redeemer`, will be given a new heaven and Earth while the evil receive perdition, in accordance with Revelation.
Another reason for the name `Dixie` as applied to the Southern states of the USA is the `Mason and Dixon line`, which is a surveyors` boundary delimiting the South from the North. Oops I Did It Again denotes Britney`s perception of her sojourn in California with the Mickey Mouse Club as a `raid` whereas Pixie and Dixie represent the true elysium of the South to which she can return, not as a slave of Hollywood`s `Babylon`, but in freedom to `Dixie` where she can conceal herself beneath the `hoops` of its antebellum skirts. The video single for Oops I Did It Again begins with Britney`s descent inside a giant`s ring holding a `hoop` as a symbol of the sleeping giant of the Southern United States of America, which slogan is `The South shall rise again`:
`Often, those who use this phrase believe the American Civil War was `about States' rights, not slavery`.`16
If the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` represents the USA`s victory over the red sun of Japan in 1945 after Pearl harbour and the defeat of the yellow moon of Al Qaeda after 9/11, the stature of `Liberty` in New York harbour is a woman`s rights` symbol but not a feminist one because, in feminism, lesbian women are defined as homosexual if they demonstrate their species` valence of reproduction without male semen, which is doctrinally supportable as `Christian` by reference to Jesus` `immaculate conception` and birth from the Virgin Mary. Consequently, although Madonna was described as `the whore of the apocalypse` for her blatant eroticism in video singles such as Like A Prayer or Like A Virgin, her appeal to the young is an awakening of their sexual valences and so she is a true mother in the Catholic tradition:
`When you call my name it's like a little prayer.
I'm down on my knees, I wanna take you there.
In the midnight hour I can feel your power.
Just like a prayer you know I'll take you there.` Like A Prayer (1989)
On the cover of the Piece Of Me CD Britney Spears represents `Woman` at the side of the USA, which corresponds to the Holy Spirit/Paraclete from the side of `Woman`. In the Bible Jesus describes himself as `the Son of Man` when asked if he`s the `Son of God`, but he`s the child of the Virgin Mary born without contamination by male semen, which means that he`s not a parasite. Adam and Eve were told by God that she would experience the pain of childbirth while he would have to earn his bread by the sweat of his brow, which meant that he couldn`t live by prasitism. In spiritual terms, HIV/AIDS is the child of homosexual pederasty`s seeking to mix its semen with blood, shit and urine during anal sex, which means that the serpent`s seed` is waging its `biological war` of `perpetual enmity` against the `host` womb of `Woman` that produces everything in terms of art, culture and civilization. Consequently, men`s wars are an aspect of its parasitism. If Jesus is `the Son of Man`, the Virgin Mary is `Man`, that is, the `futanarian` who is the `hidden woman` of the Earth and the `woman`s seed` because she has her own penis and socio-economic valence.
Unredeemed men are parasites who don`t work. `Woman` is God`s `producer` and so the perception is that, as everything comes from her `host` womb, the parasite that doesn`t want to work must enslave her. However, HIV/AIDS is the result of homosexual pederasty and so the parasite is attacking the `host` womb of `Woman` by means of `biological warfare` because it wants to work less than it wants to live, which is the nature of a parasite. Moreover, it doesn`t want progress or advanced technological development with its obvious benefits of eternal youth but immortality because `Woman` as a species with her own penis would have her own socio-economic valence and use it to escape from her parasite. Consequently, HIV/AIDS is a means of both keeping her faithful to her monogamous possessor and enslaver, and the pursuance of a socio-economic valence that would be technologically productive.
On the cover of Piece Of Me Britney Spears appears Christ-like on the cross, but without the spear of Longinus piercing her side, which suggests she represents the Holy Spirit/Paraclete from the side of Jesus as the `Second Adam` and `Woman` as `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet` who is depicting herself as tortured to produce because that`s what the parasite does with the female soul and spirit, and `Woman`. At the beginning of the 21st century the `Saddamites` of Saddam Hussein, that is, of the `crusher` and `the small, handsome man`, which is what the names `Saddam` and `Hussein` mean, represented the smallness of men that want to crush human development. In Genesis Eve is told by God that she will `crush` the serpent`s head before she leaves Earth, which suggests that Saddam Hussein`s `Saddamites` aimed to crush Eve before she could leave.
Britney Spears` picture on the sleeve of the CD Piece Of Me represents the female soul and spirit, that is, `Woman`, tortured to produce more by the evil serpent`s seed`s perpetual enmity for woman`s seed. Because everything comes from the `host` womb of `Woman`, that is, art, civilization and culture, `Woman` as the human species with her own penis and reproductive socio-economic valence is God`s `producer`. In Jungian psychology there are four functions to human developmental consciousness; `Thinking`, `Sensation`, `Feeling` and `Intuition`. According to Jung `Feeling` and `Intuition` are associated with the female soul or spirit, and `Sensation` and `Thinking` are associated with the male ego. Moreover, `Sensation` is associated with eyesight, which means that, to encourage the brain to think, the evil `serpent`s seed` with its `perpetual enmity` towards the `woman`s seed`, that is, the human species, wouldn`t want humans to see. Because sight is the primary human valence, humanity wants to see more of God and the cosmos. The aliens have imposed an information system that prevents humanity, that is, `Woman`, even from seeing her own naked penis. Without the knowledge that `Woman` is a species, which would result in human development, the alien information system constructs a society with alien brains, which don`t want to see because their alien constructors don`t want them to. Consequently, rather than space rockets to take humanity to the stars after securing the moon, the aliens have imprisoned the human species, that is, `Woman`, upon the Earth, in order to keep her blind, ignorant and desperate to leave.
Saddam Hussein and the `Saddamites` plan to crush `woman`s seed` here upon the Earth is a symptom of male parasitism. The concept is primarily to do with eyesight. If the soul and spirit are female, then `Woman` is the source of all technological progress and development, which means that the alien parasite would have to reconstruct her brain by means of its disinformation system of education to create a brain that sought the death of its own life. Although the simplest valence of humanity is eyesight, which is the valence to see more of what is beautiful and good, that is, God, rather than starships alien mankind has constructed a planetwide system of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) to destroy `Woman` and the human species. The parasitical aliens have applied the simplest rule. If humans want to see, they`ll work to be able to, that is, they`ll accept the Holy Spirit/Paraclete as the spiritual valence of womankind, which will assist them to develop more advanced systems of visual perceiving, but the evil aliens don`t want them to see. In human terms, humanity wants to see and, in terms of alien thinking, the aliens want the humans to be slaves and produce more to see, which the aliens don`t want for the humans to see.
One of the more famous TV series of the 1990s was Star Trek: The Next Generation but `alien thinking` is that the human species shouldn`t develop starships, which means that the `degeneration` of human eyesight is a primary target for the aliens. The capacity to travel is an extension of the capacity to see. If `alien thinking` is to deny humans space travel, it`s a blinding. Consequently, the degeneration of the human species is linked to vision. In simple terms, `alien thinking` is to keep humanity in a blind and degenerate state so that the evil aliens can exterminate the human race by directing its valence towards suicide. Because that`s what evil aliens do. Saddam Hussein`s `Saddamites` were the small men who would crush people`s freedom to work for themselves and build spaceships to see more of God rather than have their brains enslaved by an information and education system designed to construct brains alien to anything but the building of intercontinental ballistic missiles, or their derivatives, to prevent people from seeing anything at all.
Britney Spears Christ-like on the cross without the spear of Longinus in her side represents the Holy Spirit/Paraclete born from the side of the `Second Adam` pierced by the Roman centurion`s spear, and the perpetual enmity of the serpent`s seed for the woman`s seed as her torturers and tormentors so that she`ll produce more art, culture and civilization for the parasites to imprison her upon the Earth and periodically destroy her for producing. The parasitical aliens` perspective is that, if she`s enslaved, they won`t have to work. Because she represents the physicality of `Woman` as well as the female soul and spirit, the alien position is that, if they educate her brain through disinformations such as, `all women are homosexuals because they have a penis of their own and so are lesbians,` she`ll develop an alien schizophrenic brain that`s suicidal, which would assist the aliens in their aim od destroying her and her Earth.
Saddam Hussein`s `Saddamites` represent the evil valences of sadism and sodomy, that is, the physical torture and torment of `Woman` by the same small men that murdered Jesus, the `Son of Mary, the Virgin,` who was uncontaminated by male semen, that is, the male valence of sadism and sodomy, which is to torture and torment the individual that has the Holy Spirit/Paraclete to produce art, culture and civilization for the aliens to periodically destroy in their wars against the Earth. Sodomy is the spiritual evil of homosexual pederasty`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in witchcraft to produce its boy sons` `biological warfare` of HIV/AIDS` `poisons` against the `host` womb of `Woman`, which is the death of the `host` and its parasite, and is what parasites do.
Although Longinus` spear is missing from the CD cover of Piece Of Me, Britney represents the `Second Eve` as the Holy Spirit/Paraclete from the side of Jesus as the `Second Adam`, which means that there is a Spears by her side. In terms of psychological development the soul is the anima, which is spiritualized through education and becomes wiser. Consequently, an older woman, who in Britney`s perception would correspond to her mother, Lynn Spears, represents the `Wise Old Woman` of Jungian psychology, that is, the Holy Spirit/Paraclete as the `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet` to the younger soul, which is not yet the spiritualized anima of the Holy Spirit/Paraclete but seeks to be. Technological progress would facilitate such techniques as the prolonging of youth and beauty, which is the spiritual valence of the intellect that wants to live longer and to see more. But longer lived `woman`s seed` would be wise to men`s `perpetual enmity` towards her because of its alien parasitical cycle of birth and reincarnation, which keeps `Woman` helplessly unconscious amongst her degenerators. Consequently, the alien parasite teaches that she is all that is beautiful and desirable to look upon. Travel is a vehicle to look upon her, and the more easily she can be looked upon, the less need there is for travel. Star Trek: The Next Generation is the perspective that the individual can vicariously travel by starship without getting out of the seat before the television, so 9/11 was the evil alien perspective that it could watch degenerate mankind destroying itself `live on CNN` by constructing the brains through its disinformation system that would want to travel in order to do so.
In the video for Piece of Me Britney writes `sucker` on the forehead of a paparazzi because he represents a disinformation system that wants her to keep on working for the aliens whereas, if she was cognizant of her role of `Woman` as a species with her own intellectual programme, she`d be working for humanity`s valence of escape from the blood sucking parasitical leeches. As she sings, `I'm Mrs. 'Most likely to get on the TV for strippin' on the streets' when getting the groceries, now, for real ... are you kidding me? No wonder this panic in the industry. I mean, please, Do You want a piece of me ..?` The paparazzi are the plague of homosexual pederasty`s valence of enslavement because those who want `ownership of the means of production` need to `frame` her. Britney Spears lost her fortune because the paparazzi snapped her child`s hat falliing off near a hotel by New York`s Central Park and cried `neglect`. Having declared her bisexuality, she was put in the picture by the American judiciary who wanted her to understand that the well-being of her boys should be of paramount concern to her, which was a manifestation of homosexual pederasty`s general approach towards women whose valence had shifted towards her own species sexually. Justin Trawick was made Co-Conservator of her billions and never married her, which suggests the courts only wanted to assert patriarchal administration of her money to prevent her from supporting genuine feminist perspectives that included the appearance of `woman`s seed`, that is, the human species of `Woman` with a penis in her videos or even on her arm at the disco.
Jim Steinman, who wrote the album Bat Out Of Hell (1977) for Marvin Lee Aday, who fronted the pop group `Meatloaf`, had to front Bad For Good (1981) himself because `Meat` had lost his voice. A doctor suggested `urine injections`, and HIV/AIDS, which derives from a mixture of semen, blood, shit and urine, induces severe weight loss and that`s why it was known as the `thin disease` in the 1980s. `Meat` was a heavyweight performer and HIV/AIDS was just becoming known in the early years of the 1980s. The concept of `urine injections` is `witchcraft` and Jesus, who turned water into wine (John: 2. 1-17) was effectively crucified for being a witch. Although Jesus` transformation of the water into wine was harmless and, indeed, beneficial, and so doesn`t correspond to `poisoning`, which is the definition of `witchcraft` supported by most interpreters of the Bible. Anyone with the power of God is a `witch` to the evil, whereas homosexuals are not perceived as witches because feminism, for example, tells them that they are the equals of women, which is `witchcraft` if HIV/AIDS is the `biological warfare` of the serpent`s seed`s perpetual enmity for woman`s seed.
Because Jesus` conception was without contamination by male semen, the `Second Adam` is the `Son of Man` because Adam was created by God but Jesus` conception without male `seed` identifies him as `woman`s seed`, that is, born of the Virgin Mary in an `immaculate conception` that is God`s creation of the `Second Adam` in a denial of the male `seed` which came after Adam and the `Woman` that came from Adam`s side and wasn`t of male `seed` either. In spiritual terms, Jesus` Christianity is a `daughter of Eve`, that is, as the `Son of Man` Jesus is of the line of Eve and not of the male `seed`. which makes of him a `daughter of Eve`, which is why Christ is the Messiah born from the Virgin Mary, that is, his teachings are female in spirit.,The Holy Spirit/Paraclete effectively emergent from Jesus` side, as the `Second Adam`, after being pierced by the Roman centurion Longinus, signals the spiritual emergence of the `hidden woman` of Revelation, which the `New Redeemer` is depicted as protecting with an `iron scepter`, that is, `woman`s seed` with her own penis as the `Second Eve`. The Virgin Mary is, therefore, a prefiguration of the `futanarian` women as the daughters of the `Second Eve` who can self-reproduce without male semen.
Jesus` decision to accept crucifixion is comprehensible as defining the boundary between parasitism and the `vampire` legend of the individual that wants to live, but who is condemned in folklore for wanting to. Jesus` torturers and tormentors at his crucifixion are representative of the parasite who would force the human spirit to work for it, and to no avail. At the `Last Supper` before his death, Resurrection and Ascension Jesus tells the disciples that the `bread and wine` are his `body and blood` because they represent the female soul trapped within the body, which Jungian psychology calls the anima, and the teachings of the female Holy Spirit/Paraclete, which constitutes the spiritualization of the soul that is required to liberate the individual from drudgery through technological development. The parasite would describe the individual who wants to escape from its enslaving as a `vampire` because it wants to live, which is why Jesus` crucifixion carefully delineates between the torturer and he who seeks life immortal. Because he wasn`t a `leech`. In simple terms, the parasite would have the human understand that the human is a `vampire` because the human wants to live, which is why Jesus` focus is on the `bread and wine` as his `body and blood`. Because Jesus wants the human species to live. But the parasite has defined it as a `vampire` because the parasite is a `leech` and the developed human with the technology to have eternal youth but immortality would escape, which is why `woman`s seed` in Revelation is depicted as receiving a `new heaven and Earth` from God. Because God has given up on her `leeches`.
In the legends of the vampire the `chosen` have immortality through the `little drink`, which is the drinking of a small quantity of human blood by the vampire to confer immortality upon the recipient. In the Bible God`s `chosen` are the Jews, and according to Judaism one can only be a Jew if one is born from a woman. Consequently, women are Jews and it`s the `chosen` blood of women that is Jewish. Jesus` `body and blood` is symbolic of his `chosen` status as the founder of Christianity. In biblical terms, Jesus is the body that wants to live forever through the disciples drinking of his blood. In spiritual terms, Jesus is the `daughter of Eve` and her bloodline or genealogy isn`t parasitical. Jesus` teaching is acceptance of `Woman` whether she is seen, or unseen as `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet`, that is, as the disseminator of Jesus` teachings after him as the Holy Spirit/Paraclete. In terms of vampirism, Jesus` advice is to accept `Woman` because, even if she were a vampire, she isn`t a parasite, which is in accordance with the Christian tradition of accepting the unseen, `hidden woman`, or mysterious `woman`s seed`. Jesus makes the obvious deduction. If `Woman` isn`t parasitical, she would be Christian as a `vampire`, that is, she`d want to live forever as a `Wise Old Woman`, who didn`t want to be tortured and tormented by parasites to produce technological advancements such as space rockets that the parasites would deploy as ICBMs to destroy her. Or, in other words, Christians are `vampires` as described by parasites who don`t want them to live.
Britney Spears` paparazzi are `leeches` if they`re not parasites because parasites would prevent her from living, and she`s the centre of a multi-billion dollar industry, which makes the concept of `leech` respectable but only insofar as it defines parasite as unacceptable. In the same way Jesus defined parasite as unacceptable but `vampire` as an unacceptable definition of the parasites for what Jesus wanted, which is eternal youth but immortality. The depiction of the male vampire as the male `seed` which contaminates the `woman` seed`, that is, her bloodline, in 21st century terms denotes the spiritual valence of the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` for `Woman` in the form of the `witchcraft` of HIV/AIDS` `gay poisons` produced by its gay boy sons` mixing of semen, blood, shit and urine in anal sex as a means of farthering homosexual pederasty`s `biological war` against the `hidden woman`, or unseen Holy Spirit/Paraclete. In simple terms, `Woman` is `vampire`, but she`s depicted as the victim of the `male seed`, which is true. However, God`s promise is of a `new heaven and Earth` for the `woman`s seed`, which means that her `vampire` desire to live is fulfilled while the `serpent`s seed` represented by the `red dragon` of Revelation, that is, the devouring draco that waits in vain, has unendurable eternal pain as its punishment from God for drinking her blood. Because she`s not a parasite with an evil alien brain constructed by a liars` non-human education and information system designed to help it to devour her.
Jesus` offer of his blood as wine is a transforming symbolism similar to his turning of water to wine for the wedding at Canaan, and is known as `transubstantiation` in Catholicism, which relates to the concept of substantial and insubstantial. Jesus` promise is of an immortal body through Redemption, that is, Resurrection and Ascension in bodily form through the acceptance of Jesus` teachings and those of the Holy Spirit/Paraclete. The evil spirit of the 20th century was disease. HIV/AIDS as a `witchery` productive of death by mixing male semen with blood, shit and urine in anal sex was homosexual pederasty`s `biological warfare`. Before that the main disease of the 20th century was cigarette smoking, which caused cancer and was spread by advertising campaigns as a socio-economic mainstay of anti-societal `puff` behaviour, where `puff` is a euphemism for the insubstantiality of `false liberalism`.
Margaret Thatcher once described the UK`s Defence Minister, John Knott, as `A here today, gone tomorrow politician.` Because, as she`d told everyone, `This lady`s not for turning.` Margaret Thatcher was the British Prime Minister who, in 1982, sent a UK task force as far as the coast of South America to retake the Falkland Islands from the invading Argentine forces, which became a principle of global politics and was the main reason for the USA`s political will to retake Kuwait from Saddam Hussein. However, because Saddam`s family name of `Hussein` meant `small, handsome man`, the USA`s support for his `poor, little correctness` was due to his political flexibility in `feigning friendship` to coincide with the USA`s notions of `political correctness`. In other words, he and his American support represented the insubstantiality of `false liberalism`, that is, the perception that `false freedom` is tantamount to giving the body freedom to rebel against itself, which is effectively what cancer is.
Without knowledge of the value of the individual to the social body, libertarianism encourages the individual to be anti-social. In simple terms, terrorists are an advanced form of societal cancer, which begins with rebelliousness or anarchism. They`re society`s `cancer cells` who don`t perceive the body of scoiety as a necessary part of their existence, which means that they poisons the body so that it dies. HIV/AIDS` cells kill the body by `feigning friendship` insofar as they pretend to be defensive phagocytes, that is, the `white cells`, while actually preparing to kill those defenders of the body, which is what Saddam Hussein, the `small, handsome man` did with the USA`s `poor, little correctness` and what the Al Qaeda terrorist hijackers flying from Boston, Massachussetts, did on 9/11 when they crashed `civil` aircraft into New York`s World trade Centre and the Pentagon in Arlington.
The smoking ruins of the Twin Towers have been interpreted in diverse ways by cartoonists, and the stumps of the USA`s traditional victory sign made fashionable by the cigar smoking figure of Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister during WWII, when he would raise `two fingers` as a salute to those fighting the Axis powers of Germany and Japan, is one of the more acceptable political comments. Another is the depiction of the Twin Towers as cigarettes that have been `smoked`, and may also be said to relate to the socio-economic picture represented by the ruins of the World Trade Centre as an aspect of the `special relatedness` between the British and the Americans in the shape of British American Tobaccor, or BAT, where the two fingers of peace or victory, which the Twin Towers represented, are redrawn on the New York skyline as Winston cigarettes, that is, `no cigar` is American idiom for an unsuccessful effort. In socio-economic terms, the collapse of the Twin Towers represents, from an English cricketer`s point of view, the `middle stump` of the penis of the `Woman` of the Earth `taken out` because the BAT`s men didn`t protect her. Although America`s comic strip heroes, as depicted in the Hollywood movie Batman and Robin (1997), would probably have tried to.
In biblical terms, British American Tobacco`s `special relationship` with the false freedom of a `political correctness` that encourages smoking, that is, cancer, is related, in societal terms, to the acceptance of homosexual pederasty, that is, the male `seed`, as equivalent to the `woman`s seed`, rather than acceptance of the Holy Spirit/Paraclete, which is a form of cancer arsing not from homosexual pederasty`s desire for fellatio with the male `seed`, that is, `smoking` as murder, but from the pederasts desire to spread its evil `gay poisons`, that is, the cancer of HIV/AIDS, by mixing its male semen with the blood, shit and urine of a lower orifice in an anal masturbation of its penis that is designed to be sterile and unproductive. In other words, smoking and anal sex are pointless and poisoning, but were encouraged in the 20th century as the basis of socio-economic and political theory. The collapse of the World Trade Centre might be understood as the collapse of the `rough trade`, which is the term used for homosexual pederasty. Although the focus seems entirely `gay`, homosexual pederasty is actually the enslaving of the `host` wombs of women for the purposes of producing `gay boy sons` and furthering the spectre of `war, plague, that is, the `gay poisons` of HIV/AIDS, famine and death`, which are characterized as the `four horsemen` of the apocalypse in Revelation, and connote the evil consequences of the enslaving of `Woman` since the ancient Greeks employed it to spread their contagion of war to city states near Athens.
Feminism`s `political correctness` defines homosexual pederasty as `feminine`, whereas it`s the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` for `woman`s seed`, that is,, for what is human. In other words, `PC` is the socio-economic theory that `smoking`, which in simple terms is `killing`, and the enslavement of `Woman` in homosexual pederasty`s wars against her Earth, is `economics`. Of course, the USA`s `Military Industrial Complex` (MIC) is an economic powerhouse kick-started by global conflict, but recent US TV series like Madmen which feature `retro` acceptance of `smoking` is advertising for companies such as British American Tobacco and the `special relatedness` of homosexual pederasty to the major killer diseases of the 20th century, that is, cancer, war, and HIV/AIDS. A large proportion of smokers said they smoked to lose weight, and HIV/AIDS was `the thin disease` when it was first recognized in the 1980s, which suggests a correlation between women`s desire to lose weight after childbirth and their unwillingness to conceive. In other words, anal sex and smoking are connected. Because they constitute a poisoning of the human system. On average, the penis of a `futanarian` woman is larger and more virile. As the `hidden woman` of Revelation, she`s as uncontaminated as Jesus when he was born from the `Virgin Mary` without male `seed` being involved in his conception. Consequently, as the `seed` of Eve, which according to the Bible `crushes the head of the serpent before she leaves Earth`, homosexual pederasty has `perpetual enmity` towards her. Because she signifies the desire of `Woman` to conceive as a species.
The perception of a relationship between `smoking`, which is a `killer disease` that causes cancer, and is used by killers as a euphemism for their killings, and the killer disease of HIV/AIDS, is encouraged by libertarian position that regard women as the equals of homosexual pederasts. , which was encouraged by libertarian postions with regard to the equality of women and homosexual pederasts. Killers describe themselves as `smoking` people, and individual life has no value for these substanceless `puffs`, that is, the evil spirit of homosexual pederasty. In Russia fellatio is even defined as `woman smoking`, while in the USA it`s `politically correct` to describe fellatio as `sodomy`, which is semantically false but gives the `serpent`s seed` and its `perpetual enmity` for `woman`s seed` an excuse to `smoke` the woman for being anti-social. Just as Jesus is the `woman`s seed`, so acceptance of `Woman` is the meaning of the transubstantiation of the Catholic Communion in which the `bread and wine` is accepted as Jesus` `body and blood`. Those who do not accept the Holy Spirit/Paraclete of `Woman` are substanceless `puffs` for whom other lives are as valueless as `gunsmoke`, which is why Gunsmoke, starring James Arness, was one of several `irreal` 60s TV series designed to realistically present murder as `manliness` and so 9/11, which was essentially a `Hollywood` 50s style `alien invasion movie` starring homosexual pederasty and war `live on CNN`, is ultimately understandable as God`s punishment on mankind for poisoning itself.
In the 20th century `false liberalism` was permissive of cigarette smoking causing cancer, and feminism`s `PC` notions of equality led to homosexuals being defined as the social equals of women, whereas the rise of `witchery`, in the shape of the killer disease HIV/AIDS, which was produced by mixing male semen with blood, shit and urine, gave the lie to such `PC` notions. If homosexual pederasty is the source of war, `smoking` is an aspect of its `red dragon` of Revelation which, according to scripture, waits in vain to devour the child of the woman who will be the `New Redeemer`, and who will protect her with the `iron scepter` of his will that she live. Such luminaries of world peace as British American Tobacco (BAT) or its Military Industrial Complex (MIC) in the USA will try to convince that they`re socio-economic necessities, but the extermination of the human species is what they`re for.
The `New Redeemer` with the `iron sceptre` represents the `ruler` who, as the Judaiac `Meshiah`, will authorize the development of advanced technology, that is, the labour saving device that, protecting and liberating `Woman` from slavery will be the `Meshiahn`, but that science fiction writers have foreshadowed for generations as the robot. Because `woman`s seed` is female, the human robot, as the better machine, would be female in mind and form. So far men have used technological advancement to imprison `Woman` rather than liberate her. Instead of space technologies that had, as their main consequence for women, the refrigerator and washing machine, men focused on rockets to shatter art, civilization and culture on the Earth, that is, maintain the enslavement of `Woman`. Consequently, men represent the evil alien robot programmed to exterminate the human species, which forces `Woman` to play with it, as a torturing and tormenting cat does with a mouse. However, only the robot programmed as a better human to protect the `Woman` and liberate her would be able to keep her art, civilization and culture intact so that she could work and play in safety, which is the `new heaven and Earth` that God gives to `woman`s seed` in Revelation while the evil alien robots, that is, men who have accepted themselves as the machinery of devouring and enslaving, receive perdition as God`s punishment for their enslaving and devouring of `Woman` and her Earth.
In science fiction terms, mankind can`t pretend to be defending `Woman` and her Earth from 50s alien invasion scenarios by perpetrating 50s alien invasion scenarios all over the planet, such as Argentine dictator Galtieri`s invasion of the Falkland Islands in 1982, Iraq`s invasion of Kuwait in 1990, 9/11 `live on CNN` in 2001, and NATO`s invading Tripoli, Libya, in 2011, whenever they`re invaded by the irrealist `Hollywood` spirit of 50s alien invasion movies. God`s Revelation isn`t science fiction and men all over the world with telephone numbers, bank account numbers, numbered IDs, and car number plates, seriously perceive themselves as `the number of the beast` from Revelation, `the number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six` (Rev: 13. 17-18), that is, 666, which means that a man is a beast who thinks he`s numbered amongst the beast`s followers:
`Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 10-11)
What men have done is prefer slavery for others because they don`t want to work, but those who do want to work aren`t able to because the enslavers don`t want them to develop to the point at which they are free of their enslavers. In other words, slavery isn`t about work; it`s the denying of productive labour to those who do work. Whether they`re employed by an employer, or independent and self-employed. Enslavers don`t want work. They want to prevent the enslaved from working to free themselves. Consequently, enslavement is stultifying of technological development and the desire of the human species to be free. The perception of slavery as forced labour is false. The slaver doesn`t want the slave to escape. So slavery`s objective is to have people work pointlessly and to no avail, which is what WW I (1914-18), WW II (1939-45), 9/11 and the subsequently decared `War On Terror` (2003-) and Gulf wars I and II (1990-2012) emphasize.
Sexual desire is a metaphor for the instinct of the slave to be free. `Woman` is taught that the male penis is the focus for her sexual nature but, if she has a penis of her own, her focus is for herself to live. The male `sex slave fantasy` is of the woman who can`t escape, that is, it`s not a sex fantasy but a slave fantasy, and a woman`s sexuality indicates her desire for her own species` development, which is thwarted by the male enslaver, who has lyingly taught her his penis is concerned with `raising a family`, whereas `Woman` is enslaved and doesn`t have even education or public information access to her own species` penis and its socio-economic potential for liberation and improvement.
Jesus offers the `bread and wine` of the `Last Supper` to his disciples because Redemption through the Holy Spirit (wine) and an immortal body (bread) is acceptance of `Woman`. Jesus` birth from the Virgin Mary without contamination by the male `seed` makes his an `immaculate conception` and `woman`s seed`, which constitutes acceptance of `Woman` and Redemption for those who accept her as the human species rather than a target for spreading its contagions of terror and HIV/AIDS:
`They still gon' put pictures of my derrière in the magazine. You want a piece of me.`
Britney Spears` labelling of the paparazzi as `suckers` in her video single Piece Of Me is because mankind have become `leeches` upon `Woman` using her beauty and talent to trap humans into transforming their sexual instincts and desires. Starving `woman`s seed`, that is, the human species` sexual valence, to enforce spiritual and intellectual development, which should be productive of improved living conditions, men`s instincts for enslaving and devouring the human species means `Woman` and her humans are trapped by the alien brains` construction of a non-human information and education system to transform human brains into aliens` and continue the aliens` enslavement and devourment of `Woman` and her human species upon the Earth.
Britney Spears, on the cross for the cover of Piece of Me, is aimed not at developing her own image but in presenting others` opinions in an attempt to change them, which is what Jesus Christ, the mocked `King of the Jews`, and other politicians before and since have done. It`s a form of immunity also practised by `pop stars` and entertainers, and functions as a condom preventing contamination by the `father of lies`, that is, the evil `serpent` and its `seed`. In most versions of the Bible, the `serpent` is depicted as crushing the head of Eve while she bruises his heel (Gen: 3.15), which defines Saddam, `crusher` Hussein as the `serpent` of the 20th century, but the Douay-Rheims Bible describes the woman`s heel crushing the head of the serpent, which is what happened to Saddam, the `crusher`, because `Liberty`, female symbol of the USA, defeated him. If Saddam wasn`t the `serpent, then his role was an acceptable fiction for those who wanted to play with the idea of the `beasts` of Revelation,because Saddam`s name means `crusher` and `small, handsome man`, and means he`d be an easy target for the `fictioneers` if the USA helped him to grow bigger by giving him the world`s 3rd largest army.
Although pop stars `politick` insofar as they invite their `fans` to agree with them. However, because they`re individuals, they tend to repeat the same `political` suicides. Lady Gaga (1986), in Bad Romance (2009), `challenges` a group of men, and defies them to harm her while presenting herself as invulnerable and, wearing only a leotard and accessories, she obviously isn`t, which is what the `fictioneers` do. Just as Saddam, `crusher`, Hussein was defined by the `fictioneers` of the 20th century as the serpent who`d crush `woman`s seed`, but she crushed him. Lady Gaga, and other pop stars, present themselves as invulnerable crushers of the serpent, which is politically revolutionary but dangerous to impressionable fans who don`t have their money, independent positions of powerful autonomy, and so relative security, but are encouraged into suiciding in adoring emulation of the stars, who are essentially blameless because it`s the role of the liberated ego to challenge whatever it sees as limits on freedom. Unfortunately, pop stardom isn`t unique. It`s a pitfall for those who seek to change the world but rebelliousness and anarchism isn`t a guide for behavior, which is why it is written in Revelation that, after the woman has given birth to the `New Redeemer`:
`… to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle [of the United States of America[, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.` (Rev: 12.14)
The `hidden` woman of Revelation represents perspicacity, which `futanarian` woman with her own penis needs if she is to live amongst the evil `serpent`s seed` which, according to God in Genesis, has `perpetual enmity` for the `woman`s seed`. Consequently, the `New Redeemer` of Revelation is depicted as protecting her with an `iron scepter` while the `red dragon` is the contaminated male `seed`, which is the serpent`s grown into global terrorism and its `biological warfare` of HIV/AIDS against the `host` wombs of women.
Revelation describes the `blood plague` of vendetta, which is the `perpetual enmity` of homosexual pederasty`s enslaver of woman`s wombs for its devouring wars against the Earth`s art, civilization and culture, which God warned Eve of in Genesis (3.15), and destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah to underline his disapproval of while waiting until Revelation to destroy `sodomy` itself and `Camorra`, that is, the false family values of mafia vendettas against `woman`s seed`. Jesus, born uncontaminated by male `seed` from the Virgin Mary, is `woman`s seed` and, as the `New Redeemer` in his `Second Coming`, is the protector of the `hidden` or `futanarian` woman with her own penis, which the `red dragon`, grown in size from the `serpent`s seed`, is depicted in Revelation as waiting in vain to devour because Jesus, with the `iron scepter`, rules against it.
The image of Jesus upon the cross is men`s determining opinion of what `Woman` is for, and so Britney Spears on the cover of Piece Of Me on the cross is `political`. What the image represents is Jesus` `political suicide`, but spiritual `politicking` insofar as he`s `woman`s seed` which, according to Revelation, will be given a `new heaven and Earth` by God while the evil receive perdition as a punishment. In short, Britney Spears on the cross is her understanding of what `Woman` is for to men, who correspond to the `serpent`s seed` and its `perpetual enmity` for woman`s seed`, which is represented by the torture and torment of Jesus. Born form the Virgin Mary, as `woman`s seed`, Jesus prefigures the `futanarian` woman with a penis, that is, her own `woman`s seed`, which is protected by Jesus, in his `Second Coming`, as the `New Redeemer` who rules with the iron scepter of God`s will to preserve the human species.
In presenting an image, or images, that corresponds to men`s image of `Woman` as a tortured and enslaved spirit, Britney is asking Christianity a question. If Jesus represents the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` for `woman`s seed` as it tortures him to death on the cross, Christianity ignores `woman`s seed`, that is, `futanarian` woman with a penis of her own, and so denies the socio-economic valence of `woman`s seed`. Moreover, Christianity condemns `normal` sexual desire for herself as `lesbian` in favour of sado-masochistic homoeroticism, which is what Jesus` naked crucified form means for homosexual pederasty and its terrorism. If all Jesus` crucifixion represents is the tortured spirit of `Woman` so that humanity will continue developing its species` intellectual capacity for the evil to hijack its technology, for example, as the Al Qaeda terrorists did on 9/11, to use against her Earth, it`s Antichristian.
Jesus is the `Perfect Man`, or the `Second Adam`, because he`s woman`s seed` and his statement on the cross could only be made by him, and it isn`t sexual for him, whereas for homosexual pederasty, that is, the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` for `woman`s seed`, it`s homoerotic and sado-maschistic, and depicts the role of `woman`s seed` for the torturers of the spirit of the human species. If `Woman` were upon the cross, it`d be a sexual statement, and Jesus` crucifixion as a man isn`t a sexual statement from his point of view. Consequently, Jesus` role as the `Redeemer` derives from the fact that he`s `woman`s seed` and no woman can ever be in his position because he`s a man and the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` for `woman`s seed` isn`t sexual, whereas a woman on the cross is a sexual image, which means that it`s a sexual attack on `Woman` by her perpetual enemy, the serpent`s seed`, and for which there`s no excuse.. The woman didn`t put herself there. So Jesus as the first of the `woman`s seed` is her `Redeemer` because he was a man and it wasn`t a sexual attack. In other words, `Redemption` is the perception that men aren`t allowed to sexually attack women. Because God will give them eternal unendurable pain if they do.
Britney Spears on the cross on the CD single`s cover for Piece Of Me isn`t Christian, it`s pagan, because it`s `woman`s seed` as `sacrificial lamb`, that is, `washed in the blood of the lamb` (Rev: 12.11) is a metaphor for those mental and spiritual processes involved in accepting the teachings of Jesus and those of the female soul and spirit of `Woman`, which is the Holy Spirit/Paraclete, but Christ-like images of the `lamb` being `sacrificed` are advocative of suicide and aren`t `missionary`. Being `washed in the blood of the lamb` is acceptance of `woman`s seed` through Jesus` crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, not acceptance of the spirit of BDSM and its evil spiritual consequence, HIV/AIDS. Jesus as `the lamb` isn`t a permissive symbol for the torturers to murder the `meek`, while the evil would have us believe that such `bloodlettings` were redemptive as occurred during the Gulf wars, or in the pogrommed `bloodbaths` of the former Yugoslavia`s `ethnic cleansings` in Srebrenica in July 1995 and Kosovo in February 1998, and in Sudan`s Dharfur in 2003, and elsewhen and elsewhere in the 20th century.
`Sucker` is what Britney Spears writes on the paparazzi journalist in Piece of Me, and doctors used to use `leeches` for blood cleansings that were deemed healthful. However, just as the genocidal ethnic cleansings of Srebrenica and Dharfur weren`t healthful to the murdered, paparazzi defamations of character aren`t healthful to the talented. The murderer isn`t redeemed through his murder, and the `scapegoat` syndrome is pagan, that is, the notion that someone has to be sacrificed to assuage the public conscience is central to the story of Britney Spears` rise to fame and subsequent loss of her fortune to Conservatorship on the basis of the paparazzi`s defaming her to the world as an `unfit mother`. Because her child`s cap fell off in the street, and she neglected to pick it up while running for a car near New York`s Central Park. The American judiciary confiscated her earnings, even so far as to give them to Justin Trawick who, suggesting that he might one day marry her, and didn`t, was given Co-Conservatorship of her earnings, along with her father, because the paparazzi thought so too, and so should their readers.
In shamanism the belief is that an individual from the wider group is chosen to be the `scapegoat` for the wider sins of the tribe, and Jesus is often thought of as a similar figure by the pagans, whereas he isn`t. The practice of blaming individuals for whatever social or physical malaise besets society is`still prevalent. The most celebrated instance of the `scapegoat` syndrome is that of the young women who, accused of witchcraft in 17th century Salem, Massachussetts, were burned at the stake. Britney Spears` image on the cover of Piece Of Me might appear as a `scapegoat` figure to pagans, but her question for Christianity is, if Jesus was `woman`s seed`, is `scapegoat` all that she represents? The sins of homosexual pederasty`s is `sodomy`, that is, the mixing of blood, shit, and male semen during anal sex to produce the killers` disease of HIV/AIDS, while the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` is the `blood feud` of the false family values of mafia `Camorra` and vendetta, which is what the paparazzi displayed towards herself and her children.
Britney Spears wears a sword on her necklace in Piece of Me, which is what the crucifix prefigures. Imagery that appears in Le Mort D`Arthur (1485), where a sword in a stone awaits the one who, as king, will draw it out. The King is Arthur of Britain, and the sword`s precursor, in symbolic terms, is the cross that`s transformed into the hilt, crosspiece, and partially visible haft of Jesus` Sword, which the `King of the Jews` figuratively puts away from him on the hill of Calvary after his crucifixion. Like the haft of a sword buried to the hilt, the cross was left behind as Jesus` dead body was taken to the place of its entombment prior to his spiritual and bodily Resurrection and Ascension. Just as Arthur`s sword was half hidden by the stone in which it was placed.
Britney Spears` sword is small because she doesn`t care how small the evil are. Saddam Hussein`s name means `crusher` and `small, handsome man`, because most versions of the Bible describe the `serpent` as crushing the head of Eve while she strikes at his heel. Although the Douay-Rheims Bible is more logical, because Eve is depicted as crushing the head of the serpent while it strikes at her heel with its poison fangs. In Piece Of Me Britney Spears` small sword about her neck on a chain is her Christianity. She doesn`t feel it`s beneath her to kill the evil `serpent`s seed` before it grows into a devouring dragon. Just as Jesus as a `small man` on the cross left behind his wooden sword when he was taken down from the hill of Calvary to the place of his Resurrection and Ascension, so in his `Second Coming` Jesus has a `sword that came out of his mouth` which commands the hosts of God to save `Woman` and her `seed` as well as those that have accepted Jesus` teachings and those of the Holy Spirit/Paraclete and so have Redemption.
In terms of the vampire myth, the haft of Jesus` wooden sword in the Earth, that is, the cross upon which he was crucified and died, is the stake in the heart of Jesus` `Woman`, which is traditional in the case of preventing the Resurrection and Ascension of vampires. Jesus` teachings were of the Resurrection, and so the spear of Longinus` penetrating of Jesus` heart through his side is a sign of the Roman centurion`s pagan aim of preventing Jesus` Resurrection as a perceived vampire, and that of Eve, who would correspond to the Holy Spirit/Paraclete by the side of the `Second Adam`, that is, Jesus Christ, because the first Eve was created by God from the rib of the side of the first Adam in Eden. In other words, Jesus` supporters` claim that he was `King of the Jews` and the second incarnation of the first man, Adam, from whose rib the first woman, Eve, was created by God, was taken as a very serious threat to their political power by the pagan Romans, and is why Longinus in fact said at the moment of Jesus` death, `Surely this Man was the Son of God.` (Luke: 23. 47) It was to emphasize Rome`s triumph over the Jews.
The story of Adam and Eve is their separation from God, and the story after Eden is Eve`s separation from Adam, which is the story of the serpent`s seed`s perpetual enmity for `woman`s seed`. Biblical scholars have seen it as a story of adultery, but it isn`t about sex for the serpent. Jesus` story is of himself as the first Adam reborn with Eve at his side as the Holy Spirit/Paraclete. The serpent`s story is of its `seed` grown to the side of the enslaving and devouring `red dragon` of Revelation and war, which wages its vendetta or `Camorra` of evil through its sodomizing spirit of homosexual pederasty. HIV/AIDS is the biblical `blood plague` of Revelation and the serpent`s seed`s `biological warfare` against the Holy Spirit/Paraclete, and God`s erasure of the `cities of the plains`, that is, Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis (18, 19), was an early attempt to destroy it, while 9/11`s `cities of the planes` was God`s warning to sodomy and `Camorra` that it was known.
1 Fourth Lateran Council, 1215.
2 Pope Pius XII, November 1, 1950, Apostolic Constitution Munificentissimus Deus.
3 Rice, Tim, and Webber, Andrew Lloyd, 1971.
4 Heinlein, Robert A. The Puppet Masters, Doubleday,1951.
5 Healing, .
6 Shakespeare, William King Lear, Act I, scene iv.
7. Lennon, John and McCartney, Paul `Come Together` from Abbey Road by The Beatles, 1969.
8 Lennon, John and McCartney, Paul `All You Need Is Love` performed on Our World television show, a song commissioned by BBC TV, and broadcast by satellite to 400 million people in 26 countries on 25th June, 1967.
9 Swift, Jonathan Gulliver's Travels, Part 1, Ch. 1, 1726.
10 London Bombings, .
11 DEFCON, .
12 True Conspiracies, .
13 Described at its zenith as `the Empire upon which the sun never sets`.
14 Dixie, .
15 Dixie, .
16 Urban Dictionary, .