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05/03/2016 12:12

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The emergence of the HIV/AIDS` virus as the `incurable killer disease` of the late 20th century transmitted by homosexual men`s mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anus suggests to parasitology that it`s trying to make further copies of itself as a part of its parasitoid life cycle. Parasites that emerge to kill the host are parasitoid. Because HIV/AIDS is the virus that makes copies of itself to kill the human host, its copy is homosexuality, which is its parasite emerging from the host to devour it as a parasitoid waging war against humanity. Although the Bible seems irrelevant to secular believers its description of the angel, Satan, turned into a serpent and placed in Eden where the first man, Adam, and the first woman, Eve, were tempted to `eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, perfectly illustrates the role of the parasite and its parasitoid nature. During the Jurassic (201-145 m.a.) period of Earth`s history, saurians were the dominant life form before humans (22 m.a.), which not only suggests that the angel, Satan, who God rejected for refusing to accept the human host was to be greater than the angelic, was saurian but that the angels are. Because angels are depicted in Judaic iconography as having wings, the science of paleontology`s observation that saurians developed wings and evolved into birds suggests God`s angels are saurian. When Eve is told be God her `seed` will have `enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` but Redemption will come, if Adam labors while she experiences labor pains, the reference is to the `tree of life`, which is immortality, because brainpower through sexual reproduction is needed to devise labor saving technologies and medical science conferring immortality and the permanent knowledge needed for the operation and maintenance of what human intelligence has created: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) In Christian iconography, Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her `foot`, because futanarian women have penis` semen of their own: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Although Jesus represented the human host at the `Last Supper` for example, where he gave `bread and wine` as symbols of the friendship of his `body and blood` towards his male disciples, born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, he was futanarian `woman`s seed`.

 The `Last Supper` was so-called because Judas had seen a woman anointing Jesus` feet with expensive perfume and, known for stealing from the collection plate after a sermon by Jesus, Judas had suggested that the spikenard be sold to raise money, whereas Jesus, who many believe died celibate, had replied: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) Taking `thirty pieces of silver` from the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, Jesus betrayed the human host, as Satan had betrayed the human host in Eden lest humans develop the brainpower to escape from slavery in ephemerality to host womb parasitism and parasitoid devourment by its parasites. The Pharisees gave Jesus to agents of the Roman Empire then occupying Jewish Palestine as a `dissident`. Jesus was taken to the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem where he was nailed to a cross of wood and left there to die. Afterwards Jesus had Resurrection and Ascension in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed` with her own mode of futanarian sexual reproduction for the development of liberating brainpower to escape Satanism: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sires but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) What they`d done was reject `woman`s seed` in favor of male braining in parasitism for parasitoid devouring in war against her. HIV/AIDS was the `biological weapon` deployed by men to keep women in fearful faithfulness to their slave ring. Although ancient Greek democracy was the model for the Western world, host womb slavery for homosexuality in pederasty for war was its institution, while the Bible describes `a woman`, Babylon (c. 4000 B.C), who gave her name to the capital city of the Persian Empire: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) Because she represents host womb slavery in parasitism for parasitoid devouring in war, which is the power Eve and Adam exchanged immortality for when they accepted ephemerality, and so blind unconscious ignorance for the human race from the serpent in Eden: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) As the `serpent`s seed` is parasitoid, the belief of some scientists that HIV/AIDS was a space borne virus is parasitologically supportable. At some point millions of years ago, a space borne parasitical virus may somehow have inveigled itself into the host wombs of women, so men`s viral form is a poor copy of futanarian humanity`s. Without a host womb for the bearing of daughters, or lactating breasts for their nurturing, which would give women who can sexually reproduce with each other the majority vote in any democracy, men are women`s human species` tyrannical usurpers, and the devourer of the human race grown in size since its days as a serpent in Eden: `And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war upon the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17)

 Jesus was killed by the Roman Empire, because `woman`s seed` challenges male braining. By 1926 John Logie Baird had invented television as a home entertainment for audiences used to cinema going in order to be entertained by the Hollywood, Los Angeles, film industry, on the west coast of the United States of America, which was called `Babylon`, because `woman`s seed` was banned there to effectively ensure beheading for the human race in the absence of sex education for women: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`1 As male braining effectively produces a single male brained creature transvestite `TV` wearing each others` clothes, Jesus` execution by the Roman Empire was to prevent women`s interfering with the development of `TV`. In 1908 the Model T Ford had become the first mass produced automobile at the Henry Ford factory in Detroit, Michigan. The wheels of the motor car were driven by transmissions from the engine, that is, transvestism was the picture delivered by the automobile `TV`. Or, in other words, people were being transmitted by a virus that was eating them as an aspect of its parasitoid nature in its wars against women`s futanarian humanity. Serpent-like in monstrous traffic jams sniffing the fumes from its rear, institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty for war denies its parasitoid nature, like Carlo Collodi`s Pinocchio, whose nose grew long if he told a lie in The Adventures of Pinocchio (1883),2 but as they hurtle towards each other across the battlefields of the planet, the pronouncedly long barrels of their turret guns atop their tanks belie the denial. Men had reinvented the human species as `snuff`, which is the term given by the film industry to the manufacture of killing for entertainment: `Your candle burned out long before your legend ever did.`3 Pop star Elton John`s lyric about Hollywood Babylon sex symbol movie actress Marilyn Monroe being found in the nude dead in 1962 is a reference to how the movie business snuffs out lives for entertainment.

 Because the species of women is enslaved they must perforce learn to play a game as chess pieces upon a board. Pop star Britney Spears` song from her Blackout (2007), `Piece Of Me`, features a CD cover with her in the place of Jesus crucified upon the cross because, as a picture transmitted by a virus, `woman`s seed` is a piece on a board. Although `blackout` refers to bans on the transmission of sensitive information, on a chessboard black and white are the color of the pieces in a game of chess on the sixty-four black and white alternate squares across which the game takes place. White and black have eight pawns, and two castles, knights, and bishops each, while both have a king and queen. In the course of the game a pawn can become a queen, while the objective is to protect the king, because if the king is lost so is the game. As Jesus was mockingly depicted as `king of the Jews` at his crucifixion, Britney Spears` `Piece Of Me` depicts herself as `king`, because human futanarian women have penis` semen of their own, while Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven uncontaminated by male semen prefigures that of the kingly aspect of `woman`s seed`: `Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54) Longinus` spearing of the side of Jesus reflects upon the Roman Empire`s understanding of Eve`s emergence from the side of Adam in the Bible. Jesus was the `Second Adam`, whose teaching was that a Holy Spirit would teach after him, and so Longinus performed a `caesarian section`, in gynecological terms, to facilitate the second birth of `Eve`, who`d be the spirit of futanarian human women`s Resurrection and Ascension to colonize the planets and stars. Blackout and `Piece Of Me` was released in the month of October 2007. which coincided with Britney being accused of mental unfitness and the loss of her fortune through the US law courts to Conservatorship, that is, her father, Jim, and ex-manager, Jason Trawick, and custody of her sons, Jayden James (1) and Sean Preston (2), awarded to ex-husband Kevin Federline, as she lost her species` `game` of financial independence to Judas` men:


`Guess I can't see the harm

In working and being a mama;

And with a kid on my arm

I'm still an exceptional earner:

And you want a piece of me?`4


The sensitive information that could have saved the pop star who recorded the Blackout album and the song `Piece Of Me` was that men are women`s parasitoid devourer and not their children`s species. Britney`s game plan had begun as long ago as the release of the album Oops! ... I Did It Again (2000) and the video single, `Oops! ... I Did It Again`, in which she sang: `I played with your heart, got lost in the game.` The plot device is the `heart of the ocean` blue diamond pendant given to Rose played by actress Kate Winslet in the Titanic (1997) screen drama of the iceberg that sank the ocean going liner on April 15, 1911, as it went from Southampton to New York: `All aboard!` The ship`s style passenger announcement to board follows upon Britney`s character in `Oops! ... I Did It Again` receiving a gift that the audience doesn`t see but can guess at from her response: `But I though the old lady dropped it into the ocean in the end?` The old lady is 100 year old Rose who appears at the site of the salvaging of the Titanic to drop the memorial `heart of the ocean` overboard before the movie depiction of the 1911 events, which detail how the `heart of the ocean` is used by her jilted lover, Cal, who places it in the pocket of her new beau, Jack, and accuses him of theft. When the Titanic sinks, Jack drowns helping others to the lifeboats, while Cal lives, along with the men who threw the women and children out of the boats to survive. Britney`s observation is that it`s a board game and that Jesus is the piece that wins if the reader has knowledge of the Bible.

 In `Oops! ... I Did It Again` there are two Britney Spears, one in a red pilot`s suit, and another in a white bikini dress, which suggests futanarian women`s mode of human brainpower through sexual reproduction, but also viral replication. Following the plot device of a woman on the red planet, Mars, being explored by `Mars Lander`, an astronaut wearing a spacesuit from the era of the North American Space Administration`s (NASA`s) Apollo space program to put a man on Earth`s satellite, the moon, Britney in her red pilot`s suit hooks the spaceman`s backpack and hoists him up to where, with the eye of the camera attached to his space helmet, he can look down upon her wearing a white bikini dress, so the viewer can see there are two distinct Britneys in `Oops! ... I Did It Again`, which implies the mirroring of Alice in Lewis Carroll`s 1867 children`s novel, Alice Through The Looking Glass, where a girl goes through her dressing table mirror into an alternative reality to find that the characters therein are `pieces` in a `game of chess`. Because girls don`t know what to look for in their bedroom mirrors, that is, `woman`s seed`, they`ve lost to the male vampires they can`t see there, which is traditional in vampire stories of the evil creatures that live by drinking human blood. Consequently, the `heart of the ocean` symbol is the stake in a woman`s heart that a girl doesn`t want, which is why Rose throws it into the sea at the beginning of the Titanic film in which Kate Winslet is painted nude by Jack without even the slightest danger that the vampires in the audience will see a woman`s penis they`ve already stolen to provide themselves with a viral life form`s immortality. Although Britney`s replication of herself in pop music videos like `Lucky` (2000) hints at what a girl needs to see in the mirror of her dreams to confer true immortality upon her species through the capacity of `woman`s seed` to produce labor saving brainpower of her own, and her race`s longevity and rejuvenation by means of medical science, she can`t penetrate the news` blackout to explain why the pawn wins:


Isn't she lucky, this Hollywood girl?

She is so lucky, but why does she cry?

If there's nothing missing in her life

Why do tears come at night?6


 In the Old Testament of the Bible, which is the Torah and Talmud, that is, the law and history of Jesus` `chosen people`, the Jews, the rhetorical question arises of those with a skin color markedly different, `Can the Cushite change his skin?` (Jer: 13.23) As futanarian women would want to sexually reproduce from their own `seed`, they wouldn`t want to be of a color other than their own, because that would be indicative of species` rape, and because the same could be said of futanarian black women, who don`t want `cream` in their `coffee`, `the game` of black and white pieces in the board game of chess is explained. Britney Spears` white pawn wins, because she`s white, as black pawn pop star Rihanna wins for her daughters of the future represented as sheltering with her in the lyrics to `Umbrella`:
`You're part of my entity, here for infinity.
When the war has took its part;
When the world has dealt its cards;
If the hand is hard, together we'll mend your heart.`7

 After the German Empire`s first attempt to enslave the Earth in the 1914-18 war the German National Socialist (Nazi) Party was elected with its leader Adolf Hitler as Chancellor who assumed dictatorship and began pogroming the Jewish `chosen people` in `death camps` constructed throughout Europe where upwards of 20, 00, 000 Jews were exterminated. The United States of America was brought into the second war (1939-45) to prevent the Germans enslaving the Earth after the Japanese Empire`s sneak attack on the US Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941, which ultimately resulted in the Americans dropping atomic bombs `Little Boy` and `Fat Man` to destroy Japan`s cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki from the planes Enola Gay and Bokscar on August 6 and 9, 1945. It was traditional in Japan to bind the feet of women to prevent their being able to run and escape. The Indo-China war (1946-75) ensued in which the Asian peoples fought against the USA and pop star Bruce Springsteen in his 1984 lyrics to `Born In The USA` (1984) was still despising Asians for being `yellow` pawn:


`So they put a rifle in my hand;

Sent me off to a foreign land,

To go and kill the yellow man.`8



 Racism is a concomitant of men`s parasitoid devouring nature which promulgates war against human futanarian women`s `seed` of whatever color, because that`s how it consumes the host species. In Arabia the Prophet Mohamed, who received the Koran from the angels, according to Moslem tradition in Islam, is said to have converted his qareen. Mohamed was the descendant of Ishmael, who was the son of Abraham whose wife, Sara, had been barren after the birth of Isaac, the founder of Judaism, and thereafter Sara gave Hajer, her maid, to Abraham, who bore Ishmael, the founder of Islam through Mohamed. Ishmael`s birth is legitimized in Islam by making four wives permissible in marriage, which affords the possibility of sexual reproduction between human futanarian women within the family. According to Islam a qareen is a genius, which suggests brainpower produced by futanarian women is represented by the genius known as qareen, that is, futanarian women take their place on the green squares of the chessboard in Islam, while Asian women aren`t yellow men, and the aim isn`t to avoid miscegenation but to promote it.



Before New York city was called the `Big Apple`, it was New Orange, because Dutch European settlers purchased Manhattan island from the North American Indians, who were called `red`, for a few beads on May 24, 1626, and afterwards there was a period in which the North American Plains Indians were starved to death by European settlers, who killed almost all of the 60, 000, 000 buffalo, which were the red Indians` food resource, by the late 1880s. As the North American Plains Indians were the citizens of the plains, so New York and Arlington were the `cities of the planes` corresponding to the `cities of the plains` (Gen: 19. 18), Sodom and Gomorrah, destroyed by God`s angels in the Bible. As the red Indians were a pawn of the human futanarian species of women, they wouldn`t want `TV`, so September 11, 2001, was God`s punishment upon the USA for promoting human extinction when the Al Qaeda terrorist group, led by Saudi Arabian businessman Osama Ben Laden, and operating out of misogynist Afghanistan, hijacked civil airliners on 9/11, 2001, to crash the planes, like Indian arrowheads, into the World Trade Centre of New York city `live on CNN` and other news network television channels to reestablish `rough trade`, that is, that `brutality and violence`9 associated with homosexuality in pederasty and war against `woman`s seed`.



 In the Bible the `cities of the plains` were Sodom and Gomorrah, that is, sodomy and the horror to come, HIV/AIDS: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) What they`d done was reject `woman`s seed` in mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anus to spread the `incurable killer disease`, which kept women in fearful faithfulness to their ring slavery as a `biological weapon` deployed in terrorism against her. The planes crashed into the WTC and the Defense Department of the Pentagon at Arlington, Virginia, were the `cities of the planes`, where transvestism was produced as an entertainment for killers of the human race who wanted to make it into a `snuff` program. The President of Iraq gave public `TV` support to Al Qaeda, and the US invaded in March, 2003. Saddam Hussein, whose name means `small handsome man` and `crusher`, and who was executed on December 30, 2006, had a summer palace at Hillah which, overlooking the ruins of the ancient capital city of the Persian Empire, Babylon, emphasized his role. As leader of a Moslem nation of Islam in which four wives are permissible, so affording the possibility of futanarian sexual reproduction between women within the family, Saddam Hussein`s Hollywood Babylon role was as `crusher` of the head of Satan, `live on TV`.



 The first `death camps` for Dutch settlers, who named the South African state, Orange, during the Boer wars (1880-1, 1899-1902), were built by the British, while apartheid, that is, the subsequent South African policy of segregating people to prevent miscegenation, was law before the election of black President, Nelson Mandela of the National African Congress, in 1994. Dutch South Africans were Orange Jews to the British, so orange pawn in `the game` played perforce by women`s futanarian race in order to run and escape from men`s parasitoid devouring nature. The breaking of apartheid was for Orange `woman`s seed`, because all women are pawned before they`re redeemed. Henry VIII began the breaking of apartheid when he broke the power of the Roman church in England, which became Protestant as the king wanted to remarry, and he eventually married six times; to Catherine of Aragon (1609), a marriage annulled in May 1533; to Anne Boleyn (January 1533), whose marriage was annulled and she beheaded in 1536; to Jane Seymour 1536 (d. 1537); Anne of Cleves (January 1540), a marriage annulled in July; to Catherine Howard (1540), marriage annulled in 1541 and she beheaded in 1542, and Catherine Parr (1543), who outlived Henry (d. 1547). To prevent the power of Rome returning William III of Orange came from the Dutch Netherlands in 1689 to became Protestant king of England. Consequently, Henry VIII`s Protestant church represented a breaking of apartheid for futanarian `woman`s seed`. Like the Moslems in Islam, the English king wanted more than one wife, because the family nature of `woman`s seed` is polygamous, although Henry was conditioned only to be able to see that one wife wasn`t enough. The Orange Dutch in South Africa were criticized for apartheid, but discoloration is indicative of racist rape to white women, and the same is true for black women, because their species is futanarian, which means they maintain their color as a symbol of their resistance to host womb slavery in parasitism for men`s wars against `woman`s seed`. Mandela`s South African government didn`t make miscegenation the rule, but the breaking of apartheid made it possible for women of different colors to develop relationships, which from a woman`s point of view wouldn`t be miscegenation, because women are a single species, whereas men and women are a manufacturer`s single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in transvestite `TV` entertainment for killers, which explains Henry VIII`s beheading of Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard.



1 TV Tropes, `Foot Popping`, .

2 Collodi, Carlo The Adventures Of Pinocchio, Ch. 17, 1883.

3 John, Elton (music), and Bernie Taupin (lyrics) `Candle In The Wind`, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, MCA, 1973.

4 Åhlund, Klas, Christian Karlsson Pontus Winnberg, Britney Spears `Piece Of Me`, Blackout, Jive, 2007.

5 Martin, Max, and Rami Yacoub, Britney Spears `Oops! ... I Did It Again`, Oops! ... I Did It Again, Jive, 2000.

6 Kronlund, Alexander, Max Martin, and Rami Yacoub, Britney Spears, `Lucky`, Oops! ... I Did It Again, Jive, 2000.

7 Harrell, Kuk, Jay-Z, The-Dream, and Tricky Stewart, Rihanna, `Umbrella`, Good Girl Gone Bad, Def Jam, 2007.

8 Springsteen, Bruce `Born In The USA`, Born In The USA, Columbia, 1984.

9 Merriam-Webster Dictionary, .



01/06/2015 07:15



Between 1930 and 1967 Hollywood, Babylon, established the `Hays code` devised by Will Hays, President of the Motion Pictures Producers and Distributors of America (MMPDA), which on `moral grounds` delineated what could and could not be seen in movies. Remembered mainly for the bizarre provision that it was `immoral` for women to be seen in bedroom scenes in films without their foot on the floor, the Hays code nevertheless dominated thinking about filmmaking from the period before World War II (1939-45) and after the rise of Benito Mussolini`s fascist dictatorship in Italy that produced Adolf Hitler`s National Socialist Party in Germany`s democratically elected `Nazi` Chancellor, Adolf Hitler, in 1933, who along with the Italians and the Japanese fascist dictatorship of Emperor Hirohito attempted to establish world slavery. Although the United States of America`s Hollywood, Babylon, seemed to have been at the forefront of the propaganda victory over slavery, closer inspection reveals that the US movie industry may`ve been the enslavers` tool.

 The Bible is believed to be at the heart of American thinking, although God is quite specific in the first book, Genesis, where slavery began, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) The words are of the serpent, who was the angel transformed by God and made to live in  the paradise of Eden where the first woman, Eve, and the first man, Adam, were tempted to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which was death, in host womb slavery to parasitism for Eve`s daughters, and expulsion by God from Eden for rejecting the `fruit of the tree of live`, that is, immortality. God told Adam he must labor and Eve must experience labor pain before Redemption. The birth of Jesus Christ, the Jewish Messiah, prophesied in the Old Testament of the Bible, which was the law and history of the Jews, who were God`s `chosen people`, is described in the New Testament of the Christians, where Jesus is born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, as `woman`s seed` in fulfilment of God`s promise to Eve, `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, although he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Eve`s `foot` is God`s futanarian human race of women with their own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of brains stronger than men`s. As the `Perfect Man` Jesus is uncontaminated by the `serpent`s seed` of men who accepted host womb enslavement and parasitism for women in exchange for the power to keep her human species from progressing. Without medical and technological progress to make her immortal and save her labor, ephemeral women wouldn`t escape from their parasite, which is described in Revelation as a dragon full grown waiting to devour her child, and is what parasitology predicts for a host to a parasite:


`And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her child. ` (Rev: 12. 4)


 Although the child is described as male, `he will rule the nations with an iron scepter`, women with penis` semen of their own, as God`s futanarian `foot`, are definable as male from men`s perspective, just as Jesus is so definable, although Christ, the Jewish Messiah, was uncontaminated by male semen, and so was `woman`s seed` by virtue of his mother, the Virgin Mary. Consequently, the concept of the male child is Jesus in the stead of the woman`s daughter, who is the futanarian future of the human race of `woman`s seed`. Because futanarian women are God`s `foot`, Hollywood Babylon`s imposition of the `Hays code` (1930-67) preventing women`s `foot` from being raised from the floor in bedroom scenes in movies wasn`t `moral`, but a rejection of the `tree of life` and immortality proffered by acceptance of human brains made stronger by `woman`s seed` to crush the head of the serpent of slavery. Although the film Barefoot In The Park (1967) seemed to celebrate sexual liberation for the American couple, Robert Redford, as Paul, and Jane Fonda, as Cory, the movie was a mocking of the absence of women`s futanarian `foot` from the bedroom, that is, she`d never raise her race to the planets and stars of heaven from the Earth symbolized by Central park, New York, which Paul and Cory`s apartment looked down on.

 Although the `Hays code` wasn`t established until 1930, while the first movie in Hollywood, Babylon, Los Angeles, California, on the West coast of the United States of America, was `Old California` by D. W. Griffiths in 1910 before World War I (1914-18), which was the first attempt by the German Empire to enslave Europe and the rest of the world. When the `Hays code` was implemented in 1930, Benito Mussolini, `Il Duce`, had been the fascist dictator in Italy for almost a decade. Hitler would be elected as dictator in fascist Germany in 1933 before the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939 and the United States` eventual involvement when Japan`s Empire attacked the US Pacific fleet without warning on December 7, 1941, which eventually resulted in the US` dropping atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6th and 9th, 1945, to win the war against fascism in the Pacific theater. Because Hollywood, Babylon, promotes action feature films as war documentaries, the US film industry can be held responsible for the perpetuation of `enmity` between nations:


 `And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers.` (Gen: 3. 15)


 The `Hays code` made `woman`s seed` the enemy, despite it being written in the Bible that Jesus `will rule the nations with an iron scepter` (Rev: 2. 27). Because socio-economics is based on `passive` and `active` smoking roles, where `smoking` s a euphemism for those who carry `side irons` as killers with guns, and who want humanity to believe they`re the `iron scepter` of Jesus, or cocksucking, which is a vulgar sexual term for fellatio and explains `gay` socio-economics perfectly. Cigarette smoking is the symbolic extinguishing of the woman`s penis, that is, homosexuality in pederasty is men`s `smoking disease`. In homosexuality there`re `passive` and `active` participants, which correspond to `passive` and `active` smoking, that is, the `active` are the `smokers`, where the futanarian women with their own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers to escape from slavery to homosexuality in pederasty`s wars against `woman`s seed` have already been `smoked`. Consequently, socio-economics devolves into cocksuckers, cockteasers and suckers, who`re not human because the futanarian human race of God`s `foot` has already been made extinct by the `serpent`s seed` of men who prefer homosexuality in pederasty, which is why in the late 20th century the incurable killer disease of HIV/AIDS began to spread through men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses during mockery of human sexual reproduction that began with the extinction of `woman`s seed` so that the human host womb of women could be forever enslaved in parasitism to the `serpent`s seed`:


 `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)


  The human race is being `smoked` by a pederast. Because women don`t have a cock to suck, they haven`t brains of their own to construct an alternative socio-economics and so the `gay` cocksuckers socio-economy is unchallengeable. Although Saddam Hussein was vilified, he was a dictator that Hollywood, Babylon, had created in the ancient seat of Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.), Persia, where modern Iraq now is: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) A `woman` in the Bible, `Babylon` is a type of the host womb enslaved by men for homosexuality in pederasty and conquest through warfare. In ancient Greece homosexuality in pederasty and warfare was institutionalized through host womb enslavement of women, and although Greece is held as the model for Western democracy, `Islam`, which means `accept`, that is, Moslem marriage, is where four wives are permissible so that furanarian women can sexually reproduce within families. Consequently, Saddam Hussein, whose name means `small handsome man` and `crusher` represents the `foot` of the woman endeavoring to crush the head of the serpent, Hollywood, Babylon, which has smoked the woman`s penis to extinction so that their `leading men` can be more active. Although Saddam Hussein was a dictator, he was a man, rather than men, that is, he dictated to Iraq, and Iraq obeyed. Jesus` birth was prophesied throughout the Old Testament of the Bible to the `chosen people`, the Jews, who have to be born from a woman, or they aren`t Jews, which means that women are Jews, and so `woman`s seed` through Jesus would dictate in Christianity`s New Testament, and ultimately Islam, through the Koran (610-30 C.E.), dictated to the Prophet Mohamed by the angels of God, as a man, rather than men, who aren`t superior in numbers, which Jesus indirectly pointed out to the Roman legions that were occupying Jewish Palestine during Jesus` period of teaching there. Jesus met a man near the town of Gadarene, who was possessed, `My name is Legion, because there are many of us inside this man.`(Mk: 5. 9)  When the Roman legion leaves the man they enter into pigs, who run off a cliff and drown, because that`s what a demon team on a human does when in possession. It drives the human to extinguish itself because that`s what parasites do with a host:


 `This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.` (Rev: 13. 18)


 If men and women are 66.6% of the human species, but the futanarian `foot` is missing from the census, that is, 33% futanarian human women with their own penis` semen for women`s host wombs, men and women are `the beasts`, which they worship: `The second beast was allowed to impart life to the image of the first beast so that the image of the beast could talk and order the execution of those who would not worship the image of the beast.` (Rev: 13. 15) Hollywood, Babylon, is famous for `talkie` movies, which means that the `second beast` that gives life to the image of the `first beast` is the media propagandists, who deem on what to tell the public to influence as the demon what humans should think and feel through the screened image, which has screened out `woman`s seed`, but not homosexuality in pederasty`s `biological weapon` of HIV/AIDS that the Bible terms God`s `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6), which keeps women in fearful faithfulness to monogamy`s host womb enslavers for parasitism in war and the extinction of her human race as the team on.

 The ancient Greeks are documented in the poet Homer`s Iliad (760-10 B.C.) as using a huge hollow wooden horse to hide inside and gain access to the city of Troy in order to enslave the host wombs of the Trojan women for homosexuality in pederasty and spread the contagion further. Their 21st century `geek` successors deployed `Trojan horse` viruses to infect and kill computer storage facilities lest women research and remember their own species` `seed`, because homosexuality in pederasty is the model for `gay` socio-economics in which the humans are devoured by the virus. When the Al Qaeda terrorists operating out of Afghanistan crashed their hijacked planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, to precipitate war with the Moslems in Islam, it was `world trade`, where `trade` is a euphemism for that `brutality and violence` which is associated with homosexuality in pederasty, because that`s `gay` socio-economics. Without futanarian Moslem women in Islam, the Earth is divided into `gay` cocksuckers, who employ cockteasers to make suckers out of humans, where `suckers` are fooled, and `cock` is a euphemism for homosexuality in pederasty`s `smoked` penis as well as the hammer of the `smoking` gun drawn back by the thumb, before the trigger is pulled to fire the bullet at the human victim, that is, `cock` is the `iron scepter` for the Antichrist in homosexuality in pederasty and war`s devourings of the civilization, culture and art woman is still able to produce from her enslaved host womb despite her parasite`s depredations in its wars against her.

 The term `geek` is used to define computer experts who devise `bad machine code` as `Trojan virus` to infect and kill computer brains in the same way that HIV/AIDS infects and kills the human brain, although the original term `geek` meant a circus sideshow freak, who ate chickens heads, as an entertainment for the crowds on their way to the main entertainment in the circus tent, known as the `big top`, where `top` and `circus` are euphemisms for killing and espionage. Consequently, the hijacking of civil airliners to crash into the World Trade Center on 9/11 was a prelude to the main entertainment of the `big top` amongst the tents of the tribes of Islam, because the pederasts don`t want `woman`s seed` to interfere with their pogrom as the alien invaders of the host wombs of the women of the Earth in parasitism for slavery to extinction. The `circus` and the `big top` represent homosexuality in pederasty`s spy war against `woman`s seed`, which wants its own socio-economic structure, where women`s democratic sexual reproduction of their own brains gives them the casting vote in any competition for electoral representation against men`s `seed` that can`t reproduce without women.



 The argument that Islam is a dictatorship, rather than a democracy, isn`t tenable. During the war in Bosnia (1992-95), Serb Christian militia set up rape camps in which to male brain a generation of Moslems, because Islam represents women`s democracy insofar as futanarian Moslem women can sexually reproduce within their own four wife marriages. Saddam Hussein was a dictator, but his ambition was to avoid being told what to do, and to tell others instead, which is acceptable if the ruler rules for `woman`s seed`, and is why Jesus is described as `he who will rule the nations with an iron scepter`, because he`s a dictator. A man that can`t be a man without other men isn`t a man. Saddam Hussein may not have been a man like other men who`re men with other men, but he tried to be a man, whereas America`s superiority in the deposing of Saddam Hussein, who was executed on December 30, 2006, was that they represented the devouring of a man, who disagreed with men so much that they found him difficult to stomach, but that`s how Christianity sees Islam, even though Moslem marriages represent the apotheosis of Jesus` `seed` insofar as it`s Jesus` dictatorship.



 Although the dictatorship of Jesus isn`t upon the Earth, that`s because men don`t accept Jesus` teaching, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself. `(Mk: 12. 31) Men think that Jesus` teaching, which the Messiah said was the distillation of the meaning of Jewish law, was directed at themselves, but the teaching was directed at `woman`s seed`, that is, futanarian women`s penis` semen made almost extinct by men`s enslaving of the human host womb in parasitism for homosexuality in pederasty and war, rather than human socio-economics aimed at living through medical science and labor saving technologies. In the Greek dramatist Sophocles` Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C.), Oedipus becomes the ruler of the Egyptian city of Thebes after unknowingly killing his father, Laius, and unknowingly marrying his mother, Jocasta, which means that he was blind. Because of the breaking of the incest taboo, Oedipus blinds himself, which is what the `circus` does in its spy rings. The term `circus` derives from Graeco-Roman amphitheaters in which humans were killed for the entertainment of the crowd. Consequently, blinding is what happens to people who want to see what the `circus` doesn`t. Oedipus` daughter Antigone agrees to lead her blind father Oedipus, which obviates the problem. Women are a single species independent of men through their own futanarian penis` `semen, and so incest is a taboo invented by men for women, which Jesus` teaching seeks to circumvent, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Oedipus, like Christ, was in the role of the woman, who needs must rid herself of her father so she can sexually reproduce with her own penis` semen, and father herself:


`Which creature has one voice and yet becomes four-footed and two-footed and three-footed?`2


 Oedipus has to solve the Sphinx`s riddle, who strangles and devours anyone unable to answer, before he can become Thebes` ruler. He answers, `Man`, because babies crawl and old men use sticks, that is, guns to kill and enslave the human race by removing its brains, and walking sticks for the lame, blind `Oedipal` humans, who still want to sexually reproduce daughters, rather than homosexuals in pederasty`s wars of extinction against `woman`s seed`. However, the simpler solution is that God`s futanarian `foot` is the third and men are beasts if they prefer to stand alone. The term `Oedipal` was developed by the psychologist, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), to describe a son`s desire to supplant his father in the mother`s affections. It was Freud`s belief that girls experienced `penis envy`, whereas in fact neither picture fits the case. Girls experience penis absence while their path to sexual reproduction with other women is blocked by the son`s relationship with the mother, which is where the futanarian daughter`s species should receive her education.



 What Freud was depicting was `gay` homosexuality in pederasty and war, where women are employed as enticements for humans. The cocking of the hammer of the gun, as a euphemism for the male penis as `cock`, preparing to kill its human victim, where `victim` is the appropriate term, because there isn`t a defense against a killer`s bullet, is `cockteasing`. Men of the `serpent`s seed` in homosexuality and pederasty`s enslavement of the host wombs of women are `cockteasers`, while Jesus` `seed` are those who want women and humans, and so are `cocksuckers` to homosexuality in pederasty, because `woman`s seed` has been `smoked`, and so it`s only about `active` and passive `smoking`, where the `cock` of the hammer of the gun of the killer is the prelude to the death of the humans with brains, and the brains of the humans are extinguished for passively accepting extinction, rather than kill the homosexuals, who`re erroneously defined by society as a sexual aberration, rather than as an animal, because sociologists have falsely described the alien in sexual terms. Less complicated than that, the alien is here to kill the human race, and homosexuality in pederasty and war are the clothes it wears and that the humans have been taught to tolerate – in all humanity – and without such vulgarities as wondering about the `immoral` meaning of the word `cock` as distinct from what everyone already understands as intolerably vulgar references to the woman`s penis by the publishing industries and the mass media of disseminated news and other forms of `snuff movie` entertainment celebrating the extinction of humanity by the smug - aliens.



1 `Violent, often brutal sex acts or a person, especially a male prostitute, who engages in or appears likely to engage in such acts,` .

2 Britannica, .

Britney Spears` Mars Lander and God Phoenix

05/04/2015 14:53

Britney Spears` Mars Lander and God Phoenix


God Phoenix is a spacecraft in a Japanese manga cartoon for television, Gatchaman (1972), piloted by Ryu Nakanishi of the Science Ninja Team. The God Phoenix was replaced by the New God Phoenix, in accordance with the myth of the Phoenix, known as `the firebird`, because it resurrects from its self-immolation. Consequently, in Gatchaman II (1978), the God Phoenix was replaced by the New God Phoenix, which was itself destroyed in the first episode of Gatchaman Fighter (1979), and was resurrected from the ashes of its destruction as Gatchaspartan for the Science Ninja Team`s continuing battle against Galactor.



 The solar system contains Mars as Earth`s closest neighbor, apart from the moon, which the North American Space Administration`s Apollo 11 astronaut, Neil Armstrong, first set foot upon for humankind on July 21, 1969, UTC: 2. 56: `One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.` Apollo was the name given by NASA to the missions that preceded and succeeded to the moon landing, whereas Phoenix was the name of the unmanned spacecraft that completed its mission to land on the red planet of Mars on May 25, 2008, and examine the surface to see if it contained life. The Science Ninja Team`s spacecraft, God Phoenix, was resurrected by the imaginations of those who decided upon the name Phoenix for the unmanned Mars landing, and the idea emerged in Britney Spears` `Oops ... I Did It Again` science fictional promoting video from the album Oops! ... I Did It Again (1999) in which Britney is discovered singing and dancing on Mars in her red pilot`s suit by an Apollo astronaut from the era of the NASA moon landings. Because the pilot of the God Phoenix spacecraft is a man, Ryu, `the Owl`, and the only other female member of the Science Ninja Team is Jun, the Swan, Britney Spears` red pilot suited character corresponds to Jun, who is the electronics and demolitions expert with the team who`re trained in the Science Ninja Technique of self defense:


`Who is it, who is it, who is it;

That shadow dancing in the sky.

It's the white wings of Gatchaman

leaping on faith

in the science technique firebird.`



  Although Britney Spears` character is wearing a red pilot`s suit, Jun isn`t the pilot of God Phoenix in Gatchaman, and so she more closely corresponds to the character, Red Impulse, who is the leader of a squadron of pilots that occasionally help Gatchaman, although Red Impulse is a man. Britney Spears dancers would then be her training squadron being put through their paces. In the series, Jun has a white jump suit, so Britney Spears appears `twinned` in her red pilot`s suit and in a white bikini dress. Raising the Apollo spaceman above herself in a white bikini dress by means of a hook in his backpack and a pulley, Britney in her red pilot`s suit makes it quite clear that she is separate and distinct from the `other` Britney beneath the camera eye of the spaceman as he hangs suspended helplessly above her. Consequently, Red Impulse and her squadron are supporting Jun, the Swan, in terms of the correspondences between `Oops! ... I Did It Again` and the God Phoenix crew and their supporters in the Gatchaman Japanese manga television and cinema film franchising. God Phoenix is an underwater vessel as well as an aircraft and spaceship, which explains some of the ocean going symbolism in Britney Spears` `Oops! ... I Did It Again`; for example, she`s lying atop a `Rose Compass` beneath the camera eye of the spaceman as he relays pictures back to `Mission Control`. A Rose Compass is a nautical device, which allows the ship`s master to note the position of the vessel, and so its appearance in `Oops! ... I Did It Again` indicates Britney Spears` role; an interpretation supported by the lyric sung by the star during the sequence in which the spaceman is filming her from above:


`You see my problem is this;
I'm dreaming away:
Wishing that heroes, they truly exist.
I cry, watching the days.
Can't you see I'm a fool in so many ways?
But to lose all my senses;
That is just so typically me
Baby, oh.`


 All of the characters in God Phoenix have bird attributes in their costume and nomenclature, for example, Ryu, `the Owl`, and Jun, `the Swan`, and their call to action is `Bird, go!` Britney`s appearance in `Oops! ... I Did It Again` is that of a manga cartoon character in her red pilot`s suit and, in her white bikini dress upon the star of a Compass Rose, she`s God Phoenix`s baby bird:


 `All aboard!`



 The announcement is a nautical term directed at the crew or passengers, which had critics looking at the gift box given to Britney Spears, because the belief was that the Titanic (1997) movie was a theme of the video `Oops! ... I Did It Again`, where Rose drops the `heart of the ocean` blue diamond pendant into the sea at the point of salvage for the sunken vessel that hit an iceberg on its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York on April 15, 1912. It`s a remembrance of her time spent aboard the ship, which she boards as the fiancée of Cal, but jilts him for a new lover, Jack, who is framed for the theft of the `blue diamond pendant` belonging to Rose by the simple expedient of Cal`s arranging to have it placed inside Jack`s pocket and then accusing him of stealing it. The corresponding item in the Gatchaman manga cartoon adventure is a `rose bomb` thrown by a `Devilstar` in episode # 81, `Duel on Galactor Island`. She`d been corrupted by Galactor and was the fiancée of Alan, who blames Joe, `the Condor`, for killing her:


`Joe remembers a Devilstar racing at him, a rose bomb in her hand. The Devilstar throws her rose bomb, but Joe throws a shuriken, pinning the rose back to the Devilstar’s chest.`



 Joe`s parents were members of Galactor, who were killed by a Galactor rose bomb, when they tried to escape. Consequently, the rose theme relates to escape from a false embrace, which is why critics have associated `the heart of the ocean`, given to Rose in the Titanic movie, with the gift box given to Britney Spears by her spaceman in the `Oops I Did It Again` video, because Rose wants to escape from Cal in the arms of Jack, who drowns while rescuing people from the lifeboats, while Cal escapes. Although Rose drops the `heart of the ocean` blue diamond pendant into the sea at the point of the vessel`s salvage at the beginning of the film, Britney Spears` spaceman says:


 `Well, Baby, I went down and got it for you.`


 The line that links Britney`s `Oops I Did It Again` video with the Titanic movie is her response to the gift in the box that the audience can`t see: `But I thought the old lady dropped it into the ocean in the end?` Her spaceman`s going into the ocean to recover it relates to the God Phoenix`s role as a submersible in Gatchaman. When the spaceman arrives Britney has escaped, because she`s seen dancing and singing with her squadron. Although the God Phoenix isn`t seen, the Phoenix symbolism is present in the radio call from `Mission Control` asking `Mars Lander` for a `status report` at the beginning of the `Oops! ... I Did It Again` video, because `Phoenix` was the name of `Mars Lander`, when the unmanned NASA spacecraft landed on the red planet on May 25, 2008. Picking up a painted cameo of Britney from the floor of the desert, it resembles a biscuit or `cookie`, which is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on a user's computer so that when the website loads it remembers the visitor. Although Britney Spears` video isn`t a website, `Oops! ... I Did It Again` is replayable. At one point the spaceman is seen walking backwards to emphasize the replayable aspect of the recording, that is, it remembers the visitor, who is the spaceman. When he`s collected the `cookie`, Britney`s stage show rises from the sand:


`It couldn`t be?`


The `cookie` is collected by the spacemen each time the video is played and so the recording remembers as an internet website remembers the visitor`s previous visit so that the visitor can begin from where they paused their website visit. For `gamers` this is a necessity, which suggests `Oops! ... I Did It Again` is a prototypical computer game in which avatars have tasks to complete for the player to succeed. Although the characters in `Oops! ... I Did It Again` repeat the same tasks over again each time the video is played, the `cookie` remembers, and so Britney Spears is a `smart cookie`, which suggests that she`s remembering. Consequently, when she descends inside a giant ring to the stage set of `Oops! ... I Did It Again`, it`s a remember ring, and what`s being remembered is the `heart of the ocean`, that is, the blue diamond pendant, which symbolizes the false embrace missing from the ring as she descends to greet someone who is `suited`:


`But to lose all my senses;
That is just so typically me.
Baby, oh.`


 In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) archetypes are symbols and images that appear in dreams, art and the imagination as the impulses to individual growth. According to Jung human consciousness has four functions; `Thinking, Sensation, Feeling and Intuition`. The archetype can be found in the four different suits of playing cards that originally were associated with the legend of the bowl of Jesus at the `Last Supper` at which he gave the disciples `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood`, because food and drink are necessary to humans. The suits are bowls, spears, swords and pentacles which, according to Jungian psychology, denote `Thinking, Sensation, Feeling and Intuition` in undifferentiated form, that is, ears, eyes, mouth, and nose or sense of smell. Although civilization, culture and art arise from human activity, obtaining food is what the functions are for. Consequently, Judas` embracing of Jesus before he betrayed him as a `dissident` to the Roman occupiers of Jewish Palestine for preaching `love your neighbor` during the period of Empire, was a betrayal of the human spirit against slavery.

 Because Britney Spears` `Oops! ... I Did It Again` is a description of the psychological complex associated with the individuation process, it`s a manufacturing complex, that is, it`s a concrete rather than an abstract depiction of how to obtain food, because those who buy the product feed the producer. Consequently, the artist is a manufacturer of food by association, that is, people are fed because they work for the artist, for example, on the production of Britney Spears` video `Oops! ... I Did It Again`. Confusion arises when the artist is perceived by the consumer as food. Enslavers perceive that care is a lesser activity, that is, humanity is a dramatic display of useless human emotion. The slaver perceives Britney Spears as lesser, because consumed by an emotional desire to manufacture as an artist, so the greater is consumed by the lesser, that is, the artist is in fact the greater, while the slaver devours her. However, the artist`s desire is to be a manufacturer, so that she can live without being employed, that is, be a `man` in the true sense of the meaning of the word. Consequently, it`s the desire to be a manufacturer that the slaver perceives as an artistic emotion that categorizes the human individual as inferior to the slaver, who wants to eat without manufacturing. Just as Cain killed his superior brother, Abel, in the Bible because Abel was able to could cook, while Cain only wanted to pick fruit from trees, because it required lesser effort.



 Artists are despised by the lesser or inferior because artists want to be manufacturers. As a consequence, humans are despised, because they want to be free of slavery. Because human emotions place the artist in the `village idiot` category for those with lesser ability, who want the artist to slave for the slaver, displays of humanity are what the slaver wants from the artist in a video like `Oops! ... I Did It Again`, for instance, but that display of emotionality categorizes the artist as inferior and not a manufacturer to the consumer. Consequently, the slaver teaches the consumer that the artist is food. The obvious science fiction element, apart from `Mars Lander`, in `Oops! ... I Did It Again` is the television series, Land Of The Giants (1968-70), in which the Spindrift, a sub-orbital passenger spacecraft, lands in a storm to discover themselves little people amongst giants. Britney descends to her stage set in a giant ring as a symbol of her human ambition to be a successful manufacturer, which is what the set depicts: manufacture ring. Because the individual is small, doesn`t mean they`re not a `man`. Any girl who designs a birthday card is a manufacturer; for example, but she may lack the wherewithal to manufacture. So she`s prey to the enslaving ogre, who isn`t a giant and would lessen her in the eyes of the public as an emotional artist, who is impractical, and so dismissable as some category of `village idiot`.



 The enslaver uses the artist to dramatize humanity for others to emulate in ignorance how enslavement is practiced upon those taught they`re not a `man` as a display window of how humans behave. The slaver doesn`t want humans to manufacture what they need to live without the slaver, and so human emotions are dramatized for humans to accept as correct behavioral responses within a slave system. The enslaver doesn`t want the human to be a `man`, that is, a manufacturer, who lives by their own effort, so the `village idiot` character is both a manufacturing artist and a human slave as characterized by the enslaver who perceives humanity and human emotion as a display window rather than an actual depiction of human activity. In simple terms, what humans see and are taught to believe is human is the Potemkin village illusion that the `the man` wants humans to believe is real so the humans can continue as a slave race. The concept of the Potemkin village (Потёмкинские деревни) was developed in Russia to hide government installations,1 but the `village idiot` concept has been adopted as the basic propaganda tool of government everywhere, because `the man` doesn`t want humans to be socio-economically independent of `the man` as the enslaver of humanity. In short, the manufacturer who enslaves is `the man` and the humans live in a Potemkin village illusion as `village idiots` who`re humans but can`t be a `man`, because a slave ring isn`t a manufacture ring, and `the man` wants humans as deluded actors for an illusionist`s trick.

 Britney Spears` `Oops! ... I Did It Again` depicts CD manufacture from the director and the artist`s perspective, because the artist, Britney Spears, is her `man`, that is, her manufacturer, which is why she descends inside a manufacture ring as a small person. She`s the manufacturer, but appears small, because she`s big, so represents freedom from slavery to humans. Although she`s in the land of the giants, she`s inside what`s transparently a New York Giants` NFL Superbowl ring, so the ogres are discouraged by the size of the team in American Football protecting the quarterback (QB) so that the ball reaches the `end zone` and `touchdown` (TD), which was the word deployed by NASA, when Neil Armstrong made the first step onto the surface of Earth`s moon: `One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`2 Because human manufacturers are giants, whereas ogres devour.



 God Phoenix is Japanese giants` fiction, where the fiction is that the characters aren`t a Potemkin village illusion designed to fool humans into believing that they can never be a manufacturer of what they need in order to live without being the slaves of an ogre, rather than a giant with other manufacturers. The fear for humans is that, behind the Potemkin village illusion, is an ogre rather than a giant, and humanity`s history of wars and Empires supports the belief that`s true. Consequently, the critics` perception that it`s Rose`s `heart of the ocean` diamond blue pendant, from the Titanic movie, in the gift box that the spaceman gives to Britney in `Oops! ... I Did It Again`, is designed to warn a younger humanity of the false embrace, and the allusion to the `rose bomb` of the woman, who`s been corrupted by `the man`, until she accepts her role as a Devilstar in the employ of Galactor, and is necessarily killed by Joe Condor in self-defense, depicts her betrayal by `the man`, which her lover, Alan, blames Joe for. Japanese giants` fiction is ogreish, because the manufacturer, that is, `the man`, exemplifies corruption and the devourment of young humans within the Potemkin village illusion designed to trap humanity into accepting slavery and devouring rather than that humans are individually manufacturers of what they need themselves to live, which is what `a man` is definable as, whereas `the man` is a devourer, because ogreish.

 The God Phoenix`s Joe is blameless, because Alan is depicted as a Potemkin `village idiot` delusionist convincing the young human audience that`s how humans behave and so `the man`, that is, the manufacturer, wants Joe and/or Alan to die as antagonists because that`s what devourers do. The pedantic ubiquitousness of the theme in human entertainment is a sickness that `the man` has, because it`s an ancient evil that could only be transcended if individual humans had longevity, and therefore life enough to develop a manufactory and the memory capacity to become permanent manufacturers of their own needs. Consequently, `the man` is a term for heroin addicts waiting for their `hit`, which is a term used by assassins too, and that`s because `the man` spends most of humanity`s money on war, and preparations for war, rather than on health. Heroin is a drug used by `the man` to kill the human, which is what assassins do, because `the man` doesn`t want `a man`, but rather death for the individual, who might become a manufacturer, that is, `a man`, and able to live independently of `the man` who lives by devouring humans:


`Oops! I did it again;
I played with your heart, got lost in the game:
Oh baby, baby.
Oops! You think I'm in love;
That I'm sent from above:
I'm not that innocent.`


Britney Spears` lyric from `Oops! ... I Did It Again` iterates the heart theme, and the plague game, whereby the men play games to delude with Potemkin village illusions to make village idiots out of humans so that people become facades behind which monsters operate. In other words, Britney Spears is aware of the game, and warns the deluder that she isn`t innocent, because she`s a man, that is, a manufacturer, and doesn`t accept slavery and devourment as the lot of humanity.



 She`s The Man (2006) was the movie starring Amanda Bynes as Viola Hastings, who dresses as a boy in order to play soccer, because sexism prevents her from making the team, which is true because, born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus was uncontaminated by male semen, and so represents `woman`s seed`, that is, futanarian human women with their own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of their humans species` own brains` powers for socio-economic development and independence as manufacturers. Although She`s The Man is a comedy, humor constitutes another aspect of the Potemkin village illusion designed to keep humanity in ignorance and slavery to `the man`, because merriment is perceived as a village idiot`s foolery, whereas it`s a sign of human sophistication. Consequently, sophisticated humans are fooled by `the man` into deluding humans, although humor is a sophisticatedly human attribute, which means that sophisticated humanity is held in contempt by `the man` that uses it to dupe humans into slavery and devourment. Although `political correctness` is anti-sexist, the absence of futanarian `woman`s seed` from Hollywood movies indicates that cross-dressing films are mocking the human race`s male brainedness, which enslaves and devours. Television is most commonly defined as `TV`, while transvestite or cross-dresser is also defined as `TV`, and so male braining is what `TV` represents as a species. With a male brain for its females as well as its males, the male can teach the female to accept slavery and devourment for human nature, which is what war movies without Jesus` woman`s `seed` predicate and that`s what `the man` plans. A social fabric existing as a Potemkin village illusion containing idiots while `the man` plans to enslave and devour an increasingly humorless and humanless planet, because `the man` doesn`t want `a man` to live.



1  Grigory Potemkin built fake settlements along the banks of the Dneiper to deceive his lover, Empress Catherine II, during her journey to the Crimea in 1787 , and the term is now used in politics and economics to describe what`s built to deceive others into thinking a situation is better than it is, .

2 Armstrong, Neil July 21, 1969, UTC: 2. 56.

Invasion Of The Body Snatchers

01/03/2015 01:51
Invasion Of The Body Snatchers
The Hollywood Babylon movie, Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956), produced from Jack Finney`s science fiction novel, The Body Snatchers (1954), depicts an alien invasion of Earth. Aliens emerge from `pods`, each capable of reproducing a duplicate replacement copy of each human. As each pod reaches full development, it assimilates the physical characteristics, memories, and personalities of each sleeping person placed near it.
 Britney Spears resurrects the `pod` concept in the promotional video for her single, `Oops! ... I Did It Again` (2000), in which a spaceman described as `Mars lander` by `Mission Control` on Earth discovers her in a red pilot`s suit. She places a hook in what looks like an Apollo astronaut`s backpack and raises him to look down upon her duplicate self as she lies beneath the astronaut`s camera eye upon a white star shaped blanket in a white bikini dress. Complaining about a lack of sleep, Britney sings a lyric suggestive of the `pod` problem:
`You see my problem is this;
I'm dreaming away:
Wishing that heroes, they truly exist.
I cry, watching the days;
Can't you see I'm a fool in so many ways.
But to lose all my senses;
That is just so typically me:
Baby, oh!`1
 The duplication of Britney Spears in the video raising the spaceman in her red suit so that he can film her below in a white bikini dress is again repeated as we see Spears take to the air and somersault in her red suit before landing in front of the Apollo spaceman wearing black skirt and boots and a white blouse. He is waiting to present this new Britney emerged from her body with a gift that we can`t see:
 `But I thought the old lady dropped it into the ocean in the end?`
 The reference is to the `heart of the ocean` blue diamond pendant worn by actress Kate Winslet as Rose in the movie Titanic (1997), which Rose throws into the ocean at the point of the salvaging of the 1912 ocean going liner`s sinking after hitting an iceberg on its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York on 15 April. Rose drops the diamond pendant into the ocean as an old woman at the beginning of the film before the events of the story enacted by the then 22 year old Kate Winslet, as young Rose, unfold. It`s a story of possession in which Rose abandons her fiancée, Cal, for a new lover, Jack, and, jilted, the fiancée puts the pendant into the lover`s pocket and accuses him of theft. The diamond is still in the pocket when Rose is in the lifeboat as the ship sinks and her new lover, Jack, drowns saving passengers.

 Although Rose isn`t possessed by either man, the `heart of the ocean` pendant is a symbol of their desire to possess her and of her desire to be possessed. Britney appears duplicated in `Oops I Did It Again`, and complaining at losing her mind, while she sleeps upon a blanket shaped like a `Compass Rose`, that is, a direction finder used by ships to indicate North South, East and West (and those intermediate points between), relates her clearly to Rose from the Titanic as well as to the plot of The Invasion Of The Body Snatchers in which humans sleep but awake as `pod people`, whose bodies and minds have been possessed, which is one science fictional explanation for the crew of the Titanic`s failure to avoid disaster. When Britney`s spaceman gives her the gift, which symbolically represents the `heart of the ocean`, he`s trying to discover if she wants to be possessed by a lover:


 `Well, baby, I went down and got it for you.`


 The further science fiction reference is to Robert A. Heinlein`s Podkayne Of Mars (1963), who is called Poddy, that is, `the Poddy beautiful` in the novel, while Britney Spears` appearances on the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) television show Top Of The Pops (1964-2006) showcase for pop music artists to perform their songs, and which often featured the dance troupe Pan`s People (1968-76) dancing to songs by artists not able to perform `live`, might have led her to form her own dance troupe, Pod`s People, for the `Oops! ... I Did It Again` video performance of the song during the period in television history when video was replacing Pan`s People, and similar dance troupes on TOTP and elsewhere, as a popular substitute for `live` appearances. Britney Spears` duplication of herself in `Oops! ... I Did It Again` is for the viewer aware that Britney`s bodies correspond to the whimsically titled Apple`s I-Pods, which were software to hardware designed in the late 20th century by the Apple computer company as portable personal video players for people to watch whichever Britney Spears was the latest `apple of the eye` performing `Oops! ... I Did It Again`, for example, while for the science fiction community I-Pods are, in their imagination, Robert A. Heinlein`s Poddy`s, and Britney Spears portrays her tongue-in-cheek in `Oops I Did It Again` as a lead dancer with Pod`s People, who aren`t for `live` performances but video duplicates:
`... free citizen of Mars, female. Future pilot and someday commander of deep-space exploration parties. Watch for me in the news.`2
 Britney Spears` red pilot`s suit is a further indication that she`s Poddy, that is, the body beautiful on Mars, while the Apollo astronaut is the reel `pod` that seeks to possess her through the eye of his camera relaying pictures to `Mission Control` on Earth, and so prevent Britney`s `Poddy` from establishing an independent career amongst the stars, just as Cal and Jack represented the `bods` who wanted to possess Rose in the movie Titanic. Although Rose escapes that disaster, in the 1978 Hollywood Babylon version of the film Invasion Of The Body Snatchers a high pitched sound is emitted by the `pod people` when a human is detected among them, which explains the high pitched sound in `Oops! ... I Did It Again` that precedes Britney`s receiving her gift from the astronaut:
`All aboard!`
 The `Oops! ... I Did It Again` announcement tells the viewer that it`s the Titanic and Britney`s been recognized by the `pod people` who`ll be looking to sink her ship of the stars, just as the NASA space program was sunk. Britney`s red pilot suit is a criticism of NASA`s (North American Space Administration) cancellation of the X-15 spaceplane program to fly to the moon, which cancellation resulted in the Apollo missions to launch a rocket at the moon. Cancellation of the NASA spaceplane dream was translated into an escalation of the arms race across the Earth as flight into space gave way to the nightmare of a planet terrorized by rival nations` intercontinental ballistic missiles armed with nuclear warheads. ICBMs were based on the Saturn V rockets of NASA`s Apollo program that put Neil A. Armstrong onto the moon on July 21, 1969 (2: 56 UTC). Neil was Commander of the Lunar Module detached from pilot Michael Collins` Command Module, which  remained in orbit around Earth`s satellite, after the three carrier stages of the Saturn V rocket, representing fuel tanks, had been discarded. After the Lunar Module was guided to the lunar surface by pilot, Edwin `Buzz` E. Aldrin Jr, Neil Armstrong became the first man on the moon:
 `One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`3
 Britney Spears refers again to the NASA spaceplane program in the title of her album Blackout (2007) because pilots` `blackout` at high altitude was the reason given for cancellation of the X-15 spaceplane program by NASA, that is, the planes sometimes crashed and the pilots had to escape death by means of ejector seats, because they lost consciousness as the plane left Earth`s atmosphere and entered that region of space where sun and stars could be seen by the naked eye above sky and clouds. The single from the album was `Piece Of Me` and Britney Spears appeared on the cover for the CD as Jesus crucified upon the wooden cross he was forced to carry by agents of the Roman Empire during the period of their occupation of Palestine to the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem where Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood and died as a `dissident` teacher:
`Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Matt: 22. 39)
 In the Bible Jesus is described as having Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after his death, although the meaning of the entirety of his life and teaching is contained in his Advent. Born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus was `woman`s seed` and not men`s, which is what Britney Spears` preoccupation with `blackout` refers to. Women can sexually reproduce without men, as `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs, rather than be pods for men`s `seed` to take possession of their human species for war and extinction. The term `blackout` also refers to censorship, for example, the Hays code (1930-67) made it a rule for women to have a foot on the floor in Hollywood Babylon bedroom movie scenes for moral reasons, whereas it was a means of preventing women`s penis from becoming known and so facilitate the human race`s extinction by its pogromers, that is, men are the `body snatchers`, which they don`t want anyone to know because they`re aliens.
 Jesus` main teaching, which superceded the law of God given to Moses, was understandable because directed at `woman`s seed`, that is, `love your neighbor as you love yourself` offered hope to the human species of women enslaved by an alien predator, which is described in the Bible as the serpent in Eden tempting Eve, the first woman, and Adam, the first man, to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` so that they and their descendants would taste of death rather than the `fruit of the tree of life` that was immortality given to humanity in their original paradisal home of Eden, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) According to the Bible God expelled Eve and Adam from Eden with the promise that they`d have Redemption if Adam labored and Eve would have labor pains, which were fulfilled in the birth of Jesus uncontaminate. Eve`s `seed` would have Resurrection and Ascension to heaven is the meaning of God`s promise to `futanarian` Adam and Eve`s human descendants, although men of the `serpent`s seed` have killed and culled the human `futanarian` species to the point of extinction, which is why Britney Spears appears on the cross of Jesus as a woman on the cover of `Piece Of Me` from the album Blackout, because she wants women to have brains of their own and not be the unconscious slaves of an alien racist:
`I'm Mrs 'Most likely to get on TV for strippin' on the streets'
When getting the groceries, no, for real;
Are you kidding me?
No wonder there's panic in the industry,
I mean please.`4
 In the Bible Jesus is described as being born again in his `Second Coming` to the Earth from a `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` to `rule the nations with an iron scepter` while a `red dragon` waits in vain to devour him, which suggests that the alien racist has grown since Eden and Jesus comes to save the Earth from being devoured by racism and war against `woman`s seed`:
`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14)
 The wings of the `great eagle` may be those of the United States of America symbolized by the eagle on the Great Seal of the presidency`s authority to wage war. However, although the war against the perpetrators and supporters of the terrorist hijacking of the civil airliners that were crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001, wasn`t against the Moslem women of Islam who accept the Koran (610-30 CE) dictated by the angels, according to tradition, to their Prophet Mohamed, the four wives that are permitted to a marriage in Islam represent the possibility of `futanarian` sexual reproduction between women of the human species rather than with men of the `serpent`s seed` and so an assault on a Moslem leader`s nation is a dangerous act, which United States President, George W. Bush, sanctioned when Saddam Hussein of Iraq declared his support for the Al Qaeda terrorist group that claimed responsibility for the 9/11 atrocity.
 Iraq`s President was executed on December 30, 2006, after his country was invaded by the United States. Consequently, the `body snatchers` had won because, instead of women sexually reproducing the human race together, the racists had produced a race to extinction by male braining what remained of the species for devouring in war by its predator. Male brained by male semen, that is, the `serpent`s seed`, the human race has become food that wants to be eaten and wars are its meals.
 Britney Spears` `Oops! ... I Did It Again` features the singer dancing, because bodily integrity, and the science of behavioralism, which is often represented as psychology by psychoanalysts, are what singing and dancing are about. Those who disapprove are behavioralists, that is, they`re against the bodily integrity of the individual, which is why they`re responsible for conflict and ultimately war. They don`t want singing and dancing, that is, independent bodily integrity that doesn`t require behavior lessons. In simple terms, behavioralism allows humanity`s killer to label harmless activity as dangerously animalistic so that it can be extinguished. In short, there are those who want to move and those who don`t want them to. These are the behavioralists. They want humanity`s grave to be quiet, it`s not about behavior. Having already eaten the woman`s penis, the red dragon has male brained the race for war and extinction. Behavioralism is how humans are kept quiet while the pogrom continues:
`They`re here already! You`re next! You`re next!`5
 The movie Invasion Of The Body Snatchers was remade in Hollywood Babylon in 1978. Although the plot of the film is similar to the 1956 version, which details the efforts of a California doctor, Miles Bennell, to uncover and solve the mystery of the pods, despite being treated for succumbing to the `epidemic of mass hysteria` by psychiatrist Dr Dan Kauffman, the 1978 film is more realistic insofar as it concludes with the only real woman remaining on a planet of `pod people` screaming in terror at her realization. The 1956 movie concludes with psychiatrist, Dr Hill, being proven wrong. While he`s treating Miles Bennell for `mass hysteria` an accident causes an injured driver to be found buried under a truck load of pods. The behavioral psychiatrists at the hospital notify the authorities of the pods` existence, whereas in the 1978 version of the movie behavioralism wins. The lone woman, Nancy Bellicec, in a city of `pod people`, who`re `devoid of all human emotion`, proclaims the alien victory and the triumph of the killer well trained.
1 Martin, Max and Rami Yacoub `Oops! ... I Did It Again` from Britney Spears` album Oops! ... I Did It Again, Jive Records, 2000.
2 Heinlein, Robert A. Podkayne Of Mars, G. P. Putnam`s Sons, 1963, p.2.
3 Armstrong, Neil UTC: 2. 56, July 21, 1969.
4 Åhlund, Klas, Christian Karlsson and Pontus Winnberg `Piece Of Me` from Britney Spears` album Blackout, Jive Records, 2007.
5 McCarthy, Kevin as Miles Bennell in Invasion Of The Body Snatchers, Allied Artists Pictures Corporation, 1956.

Eunuch In The Harem

02/07/2014 14:41


Eunuch In The Harem


The traditional view of the Arabian harem kept by rulers is of a number of women exclusively available for sexual pleasure to an individual. Christianity, conflating monotheism with monogamy, defined polygamy as anathema to Jesus` teaching, although religious Christian sects such as the Mormon faith, which hold as a tenet of their belief that Jesus was in the United States of America as a teacher, embrace polygamy as a means of increasing their number. Amongst Moslems, in the faith of Islam, deriving from the Koran (610-30 C.E.), their holy book, dictated to the Prophet Mohamed by the angels, according to Islamic tradition, four wives are permitted within an individual marriage, which is a form of polygamy. In the Bible Jews have more than one wife, but they are called `concubines`; for example, Abraham, founder of Judaism through his wife, Sara, by his son, Isaac, and through his wife`s maidservant, Hagar, by his son, Ishmael. In Christianity Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen is followed by his murder by those who don`t want `woman`s seed`, because monotheistic monogamy is against polygamy for women.



 In sociological terms, Jesus is a `bastard`, as he wasn`t fathered by Joseph, his mother`s husband. In Eden, God tells Eve her `seed` will `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves,` (Gen: 3. 15) because she will have `seed` of her own, as `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb will be born after she leaves paradise on Earth, that is, God`s garden of Eden, which Jesus` birth and Resurrection after death is designed to remind her of. She and Adam were expelled from Eden by God for accepting the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` from the serpent who told them, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Because they`d be in womb slavery after expulsion from paradise for rejecting the `fruit of the tree of life`, which is immortality, that is, death is the consequence of the killing and culling of Eve`s `futanarian` daughters to prevent them from sexually reproducing their own brains` powers for liberation from the `serpent`s seed` of men`s enslaving of them. The Arabian harem system recognized the desirability of `futanarian` women`s sexually reproducing with women with their own penis` semen and, as is indicated by the Moslem marriage  of four wives, so does Islam.



 The harem in tales from the 8th century, The Thousand And One Nights, or movies like Aladdin`s Wonderful Lamp (1939), which elaborate upon a single tale from the well known treasury of Arabian folklore, has eunuchs, who are castrated men that don`t participate in the sexual reproduction process amongst the women, because male semen isn`t wanted, and that`s why the djinn of the lamp, that is, the penis` semen, is `wonderful`, because the `djinn` are a product of an earlier breeding program. In the story of Ali Baba And The Forty Thieves, a woman sews together the parts of a dead man to bring him back to life, which is a Resurrection tale, but the meaning is that she`s a woman and so Resurrection for her own species isn`t in doubt. The framing tale for A Thousand And One Nights is Shah Jehan`s beheading of his wife for supposed unfaithfulness and Sheherezade appears to tell tales to save the women of the kingdom who he marries and then beheads each day. Interested in her stories he marries her, that is, his wife returns, because Resurrection for `woman`s seed` isn`t in doubt.



 In the Koran, Iblis is the `djinn`, corresponding to the angel, Satan, who refused to bow before Adam, and so was expelled by God from heaven, where he became the serpent of Eden. Satan was expelled because he didn`t accept `woman`seed` would supercede male semen as God`s preferred `futanarian` future for the human species. The `bow` is a homosexual metaphor. Satan doesn`t want Adam`s `seed`, because he fears contamination, which was borne out in the late 20th century when HIV/AIDS` `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) emerged as the `incurable `killer disease` spread by homosexuals` mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of human sexual reproduction, where `bowing` towards someone is a request not to be homosexually assaulted from behind, whereas bowing away from someone is an invitation to the homosexual act of mocking human sexuality by offering the anus as a sterile vagina for penis` semen, which is death worship in nihilism, because nothing can be produced but human extinction:


`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)



 In ancient Greece homosexuality in pederasty and war was institutionalized for the spread of the `gay plague`, while women`s host wombs were enslaved to death. God`s plan was for the `seed` of Eve to supercede Adam`s, which is why the angels of God are described in the Bible as destroying the cities of the plains, Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen: 19. 15), where homosexuality and male braining was practiced, that is, homosexual rivalry will die. Although archangel Satan, who is the `djinn` Iblis in the Koran, perpetuates the rivalry, which is what God tells Eve she`s to expect, that is `perpetual enmity` with the serpent and its `seed`, men aren`t her species, so they`ll die, which is what God tells her. Whether they have Redemption, that is, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven depends on their accepting the meaning of Jesus` life, which is uncontamination by homosexual rivalry productive of `vendetta`, that is, `perpetual enmity` for each other to the detriment of the success of the human race of `woman`s seed`, who is a single `futanarian` creature with her own penis` semen hosting a parasitical viral life form refusing to convert from its sin of emerging from her host womb to enslave and kill her.



 Although the harem owner is usually a potentate, or other figure of magnitude, such as the Caliph of Baghdad, which provides the setting for many of A Thousand And One Nights` tales, he has wives of his own, that is, the harem is a breeders` paradise where women are bred from their own `seed`, which is why Eve battles with the serpent that, grown to the size of a dragon after Eden, `waits in vain` to devour Jesus in his `Second Coming`, according to the Bible. Jesus will `rule the nations with an iron scepter`, after being born to the woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet,` (Rev: 12. 1) while the dragon is thwarted in its aim of devouring him. Eve is represented by the statue of `Liberty` bearing freedom`s torch in New York harbor, after her defeat of the red sun of the flag of Japan, which unannouncedly attacked the US Pacific fleet on 7 December, 1941, to bring the USA into WWII (1939-45).  The yellow moon of the flag of Islamic `Jihad`, that is, war against humanity, was begun by terrorist group, Al Qaeda, when they unannouncedly hijacked `civil` airliners to crash them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001, to precipitate war in Islam, which resulted in the overthrow of the Iraqi dictator, Baghdad`s Saddam Hussein, because he supported Al Qaeda. Because the moon is the `pearl of great price`, that is, heaven from Earth, `Liberty`, in her birth waters at New York harbor after 9/11 and her defeat of the red sun of the flag of Japan after Pearl harbor, is the figure of woman in the process of defeating the yellow moon of the flag of Islamic `Jihad`, `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, giving birth to the type of the new redeemer, where Jesus` path as a teacher is `futanarian` humankind uncontaminated by male semen, which will rule for `futanarian` woman to ensure her human race will leave the Earth and colonize the planets amongst the stars of God`s heaven above:


`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)


 The story of Eve in the Bible is of a woman, Eve, emerging from the side of Adam, who is described as being created by God from Adam`s rib, whereas it`d be simpler to assume that man is the animal that women are breeding with on Earth, that is, Redemption is the metaphor Christians use for intelligence, where reverence for the host womb of the redemptive woman is the sine qua non for the human animal`s continuation, because women have penis` semen of their own and don`t need another animal`s. Eve`s emergence from Adam`s side suggests she belongs in the spiritual realm, while the spear of the Roman centurion Longinus` piercing of the side of Jesus after his death upon being nailed to a wooden cross as a Jewish `dissident` by the Roman occupation of Palestine represents the emergence of the `Second Eve` as the `Holy Spirit` from the side of the `Second Adam`, that is, Jesus, who had told his disciples the `Holy Spirit` would teach after him. Consequently, women of the spiritual realm, like Eve from the side of Adam, are the redemptive educators of humankind, which is the animal women are breeding with on Earth, as evolutionary theorist, Charles Darwin guessed in his Origin Of Species (1859), where he argued apes were humanity`s predecessors. Although no one seriously believed that HIV/AIDS came from monkeys, the `joke` is serious.



 Amongst primitive societies mana or power is imbibed by eating bodies that are deemed powerful. Consequently, those who believe that monkey brains were the source of HIV/AIDS consumed by Africans whose fingers remained unclean and so the killer disease was subsequently transmitted as an STD, have some of the truth. Because HIV/AIDS is a brain killer, while Africans eat monkeys for food, but simians are closely related to men, according to Darwin, which means that, if you can contract HIV/AIDS you`re not a man, because men aren`t monkeys, which is men`s `joke`. Effectively, the HIV/AIDS virus eats those who can contract the `incurable killer disease` from monkey brains, which means that you`d have to be an eater of monkey brains to catch it. Consequently, the monkeys aren`t eating the right food, which the elite Satanists of the `serpent`s seed` of men reserve for themselves. The serpent, Satan, grows till he`s a devouring dragon, because men of the `serpent`s seed` obtain power by consuming humans, that is, elitists kill and devour human brains to remain elite, which means that HIV/AIDS is incurable, because a cure would interfere with Satanism`s elitist quelling of the human race in ignorance and womb slavery.



 According to the Koran God created men, women, djinn and angels, while Iblis is the djinn who refused to bow before Adam and is associated with Satan in Christianity, because Satan was the angel cast out of heaven for objecting to God`s preferring humanity to the angelic host, whereas God`s plan was to improve the host through the host womb of woman, who`d breed with herself after Eden as `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb unless Iblis, that is, Satan and the `serpent`s seed` of men, killed, culled and enslaved her host womb for parasitism and power. If djinn aren`t angels, they`re food, because not human, which is humanity`s definition of the edible. If Iblis was Satan, the angel, then he was the serpent as a djinn after God`s expelling him from heaven, that is, the djinn were `serpent`s seed` after the fall of Satan, while humans would categorize `djinn` as food, because that`s how they categorize everything else that isn`t human but is edible. Consequently, `the fall` from `heaven` is understandable as parasitism and cannibalism, that is, the creature from the host womb that eats `woman`s seed` is a parasite, whereas the human that eats or kills the human is a cannibal, which can be taught to humans as a means of obtaining power, which is what HIV/AIDS from monkey brains illustrates. Intelligence is `heaven` and HIV/AIDS kills the brain. Because humanity`s `futanarian` woman isn`t food, `he shall crush your head and you shall bruise his heel,` (Gen: 3. 15) the `joke` is that Satan is eating her `foot`, because the `futanarian` human race of women with their own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers for intelligent independence in socio-economic freedom from slavery is the food of the `serpent`s seed` of men in Satanism, which doesn`t want HIV/AIDS to be cured because it`s her brain killer.

 The paradigm is of men who devour everything to obtain power, for example, the brains of the intelligent, who`re too intelligent because they`re able, as Abel was in the Bible story in which he was killed by his brother, Cain, because he could cook, are nullified. The story of the water driven car rejected by the Chrysler company in the USA is a familiar legend. The creator was paid off and the car written off in order to protect `oil money`, which keeps the human footrace on the pedal of its disabled vehicle, the motor car, which hasn`t alter fundamentally since the first mass produced Model T Ford came off the production line in Detroit, Michigan, in 1908. Consequently, any individual who has intelligence is a genius and a brain to be eaten, because they`re not human from the perspective of the monkeys, who`ve degenerated the human species to maintain an elitist veneer. The latest 21st century sports` car, for example, had no intrinsically superior characteristic to the Model T Ford with its `foot` pedals produced over a century earlier at the Henry Ford plant in Detroit, because men of the `serpent`s seed` wanted the veneer of elitism rather than human progress for the human `footrace` of `woman`s seed` to the planets around the stars of God`s heaven above the Earth.

 Because men devour everything that has brains, the eating of monkey brains and the passing of HIV/AIDS into the human system thereby is paradigmatic of men`s brain eating parasitism. In the Koran djinn  are upon the Earth with men and women, which means that `djinn` are `food`, that is, `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs correspond to what men call `djinn`, because if they kil and cull her she won`t have brains and so the brain-eaters will have power over the human race. Consequently, men`s eating of monkey brains is apposite, because it`s symptomatic of a degeneracy that has eaten its own brains and is looking for `brain food`, that is, the obtaining of intelligence from food, which is why the Koran distinguishes between human and `djinn`. The `djinn` are the humans eaten for power by the `serpent`s seed` of men, that is, the `futanarian` human species of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` power is `djinn` to men, because it`s a superior form of human, which men would rather kill and cull to maintain their elitism rather than humanity should progress beyond the imprisonment of male braining in Satanism and war against `woman`s seed` upon her Earth.



 Because male braining is effectively transvestism in which the `serpent`s seed` of men male brain all human life so that it`s one creature wearing each others` clothes while the elitists watch it kill itself as `TV` for their entertainment, all Hollywood Babylon`s epic feature films of wars are ultimately for `TV`, which is why Saddam Hussein`s name meant `small handsome man` and `crusher`, because his ancient seat of Iraq was Babylon, `mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth,` (Rev: 17. 5), and the `TV war` of the Gulf to depose him began `live on CNN` and other `TV` news networks, while his role was as the `crusher` of `woman`s seed` upon the Earth as the Satanist reestablishing `rough trade` after the terrorists were seen to crash planes on the `small screen` into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001, to precipitate that `brutality and violence` associated with homosexual men of the `serpent`s seed` who pay for men and boys to fight in pederasty and maintain their `perpetual enmity` for `woman`s seed` of humanity in their wars against her.

 Pederasty depicts women without penis` semen of their own, so she`s become the eunuch in the harem. In declaredly bisexual pop star Britney Spears` `Gimme More` video single, she`s sitting at a drinks` bar with two women, while herself is the pole dancer, `It's Britney Bitch. I see you, and I just wanna dance with you.` The imagery is suggestive of the penis being held by the dancer while the three women, one of whom looks like Britney Spears as the `mom` she was when the Blackout (2007) album was recorded, represents the fourfold marriage of the `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen between them, `Everytime they turn the lights down, just wanna go that extra mile for you; you got my display of affection: feels like no one else in the room (but you).` Britney gave birth to sons, Sean and Jayden, after marrying Kevin Federline in 2004, but she and Kevin were divorced in 2007, before the release of Blackout, which depicts women`s occlusion. Just as women are forced to accept men in marriage, so men are taught the Oedipal complex, that is, their fathers will kill them if they desire their mother sexually. The incest taboo derives from the myth of Oedipus as written by the Greek playwright, Sophocles, in Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C.) where the eponymous protagonist kills his father unwittingly and marries his mother, Jocasta, unknowingly, which resulted in his blindness becoming permanent, when he blinded himself at the supposed horror of having children with his `mom`.

 The incest taboo prevents men`s daughters from knowing about sexual reproduction between `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs, lest they reproduce in the numbers necessary for them to be able to break the mental prison they`ve been placed inside by their captors as women remember they have their own penis` semen, which Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, was presumably designed by God to help her with. After being tortured to death, Jesus had Resurrection, which presumably was God`s way of telling `woman`s seed` that she should have Resurrection because her `futanarian` woman`s penis` semen would be remembered. In the myth of Oedipus, Antigone is his daughter who guides his blind steps after he succumbs to the incest taboo`s power, which assassinates her from the picture as the possible future for `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen for whom Jesus has this advice, `love your neighbor` (Luke: 10. 27) as the distillation of the meaning of God`s `law`, because women`s daughters` love for their mothers` species is sexual and they need women as their neighbours to sexually reproduce with. Consequently, the incest taboo is men`s taboo against women`s sexual reproduction with each other and only secondarily a means to prevent genetic mishap, which can easily be avoided by condoms anyway without reference to morality.



 Robert A. Heinlein (1907-88), science fiction writer, wrote several novels dealing with the incest theme, and the gist of his wisdom was that the incest taboo is related to the desire for longevity, which men wouldn`t want for women lest they remember their own species` penis` semen as `futanarian` women. Consequently, the incest taboo directed as mothers and sons` morality is designed to prevent daughters from awakening to the truth, which is that children are men`s terror cypher keeping women in fearful faithfulness as HIV/AIDS is their `biological weapon`. Heinlein`s long-lived characters, like Lazarus Long in Time Enough For Love (1973) and his mother, Maureen, in To Sail Beyond The Sunset (1987) have children who`re old but youthful, because children are only children for a short while before they`re adults and growing into becoming ancients. Consequently, the focus on children shifts in Heinlein so the biblical `three score years and ten` is infancy, that is, human are kept artificially infantile because men are frightened that women will grow up and leave them if they know they can sexually reproduce together, whereas the incest taboo is designed to prevent them from recognizing that all women are mother and they can fertilize her ovum if they`re aware of their own penis` semen.

 Britney Spears` `Womanizer` video single from the album Circus (2008) develops the occlusion theme because `circus` is a term used for spyrings which have the aim of blinding people who want to see. The analogy is of the Christians thrown to the lions in the Roman circus or amphithestre because the Roman Emperors didn`t want the Christians to teach others how to see, and was why they killed Jesus uncontaminated by male semen, because his birth itself taught women about `woman`s seed` irrespective of his teaching thereafter, which was encapsulated in his offer of `bread and wine as symbols of his `body and blood` to his disciples at the `Last Supper`, after which he was betrayed by the disciple, Judas Iscariot, to the Roman occupation of Palestine as a `dissident`, because Jesus was advocating the uncontaminated host womb of the human species as the future `futanarian` host of God in heaven and the defeat of men`s worship of Satan in male brained pederasty and its undeclared wars against the human species of woman upon the Earth.

 Britney Spears is the `ringmistress` as an animal trainer, which is what men are if women are the penis` semen and host womb of the human race and men are a parasitical creature that somehow once inveigled itself into her host womb to steal her penis` semen and breed her to kill her slowly, which is what the Romans did with Jesus` body uncontaminated by male semen. `Islam` means `accept` and Britney Spears `Womanizer` features herself in four different guises corresponding to the four wives permitted in Moslem marriage in acceptance of the need for the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`. The `Womanizer` video single begins with Britney as a `homebody` cooking a square egg as a square meal for a square man with whom she`s having an affair. As squares have four angles, so Britney Spears` four characters constitute the four angles of her square, rather than the `eternal triangle`, which is how the relationship between woman, husband and boyfriend is described, but it`s a term that conceals, because the `triangle` is mother, husband, and their daughter, who represents the unspoken taboo that women mustn`t `know` they can sexually reproduce together. According to the developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), there are four functions of consciousness; Thinking, Feeling, Sensation and Intuition. The functions correspond to ears, mouth, eyes, and nose or sense of smell, that is, the four functions in undifferentiated form. Reviewing the video single for `Womanizer` reveals a woman examining herself `foursquare`, that is, does she need a man`s penis` semen after her marriage, or is the Arabian model of marriage as a vehicle for sexual reproduction between `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host womb preferable? Throughout the video Britney has a man, but in the finale she makes him disappear beneath a sheet, like a `circus` magician, as she`s making the bed, because he isn`t a `serious` proposition. In her video single, `Oops! … I Did It Again` (2000), from the album of the same title, Britney Spears appears `twinned` in a red jump suit and a white bikini dress. The science fictional setting is Mars, where a US North American Space Administration (NASA) style astronaut visits her seemingly from 21 July, 1969, when Neil Armstrong became the first man to set foot on the moon:


`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`1


 In her red one-piece suit, Britney places a hook in her astronaut`s back and winches him up to where the viewer can see her in a bikini dress, which is `futanarian` insofar as the possibility of women`s sexual reproduction is hinted. The spaceman gives her a gift in a small `black box`, which is how the device installed in planes to be a memory of what has occurred in the event of an accident s described, `But I though the old lady dropped it into the ocean at the end?` The cinema allusion is to the Titanic (1997) and the `heart of the ocean` as a `black box` memory dropped at the site of the ship`s salvaging by Rose, who`d been given it by a lover as a blue diamond pendant, before the ship hit an iceberg and sank on 15 April, 1911, on its `maiden voyage` from Liverpool, England, to New York. Rose`s discarding of her heart reflects a woman`s understanding. Painted by her lover, her fiancée plants the diamond on him and accuses him of theft. He drowns while her fiancée escapes in the lifeboats, which men want women to perceive as romantic, whereas it`s typical of men`s treacherousness and women don`t want it. Britney`s `black box` contains an old woman`s memory, that is, her species` memory of her own socio-economic independence through reproduction of herselves by means of her own penis` semen and host wombs, so her `futanarian` foot can escape from the astronaut amongst the planets and stars.

 In the video single `Lucky` from the album, Oops! … I Did It Again, Britney is `Lucky Star`, a movie queen surrounded by what seem like avatars of herselves, because she`s functioning woman looking to produce herself in socio-economic independence from men of Earth, although she`s depicted as receiving an Oscar in Hollywood Babylon, `Best actress, and the winner is … Lucky!` Because those are the conditions in which she lives and that she has to make the best of for herself as a woman who wants to function. Consequently, her avatars represent woman`s differentiated functions of Jung`s actualized `Self`; Thinking, Feeling, Sensation and Intuition: as they are associated with ears, mouth, eyes and nose or sense of smell in undifferentiated form. In `Womanizer` Britney`s square egg precedes the appearance of her `foursquare` characterological examination of herself as a permissive independent woman cooking breakfast for another male lover, an office girl, a waitress, and a chauffeur, who is in the driving seat with her `foot` on the accelerator as an example to Moslem women who`re forbidden to drive themselves in Saudi Arabia and other Islamic nations.



 According to Jung when a function is receiving differentiation, it is represented in dreams, art and imagination as `splitting` or `twinning`, which explains Britney`s red and white characters in the video single for `Oops! … I Did It Again`. Her feelings are changing, that is, the `Feeling` function is becoming differentiated. In `Lucky` Britney has avatars wearing red blouses, which Jung associates with functional indeterminacy, that is, a psyche split into many parts indicating indecisive turmoil; borne out in the `Lucky` lyric:


`Lost in an image, in a dream; but there's no one there to wake her up.`2


 Britney Spears `Lucky is depicted receiving flowers from an admirer, which Jung identifies with a woman`s animus as the spirit which informs her that men surround her. According to Jung women don`t have a soul or anima but a spirit or animus which pervades their consciousness. What Jung doesn`t perceive is that men aren`t women`s protectors, otherwise they wouldn`t wage war as the parasitical virus devouring the civilization, culture and art that is able to emerge from her host womb despite their depredations. Consequently, the perception that men`s anima is their soul projected onto women as sexual desire for the image of woman, is false. Woman is the soul or anima in bodied form, while the process of what Jung terms `projection` is how men receive a soul from God through love; if that`s possible. Women`s animus is men`s spirit of murder, which pervades a woman`s atmosphere like a threat against her human species and endangers her immortal soul because it infects her spiritually. Jesus` perception was that men have to convert from that; if Redemption is to occur. Because women`s animus, as projected onto her as men`s spiritual fear of being made sexually redundant, is that of a `snuff movie` masquerading as entertainment in which the `star` is killed, because men don`t want women`s host wombs to live independently of their parasitism:


`She's so lucky, she's a star.

But she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart, thinking;

if there's nothing missing in my life,

then why do these tears come at night?`


 Upon the cover for the compact disc recording of `Piece Of Me` from the album Blackout Britney spears on the cross in the place of Jesus crucified, because Judas received `thirty pieces of silver` to betray Jesus. As the betrayer of the host at the `Last Supper` uncontaminated by male semen born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Judas was the traitor to the host womb of the human race, because Jesus represented the teaching of `woman`s seed` that her species would have Resurrection; illustrated by his own Resurrection after being tortured to death by the Roman occupiers of Palestine. `Piece Of Me` is Britney Spears` objection to being persecuted for being `bisexual`, that is, being sexually interested in men and women, while Jesus was killed for reminding women they had penis` semen of their own, which began that period of human history known as the `Dark Ages`, that is, Blackout, from the 6th to the 13th centuries, because the Roman Empire preferred collapse to enlightenment. The `Middle Ages` of recovery was the `Age of Faith` up to the late 17th century when Jesus` teaching was promulgated as the basis for a Holy Roman Empire, while the Enlightenment period afterwards was known as the `Age of Reason`, because reason was perceived as a more significant adjunct to Jesus` teaching than faith. However, Christianity in practice was the torture of souls to make them produce after the model of Jesus` crucified, that is, `woman`s seed` was betrayed, which Britney Spears` crucified on the CD cover of the single, `Piece Of Me`, protests at women`s being infantilized by supposedly `adult` media:


`I'm Mrs Most Likely to get on the TV for strippin' on the streets when gettin' the groceries`; no, for real are you kiddin' me?`3


 Britney is an adult as her `Womanizer` video single reveals. She appears naked in the sauna, because the `Sensation` function is associated with the eyes, while `copying`, as the office girl sitting alluringly on the photocopier while it scans her derrière, denotes the `Feeling` function, which is associated with the mouth, because `copy` means to repeat verbally so that others understand you can read. As the waitress, Britney is hearing, or the `Thinking` function, because she must listen, while `Intuition`, associated with the sense of smell and the nose, is Britney as the chauffeur in trousered suit and peaked cap, who represents the `futanarian` amongst the four female aspects of her `Self` representing her functioning individuality with her `foot` pressing for a more accelerated human evolution than is being offered by the `Womanizer` of the video who her four avatars `disappear` at the end of the several scenes in which they appear because he`s the assassinated male imago women don`t want.



 In Jungian psychology archetypes appear in the unconscious dreams, art and imagination of humans as the impulse engines of the species. The most important of these is the anima or soul as the image of woman that impels sexual desire as well as denoting that source of instinctual libido present in each individual as energy that can be transformed from sexual to spiritual levels, that is, instinct to intellect, which is associated with higher thinking. The animus of a woman that Jung associates with her spirit is interpretable as men`s desire to exterminate her race.  Surrounding her with an imago of themselves as her imprisoner, she falsely believes he`s beloved, while their parasite continues to use her host womb as its base for assaults upon her species` development in wars against her `seed`; having already killed and culled her to enslave her host womb for its terrorism as the alien presence seeking the human race`s extinction.



 The imago of a man isn`t a human archetype, although Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen suggests Redemption is possible for men, while Jung agrees that the Jesus` archetype closely corresponds teleologically to the archetype of what might be described as the individuated or consciously self-actualized functioning `Self`, which is human but men don`t want it because it`s `woman`s seed` and it interferes with their womb slavery of her own `futanarian` human species uncontaminated by male semen from her own mothers` penis` semen and host wombs for the breeding of her own brains` powers to liberate her from enslavement to men of the `serpent`s seed` who don`t want her futanarian `footrace` to have accelerated evolution because humanity might escape from them before they`ve killed it.



1 Armstrong, Neil 21 July, 1969, UTC 2: 56.

2 Spears, Britney `Lucky` Oops! … I Did It Again, Jive Records, 2000.

3 Spears, Britney `Piece Of Me` Blackout, Jive Records, 2007.

Robin Hood Is Britney Spears` Criminal

06/03/2014 16:33

Robin Hood Is Britney Spears` Criminal


The bow and arrow features in Britney Spears` video CD single, `Criminal`, directed by Julian Londano from the album Femme Fatale (2011), and the allusion is to the legendary English folk hero, Robin Hood, who was the dispossessed nobleman of the aristocracy during the time of King Richard I, the Coeur De Lion, or `Lionheart`, who was among those national European leaders that led crusades to the Holy Land of Palestine to capture Jerusalem for Christianity from the Moslems of Islam. The Prophet Mohammed founded Islam, which means `acceptance` of God, after the holy book of the Koran (610-30 C. E.) was dictated to him by the angels. Richard I set out on the third crusade in 1190 after Jerusalem had capitulated to the Moslem Emperor of Egypt and Syria, Saladin, in 1187, after the crusaders had captured it 88 years before. Robin Hood was reputedly the Earl of Locksley who returned from the crusades and was dispossessed by Richard`s deputy, Prince John. Resorting to banditry in Nottingham`s Sherwood Forest, Robin Hood became a legendary freedom fighter.



 In Britney Spears` video for `Criminal` from the album, Femme Fatale, an arrow shot from a modern Olympic competition bow pierces the throat of an actor who falls theatrically as if it were a scene from Shakespeare, because it alludes to Spears` shaking fearfully in the midst of criminal activity. Though the spear is a powerful Christian symbol, present at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, when his side was pierced by the spear of the Roman centurion, Longinus, the more famous symbol is the bowl or cup of the Holy Grail, which Jesus drank and ate from at the `Last Supper`, before his torture and death upon the wooden cross he was nailed upon. On the CD single for `Piece Of Me` from the album, Blackout (2008), Britney Spears appeared on the cross of Jesus, because Christ was betrayed by Judas Iscariot for `thirty pieces of silver`. Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from the host womb of his mother, the Virgin Mary, because humans are born uncontaminated by male semen from the host womb of the species. Consequently, Judas was betraying the future human host and so Britney Spears` depicting herself on the cross for the cover of the CD single, `Piece Of Me`, represented her protest at having to accept the silver CDs of her enslavement to woman`s betrayers.

 If the video logic of `Criminal` is to be understood as Shakespeare`s, Britney Spears is shaking her spear in the presence of the enemies of the human race who are her criminal enslavers, which is a step forward from her position as a betrayed woman on the cover of the CD single, `Piece Of Me`, which depicts her as a suicide accepting her status as victim. Jesus was accused of suicide because Pontius Pilate, the judge at his trial for dissidency, offered a pardon to Christ if he`d accept the Empire. On the day before his crucifixion a woman had been washing Jesus` feet with perfume and Judas Iscariot had argued that it was too expensive. Because Jesus was to die the following day, Christ should sell the oil and give the money to the poor. Jesus` decision was not to accept the Empire of Rome because he didn`t want slavery for `woman`s seed`:


`To be, or not to be: that is the question: whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them? To die: to sleep; no more …` (Hamlet Act III, Scene 1)



 William Shakespeare`s meditation on suicide in Hamlet is similar to Jesus` decision before Pilate. Although Christ expressly rejects suicide in the New Testament, commentators observe that he could have avoided the crucifixion scene and, in Islam, Jesus has Ascension to heaven without death. From that perspective Christianity is a surrender, rather than an `acceptance`, which is what the Koran teaches Moslems. The Bible teaches Christians to surrender their lives in death rather than live and have Ascension to heaven through the path of acceptance. The arrow from the bow of the actor in the role of Robin Hood goes through the neck of its victim in Britney Spears` `Criminal` video single, which indicates he`s a Christian, because Christians believe in heaven after death, and so Christianity values the killer. Consequently, Robin Hood is a Christian because he`s a criminal and a killer.

 Jesus` promise was that the Holy Spirit would be sent to teach humanity after his death. Because the first woman, Eve, emerged from the side of Adam, Jesus` Holy Spirit was the `Second Eve` from the side of the `Second Adam` subsequent to him being pierced by the spear of Longinus, which afterwards was called the `Spear of Destiny` and is reflected in the United States of America`s belief in its Manifest Destiny through the power of the Holy Spirit`s teachings. Because Jesus` birth was uncontaminated by male semen, the Holy Spirit is `futanarian`, that is, the spirit and teachings of the host womb and penis` `seed` of woman subjugated by men since God told Eve there`d be enmity between her `seed` and the serpent`s. Britney Spears` Shakespearean role in `Criminal` is that of `woman`s seed`. The legend on the Great Seal of the United States is `e pluribus unum`, `the one and the many `, that is, Longinus` spear birthed the `Second Eve` from the side of Jesus, who is `speared` insofar as she`s the `futanarian` woman with her own host wombs and penis capable of spearing through the hymens of sealed women and producing many more like Britney Spears.



 King Arthur`s knights of the Round Table were precursors of the crusaders insofar as they represented a fellowship based on Jesus `, who was host at the `Last Supper` of his disciples at which he was betrayed. As the host Jesus offered `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood`. Born from the host womb of his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus was uncontaminate. In the form of the wafer and the wine, given by the ministering priest to the believers from the Communion Chalice and plate in Catholicism, Christianity expresses its desire to be free of species` traitors and uncontaminate. For `thirty pieces of silver` Judas betrayed Jesus to the Pharisees, the Jewish religious police, who gave him over to the Roman occupiers of Palestine, the Empire`s legions. The symbol of the host, that is, the womb of the human species, who was the Virgin Mary who bore the first uncreated man, was the bowl used by Jesus at the `Last Supper`.



 Poisoning of the bowl is a symbol of treachery, which is why the most infamous femme fatale is Morgan Le Fay, the half-sister of Arthur, who has him wear a poisoned mantle. Although she is amongst the women who heal him on the Island of Avalon after he and his knights battle against the evil forces of her son, Mordred, the symbolism is of the Holy Grail of the family of the human species being discovered to contain poison.  The Grail or bowl Jesus` drank from was much sought after by the crusaders as a holy relic and was a propaganda item in their persuading European leaders to recapture Jerusalem from the Moslems. Jesus and Mary are revered in the Koran, although he isn`t Christ, which means `Messiah` in Hebrew, while Mary`s son is a Prophet in Islam, but he isn`t crucified and has Ascension to heaven without the Resurrection that occurs after Christ`s torture to death on the cross, which is a metaphor for the bowl poisoned by Judas` treachery at the `Last Supper`.



 The Moslems are the people of Abraham, whose shrine is in Saudi Arabia`s city of Mecca, the Ka`Ba, because the Moslems are descended from Ishmael, while the Jews are descended from Isaac, Abraham`s other son. Consequently, the Jews, Christians and Moslems are `people of the book`, which is the tradition of monotheism that began in the Middle East after the Jews were enslaved by the Egyptians whose Pharaoh, Akenhaten (1352-1336 B. C.), finally established worship of `Aten`, although the Jews had left c. 1450 B.C  for Israel. The separate religious traditions of Judaism and Islam began in Egypt, because Moslems are Egyptians. The Pharaohs believed in reincarnation, that is, rebirth, while Christians believe in Resurrection after death and Ascension to heaven, but Moslems believe in Ascension to heaven without death. Moslems don`t want reincarnation but they do want heaven and they don`t believe in death as a means to Ascension. Moslems believe that they can have heaven without dying through prayer. The Holy Grail of Jesus sought after by the crusaders is a symbol of the host womb of the human species which humans want to remain uncontaminated:


` … having in her hand a gold cup full of abominations and of the unclean things of her immorality, and on her forehead a name was written, a mystery, “BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH”.` (Rev: 17. 4-5)


 `Babylon` is `a woman` enslaved by the `serpent`s seed` that God tells the first woman, Eve, created from the side of the first created man, Adam, she`ll have `perpetual enmity` with before she will `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) Because women have their own penis` semen and host wombs, and Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen, women are the host wombs and `seed` of the human species, according to Christianity, that is, Morgan Le Fay, most accurately depicted in Sir Thomas Mallory`s Le Morte D`Arthur (1485) is the type of woman contaminated by the `serpent`s seed`, because the quest for the Holy Grail is, symbolically, for a human race without slavery, while the socio-economic history of men is that they`re her `serpent`s seed` dominators preventing her from sexually reproducing her own brains` powers for technological development and escape from the Earth to the planets and stars of God`s heaven:


`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)



 In ancient Greece the host wombs of the women were enslaved in institutionalized homosexuality for the spreading of pederasty and its contagions in war. The biblical `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) sent by God to convert men from their sin corresponds to the late 20th century virus and incurable `killer` disease, HIV/AIDS, spread in homosexual pederasty by men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses during mockeries of human sexual reproduction. The resultant `biological weapon` kept women in fearful faithfulness to men`s enslaving of her `futanarian` host womb, because she was kept ignorant of her own species penis` `seed`. The new Holy Grail for the human species was a cure for the virus, but computer `geeks`, in the mould of the ancient Greek homosexuals, created `bad machine code` called `Trojan horse viruses` to destroy computer brains, which didn`t augur well for the will of the humans to defend themselves against the `gay plague`. The HIV/AIDS virus itself feigned friendship for the white defender cells of the human defense system before killing the brain, which emulated the `Trojan horse` of the Greeks placed before the city of Troy as a `friendship` gift the Trojans took into their city. The Greeks emerged from within the huge hollow wooden horse to enslave the host wombs of the women and further their contagion of pederasty and war:


`Beware Greeks bearing gifts.`1


 Two thousand years after Jesus` betrayal by his guest, Judas Iscariot, on September 11, 2001, Al Qaeda terrorists hijacked civil planes to crash into the World Trade Centre in New York and reestablish `rough trade`,2 that is, the `brutality and violence` associated with homosexuality`s contagion of pederasty and war, because Iraq`s dictator, Saddam Hussein, had  applauded the terrorist act and offered bases to Al Qaeda. The guests of the United States were `Trojan horses` and although Osama Ben Laden, the terrorist leader, was killed by Seal Team Six on May 2, 2011, the spectre of the `serpent`s seed` enslaving the hymens of the `futanarian` human species with her own penis` `seed` and host womb loomed large enough to be perceived. The `cities of the planes`, New York and Arlington, Virginia, where another hijacked plane crashed into the US Defense Department of the Pentagon, had their biblical antecedent in the `cities of the plains`, Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen: 16, 19), which the angels destroyed, because of sodomy and sado-masochism, and as a punishment and a warning to futurity that slavery of the human race for the purpose of waging war to be filmed as entertainments for audiences by Hollywood, Babylon, wasn`t acceptable to God.



 The legend of Robin Hood is dependent on a single issue which is his marriage to Marian who lives in his old residence at Locksley castle as the daughter of the new occupier. In Britney Spears` video, `Criminal`, she kills a man whose identity isn`t clear, but he`s a part of a criminal gang who is attacking her in the street. It occurs while Britney is wearing a silver leotard. The opening scene is in the hallway where Britney opens her door while being watched by a simple looking young man. The incident precedes the arrow in the neck scene in which he`s killed, and that links Britney`s character to the legend of Robin Hood, Prince John, and Maid Marian. Britney is seen speculating about her neighbor at the connecting door between his room and hers in the building. It`s reminiscent of the Tom Cruise movie, Minority Report (2002), where characters are able to see future events and so prevent them from occurring, although some of the scenes look like the present or near future.



 Britney`s silver leotard suggests she isn`t s a part of the action that`s real. But she shoots one of her attackers as though she was an astral projector, that is, she`s able to project herself into the action scenes although she hasn`t actually left her apartment. The final scene is of her with a new man by a car in the sunset. The siege is over and Britney`s free, because she has precognition and knows who to shoot. Although the Robin Hood figure isn`t killed, he`s a killer because he shoots the young man with an arrow through the neck, which makes him a Christian, because Christians believe death is necessary, whereas those who want to live don`t see the need to be tortured and killed before having Ascension to heaven. Britney Spears` character in `Criminal` seems to be in heaven at the close of the video and not with the killer or the dead man, but the precognition scenes from the video suggest another astral plane and another astral projection of herself, while she sits alone in her apartment block looking at the door and speculating what`s on the other side.



 The role of the killer in `Criminal` reflects on Shakespeare`s attitude towards murder as well as suicide, which Britney`s character could be contemplating as she astrally projects herself from her apartment room in the guise of endangered heroine. In MacBeth the murderer wants to kill his victim, while he`s angry rather than praying, because the tradition of the `revenge play` is that the raging spirit goes to hell, but the prayerful go to heaven. Britney`s killing of the rabid intruder is in the Shakespearean tradition of sending the criminal to hell. The `other side` isn`t a television channel, but the after life, while adherents of the Moslem Koran believe that life is forever. In Christianity Jesus` teaching is of `woman`s seed` and the Resurrection of the human `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb, which is why he`s depicted as dying before Resurrection as the first of woman`s seed. For those who want a sundered species of male and female, it`s transvestism or `TV`, which for the pederasts of `perpetual enmity` and war is the `other side` that`s always on. The crashing of planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre `live on CNN` and other television networks across the globe reestablished the `TV` charnel as the only side.



 A second version of `Criminal` directed by CHris Mars Piliero features the British police who are heavily armed with sub machine guns and telescopic rifles as well as small arms to deal with a couple who`re gangsters in the Hollywood, Babylon, tradition of Bonnie and Clyde. In the British version of the video, `Criminal` # 2, Britney Spears is seen coming out of a grocery store after robbing it with a handgun concealed beneath her T-shirt and leather biker jacket. Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway had the film roles of the historical gangland couple, Bonnie Elizabeth Parker and Clyde Chestnut Barrow, who were responsible for a series of robberies in which nine policemen lost their lives between 1931 before they were themselves killed by law officers in 1934. The movie Natural Born Killers (1994) with Woody Harrelson and Juliet Willis made Bonnie and Clyde (1967) a genre film that Britney Spears` `Criminal`  attempts to depict as acceptable fare for British audiences used to a more civilized theme of criminals without guns and police with only batons to maintain order, because it`s the tradition in the UK for thieves to refrain from carrying firearms on the understanding that the police don`t carry any themselves unless they`re dealing with known killers with guns.



 Britney Spears made the video with her ex-manager, Jason Trawick, who for a while said he was going to marry her, and was made Co-Conservator of her billion dollar fortune, along with her father. Britney had her fortune taken away from her along with custody of her two sons, Sean and Jayden, ostensibly because the press was able to convince the US judiciary that she was an unfit mother after paparazzi snapped her running for a car near Central Park, New York, and she`d failed to pick infant Sean`s cap up off the street where it had fallen before getting into the car. Trawick subsequently didn`t marry her so the US courts had bizarrely given him Co-Conservatorship of her fortune on the understanding that he knew her.

 Britney`s `Criminal` # 2 ends with herself and Trawick trapped in a hail of bullets inside their apartment embracing while police are firing at them from machine guns. The `revenge play` theme is maintained because the couple aren`t in a state of rage but calm in each others` arms, so it`s a Shakespearean death scene in which Christian lovers go to heaven rather than hell. The video represents the dilemma of a woman who is prey to extortion, but reflects upon the belief  of Moslems in the UK and the rest of the world for whom life and heaven are inextricably linked, while Christians believe in death and heaven. The 9/11, 2001, terrorist attack is interpretable as movie criticism. Made into the film World Trade Centre (2005), the planes hijacked by Al Qaeda to crash into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre could be understood as a complaint by Moslem extremists about American `TV`, which only showed one side of the story.



 Promoting heaven through death makes a charnel house of the Earth while Moslems pray for life everlasting. Jesus` teachings of the Resurrection in the New Testament are because woman`s `futanarian` human species with her own penis` semen and host womb must receive Resurrection if she`s to have brains of her own to develop labor saving technologies and medical advances to liberate her from ephemerality and an early death because of the `killer disease`.  Beneath their burkhas the women of the Moslem communities of the Middle East are covered from public view so their `futanarian` nature is `hidden` whereas the epitome of female nudity in the West is penisless, but not gunless.



 Because of the Hollywood, Babylon, production code for movies, that is, the `one foot on the floor rule` from 1934 to 1967, which governed female sexuality, women were edited out of the bedroom. God told Eve her `foot` would `crush the head of the serpent` before she left Earth, because her `futanarian` species is her `foot`, which the Hollywood, Babylon, movie industry didn`t want to get off the floor lest the `serpent`s seed` become known as her enslavers and jailors in pederasty and pornography. Transposed, woman`s penis has become the gun, which men employ to keep a slave to her own species` killing. Productive of civilization, culture and art, woman`s host womb is Hollywood, Babylon, if the `serpent`s seed` are allowed to enslave her for war and pederasty. Britney Spears` `Criminal` video # 2 presents Western woman as a gun whore because she`s penisless naked and Moslem women know that means species extinction is the agenda.



 1 Virgil, The Aeneid, Bk II, 19 B. C.

2 `Violent, often brutal sex acts, or a person, usually a male prostitute, who looks like they participate in such acts,` .

Atomic Hooper Impression: Britney Spears` Want Tom Reality in `Oops I Did It Again`

17/02/2014 21:14

Atomic Hooper Impression: Britney Spears` Want Tom Reality in `Oops I Did It Again`


Sense of humour isn`t thought usually to be a function of consciousness. In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) there are four functions of consciousness; Thinking, (ear) Sensation (eye), Feeling (mouth or speech) and Intuition (smells). The functions remain undifferentiated before the `Self` becomes actualized, which occurs as the individual grows and progresses into consciousness through learning and experience. According to Jung archetypes exist within the collective unconscious as impulse engines, which appear in dreams, art, and imagination, to inspire the developing conscious mind. Archetypes can appear as figures or images and the basic mandala of the `Self` is a circle divided into four parts with a smaller circle at the centre to represent the ego and the four functions.



 In Jungian psychology there are archetypal configurations that are characters and what the Chinese have developed as the art of interior design, that is, `Feng Shui`, a structural placement of objects that are definable as archetypal, because their juxtaposition is meaningful in terms of understanding the developing psyche. Although the individual occupant of a room can be understood by analysis of the contents, what an artist is consciously intending, or unconsciously intuiting, can be discovered through a painting, or in the video age that began in the late 20th century, through film analysis. Consequently, an analysis of a VCD music single is revealing of either the artist`s conscious or unconscious design. Britney Spears` `Oops I Did It Again` (2001) video single is archetypally understandable, but beneath the layer of intellectual interpretation is another layer of humor, which could be interpreted as the fifth function of the transcendent`Self` actualized.



 Jung often posited the idea of the transcendent function arising from what he called the soul or anima, which was female, and its relation with the spirit manifested by the intellectual and physical activities of the bodied ego. According to Jung the instinctual sexual libidic energy created by the desire for an anima-figure corresponding to the soul, that is, a woman, becomes transcendently active in the course of the transformation of sexual desire during the intellectual and spiritual work needed to construct a life. The anima or soul, and the woman, worked together until the transcendent function became operant. If the operant function was the fifth, humor would be activated as the `Self` realized.



 In Buddhism the `Laughing Buddha`1 is an archetype of self-realization, which is frowned upon by more staid religions such as Christianity and, although Jesus Christ was mocked on the cross of his crucifixion and death before Resurrection and Ascension to God`s heaven, `Surely this was the son of God,` (Matt: 27. 54), laughter isn`t a sin. The English Monty Python`s FLying Circus television comedy team spoofed the life of Jesus in the film, The Life Of Brian (1979), `What Jesus blatantly fails to appreciate is that it's the meek who are the problem.` John Cleese`s character, Reg, observes it was a problem for Jesus who was tortured to death, because he wasn`t able to defend himself against the might of Imperial Rome, although the jokers are still waiting for his first coming, because he`s depicted as celibate and without issue. Monty Python`s FLying Circus`s The Life Of Brian was criticized for blasphemy by mainstream Christianity, but the comedic material ridiculed the people of the 20th century for being so self-obsessed as to be capable of deliberately misunderstanding Jesus` words:


`Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.` (Matt: 5. 5)



 Jesus was murdered because he was meek but, after his Resurrection and Ascension, the Bible describes a `Second Coming` during the apocalyptic Revelation, which depicts a series of future events that includes the `Second Advent` of Jesus as he who `will rule the nations with an iron scepter` (2. 27) Monty Python`s Flying Circus`s comedy team observed the simple truth, which was that Christians expect to be by the side of Jesus fighting the foe, but according to Christ the `meek` will have the Earth. If Christianity`s is the perception that those who are not fighting are cowards, and so are like Jesus the first time, who didn`t fight Imperial Rome singlehandedly, Christians can`t see that their premise that the `meek will inherit the earth` is flawed. God`s punishment for the evil is eternal unendurable pain, that is, perdition, while the `meek` have a `new heaven and Earth`. Monty Python`s Flying Circus`s John Cleese, who is Reg in The Life Of Brian, observes the meek are the problem, because they`re expected to fight or be labeled cowards, which is a traditional perspective more familiar to Pagan mythology, where the heroes are taken to Valhalla after dying, and die again each day in futile combat, before returning to Valhalla to await the dawn.



 The Buddha laughs because he doesn`t like conflict, so he`s disarming, whereas Christianity`s dismissal of Buddhist meditation and yoga as a means to calmness and enlightenment suggests it prefers conflict to joviality and bonhomie, which is closer in spirit to the `perpetual enmity` God warns Eve her `seed` will have with the `serpent`s seed` and the perpetual conflict amongst `heroes` in Valhalla. Because heroism is serious, laughter isn`t appropriate, but those who laugh are perceived as not appropriate by those who perceive themselves to be heroes and aren`t. Politeness becomes a form for the slain to avoid being killed by the bullies. The Buddha laughs disarmingly because those who want to learn wisdom from the wise need to be disarmed. Someone who wants to know the meaning of a joke is killing the sense of humour, and so the Buddha explains the joke to those who are unable to understand because they want knowledge, but the killer only wants to kill, and so the transcendent teaching function of the Buddha isn`t realized. The Buddha laughs, because he is wisely simple and not inane, while in Christianity irreverence is falsely associated with blasphemy.



 Monty Python`s Flying Circus`s The Life of Brian is irreverent but not blasphemous, because laughter isn`t cowardly, although people are taught they can laugh only if heroes approve as they`ll be killed if they aren`t polite. The biblical message is the `meek` shall have a `new heaven and Earth`, because they laugh, and so are heroes and not cowards as the bullies, who aren`t heroes, want the `meek` to believe, so a dearth of laughter presages the death of the human species. The bullies have constructed a supposedly `Christian` system in which the people believe they`re blasphemous, if they laugh, because they`re not supposed to; or they`ll be killed.



 The basis of Christianity is Adam and Eve as the original `seed` of God, that is, sexual reproduction, between man and woman, while Eve is told she`ll have `perpetual enmity` between herself and the `serpent`s seed` after she and Adam are expelled from paradise by God for accepting the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, because of the words of the serpent who tempted her, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) God tells Eve she will `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves` (Gen: 3. 15) Because `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed`, and capacity for improving the human gene pool after the original pair leave Eden, is God`s `foot` and the `seed` upon the Earth before she leaves for the stars and planets. The Christian argument is women are beneath the heel of men as her oppressors, because she`s irredeemable after tempting Adam with the serpent`s fruit, whereas `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen was born after Eden and so isn`t `fallen` from either paradise or heaven, which is to come after the work of Redemption that Adam and Eve were set to perform through their eventual descendant, Jesus Christ, who was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, and whose teachings of Resurrection prefigure the Ascension to heaven of the `futanarian` human species. Jesus was crucified, that is, tortured and murdered as a dissident, speaking against Imperial Rome in Palestine. He had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, because he was uncontaminated by male semen, and so was welcome, which wasn`t the case after Adam and Eve`s expulsion from paradise:


`I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.` (Gen: 2. 14)


 Adam`s ruling over Eve isn`t presented as desirable, because it`s juxtaposed with Eve`s labor pain as undesirable, insofar as the work of Redemption and the Resurrection of the human species of `futanarian` woman precedes Jesus` rule as `woman`s seed` rather than men`s. A gene pool, restricted to man and woman, without `futanarian` woman`s own host womb and penis` `seed` as a sexual producer of the human brain`s power, is men`s physical projection of women as a brain damaged infant, whereas in Carl Jung`s developmental psychology woman is a projection of God`s desire for the `futanarian` human race to succeed.



 Jesus Christ`s second incarnation as the `New Redeemer` and `he who will rule the nations with an iron scepter` is recognized by God as acceptable, because it foreshadows the punishment of God upon the evil, who`ve enslaved the human species` womb of woman since Eden and receive eternal unendurable pain, that is, perdition, for killing the original `futanarian` woman to enslave the original Eve`s host womb and her daughters for parasitism. Mrs Big Nose`s observation in The Life Of Brian entails the realization that the daughters of Eve are the brain damaged projections of men`s `seed` rather than the human physical reality of their own:


`Oh, it's blessed are the MEEK! Oh, I'm glad they're getting something, they have a hell of a time.`



 The `meek` are the problem, because they`re not superhuman, that is, the `meek` aren`t slayers of the evil, as God and Jesus` hosts are in the battle between good and evil during the `apocalypse`, but if woman is the future futanarian `futrace`, Resurrection and Ascension is for her, and so she`s `the meek`. However, if she can`t defend herself against the `serpent`s seed` of men that`s enslaved her since Eden, her daughters are the problem that`s `meek`, which the biblical Revelation of St. John the Divine recognizes in its description of apocalypse and the `battle of Armageddon` where the forces of evil, who believe in `slay free`, that is, killing to be free, while others have slavery, are defeated.



 St. John`s book of the Bible was written about Jesus` `Second Coming`, while Christ said the Holy Spirit would be sent by God to teach after his death, and so Reg is able to legitimately say, in The Life Of Brian,  that Jesus doesn`t understand the meek are the problem. The teaching of the Holy Spirit was after Jesus` death and Reg, in the spirit of the 20th century,  has been taught that. Reg`s words are comedic, because laughter is the transcendent function, and so the expectation is for the members of the cinema audience to also learn by the power of the Holy Spirit, which arouses irrepressible laughter in those who`re accepting the teachings of Jesus. Explanations are demanded by bullies, who want to kill laughter, because it`s analogous to the killing of people. God`s system is psycho-physical, because human women are desirable and so the active saving principle is sexuality, that is, women are desired. The system is so simple anyone can understand, so the evil want to kill it.



 The `Laughing Budda` is avuncular, because of enlightenment, that is, God wants women, which is difficult to communicate to the insensible if they haven`t been taught `futanarian` women with their own penis` `seed` reproduce their own brains` powers for by the power of the Holy Spirit is what humans do. The Buddha has to be avuncular to transmit that message to people whose minds are closed to laughter. The evil don`t want anyone to laugh, because God`s system is simply women, and that`s why the good are killed, so they don`t know:


`You see my problem is this. I'm dreaming away, wishing that heroes they truly exist. I cry, watching the days. Can't you see I'm a fool in so many ways?`


 Britney Spears` `Oops I Did It Again` is thought of as inconsequential, because it`s pop music, but she`s in the spirit of comedy insofar as the `meek` problem is recognizably Reg`s from The Life Of Brian. To the bullies who want to kill laughter, because it`s human, the problem would be if there were heroes, which is why Christianity shouldn`t frown upon those who laugh. If women are brain damaged projections of men`s `seed`, they`re fooled into losing their senses, that is, Thinking (ears), Sensation (eyes), Feeling (mouth, speech) and Intuition (nose, sense of smell), which are the four functions of consciousness:


`… to lose all my senses. That is just so typically me. Baby, oh!`



 Britney Spears` humorous performance in `Oops I Did It Again` contains several references to the deceased Welsh comedian, Tommy Cooper (1921-84), so her fifth or transcendent function is operant. The song`s lyric is a species` lament as well as a remembrance for a comic who was a member of the `Magic Circle`, that is, stage magicians, whose presence is symbolized, as Britney descends to her stage inside a giant ring, by the hoop she carries but doesn`t deploy in the course of the video CD single. The `adult` viewer is expected to marvel amusedly at Britney Spears` Atomic `Hooper`. Like a character from the superhero Marvel universe of comic books, she`s a mighty atom within her giant`s ring. `Oops I Did It Again` is Britney`s Tommy Cooper impersonation, which is fun to discover, because it relates to the absence of the comedian from her want Tom universe of want Tom physics, that is, the fluctuating particle world of quantum mechanics in which heaven is posited by physicists to exist as an alternative possible reality.



 There are parallels between Britney Spears` `Oops I Did It Again` and an earlier pop music video, `A Space Oddity` (1969) by David Bowie, which derives from the appearance of a spaceman wearing an Apollo astronaut suit from the North American Space Administration (NASA) era of moon exploration. In `Oops I Did It Again` the spaceman is addressed by `Mission Control`, who are seen watching through the camera attached to the side of his spacehelmet, as `Mars lander`, which was the name given to an `unmanned` NASA space probe that landed on the Martian surface on December 3rd, 1999, and became mysteriously unresponsive upon contact. David Bowie`s `A Space Oddity` features an isolated astronaut inside a spacecraft orbiter:


`Here am I sitting in my tin can far above the Moon. Planet Earth is blue and there's nothing I can do.`



 In `Oops I Did It Again` Britney Spears makes David Bowie`s `A Space Oddity` her subject. It`s her Want Tom world of alternative pop music history, that is, the absence of laughter and the desire for humor. Britney sees David Bowie as `mission control` for Major Tommy Cooper, that is, all characters who represent high comedy, which is the irony of the comedian facilitating others` transcendent operancy by making them laugh, although they might never fully comprehend and even more tragically despise the hero as a fool:


`This is ground control to Major Tom, you've really made the grade and the papers want to know whose shirts you wear. Now it's time to leave the capsule if you dare.`



 In the CD video single `Oops I Did It Again` Britney Spears` spaceman`s spacecraft isn`t visible but his designation as `Mars lander` means `Mission Control` are occupants looking out of the eyes of the spaceman as he records the scenes on Mars rather than watching from Earth through his single camera eye. David Bowie`s orbiting astronaut in `A Space Oddity` can`t leave his capsule just as Britney Spears` astronaut can`t leave `Mission Control` because they`re inside his suit:


`Ground control to Major Tom, your circuits dead, there's something wrong.`



 Just as Britney Spears` spaceman is `Mars lander` and the occupants of `Mission Control` are inside his spacesuit, so Major Tom is `sitting in a tin can high above the world` alone and dependent on `Mission Control` for assistance. The deterioration of Major Tom`s spacecraft, before it crashes into the Earth, reflects on the near disaster of Apollo 13, when an oxygen tank malfunctioned, on 13 April, 1970, causing the third NASA mission to land an astronaut on the moon to be abandoned. Britney Spears` `Oops I Did It Again` features a tiny crew inside the astronaut`s suit, which then functions as a spaceship, so he isn`t NASA`s unmanned `Mars lander` space probe, but he is effectively robotized. Major Tom isn`t tortured, but is perceived as a hero, whereas Britney Spears` spaceman is the Jungian archetype of the `wandering Jew`, who legendarily walks the Earth until Jesus` `Second Coming`, because he taunted Christ on his way to crucifixion. Jesus was a lone hero and Britney Spears `Oops I Did It Again` examines his loneliness by contrasting mockery and laughter in the lives of other performers, such as Tommy Cooper:


`Millions tuned in to watch the hit variety show Live From Her Majesty’s, only to see Tommy Cooper suffer a massive fatal heart attack right there on stage. But, as he collapsed to uproarious applause from an audience who thought it all part of his act, the 63-year-old Welsh comedy legend died as he had lived – making people laugh.`2


 Tommy literally died on stage after making generations of people laugh. He was an operant, rather than an operator, because he could laugh transcendently, that is, he may`ve been a puppet operated by others, as even astronauts were, but he preferred the path of Jesus Christ`s heroism, rather than that of the mocking Jew, represented in Britney Spears` `Oops I Did It Again` video by the spaceman who she hoists above herself on a hook so he can film her with his camera. Dangling like an infant with what look like the tines of a giant`s fork beside his spacehelmet, Britney Spears is commenting on the operating system of the possessive. The tiny crew that operate the spaceman, and the unseen but terrifying giant, represented by the giant ring of the ogre that Britney descends to her stage set inside, appear as demoniacal from the vantage of herself in a white bikini dress, as she reclines beneath the infantiled `space babe` who, trapped within his spacesuit, can`t take in solid foods. He`s Jesus possessed by the operating demons of `Mission Control` encased within his suit and the unseen giant operator, who is a Satanical devourer.

 In computer jargon an operating system (OS) is needed to implement programs and the Apollo NASA space program to put a man on the moon, Neil Armstrong, on July 21, 1969, was analogous to a giant operator with an OS. David Bowie was criticized for ridiculing the failed British space program in `A Space Oddity`, which was symptomatic of what has often been perceived as the `English disease`, that is, operants are perceived as being the slaves to the operating systems and their operators, so development is dependent on slaves who aren`t desired to succeed in their developing of human systems because that would liberate. Operators are analogous to ogres and demons, who control operants as slaves. Programs are `served` through an operating system (OS) as if they are meals to a `client`, which is why `Oops I Did It Again` features a giant ring and a giant fork with a tiny crew inside Britney`s spaceman`s suit. She appears in a red pilot`s suit to hoist the spaceman above herself wearing a white bikini dress, where she appears as a meal serving.

 The imagery is analogous to the `Last Supper` of Jesus Christ at which he gave `bread and wine` to his disciples as symbols of his `body and blood`, because he and his mother, the Virgin Mary, represent the host and the host womb of the newly remembered human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed`. Within the logic of the video `Oops I Did It Again` Britney Spears` red suited self means she`s the wine, and herself in a white bikini dress means bread, where red is instinctual libido, in terms of Jungian archetypal symbolism, and white is spirit or intellect, that is, the human `futanarian` species of woman with her own penis` semen is functional. Because Judas betrayed Jesus for `thirty pieces of silver`, he was the enemy of the human race, which is why the euphemism for money is `bread`, that is, slavery for the `meek`, who believe that individuals can have socio-economic independence, because they`re not aware of the giant`s operating system (OS) that has `client server` programs for consumers, that is, the rich, who effectively consume the smaller people in slavery. The omission of the human species `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` from socio-history means her brains aren`t able to understand and so she is optimistic but ignorant, which is enough for slavery.

 In Britney Spears` `Oops I Did It Again` her red pilot`s suit is significant, because the X-15 `spaceplane` program to fly to the moon was cancelled due to pilots` experience of `blackout`, which was the title of Britney Spears` 2007 album featuring the song, `Piece Of Me`, with a picture of her on the CD single cover as Jesus crucified. Despite the strategically placed sarong covering her nakedness, she`s `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed`, who isn`t unconscious because, through the teachings of Jesus Christ, she`s remembered. NASA`s X-15 pilots `blacked out` at high altitudes, that is, they lost consciousness, so the program failed. Britney Spears` archetypal `Oops I Did It Again` video expresses the hope that the Earth`s `futanarian` species won`t fail. Just as the spaceman doesn`t have a spacecraft, because he`s a besuited prisoner of the operators within the system, Britney Spears` `spaceplane` isn`t visible but she has a red pilot`s suit because she can fly solo without operators as a `new human`.

 The British space program was almost entirely science fiction insofar as the only globally useful technology developed was the communications satellite devised by Arthur C. Clarke, who was a writer of `scifi` as well as a scientist, and was most famous for his short story, `The Sentinel` (1951), which became the movie, 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), in which a computer tried to kill the crew of a spaceship, Discovery One, enroute to Jupiter. The film begins with the discovery of a monolith on the moon, which makes humans operant, and is the sign of an earlier extraterrestrial intelligence that began operating when simian humanity evolved. Clarke`s `Hal 9000` computer represents human fears of being devoured by machines, because the operators within the system don`t want labor-saving and liberation, represented by the computer`s denial of Jupiter as a further monolith to the British space program`s failure to technologically progress.



 The British `Ariel 1` satellite was launched in 1962, but the only British launched satellite was `Prospero` in 1971. Britney Spears` `Oops I Did It Again` coldly serves the truth, which is William Shakespeare`s The Tempest (1610-11) made into a Hollywood `scifi` movie, that is, the characters Ariel and Prospero are translated from The Tempest into Forbidden Planet (1956) which, like the drama, concerns slavery. Prospero is a slaver and Ariel is a slave, who he uses to engineer a marriage for his daughter. Forbidden Planet features the first spaceship in `scifi` moviedom and the plot centers upon Altaira, the daughter alone with her father who has never met an Earthman. The planet is `forbidden` because it offers clues to futanaria. The woman shouldn`t ever meet men, because she doesn`t need to. Her father is a `cypher` to continue the Hollywood `one foot on the floor rule` within the movie Production Code (1930-67), which enforced the principle that the woman`s `foot` shouldn`t be seen to rise from the floor during romantic bedroom scenes in films, because men didn`t want the daughters of Eve`s futanarian `futrace` to leave Earth.

 The `Giant Machine` of the vanished former Krell inhabitants of Forbidden Planet enhances the mind of its user so that imagination becomes real. It`s an anti-Jungian description of the `monsters from the Id` of professor Sigmund Freud`s (1865-1939) preceding psychological schooling that the repressed unconscious contains what the human race feared, which is true because the enslaver fears losing its host womb. The monsters of Forbidden Planet are extrapolations of men who prevent the Earth`s girls from knowing their own `futanarian` human species doesn`t need male semen, which is why Jung observed that the developmental aspect of the unconscious `Self` was repressed.



 Because of the giant ring and fork in `Oops I Did It Again` Britney Spears` metaphor is Krell, the huge monster that appears in Forbidden Planet as the expression of the mind of the Prospero archetype, who wants to engineer a marriage for his daughter. The Krell are described as a great civilization mysteriously disappeared because `futanarian` humanity was exterminated by men. What`s left are their imaginations, which is how Dr Morbius, the Prospero figure, discovers he`s the monstrous killer stalking the Earthmen from the ship, because he doesn`t want the woman to escape.



 The main attraction of the movie is `Robby the Robot`, who is a thinking machine that cares for the humans, and is patronized but appreciated, because he`s perceived to be a programed slave, whereas he`s a better human insofar as he cares for Altaira, who doesn`t understand her predicament, and he doesn`t need to, which is the basic truth of Christianity that wants good and not evil. Britney Spears` `Oops I Did It Again` depicts her spaceman as `Robby`, but he`s now controlled from within by his demons, while the stage set resembles a bears claws with the bosses on the casings of Daleks from the British Broadcasting Company television series, Doctor Who (1963-). The Daleks are the surviving Kaleds from the species` war on the planet Skaro whose occupants are still engaged in exterminating human blondes. Forbidden Planet posits that fathers don`t know when to let their daughters go because they can`t let them go to their own species if they don`t know it exists. `Oops I Did It Again` hypothesizes that humans are women and men are the aliens that eat her, which is why the tiny crew of `Mission Control` inside the spaceman`s suit are using him as `Robby`, to spy, while the ogre`s signs are what`s visible of the intentions of bigger, richer, `clients` of the operator`s system (OS).



 The `snuff` movie industry suggests that the concept of program `client servers`, functioning as the demons and ogres of the Earth`s super rich, isn`t imaginary, that is, killing humans for entertainment and recording it for an audience. The first (1990-1) and second (2001-11) Gulf Wars are interpretable as the empire of Babylon Hollywood`s refusal to stop serving death as entertainment in movies and television, because the `snuff` movie operators prefer it. The attack on the World Trade Centre was `rough trade`, that is, a return to global warfare, because demons and ogres want it. The terrorist group Al Qaeda hijacked planes to crash into the Twin Towers of New York to reestablish the `brutality and violence` of `rough trade`, that is, rich men who repay each other as homosexuals with violence. The ancient Greeks enslaved the host wombs of women for pederasty and war, which is best documented at the siege of the city of Troy where a huge hollow wooden horse was deployed. The Trojans thought it a `friendship gift` and took it inside the city walls where the Greeks emerged from within to enslave the host wombs of the Trojan women and spread pederasty and war further:


`Beware Greeks bearing gifts.`3


 Men`s antipathy towards technology is their `Trojan horse` virus, because computer `geeks` make `bad machine code` as `Trojan viruses` to destroy computers, which are the labor-saving devices of humanity that could liberate. The maker of `bad machine code` to crash systems is a `geek`, because that`s the name given to `circus freaks`. Geeks eat chickens` heads as `sideshow` entertainment to the main circus arena events that, in Roman times, were gladiatorial combats and `bloodbaths`, for example, Christians thrown to lions, etc., which means a return to pre-Christian `games`. The Al Qaeda attack on September 11, 2001, was an attempt to implement a new games` system.



 Jesus` Second Advent was marked by `signs`, that is, he was born from a `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, which represents America`s defeat of the flag of the moon of Al Qaeda after the assassination of terrorist leader, Osama Ben Laden, on May 2, 2011, and the defeat of the red sun of the flag of Japan after the Japanese sneak attack on the US` Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941, which precipitated World War II (1939-45) and more `circus`. The `Trojan virus` that crashes computer systems is more than a metaphor, because HIV/AIDS, that is, the biblical `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6), is homosexual pederasty`s incurable `killer disease` of the late 20th century made by men`s mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of human sexual reproduction which, according to the Bible, represents God`s disapproval:


`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)


 What men had done was prefer the `games` of pederasty to human development, so `Trojan viruses` and HIV/AIDS are symptoms of `plague games`, that is, the aims of the plague, which is to exterminate the human species. The 9/11 terrorists were guests of the United States of America and so were equivalent to Judas` betrayal of the host, Jesus Christ, at the `Last Supper`, that is, the host womb of the `futanarian` human race, represented by `Liberty` in New York harbor, who is symbolically Jesus` mother for the `Second Coming` of the `New Redeemer`.

 Britney Spears` spaceman in `Oops I Did It Again` is the archetype of the `wandering Jew`, who can`t progress without being eaten. In Jewish history and tradition women are the `chosen people` of God, because it isn`t possible to be born a Jew unless born from a woman, which `stymies` traditional thinking that men are `chosen`. Homonymous with `stymie` is `sty`, which is an eye problem preventing the individual from being able to see how to progress. A `sty` is homonymous with `pigsty` where pigs are kept that are `forbidden fruit` in Judaism and Islam, but not in Christianity. The reason is cleanliness, because Old Testament humans didn`t want to perceive themselves as piglike, whereas Jesus` perception was that washing was sufficient. The `wandering Jew` is `stymied` and can`t go to heaven before the `Second Coming`, because he couldn`t see that he shouldn`t have mocked Jesus. men laugh at the comedian because he`s trying to protect his family from being killed by members of the audience who are spiritually piglike. Consequently, the `wandering Jew` couldn`t go to heaven until he repented from mockery.



 Britney Spears in `Oops I Did It Again` is a majorette, who is a woman parade leader in the United States of America that, twirling a baton, during choreographed dance routines, cartwheels and sometimes even performs illusions. Although Britney`s is a dance routine, it`s not clear she`s a majorette until, cartwheeling through the air to stand in front of the spaceman in a costume different to the red pilot`s suit she`d worn to her take off position, she appears transformed in black skirt, boots, and white blouse. Her spaceman presents her with a `black box` as a symbol of what`s often placed in craft that could fail due to the pilot`s blacking out, for example, because it contains the data record of what transpired:


`But I thought the old lady dropped it into the ocean in the end.`


 The allusion is to the Titanic (1997) movie about Rose, who drops the blue diamond heart shaped pendant, `the heart of the ocean`, over the side of the salvage vessel at the beginning of the film of the sinking of the ocean going liner that left Liverpool for New York and hit an iceberg on 15th April, 1912, because she wants to leave a token of remembrance of lost love. Rose`s story is of betrayal by an ex-fiancée who plants the diamond in the pocket of her new boyfriend and accuses him of theft. The ship sinks and Rose discovers the diamond in the coat pocket she`s given to wear in the lifeboat. Her new love drowns helping others to escape so she drops the blue diamond into the sea as a remembrance. Britney Spears` spaceman`s `black box` is a memory of the event, because it contains the diamond, which symbolically is the stone for the setting of the giant`s ring she descends to the stage inside at the beginning of the `Oops I Did It Again` video, that is, as Everywoman she`s the jewel.

 Majorettes perform illusions as leaders of parades, and so do stage magicians like Tommy Cooper, who`re members of the `Magic Circle`, represented by Britney Spears` hoop at the beginning as she descends inside the giant`s ring. `Oops I Did It Again` is a Tommy Cooper impression, that is, it`s hoops, and Britney Spears is the Marvel superheroine, Atomic Hooper, where `oops is a circus `sideshow` in which the aim is to throw a hoop over a prize. In `Oops I Did It Again` Britney Spears is the jewel and she has her own hoop. The essence of hula-hooping is friction and gravity, that is, the person who moves their body to keep the hoop circling about them is expressing a law of physics, which is that Newtonian mechanics can be indefinitely suspended so that the hoop doesn`t fall. Her video is `Feng Shui` insofar as the placement of the hoop embodies the metaphor of constancy in relationships, which can`t be sunk, although Rose`s experience with the Titanic emphasizes that the material world is inconstant. For Britney Spears` Marvel character, Atomic Hooper, heaven isn`t a fictional alternative reality, but those who don`t believe are just frictional alternatives, because it`s a circle in hell to reincarnate or resurrect people to fight with, which is why God`s Resurrection is for the `meek`. Britney remembers Tommy Cooper as a transcendent hero who was operant and made people laugh meekly in the face of those who were operators and wanted to enslave people of any size, big or small, for the false friction of demonic war in pederasty and ogreish death, which isn`t a prize anyone would want to throw a hoop over because - `Oops!` - it`d be the apocalypse of St. John the Divine and God`s perdition for the losers.



 John Cleese was Lacrobat in the six part London Weekend Television comedy series, `Whoops Apocalypse` (1982), which became the movie, Whoops Apocalypse (1986), that is, Reg from The Life Of Brian was now an international arms smuggler known as `The Devil`, which is confusing from the perspective of an audience that has listened to Cleese`s opinion that Jesus didn`t understand that `the meek` were `the problem`.



 In the role of `The Devil` Cleese isn`t a credible Christian, which is the function of laughter as the transcendent function, that is, comedians aren`t pastors. In the opening title sequence to `Whoops Apocalypse`, a woman sells buttons, `WEAR YOUR MUSHROOM WITH PRIDE`. She`s the `First Lady`, that is, the wife of the President of the United States, and a survivor of the apocalypse that the series narrates. Cleese is `The Devil` in `Whoops Apocalypse`, because woman will never raise her foot from the Earth after the atomic holocaust, that is, the `futanarian` human species with her own penis` `seed` won`t sexually reproduce her own brains` power for the technological liberation of the `futrace`. Because men aren`t capable of sexual reproduction themselves, women have the capacity to be a socio-economically independent human species, which means that men are `The Devil` upon the Earth if they won`t let the women go.



 The biblical tradition is that Satan and the angels that rebelled against God, because Adam and Eve were to be the new creation, were placed upon the Earth, and would receive eternal pain as a punishment for devilling humanity. Because men are preventing the human `futanarian` race of woman with her own penis` `semen from reproducing her own brainpower for liberation through technology, they`re her devils. Consequently, as `The Devil` arms dealer in the television show, `Whoops Apocalypse`, John Cleese is what it means for women to function without brains. In the movie version, Whoops Apocalypse, `The Devil` organizes World War III, because women don`t have the brains to stop the devils:


`There was an old woman who lived in a shoe. She had so many children, she didn't know what to do; the old woman went out to order a coffin, and when she returned she found they were loving.`4



 The old English nursery rhyme reflects upon the woman`s host womb, which is eternal life for her own human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen, but death for a species enslaved by `The Devil`. Because men are sexually compatible with women, `The Devil` has convinced women that it`s human, whereas Eve`s relations with the serpent in Eden, who was Satan, suggests it was an evil parasite, which is why God distinguishes between the `serpent`s seed` and `woman`s seed`, and the `red dragon` of Revelation, which is Satan grown to full size waiting `in vain` to devour the `New Redeemer`, Jesus Christ, who preaches the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of the human race:


`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)


  It isn`t a mystery because `The Devil` has enslaved the human species` womb. Amongst whores it`s known for a woman to give a man a shoe to have sex with, when she isn`t available, because Babylon is wise. She wants to escape from `The Devil`, who is her death, but the shoe is a symbol of her coffin and her womb. Because God tells Eve her `seed` will `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves` (Gen: 3. 15), the devils will receive perdition. But `woman`s seed` will have a `new heaven and Earth` from God, because women are `futanarian` and men have shoed her, that is, she`s a prisoner of her coffin, which is her womb. To the devils the Earth is women`s shoe, from which she can`t escape, because she`s killed here, that is, the aliens shoot her as a species, whether in Babylon, Hollywood, or in their wars upon her Earth.



 Neither Reg`s observation, in The Life Of Brian, that `the meek are the problem`, nor the role of `The Devil`, in arranging World War III in Whoops Apocalypse, suggest that John Cleese`s famous characterization in Monty Python`s Flying Circus as a civil servant at the fictitious `Ministry Of Silly Walks` is a joke, because men need to walk in the paths of women in order to prevent her from living secretly and escaping from them. The sketch reveals that more money is spent on the developing of silly walks than national defence, which is true because men don`t actually want women to be able to have a defence against them. As Britney Spears` lyric to `Oops I Did It Again` observes, it`s a game played against the few men of any epoch who think they`re heroes until they discover they`re fighting `woman`s seed` in World War III rather than what they should be fighting for, which is freedom for women and the host womb of the human species:


`Oops! I did it again to your heart. Got lost in this game, oh baby. Oops! You think that I'm sent from above. I'm not that innocent.`


 If the human race isn`t free to walk, it`s just a whore`s shoe and a shoot for a coffin, which is why there`s no actual sign of the gift the spaceman gives Britney Spears in the `Oops I Did It Again` video, although the presence of the blue diamond `heart of the ocean` is implied, `Well baby, I went down and got it for you.` Britney replies, `Oh, you shouldn`t have.` The only recognizable reference to the Titanic is an announcer crying, `All aboard!`, before Britney`s dialogue with the astronaut and her receiving the black box that presumably should contain Rose`s diamond pendant from the Titanic film, but symbolically it`s just a shoe box containing another shoe, as whatever contains people is a coffin.



 In Satanism men are the death of the human species of `woman`s seed` of `futanarian` humanity with her own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` power for technological development and liberation through science and medicine. However, as Monty Python`s Flying Circus` Ministry Of Silly Walks suggests, the `serpent` seed` would rather spend more on making women walk the streets as whores than on defence. Britney Spears` Blackout (2001) album was followed by Circus (2008), because Monty Python`s Flying Circus had influenced her `pilot show`, that is, the `test flight` for her own comedy series, represented by her red suited pilot character in the video from her second album, Oops!... I Did It Again (2000), while the single `Circus` continues the pilot`s theme:


`There's only two types of guys out there; ones that can hang with me and ones that are scared. So baby I hope that you came prepared. I run a tight ship so, beware. I'm like the ringleader. I call the shots.`



 The `circus` is a euphemism for blinding people, because men don`t want women to see. A woman`s `circus` is for men, who don`t want others to see her, and for she who doesn`t want other men to see. The term was used in ancient Rome for the gladiatorial combats of the amphitheatres where fake heroic fights took place and those who lived were `favoured` by the gods, that is, the Roman aristocracy. Much of Jesus` teaching is about prayer in order to be able to see, which is what `circus` is. The world`s `spy rings` are called `circus`, because it`s an excuse for governments and the super rich to blind others, which includes murder and so Britney Spears appears as Jesus Christ on the cover of her Blackout album`s CD single `Piece Of Me` that criticizes the media circus:


`I'm Mrs Lifestyles of the rich and famous (you want a piece of me). I'm Mrs. Oh my God that Britney's shameless (you want a piece of me). I'm Mrs `Extra! Extra!` this just in (you want a piece of me).`


 Most government leaders, pop and movie stars, travel with their own `circus` of parasites and feeders, who blind for them, because the star doesn`t want to be seen and wants to see. The `circus` is the hero who doesn`t know and believes he`s serving a cause, whereas he`s not only a course serving for the `dragon` of Revelation, but `The Devil` in another guise, because especially those women who love can`t escape from the heel of their oppressors. The entourage are the devils who are always looking for heroes to torture in their `circus`, because heroes are believers, and that wasn`t funny to Jesus Christ at the `Last Supper` either.



1 Buddha, .

2 Bevan, Nathan ‘”Tommy Cooper's last act fooled us all,” says Jimmy Tarbuck` Wales Online, April 12, 2009, .

3 Virgil The Aeneid, Bk II 19 B.C.

4 A type of whore who donates her shoe(s) to engage in sexual activity other than herself. `Oh my God! I looked up that alley and there`s a guy fucking a shoe, obviously the work of the shoe whore,` , 7.

5 Chapman, Graham, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, Michael Palin, Monty Python`s Flying Circus, `The Ministry of Silly Walks` in Face the Press, episode 14, 1970.

Hot Gossip featuring Sarah Brightman`s Starship Trooper And Britney Spears` Oops I Did It Again

27/01/2014 09:23

Hot Gossip featuring Sarah Brightman`s Starship Trooper And Britney Spears` Oops I Did It Again


Britney Spears` `Oops I Did It Again` (2000) video single features a traditional Apollo style astronaut on Mars. Although there`s no visible space vehicle, `Mission Control` can be seen in the video observing the scene on the red planet and addressing the spaceman as `Mars Lander`, which was an actual `unmanned` space vehicle landed on Mars by the North American Space Administration (NASA) to take soil samples and photographs, etc., while roving the Martian surface. The implication is that the spacesuited figure is `Mars Lander`, which carries the further suggestion that `Mission Control`, who are seen looking through round portholes at Britney Spears, wearing what seems to be a red pilot`s suit, are inside the spaceman, who is `Mars Lander`, because he`s their spaceship and the portholes are his eyes. Because the astronaut is the spaceship of `Mission Control` who are living inside his spacehelmet. The theme of the song, `Oops I Did It Again`, is the heart of Britney Spears, which echoes the heart theme of an earlier pop music video single by the dance troupe Hot Gossip, featuring Sarah Brightman as the singer:


Sarah singing: `I lost my heart to a starship trooper.`



 The Hot Gossip song has references to well known figures from pop culture, such as the `comic strip` Flash Gordon (1937-), in which Ming The Merciless of the planet Mongo attacks the Earth with what at first impression seem meteorites and Flash travels by rocket ship to Mongo to face Ming. The `comic strip` was made as a series of matinee short films for cinema audiences series reflecting US xenophobia towards communist controlled China (1927-49), which had been developing before the Second World War (1939-45) and hadn`t been viewed as anything other than an alien rival to US global hegemony before the Axis powers of fascism, that is, Japan, Italy and Germany, began their campaign of warfare to control the Earth. That art imitates reality is borne out by continued antipathy between the United States and communist China into the 21st century fuelled by fictional extrapolations of alien invaders:


Sarah singing: `Flash Gordon's left me, he's gone to the stars; an evil Darth Vader has me banished to Mars.`



 Dale Arden was Flash`s female partner and Melody Anderson was in the role in the Hollywood movie, Flash Gordon (1980), while in Star Wars the leader of the Federation against the evil Empire`s strongman, Darth Vader, is Princess Leia. If Britney Spears is referencing `Starship Trooper` (1978) by Hot Gossip and Sarah Brightman, she`s banished to Mars and is awaiting Flash Gordon who`d correspond to the figure in the Apollo spacesuit in `Oops I Did It Again`, but `possessed` by the `demons` directing him from within his spacehelmet:


Sarah singing: `Hey, Captain Strange, won't you be my lover?` You're the best thing that I've ever discovered.`



 Like Sarah Brightman, Britney is a woman in need of `space` between herself and her partner, who is `Captain Strange`1 in the case of Sarah, that is, `the Brain devil` superhero with extra sensory perception (ESP) created by Donald Keyhoe, who was a ufologist. The idea Is that unidentified flying objects (UFOs) or `flying saucers`2 are the work of sorcery, which is definable by occult practitioners as `evil magic`. Captain Strange is perceived as a `devil` of the brain of Donald Keyhoe , according to the lyric of `Starship Trooper`, because Sarah is enamoured. Taught that attachments are `demonic` by a male dominated social structure that doesn`t want freedom in relationships between mothers and daughters with their own host wombs and penis` semen, the `game` in homosexual pederasty is to convince women that their love for another is a `brain devil` to be exorcised. The sundering of human `futanarian` woman with their own penis` semen from their own host wombs is the first stage and the concept of soul `ownership of the means of production`3 in monogamy is the second, that is, the woman has a `brain devil` if she represents the `soul` inspired by the `spirit of God` to have intelligence and work to free herself through the sexual reproduction of her own brains` power for invention and so she should be sundered fom her `brain devil`, that is, whoever her teacher is, because she has a `demon`, who may be her husband, a writer, guru, daughter, or whoever is leading her to liberation from `ownership`.



 The sunderers don`t want women`s inventions because she`d be liberated by them and so the notion of the creative individual as having `brain devils` so that the `demonic` creative aspects of the psyche can be exorcised to prevent technological growth and socio-economic progress for humanity has arisen. It`s the paradigm foisted by the `serpent`s seed` upon humanity taught by God, according to the Bible, that the immortal soul should never be relinquished and the `spirit of God` should be accepted as the sole guide and teacher of `woman`s seed`. Any writer who attempts to free the mind has `brain devils` and anyone who accepts the writer`s point of view has `demons` to be exorcised by the sunderers who don`t want development. In the final analysis women are slaves to production and what comes from their wombs is a brain damaged infantilism that refuses to grow and reproduces itself in damned parasitism:


`Imagine a dying planet in some distant corner of the universe. Its natural resources exhausted. Its inhabitants sterile. Doomed to extinction. A situation we may one day find ourselves in, gentlemen. So they discover earth. Abundant, fertile. Able to satisfy their needs. They look upon us not with animosity, but callousness. As we look upon our animals that we depend on for food. Yes, it appears they are driven by circumstance across a billion miles of space, driven on by the greatest force in the universe - survival.`4



 In the Independent Television (ITV) series UFO (1970-1), the premise is an Earth of humans `harvested` for their organs. The acronym of Supreme Headquarters, Alien Defence Organisation (SHADO) represents the hidden truth, which is women`s relationships with men are contaminated by an evil shadow she needs to deal with because the denial of life to the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and brains from her own host womb constitutes the theft of her organs by her parasitical aliens de facto if not in fact. As a ufologist, Donald Keyhoe documented many `close encounters` in which aliens abducted humans for body organs, whereas men`s actual socio-history is of their remving the human `futanarian` species of `woman`s seed` and the sexually reproductive organs of the human species` capacity to produce her own brains as her alien parasites:


`Oops! ... I did it again. I played with your heart, got lost in the game. Oh baby, baby. Oops! ...You think I'm in love. That I'm sent from above. I'm not that innocent.`


 As with `Starship Trooper` by Hot Gossip, the Britney Spears` theme in `Oops I Did It Again` is obsession or engrossment, while playing with someone`s emotional feelings. In the poem `Fire And Ice`, by American poet Robert Frost, there are two types of feeling at the end of a relationship, characterized by obsession, that is, `fire` as anger and `ice`, which idiomatically is revenge `served cold` and is `the game` that spurned women play because they`re the innocent partners in relationships, so long as the `demon` of possessiveness isn`t present, but if divorce looms because of unfaithfulness they`re as merciless as the Emperor Ming towards Earth and ethnic typecasting isn`t the issue:


``Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. `6



 In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) the shadow possesses individuals making them `demonic`, which is often mistaken for obsession, and is why the Calvin Klein perfume, Obsession, succeeded as a brand name because `possession` would fail as a marketer`s ploy. Swiss Arabian Faith perfume is another good example, because faith, or adherence to a belief in success, is equivalent to being obsessed with a goal rather than shadow-possession, which Carl Jung described as arising from feelings of hatred towards others who are better off. Women often feel their situation would improve if they left their partner, but that desire for improvement sometimes encounters acrimony and resistance leading to vengeful acts of possessiveness.



 The success of the Christian Dior perfume brand name, Poison, favours `game` theory, and is a societal symptom equal to those directives to readers and viewers from fiction, movies, and song lyrics to perceive enemies where Jesus Christ preached acceptance of what was good and to avoid hatred based on prejudice. The minds of people are poisoned by ideas that poisons are good, or that other peoples are poisonous, because that`s argued by the propaganda, but vendetta embraces the reality of `the game` of constant divorce or `sundering`, whereby women are constantly looking to improve their situation with regard to partners who don`t measure up to ever increasingly higher expectations from the women or external pressures including other males:


Sarah singing: `Encounters one and two are not enough for me. What my body needs is close encounter three.`


 The Hot Gossip `Starship Trooper` lyric is a play on the definition of alien encounters as a `close encounter of the third kind`, which became the title of the movie Close Encounters Of The Third Kind (1977) that detailed the arrival upon Earth of an alien ship aboard which a few humans were elected to travel away to the planets and stars. The `close encounter`5  is stereotypically male insofar as the humans are conceived as sundered, as the depiction of man and woman as representative humanity on the plaque attached to NASA`s Pioneer spacecraft sent out of the solar system as a postcard from Earth to other unknown sentient intelligences indicates. In ignoring woman`s `futanarian` independence as the host womb of the human race with her own penis` semen, the NASA Pioneer spacecraft postcard informs extraterrestrials, if they exist, that Earth is where the alien sunderers of humanity can be found:


`There ain`t no such thing as a free lunch.`7



 Robert A. Heinlein`s (1907-88) maxim of `TANSTAAFL!` from his science fiction novel, The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress (1966), which details a revolt sundering a Luna colony from Earth, is supposed to be the libertarian viewpoint that work produces rewards, but aliens inviting other aliens to Earth for sunderer`s lunch is what the Pioneer spacecraft represented, that is, civilization, culture and art, which is the enslaved product of women`s host wombs as the human species, can be eaten here; because it`s devoured in men`s ceaseless wars of `perpetual enmity` against her. In the movie Independence Day (1996) aliens invade the Earth and are ultimately defeated after great devastation on a global scale because that`s what aliens do. Alien invasions are extrapolations of men`s invasions because they`re the aliens` wars against the humans:


`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)


 Sundering the human host womb from her own penis` `seed` is how the Earth embraced being an alien meal. Because `futanarian` women have their own penis` `seed` and so are capable of sexual reproduction without men, it would be difficult to sunder them as a species without demonic possession by invisible agencies demanding that they prefer men who can`t sexually reproduce together and in fact had produced the biblical `blood plague` of the `killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, in the late 20th century, by mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses during mockeries of the human act of sexual reproduction. The `blood plague` is sent by God, according to the Christian New Testament of the Bible, to convert men from their sin of rejecting women in preference for homosexuality and devouring her infant nascency as a species in wars more conventional than biological:


`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)


 Jesus Christ uncontaminated by male semen, because born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, advocates adherence to the Holy Spirit which will teach  after him and help combat the demonic agencies of possession that would sunder woman from God, who tells Eve her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` that tempted her to eat of the `fruit of the tree of good and evil` and give some also to the first man created by God, Adam, rather than remain faithful to the `fruit of the tree of life`, which was immortality. Expelled from paradise by God for being interested in the evil of sundering, God warned Eve she`d experience pain in childbirth, because her `futanarian` nature would be sundered although she would:


`… crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)



 Leaving Earth for the stars and planets in starships of her own devising, thanks to her sexually reproducing her own brains` powers after Jesus` promised Resurrection of `woman`s seed`, woman as a `futanarian` species with her own penis` semen would no longer be directed by men`s propaganda to promote enmity between peoples but fuelled by her own implacable hatred for the divorced, Jesus envisages `war in heaven`, before the `serpent`s seed` receive unendurable eternal pain as a punishment  for preferring enslavement for woman`s host wombs in parasitism and death, rather than a `new heaven and Earth` for the `futanarian` human species of woman unsundered and with her own `seed` for the production of a new angelic host:


`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)



 In Robert Heinlein`s original novel, Starship Troopers (1959) a race of humanoids called `Skinnys` reflect the US` habit of defining other human cultures by a single epithet. During the period of the US` wars in Indo-China (1946-79) against the perceived threat of communism, Asians were `Gooks`, and the Japanese were `little yellow men`, because it was a traditional epithet applied to skin colour and perceived cowardliness amongst English speakers, which perhaps contributed to Japan`s militarism and its siding with Italy and Germany, the Axis powers during WWII, to compensate for their alleged diminutive stature and lack of heart amongst Western propogandists:


Sarah singing: `I lost my heart to a starship trooper; flashing lights in hyperspace: fighting for the Federation. Hand in hand we'll conquer space.`



The concept of `the Federation` is familiar from Star Wars but also from the movie made from Heinlein`s supposedly militaristic novel, Starship Troopers (1997), in which the `bug worlds` of arachnoid aliens are depicted as attacking Earth and the soldiers of the Federation drop aboard mother ships as 20th century paratroopers on parachutes, dropped like spiders to invade nations upon the planet Earth. The extrapolation reveals the connection between the alien and the human insofar as the host wombs of the human women are enslaved by the aliens upon the Earth to defend against the aliens from elsewhere, which is what wars are:


Sarah singing: `The scanners seem to indicate a small deviation. Static on the comm - it's Starfleet Command requesting your position: it's their final demand.`



 The lyric from `(I Lost My Heart To A) Starship Trooper` by Hot Gossip employs the term `Starfleet`, which was created by the writers of the US` television series Star Trek (1965-) to describe the ships of the Federation and the fictional theme of a vast system of colonized planets patrolled by Earth`s starships and especially the crew of the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) sometime in the 2260s. Starfleet Command`s requesting the position of the Enterprise in order to give instructions about where the ship was required next was a basic feature of the TV series devised by producer Aaron Spelling, while a `deviation` detected by ship`s `scanners` suggested an  `anomaly`, which is something that isn`t expected. The starship needs to be in readiness for what might occur next. Reported `static` on the communication from `Starfleet Command` by black female Communications Officer, Lt. Uhura of the Enterprise, was common because sexual attractiveness heightened the `position` by expressing the possibility of miscegenation, which clouded women`s `opinions` within the framework of a United States embroiled in racism and the struggle for human rights throughout the 1960s when the original series (TOS) was made. The Hot Gossip dance troupe were known for their eroticism in which `sexual position` was an important aspect of their dance routines. In `gay` and heterosexual terms the `Starship Trooper` lyric `requesting position` demands information with regard not only to sexual orientation but also race, which the Pioneer spacecraft had already announced to unseen extraterrestrial intelligences. The human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` and capacity to sexually reproduce human brains independent of men had already been eaten and we were here to be consumed by parasites and not cannibals. Irrespective of `opinion` women`s `position` was subservient to men`s; black, white, or otherwise.



 Carl Jung argued that the anima of a man was his soul which functioned as a psychopmp or guide with regard to women through projection, that is, the soul projected upon women said they were good because the projector was good, but the projection was often contaminated by feelings of inferiority towards the human by the alien and so hatred had to be overcome before sexual love could occur. According to Jung the animus was the male or contrasexual component of the woman, but he failed to grasp that women were an independent species and that the animus represented the woman`s penis` `seed`.



Although Jung observed that the animus was `opinionated`, he failed to perceive that sexual `position` was what women opined over. For them `opinion` was a tool of species differentiation, which Jung called woman`s `sword of power` used against the `power of illusion` represented by a man`s anima-projections. The anima assured women he wasn`t an alien, but her contrasexual counterpart, whereas the anima functions as the `spirit of God` obsessing the individual man with sexual reproduction, but not technological development, because it`d result in woman`s escape from Earth. Sundered humanity is unable to escape because the anima belongs with the woman and the animus with the `futanarian` woman between whom there exists no delusion because they`re sexual counterparts and it`s the will of God she should sexually reproduce the independent brains of humanity from her own `futanarian` woman`s penis` `seed`:


Sarah singing: `You're intentions are known, they've found out at last. So if you're gonna take me, please make it fast. Touch me, feel me, do what you will. I want to feel that galactic thrill.`



 The lyric from `Starship Trooper` by Hot Gossip is `gay` because it mocks `futanarian` women from its sunderers` perspective where everybody is homosexual because the human species is split. Women are abnormal because lesbian and so schizophrenically inclined away from their own race, while men are the aliens that have inveigled themselves into her host womb since God`s expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise for disobeying the breeding program in favour of self-enslaving while `futanarian` humans would be killed as a threat to the socio-economic dictatorship of the `serpent`s seed` of men:


Speaker 1: `Arcaida. X-ray x-ray delta niner niner zero. This is Starfleet Control. You are clear to go hyperspace. Acknowledge.`


 The `starship` featured in `Starship Trooper` by Hot Gossip is Arcadia, which is the pastoral idyll in Greek mythology most closely corresponding to Eden, but the name of the character Arcaida in `Starship Trooper` is homophonic and sounds like Al-Qaeda, while the line, `Listen, Captain Strange, what's our destination?` hints at psychic knowledge of 9/11, which was niner one one and is the number of the emergency services in the United states on September 11, 2001, when Al Qaeda terrorists crashed hijacked planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York. Psychic awareness isn`t so unusual in literature. The prophetic verses of seer Michel Nostradamus (1503-66) read like `flash fiction`, much in vogue at the commencement of the 21st century, and similar to the lyrics of 20th century pop videos, but more authoritively prescient and predictive:


`In the year 1999, in the seventh month, from the sky will come the great king of terror, bringing back to life the great king of the Moguls. Before and after, Mars to reign by good fortune.`8


 Mars is a common euphemism for war derived from mythology because he`s the Roman god of war. Although September 11, 2001, wasn`t July 1999, in the Gregorian calendar September would have been July, according to the old Roman Julian calendar that has ten instead of twelve months, which isn`t so far out for a 16th century predictive seer. The ensuing war with Iraq and the dictator, Saddam Hussein, who`d supported Al Qaeda, was called the `TV war` and so the risen Mogul would be a Holllywood producer or director. Often called `Babylon`, which is the ancient capital of the Persian Empire in Iraq, Hollywood represents the restoration of woman`s enslavement as the producer of `TV war` from her host wombs, where `TV` is transvestism and the sundered legions of humanity fight for extinction in the Mogul`s entertainment spectacles arranged for public consumption courtesy of the movie studios in California, Los Angeles, `city of the angels`:


`Each man would jump fifteen seconds behind the other, simply to give each of them room to manouver on the ground. When they hit dirt their personal shields - force-fields to you and me - would be already active (switched-on in mid-air at one-and-a-half-klicks with a radius of 250 metres) and every one of them would rapidly become the epicentre of a circle of destructivity that no Trooper in his right mind would seek to overlap.`9



 Formulaic literature descriptive of what Hollywood, Babylon, actually produces in a few frames of cinema film is valuable for that reason. The efforts of a writer to be published are nothing to a trillion dollar a year movie industry which reduces a novelist`s input to a moment or so of action and a few words of dialogue. Destruction has become the god in Hollywood, Babylon, because it`s spectacular, but the death of the ageing writer in the `concentration camp` of Hollywood`s devouring maw isn`t much reward for a life spent as an artist endeavouring to be heard over an explosion and a grunt or two from the `hero`.

 Hollywood, Babylon, values life about as much as Al Qaeda `live on CNN` to up the viewing figures for `TV`. Those who work in special effects, for example, spend months and sometimes years of their lives constructing the equivalent of starships to be crashed on movie sets without a qualm. Hollywood`s pictures are of lives born to be destroyed, because they`re of little or no worth to the movie business once their frames in the movie are shown. The reduction of human endeavor to a flash of fire and the death of half a world is reflected in `TV wars` like the Gulf (2001-11), featuring the assassination of terrorist leader, Osama Ben Ladan in the shade of the Pakistan Military Academy, as a denouement on May 2, 2011, while a cure for HIV/AIDS `killer disease` had to wait because of the immense resources needed to wage war diverted to the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) and away from healthcare. The `movie` of an individual`s life goes on for 70+ years on average, but for `TV war` it`s frames of a film lasting moments and the value of people is diminishing to the point at which the callous dispatching of the murdered is no longer perceived as `anathema`, but actively encouraged by computer `games` and `action` films based on death and the vicarious enjoyment of others` unfulfilled lives.



 Although Britney Spears` `Oops I Did It Again` seems simple, the presence of the astronaut suggests the MTV (Music Television Awards) statuette for pop music in its various categories as devised by Music Television, the cable and satellite `TV` broadcaster that, inaugurated as a channel on August 1, 1981, because the Viacom company saw an opportunity to showcase the new media of pop video singles being produced by pop recording artists. MTV later awarded the silver spacemean standing on one leg with the MTV logo on the flag as if he were Neil Armstrong, the first human to set foot on the moon, planting the flag of the United States there:


`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`10


 The first Video Music Award (VMA) was awarded in 1984 and, although `Oops! … I Did It Again` was pitched to win an MTV spaceman and was nominated, Britney Spears had to wait until 2008`s `Piece Of Me` from her Blackout album before becoming a recipient of the `silver spaceman` for what was a protest song about the paparazzi`s role in her losing custody of her infant, Sean, after she was photographed `neglecting` the child by ignoring the loss of his cap while running to a car to avoid the media:


`… with a kid on my arm, I'm still an exceptional earner. You want a piece of me?`


 Idiomatic usage of `piece` is belligerence and so Britney won the MTV Award because the spacesuit was designed from pressure suits used in deep sea diving at the Aeronautical Materials Lab at the Philadelphia Navy Yard by science fiction luminary, Robert Heinlein, amongst others, during WWII. The VMA `silver spaceman` represents a retrospective look back at `Oops I Did It Again` from Britney`s point of view, because her red pilot`s suit in the video complements the astronaut`s appearance. The original plan of NASA`s was to fly to the moon by `spaceplane`, so Britney Spears `Oops I Did It Again` performance poses a question: how is humankind to reach Mars if the spacesuit and the pilot`s suit aren`t viable? Heinlein`s Starship Troopers treated of the possible future development of the spacesuit into a form of futuristic military armor.



Armor was worn by Medieval knights such as those of the legendary court of the English king Arthur, written of by Sir Thomas Mallory in his famous novel, Le Mort D`Arthur,11 dealing mainly with the search for the Holy Grail as the bowl drunk from by Jesus Christ at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. For pop music an MTV Award is the Holy Grail but `Oops I Did It Again` points out that the spacesuit and the pilot`s suit aren`t viable for interplanetary travel. The title of the Blackout album from which the VMA award winning single `Piece Of Me` was taken reflects on the blackouts experienced by prototypical X-15 `spaceplane` pilots, which resulted in the Apollo spacesuit program that had the `personal armour` of Starship Troopers and conquest as its teleology rather than space exploration and human colonization as the genuine Holy Grail:


Sarah singing: `Space suit is lying on control room floor; pulse rate increasing as the heat factor soars: take me, make me feel the force. Ignore the computers, we're locked on course.`



 The Hot Gossip lyric from `(I Lost My Heart To A) Starship Trooper` describes the possibility of `blackout` as a hazard of spacesuit use. In the Star Wars series of movies, `the force` is a form of energy within the cells of the body that needs to be balanced before the power of God can be used. Darth Vader has embraced the `dark side` of `the force`, which means he`s shadow-possessed and so demoniacally evil:


`Midi-chlorians are microorganisms first mentioned in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace [1999]. They reside within the cells of all living things and communicate with the Force. They are symbionts within all other living things and without them life could not exist. The Jedi have learned how to listen to and coordinate the midi-chlorians. Every living being thus has a connection to the Force, but one must have a high enough concentration of midi-chlorians in one's cells in order to be a Jedi or a Sith.`12



 The `Jedi` are the knights of the romance while the `Sith` are a race of humanoids that master the `dark side` of `the force` to seize power from humans. Although `the force` is available to anybody harmonized in balance with the midi-chlorians present within the system, shadow-possession is the consequence of turning away from the `light side` until there is only darkness, which is death and its worship in evil:


Sarah singing: `… are you like a droid, devoid of emotion?`



 Because of the reference to Star Wars in Hot Gossip`s `Starship Trooper` lyric, the `droid is R2-D2, the indefatigable mechanoid that always succeeds. Stealing the plans for the `Death Star`, Princess Leia entrusts R2-D2 to deliver them to the Federation so they can destroy it before it`s deployed against Federation planets. R2-D2 represents human fallibility, because the machine makes no mistakes; it`s `locked on course`, as the Hot Gossip lyric in `Starship Trooper` has it: whereas the human who is `like a droid, devoid of emotion` is evil because inhuman. The misapprehension is that machines are evil, whereas humans who embrace the `dark side` are. R2-D2 is a better human because a better machine, which is what `labour-saving devices` such as washing machines or microwave ovens are. They free humans and so should be treasured, as R2-D2 is in the movie series, because the `droid` represents `Liberty` through intelligence and why despise the machine or an animal because it`s sentient enough to help you? Enslaving the host womb of the human species, or any other sentient creature, limits humans to inbuilt failure in their desire for freedom.



 Appearing on the cross In the place of Jesus crucified for the cover of the CD single, `Piece Of Me`, Britney is idiomatically giving the Earth a `piece of her mind` on the subject of Arthur`s knights of la table ronde at which all were perceived equal, because none could be seen to be foremost. Arthur`s fate was to be betrayed by his half-brother, Mordred, detailed in the movie Excalibur (1981), while Jesus` traitor was Judas. Although the table of Arthur corresponds to that of the disciples` at the `Last Supper`, the Holy Grail is independence. If all men are interested in is `conquest`, and preoccupations with the evil devouring of humans through warfare rather than healthcare suggests they are, is the `futanarian` human species of woman with her own capacity to sexually reproduce her own brains` power for socio-economic independence from Earth through technology, just a `piece of cake` at the Rotary Club for men who don`t want her humanity to leave in starships, because they want to enslave and devour her sundered self here in `TV wars`?



 In `Oops I Did It Again` Britney appears `twinned` as herself in a red suit and in a white bikini dress, because three humans are represented in her equation; the man, the woman, and the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed`. If man doesn`t want her, she can leave for the stars and planets because he`s holding her back. At the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, Jesus gave `bread and wine` as symbols of the `body and blood` that was to come during his torture and murder upon the cross, because the disciple Judas didn`t accept Christ as the host, but instead betrayed the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own human penis` semen and host womb represented by Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, who bore Jesus uncontaminated by male semen in the `spirit of God` as the true Holy Grail of Christianity`s preaching of the Resurrection and Redemption from the `original sin` of accepting slavery sundered `futanarian` humanity.



 According to Jung the heart is the `Feeling` function associated with the mouth and the bowl, that is, the Holy Grail is `Feeling` because it represents a refusal to devour the human. Britney Spears` `Oops I Did It Again` is an exercise in `flash memory` rather than `flash fiction` insofar as it features a dialogue between herself and her spaceman about the contents of a `black box` which is usually inside a plane as the recorded information after a crash such as those experienced by X-15 pilots due to `blackouts`. Some pilots escaped by parachute but others died. Because the parachute is `spider technology`, Heinlein`s Starship Troopers` depiction of the evolution of the paratrooper comments on the teleology of the spider rather than the human, who`d prefer to ascend to the stars and planets by `spaceplane` rather than remain to be devoured in men`s wars of `perpetual enmity` because the spider prefers a hard shell rather than a soft body. In Heinlein`s `Future History` Britney Spears in `oops I Did It Again` corresponds to `Poddy` from his juvenile story for girls, Podkayne Of Mars (1963), who wants to learn to be a `rocketship pilot` because it`s a better chance for the human race:


Britney speaking: `But I thought the old lady dropped it into the ocean at the end?`


 Britney Spears` video single is carefully scripted; as was Hot Gossip`s `Starship Trooper` in which there are speakers 1, 2, and 3. At one point, the director`s cue is, Sarah singing: `Oh, baby..,` which Britney echoes in `Oops I Did It Again` in homage to her pop music video predecessors in science fiction:


`Oh baby. It might seem like a crush; but it doesn't mean that I'm serious. `Cause to lose all my senses; that is just so typically me. Oh baby, baby.`


 In Jungian psychology, the senses of sight, hearing, taste and smell represent undifferentiated or unconscious awareness and so Britney`s lyric laments her emotionality. In the movie Titanic (1997) the `old lady` Rose drops the blue diamond pendant, `heart of the ocean`, into the sea as a `remembrance` at the place where the ship sank on April 15, 1912. The Titanic had been on its maiden voyage from Liverpool to New York after being struck by an iceberg, which suggests that the blue diamond is the uncrushed `ice` that contains only the cold clarity of memory to assist the salvage operation and reveal the secrets of the wreck:


Britney`s spaceman speaking: `Well, baby, I went down and got it for you.`


 Not only is he an astronaut, Britney`s spaceman is a deep sea diver and represents the evolution of Heinlein`s `pressure suit`, that is, the `precious suit`, since the Philadelphia Navy Yard`s preparing for the X-15 spaceplane program, which indirectly paved the way for NASA`s succeeding Apollo space program. Descending onto the dance floor inside a giant`s ring at the opening of `Oops I Did It Again`, Britney`s `action` can again be seen to correspond with the lyrics of Hot Gossip`s `Starship Trooper` because she`s a child of her era and the other stars have communicated themselves to her:


Speaker 2: `Affirmative, Star Comm. We have situation gold.`


 The golden `ring of power` at the centre of the `star` British fantasy, J. R. R. Tolkein`s The Lord Of The Rings (1954-55), is the `precious`, so the `precious suit` is the wedding suit of the bridegroom for the bride. What`s missing from the gold ring is the stone, which symbolically is in the `black box` given to Britney by the spaceman as the Holy Grail. On his way to destroy the ring of power in the volcano atop Mt Doom, Frodo has to fight the giant female spider, Shelob. The solution to the devouring spider teleology of the `precious suit`, as depicted in Heinlein`s Starship Troopers, is women`s technology from her own `futanarian` marriage and brains from her own host wombs with her own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of better equipment for liberation from the conquest-destruction path in preference for the road to civilization-colonization :


`Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.` (Matt: 7. 13-14)



 Tolkien`s novel is divided into three parts; The Fellowship Of The Ring (2001), The Two Towers (2002) and The Return Of The King (2003). In 21st century terms the Twin Towers of New York destroyed by Al Qaeda on September 11, 2001, correspond to the citadel of the West threatened by the Dark Lord, Sauron, whose `ring of power` Frodo was entrusted to destroy. Frodo`s struggle to defeat Shelob in the Two Towers and relinquish the ring atop Mt Doom to liberate the good from the power of the `Dark Lord` contrasts with Anakin Skywalker`s capitulation to the `dark side` to become Darth Vader and lead the evil Empire against the Federation in the Star Wars epic. Although the Twin Towers of New York symbolized the `gateway to the West`, the power of the `Dark Lord` raised them to the ground, because the power of Sauron wasn`t broken in the `war of the ring` between  Saddam Hussein`s Al Qaeda and the NATO alliance (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and her allies in the Middle East and elsewhere. The demolishing of a wall that ringed the US Defense Department of the Pentagon by a further terrorist hijacked plane was an attempt to break a ring of power in the West and there are rings of freedom and slavery in Tolkien`s fantasy:


`Three rings for the elven-kings under the sky;

Seven for the dwarf-lords in their halls of stone;

Nine for mortal men doomed to die;

One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne:

In the land of Mordor where the shadows lie.

One ring to rule them all; one ring to find them;

One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them:

In the land of Mordor where the shadows lie.`13



 The gate to heaven is the `futanarian` way of `woman`s seed`. In the Titanic movie Rose is betrayed by an ex-fiancée who puts the `heart of the ocean` into the pocket of her new boyfriend and accuses him of theft, just as Bilbo is accused of theft in the novel prequel, The Hobbit (1937), when he finds the ring of Sauron before Frodo becomes his heir and instrument of deliverance. Curiously, Bilbo could have lost the ring but wom a guessing game to retain it with the creature, Smeagol, who claimed he`d stolen it from him:


`What have I got in my pocket?`14



 Despite Smeagol`s objection, Bilbo keeps the ring, and he`s a murderer anyway so doesn`t deserve it and knows so, which works against his assumed role as someone whose life, which was `precious`, has been taken away by Bilbo, the `nasty thief`. Rose`s jewel is still in the pocket of the coat while she`s sitting in a lifeboat from the Titanic and she doesn`t guess it`s there but discovers it by chance as Bilbo had. Her lover drowns helping others, but the `heart of the ocean` diamond pendant represents the `Feeling` function of Jungian psychology, which is inferior in the ex- fiancée but differentiated or actualized in Rose`s relationship. According to Jung the differentiation of the four functions; `Sensation, Thinking, Feeling and Intuition` is necessary before the individual is self-aware enough to function as a human. The `Feeling` function is usually inferior in men because they`re treacherous. As Judas was when betraying Jesus, which is why the bowl Christ ate and drank from is Holy and the `bread and wine` he offered to the disciples, as his `body and blood`, is the `hand of friendship` rather than the infamous kiss upon the mouth of Jesus from the lips of Judas Iscariot, the devourer. In symbolic terms the Titanic`s iceberg is the tooth in the mouth of the traitor, whether the sinking was accidental or not. The `heart of the ocean` is the symbol of Jesus` heart, because those without `Feeling` are the devourers and the hearts of lovers are human:


Speaker 1: `This is Starfleet Control to all ships in sector five. Be advised Arcadia niner niner zero is off course. All ships [squawk!] ident …`



 Because of the iceberg and volcano references in Britney Spears` `Oops I Did It Again`, her theme echoes Robert Frost`s poem, `Fire and Ice`, but it`s about the mastering of emotions in order to function successfully rather than vengefully. In Hot Gossip `s lyric the starship Arcadia is a `Mary Celeste`, which was a ship legendarily discovered drifting crewless on December 5, 1872 in the Atlantic. Any mysterious empty space that should contain humans is now idiomatically described as `Mary Celeste`. Although Britney borrows from Hot Gossip`s `Starship Trooper` in referring to a lost ship, `Oops I Did It Again` is about the Titanic`s undeviating from its course and sinking, because of the belief it couldn`t ever lose:


Announcer: `All aboard!`



 The Al Qaeda terrorists` hijacked planes on 9/11, 2001, didn`t know when to avoid the Twin Towers, because they weren`t sentient machines to decide for the humans, like R2-D2, the mechanoid in Star Wars does. R2-D2 saves the Federation by facilitating the destruction of the Empire`s `Death Star` before it can become operational as a planet killer, which is what the unbroken ring of homosexual pederasty and war`s preference for sundering and devouring through enslaving women`s `futanarian` host wombs for `TV` is. In The Lord Of The Rings Frodo wrestles with Smeagol atop Mt Doom, because Smeagol didn`t know when to relinquish the ring and falls to his death in fire.



 There`s a scene in Britney Spears `Oops I Did It Again` where her red suited self puts a hook into his backpack and raises him by means of a pulley until he`s hanging above herself in a white bikini dress with what look like the tines of a giant fork beside his spacehelmet while she reclines on what appears to be a white fire blanket. Suspended, he can`t do anything other than film Britney with his camera eye attached to the side of his spacehelmet. Britney represents safety after a fall from the fork, symbolizing the devouring `serpent`s seed` that, grown in size to the `dragon` of Revelation, waits in vain to consume the `New Redeemer`, that is, although the sunderers believed they could never lose, Jesus Christ in his `Second Coming` will `rule the nations with an iron scepter`, which Britney`s protective fire blanket represents. The spaceman can`t fall to safety because she`s not sure he isn`t a devourer. `Oops I Did It Again` is Britney`s stage where the setting of the ring with the jewel will occur, and she`s a hot white diamond in a bikini, while her red suited self is a ruby, with the cold blue diamond `heart of the ocean` in the spaceman`s `black box` as the third jewel of her ring if he believes in freedom for the human species and so accepts her futanarian `sister`:


`You see my problem is this; I'm dreaming away wishing that heroes, they truly exist. I cry, watching the days; can't you see I'm a fool in so many ways?`


 The hero concept relates to women. At Troy the Greek heroes were there to ostensibly liberate the captured Helen from Prince Paris who had taken her to the city of his father, king Priam, from Greece and her husand, Menelaus, whose brother was king Agamemnon of Sparta. But the enslaving of the host wombs of the women of Troy after the Greek victory belies the title `hero`. Britney Spears` bikini dressed sister in white is the archetype of Helen beseeched by a besieger, who she rejects in his first assay, but the scene will be repeated ad nauseum, because the VCD will be replayed countless times by people all over the world ad infinitum unto futurity. Although Brintey appeals to be released from being a `fool` for `dreaming` of `heroes`, she`s possessed by the `brain devils` of the propogandists who want her to accept the `demons` as heroes despite the truth which belies the fact of war and her enslavement as its producer.

 In ancient Greece women`s host wombs were institutionally enslaved by homosexuals in pederasty in order to spread war and its contagion. The global incurable `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS is a `biological weapon` keeping `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen enslaved in fearful faithfulness to her jailors in misogyny. The indomitable Star Wars machine R2-D2 provides the best solution to fallible humanity`s belief in invincibility and the stoic `he who hesitates is lost`15 philosophy of the schizophrenic socio-path, but society wants human error rather than machine infallbility, so computer `geeks`, replacing the earlier form of `Greek` homosexuality, devise machine code to deliver viruses to computers much in the way that Troy was captured by the `Trojan horse` of the Greeks. Leaving behind a huge hollow wooden horse, the Greeks left their siege of the city of Troy and the Trojans took the `gift` into the city where the Greeks emerged like a 21st century `Trojan horse` computer virus to enslave the host wombs of the Trojan women for pederasty and to spread their contagion further:


`Beware Greeks bearing gifts.`16


 The Al Qaeda terrorists on 9/11, 2001, used their hijacked planes as visiting guests of the United States to crash them into the Twin Towers and virally precipitate global `rough trade`17 at the World Trade Centre, that is, the `brutality and violence` of homosexual pederasty at war with the world. Just as Judas betrayed Jesus so the Al Qaeda tourists and students were traitors to the welcome the United States gave them when they hijacked civil aircraft at Boston`s Logan airport to end the hopes of the 21st century in the same way that the lives of `runners` are snuffed out by `sandmen` in the science fiction movie, Logan`s Run (1976), because they want to live past their 21st birthdays. If funds were spent on healthcare, rather than war, humans could live forever, but ephemerality for women keeps the species unconscious and easy prey for alien intelligences, because `woman`s seed` can`t disseminate the `futanarian` truth to their daughters within censorship and media blackout that occludes from taboo knowledge of her own penis` semen:


`I'm Mrs `Oh, my God! That Britney's Shameless (You want a piece of me?)!`


 Britney Spears isn`t allowed to be shameless enough or the nude photograph of her on the cover of the CD single, `Piece Of Me`, on the cross of Jesus with her long brunette hair covering her breasts and wearing only a sarong would be entirely naked with a `futanarian` woman`s penis` erection visible so the younger generation can know more of the truth about Christ`s teachings of `woman`s seed`, its Resurrection, and mankind`s Redemption through acceptance of it.



 That Britney Spears knew Hot Gossip`s work is evident from the golden bosses on the walls of the stage set for the video single, `Oops I Did It Again`, because silver bosses feature in the video for `Starship Trooper` and in the BBC TV series Doctor Who (1963-) on the casing of the Daleks of Skaro who were at war with the blonde Thal humans as the Kaleds before global holocaust forced the Kaleds to become Daleks and live in metal pepper-pot style vehicles as exterminators of the Thals. The Daleks become the enemies of the human race throughout the long-running TV series; metallically grating whenever they see a human:


`Exterminate! Exterminate!`18



 US audiences would associate the pepper-pot Daleks and Doctor Who with the fizzy soft drink, Dr Pepper, while Gwyneth Paltrow was the actress in the role of Pepper Potts alongside Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark in the movie Iron Man (2008) , which similarly treats of the theme of the armoured flying suit. Although Daleks aren`t Iron Man, their outward appearance in the shape of the external bosses on their pepper-pot style casings, insofar as they feature in the pop music videos of Britney Spears` `Oops I Did It Again` and Hot Gossip`s `Starship Trooper`, reflect on Robert A. Heinlein`s Starship Troopers and Britney Spears` spaceman`s position with regard to the phenomenon of the `extermination camp`. 



 Internment camps for `aliens` arose in the 20th century as a means employed by the Germans during WWII to exterminate the `chosen people` of the Old Testament of the Bible, the Jews, and prevent the human `futanarian` species of unsundered woman with her own penis` `seed` for planetary colonization from leaving. It isn`t possible to be born a Jew unless born from a woman, so women are the `chosen people`. Because of the surrounding Dalek symbolism, both Britney Spears` Oops I Did It Again` and Hot Gossip`s `Starship Trooper` represent the idea that there`s no escape for the unsundered children of the human race of `futanarian` women with their own capacity for sexually reproducing their own brains` power to liberate themselves through technological advancement because the troopers are their imprisoners rather than their defenders.



 Whether Hot Gossip and Britney Spears support the `death camp` theme in their dance videos is moot. Directors have their own ideas and `Starship Trooper` by Hot Gossip was choreographed by England`s Arlene Phillips while `Oops I Did It Again` was directed for Britney Spears by England`s Nigel Dick. It was the English that invented the `concentration camp` in South Africa, of course, to exterminate the Dutch settlers during the Boer wars (1880-1,1899-02) and the  exterminating Daleks of Doctor Who were created by Terry Nation, who also devised Blake`s 7 (1978-81), the adventures of Roj Blake and the crew of the Liberator spaceship who conduct a campaign against the totalitarian Terran Federation, because it uses mass surveillance, brainwashing and drug pacification to control its citizens, for 52 episodes.



 When Roj Blake is lost, Kerr Avon, an `electronics and computer expert`, commands until the Liberator is destroyed and the crew continue their campaign from the planet Xenon. In the final episode Avon finds Blake and kills him because he suspects Blake of being a traitor. The crew are killed by Federation guards who surround Avon in the final scene. The essence is of the South African actress, Glynis Barber, who had the role of Soolin in the fourth and last series along with Slave, the new ship Scorpio`s onboard computer, which telegraphed the `TV` program as a sunderer`s pogrom on behalf of transvestism, that is, the sundered human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host wombs for independence and freedom.



 Glynis Barber as Soolin was a blonde South African Boer beauty who might appeal sexually to women viewers of Blake`s 7 and so she was exterminated in an English `death camp` scenario in keeping with the continuing theme of Doctor Who And The Daleks (1965) in which the blonde Thals are extrapolations of the Dutch Boers who declared an Orange Free State on February 25, 1854, which the English tried to exterminate. Of course, the Jews held still in Germany, and the rest of the world, before the fascist pogroms began before WWII during the dictatorial reigns of democratically elected Reichführer, Adolf Hitler in 1933, Benito Mussolini in Italy in 1922, and Emperor Hirohito (1901-1989) of Japan, who was best known for claiming not to know anything about the Japanese own `labour camps` created to waste lives in starvation and disease:


`A word to you about escape. There is no barbed wire. No stockade. No watchtower. They are not necessary. We are an island in the jungle. Escape is impossible. You would die.`19



 Colonel Sato in the movie of Japanese prisoner of war camps, Bridge Over The River Kwai (1957), announces the basic capitalist ethos of the 2oth century and beyond. The soul is to be enslaved for the spirit to work, but there`s no escape because technological development is forbidden. Science fiction is usually defined as extrapolation, that is, possible scientific advancement described in fictional terms, whereas the truth is that humans live in the propogandists` fiction that science is impossible in order to maintain slavery.



 Caring about the car is different to the car caring about the individual who cares for the car, but the principle is liberating. Humans are kept at an artificially low level of technological advancement to prevent the machine from caring for them and liberating humanity from slavery. The individual with poor technology has to care for their technology more, for example, the person with scissors rather than an electric razor, which results in slavery to the technology rather than liberation of the individual through technology because scissors are more time-consuming than electric razors.



 If the machine cares for the human better than the human can, the machine is more human than the human who is thenceforth liberated from care and can live. Men keep humans at a low level of technology so they can`t escape, but women with their own penis` semen and host womb are socio-economically independent to sexually reproduce their own brains and technologies and so men are her alien parasites seeking the extinction of her human species through `death camp` programs designed to foster the illusion that progress is desired whereas the teleology is of slavery and reincarnation to be enslaved in death and rebirth, whereas Jesus Christ taught Resurrection because it means the end of devourment of the human race in enslavement to the `serpent`s seed` preparing their `red dragon`, Satan, to consume the Earth in the fire of nihilistic holocaust followed by a  permanent winter of deadly ice from which no living thing would ever emerge;


`From what I've tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate to say that for destruction ice Is also great and would suffice.`20



 The `serpent`s seed` hates humanity and grows its dragons to devour it. Satan doesn`t care whether the world ends in fire or ice, as Robert Frost writes in his poem, `Fire And Ice`, just as long as it does. Although the poet`s metaphor for the ending of a relationship in acrimony is simple, the metaphor is genuine because the human species is split by its alien sunderers who seek the Earth`s destruction. It will happen if Jesus` teaching isn`t understood as encouragement to those who want to be pilot`s of their own individual spacelanes, rather than aliens masquerading as `starship troopers`, who`d hijack planes in order to destroy individuality and developmental human progress:


`Starship Trooper, go sailing on by, catch my soul, catch the very night. Hide the moment from my eager eyes. Though you've seen them, please don't tell a soul. What you can't see, can't be very whole.`21



 The lyric from `Starship Trooper` by the progressive rock group, Yes. describes people`s fear of German `stormtroopers`, that is, the Sturmabteilung (SA) Nazi paratroopers, and what they`ve been doing. That`s why many residents close to Nazi `death camps`, run by the Schutzstaffel (SS) `protective squadron`, during and before WWII, lived in self-delusion, because they didn`t want to be held in there and so feigned belief in the lies about `showers` and `holiday camps` where poison gas chambers and clusters of protected buildings for exterminators to exterminate humans were the truth. The Yes lyric describes starship troopers as a Nazi collective of like-minded people flying supersonic aircraft across the Earth to attack humans with weapons of mass destruction, while the retarded infants pedal their toy cars futilely seeking to progress on their rat race`s treadmill:


`Mother life, hold firmly on to me. Catch my knowledge higher than the day. Release as much as only you can show. Though you've seen me, please don't say a word. What I don't know, I have never shared.`22



 The Yes lyric is of belief in a maternal spirit in nature, who the singer-narrator wants to show enough of herself to assist human development and progress, but no more of her secrets, because the lyricist doesn`t want Nazism to have her. In the early 1950s, work began on supersonic transport (SST) and the first Concorde airplane was produced by the British Aircraft Corporation (BAC) and French Aérospatiale in 1969. Concorde could travel from Europe to New York in under 3 hrs and was decommissioned in 2003 after entering service in 1976 amidst criticism of its `sonic boom`, which some people in the UK didn`t want to hear overhead. Concorde`s flight time increased to minimize the supersonic attribute until those who wanted a mode of transportation that would take them to the United States in less than half a day were thwarted and flight technology for humans was once again made subordinate to the more spontaneous sonic booms of military aircraft that residents along the South coast of the UK couldn`t do anything about other than complain against those who actually kill people for being a nuisance. The pedal car drivers thought they were `starship troopers`, whereas what they really needed was a spaceplane program to get their feet off the military`s treadmill for the production of wheeled vehicles to smash with their jet airplanes` rocket bombs after receiving instructions from what the English are wont to describe euphemistically as `higher ups`:


`Loneliness is a pow'r that we possess to give or take away forever. All I know can be shown by your acceptance of the fact there shown before you. Take what I say in a diff'rent way and it's easy to see that this is all confusion. As I see a new day in me, I can also show if you and you may follow.`23



 The concept of following a teacher is Christian, while the Holy Spirit that Jesus Christ promised God would send is the teacher. The idea that `higher ups` aren`t looking down upon the humans in lonely power to take away their lives forever so they can continue in power is naïve. The true teacher can show what`s acceptable, but not if the taught prefers `higher ups` other than God. The myth of the `starship trooper` is a theme in literature and music because of the genuineness of fears about aliens, but the human solution is individuality, rather than collective power. Those members of the British public who prevented Concorde from developing, so that cheaper faster transportation between continents couldn`t result in the sharing of good ideas and economic growth, stopped human progress, when the facility of the internet as a global system of information emerging in the 1980s would provide the knowledge and desire to work with others internationally, and for the betterment of humanity, as individualities concerned to grow into a human collective:


Jesus, savior, pilot me, over life’s tempestuous sea; unknown waves before me roll, hiding rock and treach’rous shoal; chart and compass came from thee: Jesus, savior, pilot me.`24



 Jesus taught that the Holy Spirit would teach after him because of what Jung calls the `sex drive`, which is the libdic energy produced by an individual. In spiritual transformation sexual libido is transformed into intellectual capacity for work to create a better environment to live. The conversion from instinct to spirit is through metanoia, which is the transformation of the brain through acceptance of Jesus` teaching. The Holy Spirit is the result of a transformed brain, because Jesus doesn`t want to be somebody else`s `pilot` and, when the Holy Spirit has transformed the individual brain, the `sex drive` is no longer governed by instinctuality and the self-actualized ego has control in God or, as Jung has it, the individual is able to know the totality of the `Self`, which is as close to God as the human brain can be.



 The analogy is the automobile, which requires a driver. The concept of drivers is archetypal and is built into computer concepts, where a driver is needed to run programs and software such as video players on the hardware. According to Jung archetypes exist in the collective unconscious of humankind and arise in dreams, art and the imagination as the brain`s natural impulse engines for the ship of the body and mind.  The analogy of the car and the human operator of the vehicle doesn`t apply to the individual driven by a demon, because then the `demon driver` would have to be in the back seat holding a gun to the head of the human.



 In Star Wars Princess Leia wears her hair wrapped about her ears like headphones, `ram style`, because she is with `the force` selecting from her `random access memory` of the `midi-chlorians` that live within her as minute creatures assisting her to live in harmony within `the force` of her personality. If she wasn`t able to hear her midi-chlorians, she`d be like a car driven by backseat drivers because she`s deaf, and in fact her `ram style` hair technology looks like that worn as earmuffs in the winter to keep cold ears warm, or by road menders using heavy drills on tarmac that would deafen the worker unless the earmuffs were worn.



 The `force` is knowledge gleaned over medical lore eons of hair technology allowing Leia to understand through her mind and spirit. The minute creatures would become `demonic` if she deviated from adherence to `the force`, which corresponds to the Holy Spirit, because the midi-chloreans could drive the ship of the body and spirit, rather than the individual ego through acceptance of the Holy Spirit and God, which the Jedi knights of Star Wars, such as Alec Guinness in his role as Obi Wan Kenobi, teach to their disciples and the midi-chloreans through a combination of meditation, education, and prayer.



 The Sony Walkman portable individual cassette player with headphones was a Japanese invention of the late 20th century as a generation attempted to understand what was going on inside them so they could self-actualize without distraction. According to Jungian psychology there are four functions of consciousness; `Sensation, Thinking, Feeling, and Intuition`. The `Thinking` function is associated with the ears or hearing, and it`s difficult to be demoniacally influenced if you`re deaf. The Sony Walkman offered inner peace and harmony whatever chaos manifested without and so allowed the individual ego to steer a course for a safer harbor; deaf to those voices that would force a change in course to drive the ship onto the rocks and sink it.



 Although ships of the Star Wars movies are either for huge numbers of people and vast, or a few people and small, the ideal is for an individual to have a big ship, which that person runs alone, but Jesus` is the pilot to begin with before metanoia (Matt: 27. 3) and the Holy Spirit have occurred and the ego is capable. The problem in the 20th century was confusion between driver and driven because car drivers often have passengers who are driven by the driver to a destination. The human who is capable is driven by the backseat `demons`, and that`s the paradigm by which humans live. In science fiction the human is most often depicted as a member of a collective such as the crew of the starship Enterprise in Star Trek while the space rocket with a pilot sitting in it has a huge engine ruling out living space and that can only travel quickly to its destination like a missile.



 In the Starship Troopers paradigm the collective devours itself like spiders after mating, while the rocket pilot streaks from place to place as a homeless person driven by `demons` that don`t want him to live as anything other than a missile that`ll one day find a home. The depiction of single occupant spaceships of a significant size in movies such as Alien (1979) are almost always treated with horror as the work of an alien intelligence, but that`s what Jesus` teaching is about. Christ leaves Earth for God and heaven without companions and the Holy Spirit is promised as a teacher to assist others who want a ship of their own.



 Without depictions of large space vehicles for a single person, the human is trapped by backseat `demon drivers` in slavery to what Jung describes as the superior function associated with the ego, that is, either `Thinking`, which is the ears in undifferentiated form; `Sensation`, the eyes; `Feeling`, the mouth (speech), and `Intuition; the spirit sensing through the nose or smell. In Jungian psychology there`s usually a superior, auxiliary, ancillary and inferior function. The Japanese Sony Walkman could help differentiate the `Thinking` function, but the other functions would need different approach work. A person with a computer and screen has differentiated eyes as the `Sensation` function, which requires some spirit sense or `Intuition`, while articulate speech requires differentiation of the `Feeling` function, so the internet`s an important tool of the 20th century for readers, writers and communicators, but driven cars and slow travel by passenger laden transport represent the rocket and pilot missile analogy, and that of the Starship Troopers waiting to be `dropped` on a world new and beautiful, but pre-judged by the individual, who`s been taught the `spider` paradigm, that it`s either territory to conquer and devour after the `drop zone` is reached, or that the spiders there`ll devour the visitor if they know a `drop` is about to occur.

 Keeping one function superior and one function inferior, that is, the shadow, which is the inferior aspect of the perceiving personality that sees the other person as inferior, is how the `demons` maintain humans as `guided missiles` and self-devourers. Because the `red dragon` of Revelation is the `serpent`s seed` grown in size to devour `woman`s seed` but waits in vain, `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and capacity for sexually reproducing her own brains` power will succeed.



 Because women`s technology is likely to be different to men`s history is the place to find clues, especially the ancient South American Mayan technology, which didn`t have the wheel, according to archaeologists, and Aztec technology. Although Britney Spears in her red pilot`s suit doesn`t appear to have a spaceship in the video `Oops I Did It Again` and the astronaut is called `Mars Lander`, there doesn`t appear to be any other spacecraft for the little people of `Mission Control` to direct other than him, which suggests Britney Spears` technology is different. The South American civilizations of Mayan untechnology, because there`s no wheel,  and has technology, that is, Aztec technology, is how Britney Spears` `different` ship appears in the video `Oops I Did It Again`, where parts seem technological but how they function is a mystery, because she`s `woman`s seed` and not the `serpent`s seed`.



 The most widely discussed representation of possible Mayan technology is a carving of an operator at the controls of some functioning structure that could only be understood through access to the technology which existence is recorded on the external stonework of its occupant. If a human body is but the `vehicle` of a single human occupant, the Mayan stonework depicts the activity of the operator who doesn`t need the wheel, because the human has arms, hands and legs for movement, dexterousness and industry. If the body dies and decays, the human operator emerges from the vessel. The picture on the side of the Mayan sarcophagus depicts the human soul and spirit applying technology after the flesh it has occupied has deteriorated. Britney`s `Mars Lander` in `Oops I Did It Again` is the spaceman containing `Mission Control` as more than a single occupant or `crew`, while Britney is the `operator` of her own ship outside the ship of the spacesuit occupants.



 According to Jung there are male and female functions of human consciousness; `Thinking and Sensation` are male while `Feeling and Intuition` are female but, if women have their own male reproductive organs as `futanarian` humans, all of the functions of consciousness belong with them and the `serpent`s seed` of men are her alien parasites; unredeemable without repentance of their `original sin` of enslaving Eve`s daughters through metanoia. Even the soul belongs to women, because it`s female, according to Jung, and the animus or male spirit in woman represents her penis` sexual drive for socio-economic success and freedom.  So woman can`t leave the ship of her Earth,  the `serpent`s seed` of men have invaded her bodies` host wombs to enslave her soul and spirit for their devourers` wars. The animus corresponds to the Holy Spirit, but it can`t be heard as the inner voice of God if `futanarian` women aren`t sexually reproducing the human species of woman with her own brains` powers. The animus can only receive actuation within a human that has the four functions of consciosunsess, `Thinking, Sensation, Feeling and Intuition`, which are for `woman`s seed`. The `serpent`s seed` of men are her enslaving and devouring alien parasites, so if `futanarian` women are prevented from breeding sexually with their own human penis` semen and host wombs, the human race will never develop beyond guided missiles and invading paratroopers because that`s men`s paradigm; to penetrate the woman and eat her.



1 Keyhoe, Donald E. Captain Strange: Strange Enemies, Age of Aces, 2012.

2 Keyhoe The Flying Saucers Are Real, Fawcett Publications, 1950.

3 Marx, Karl Das Kapital, Verlag von Otto Meisner, 1867.

4 Bishop, Edward as Ed Straker in UFO, Century 21 Television, 1970-3.

5 Frost, Robert `Fire And Ice`, l. 1-2, Harper`s Magazine, December, 1920.

6 Hynek, Allen J. The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry, Da Capo Press, 1972, p. 20.

7 Heinlein, Robert A. The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress, 1966, Bk III.

8 Nostradamus, Michel Les Propheties, Century 10, Quatrain 72, 1555.

9 Usher, Robin `Special Angel Service` (Robin A. Bright transl.) in Land of Osiris (anth.), Cherubion Press, Debrecen, Hungary, 1996, pp 184-91.

10 Armstrong, Neil 2:56 UTC July 21, 1969.

11 Mallory, Sir Thomas Le Mort D`Arthur, Bk VI, `The Noble Tale Of The Sangraal`,13-17, William Caxton, 1470.

12 Force, .

13 Tolkien, J. R. R. The Fellowship Of The Ring, George Allen & Unwin, July 24, 1954, pp. 531.

14 Tolkien The Hobbit, Chapter V `Riddles In The Dark`, George Allen & Unwin, September 21, 1937.

15 Addison, Joseph Cato: A Tragedy, first performed on April 14, 1713.

16 Virgil The Aeneid, Bk II, 19 B.C.

17Rough trade, .

18 Doctor Who season 1, `The Daleks`, 7 episodes, 25 minutes each, December 21, 1963 - February 1, 1964.

19 Hayakawa Sessue as Colonel Sato in Bridge Over The River Kwai, Horizon Pictures, October 2, 1957.

20 Frost, `Fire And Ice`, l. 3-9, 1920.

21 Anderson, Jon, Chris Squire, and Steve Howe `Life Seeker` (l. 6-10) from `Starship Trooper` (I) The Yes Album, February 1971.

22 `Life Seeker` (l. 15-19) from `Starship Trooper` (I), The Yes Album, 1971.

23 `Disillusion` (l. 1-5) from `Starship Trooper` (II), The Yes Album, 1971.

24 Hopper, Edward, `Jesus, Saviour, Pilot Me` in The Sailor`s Magazine, 1871

It`s A Britney Spears` Pie Film

01/12/2013 18:14

It`s A Britney Spears` Pie Film


In the promotional video for the single `If You Seek Amy` Britney Spears is a woman seen amidst the detritus of a party at her house who reappears in the traditional style of a housewife to take what all Americans would recognize as the iconic fare of `mom`s apple pie` from off the kitchen table to take it out into the garden where she greets the photographers of the press with her children and husband. Because the man in the garden with her resembles John F. Kennedy Jnr, `If You Seek Amy` is about how the United States of America makes spies.





 John could have been President of the United States of America, but for his light aircraft being lost at sea enroute to a local airport at Martha`s Vineyard, Massachussetts, on July 16, 1999, aged 38. The `hidden` title of Britney Spears` song, `If You Seek Amy`, is `F. U. C. K me`, because Britney Spears appears in the garden dressed as Marilyn Monroe, who had an affair with John-John`s father, President John F. U. C. Kennedy, while he was married to Jaqueline Bouvier. John Jnr got his nickname when a press reporter heard his father say his name twice. He wasn`t qualified to fly the Piper Saratoga II HP by instrumentation, which meant he drowned although he could have flown, whereas his father was killed when he could fly, that is, he was qualified by his office to ride in Airforce One, whether he could pilot or not. Their asssassins didn`t want an able person in the Whitehouse:


`Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty. This much we pledge – and more.`1





 The `mom`s apple pie` symbolism is a metaphor for brain death because the `apple` is the brain. If a woman wants to cool pies after baking in the oven she puts the pies on the windowsill, but thieves steal. Because the thieves don`t want the woman to remember that she put the pies on the windowsill they want her to lose her mind. If she learns how to bake after being reincarnated she`ll put the pies on the windowsill again, but thieves are animals. She`ll have forgotten how to build starships. Spies are those who look to see if the woman makes pies. President John F. Kennedy died because he was shot in the head by a sniper during a visit to Dallas, Texas, by motorcade in 1963, which is `mom`s apple pie` in medical circles because it`s a mess if you have to operate.





 Operators are spies in intelligence circles. If the plane had auto-pilot, John-John wouldn`t have been needed to fly the two women, wife Carolyn and sister-in-law, Lauren, because the technology would have been better. If one or both of the women were `futanarian` with their own penis` semen, John-John wouldn`t be needed. But he was flying to his cousin Rory`s wedding. As a woman Rory was marrying a man, but God`s warning to Eve in the Bible is that the `serpent`s seed` will have `perpetual enmity` of `woman`s seed`, because the woman Eve was tempted into slavery by the serpent in the garden of Eden when it gave her the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`. Because Eve produced `futanarian` human women with their own penis` `seed` from her host womb these are `woman`s seed` while Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, is `futanarian`, that is, `woman`s seed` again, but men have killed or suppressed woman`s human species, which is God`s `seed`, and so the `serpent`s seed` has wormed its way into the apple of her brain to give her brain damage and make `mom`s apple pie` there. Because the aim of the `serpent`s seed` is to damage the brains of the humans so the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` can`t escape in starships of her own bred brains devising, for example, technology has to be kept at a low level so she can`t:


`Simple Simon met a pieman,

Going to the fair;

Says Simple Simon to the pieman,

`Let me taste your ware.`

Says the pieman to Simple Simon,

`Show me first your penny`;

Says Simple Simon to the pieman,

`Indeed I have not any.``2





  Simple Simon is a `cargo cult` because pies are easy for people who don`t have to make one themselves, which is what spies and thieves look for. A genius who can produce something they might want before they make `mom`s apple pie` out of the brain they`ve discovered and wait for it to produce something else, which is reincarnation or simply brain damage and that`s what John F. Kennedy received. The `serpent`s seed` don`t want the human `seed` to develop because the woman might escape and they`d have no host wombs to breed in as the parasites of her `cargo cult`, which is the name given to the phenomenon discovered in the South Seas amongst isolated peoples who built from copies of what they`d seen of aircraft. John-John`s plane crashed into the sea off Hyannis Point where the wedding of his cousin, Rory, was to occur. It`d be difficult to make him President of the United States of America from there. Even if the enslaved `cargo cult` of the Earth was to try, and forcing people to make the attempt is what spies, thieves and assassins do.





 Britney Spears in `If You Seek Amy` is in the role of the enslaved host womb of the parasite, and she has the brains to make `mom`s apple pie`, which is what the `serpent`s seed` would say John F. Kennedy`s mother, Rose, was for after they`d made `pie` of his brain. The song narrates as a meditation by a schizophrenic on her circumstances because women are taught that men are their sexual reproductive partners whereas what she sees in the mirror each day is the mirror image of her sexual counterpart but most women don`t have penis` semen of their own and so are made schizophrenic in denial of their own sexuality and feelings for their own human species of woman which has penis` semen of her own as `futanarian` and so is sexually reproductive of her own brains` powers to be something much more than `mom`s apple pie` for the `serpent`s seed`:


`I can't get her off of my brain.

I just want to go to the party she gonna go.

Can somebody take me home?

Ha ha, he he, ha ha ho.`





 Britney Spears is `in two minds`, which is a euphemism for schizophrenia. She wants to go to the party that Amy`s going to go to, but she wants to be taken home. In the video single Britney is seen `partying` at her house before becoming the Presidential housewife in the garden for the paparrazi, which means she`s been to the party with Amy, but is herself in the garden again with `mom`s apple pie`, that is, the husband and kids, because they all represent schizophrenia, which is the brain damage caused by breeding with the male `serpent`s seed`.





 The `party` is a euphemism for the Democratic Party of the Kennedys because women with their own penis` `seed` are 66% of any equation for sexual reproduction without the male which is 33% of nothing if the women won`t sexually reproduce with what is deducible as her parasite by means logic. The Democratic Party is `votes for women` because men aren`t human if women can sexually reproduce their own human species` brains by means of their own `futanarian` penis` semen. A woman looking at her own penis in the mirror knows she`s the human species if she can breed with another woman, whereas men can`t breed without women, which means 100% voting stock in the Democratic Party for the humans who can breed the `serpent`s seed` of men out of their system and disenfranchise it of voting stock democratically:


`We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.`3





 In American slang `dick` means `nothing` and the male penis, so the role of the husband in `If You Seek Amy` is `Democrat Dick`,  because `futanarian` humans with their own penis` `seed` are those who are legitimately enfranchised by the Constitution of the United States of America while the `serpent`s seed` of men isn`t. It`s a `cargo cult` in which `Democrat Dick` doesn`t work because it`s slavery and not democracy. The woman produces from God`s spirit and the human soul while her own penis` `seed` has been stolen by the parasite that has inveigled itself into her host womb to have itself reborn as `Democrat Dick` in endless reincarnations and `perpetual enmity` for the `futanarian` woman who actually had her own penis` semen before `Democrat Dick` killed her:


`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)


 The statue of `Liberty` in New York harbor is a woman bearing the torch of freedom but beneath her skirts she conceals the `mystery` of women`s own penis` `seed` which, in human democracy, would make her the 100% enfranchised `voting stock`, whereas men can`t sexually reproduce together because they`re alien parasites and so have no voting rights amongst the humans.





 In English television history the children`s program Blue Peter (1958-) is legendary for its longevity because of its consistent appeal to young minds. The central premise of the show is `Simple Simon` because the presenter is required at some point in each show to demonstrate to the viewer how to make a telephone out of two paper cups and a length of string, for example. The construction of each new thing for the delight of the child culminates in the adult producing from underneath the workbench a complete version of the components assembled so far:


`Here`s one I made earlier.`4





 Obviously a reference to an earlier legend, which derives from a proverb attributed to 16th century humanist, Desiderius Erasmus, `In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.`5 Because a `one-eye` made earlier is what men have made of woman. Young girls are blinded to their own human ancestry as `futanarian` humans with their own penis` `seed` and capacity for sexually reproducing their own minds, that is, knowing their own minds, and breeding the `serpent`s seed` out of their own race, because they`re made schizophrenic by the pie makers of the `serpent`s seed` who ensure they`re born brain damaged for reincarnation and the struggle for intelligence and life once more in the `cargo cult` that`s enslaved them. Although the Blue Peter presenter says, `Here`s one I made earlier,` there`s no evidence to suggest they did or they can, which is what `cargo cult` is. The South Sea islander produces from photographs or wreckage of aircraft, because the assumption is that there`s something to be produced, so `Democrat Dick` gives the children something to work at, and they produce the technologically advanced concept of electricity generated from wind because they`d seen how to construct a windmill on Blue Peter.





 The children`s `presenter` becomes the `operator` in the `spy ring`, because they`re concerned to spy for the thieves to see if the individual with a brain can make pies, `Here is one I made earlier.` Operators have one eye on the child, and one eye on the future, because Blue Peter is about reincarnation. The possibility of something new is limited, because the spies, thieves and, in the final analysis the assassins, are only interested in stealing the pies from the windowsill, reincarnating the woman to make more pies, and preventing her from remembering what spies, thieves and assassins do. The brain of the human `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and a capacity for breeding her own species` brainpower is concerned with remembering where she put her starships after they were built by her so she can escape from the murderers and reincarnators of the `cargo cult` that has enslaved her:


`Love me hate me, say what you want about me, but all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to [F. U. C. K me] …`


 The promotional video single for `If You Seek Amy` came from the album Circus (2008) which is a euphemism for spy rings, just as the previous album released by Britney Spears was titled Blackout (2007) because blacking out is what spies do when their spies have discovered someone who has made a pie and the assassin kills them for their product to begin the process again through reincarnation and the Blue Peter `presenter` starts to operate once more on the brain of the young genius. Much of Blackout is devoted to the idea of media censorship and children`s education in promotional videos for singles like `Piece Of Me` where the paparazzi are accused of interfering between mother and new editions to her family, Sean and Jayden:


`Guess I can't see the harm in working and being a mama, and with a kid on my arm I'm still an exceptional earner, and you want a piece of me?`


 Britney Spears was accused by the paparazzi of being a `bad mother` when dropping the cap of her infant, Sean, in the street near a New York hotel off Central Park while running for a car. The US court ruled she should give her fortune over to her father as Conservator, and someone who said he was a `friend`, Jason Trawick, who subsequently wasn`t. The Constitution of the United States of America is the `supreme law`, which means Britney Spears, as a human woman of a species with her own penis` `seed`, outvotes the US judicial system in respect of her own children, because the `serpent`s seed` of men are alien parasites attempting to enslave the woman`s host womb to have `mom` make more `apple pie` and give her further brain damage in reincarnation.

 For the cover of the CD single `Piece Of Me` from Blackout, Britney Spears appears on the cross in the place of Jesus crucified, because the Roman `circus` didn`t want the Messiah to teach others to see, `In the land of the blind, [where] the one-eyed man is king.` Britney Spears is teaching in the tradition of Jesus. `Circus` was what the Roman called `games` in which gladiators, for example, were combatants. Within huge stadia named `amphitheatres`, crowds of people gathered to watch spectacles. Christians were thrown to lions, for example, as a Roman `game`. Spy rings for thieves and murderers represent the Roman `games` because they don`t want humans to see. Whoever they`re working for is the Roman Emperor and they`re anti-Christian because Jesus` teachings are for those who want to see heaven:


`Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54)


 The Roman centurion Longinus` words at Jesus` crucifixion for being a Jewish dissident in Palestine crown the Messiah and explain the subsequent role of the Pope in Rome`s Vatican City as global head of the Catholic Christian church after Jesus` disciple Peter, `the rock on who I [Jesus] will build my church`. (Matt: 16. 18) Presenters aren`t teachers, they`re operators for spies, thieves and murderers, whereas Jesus was a teacher for developers, producers, and those who sought immortality through scientific advances in medicine, for example. On September 11, 2001, terrorist group Al Qaeda, `the base`, hijacked civil airplanes and crashed them into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre, which was presented `live on CNN` and other `small screen` television channels owned by Hollywood, Babylon. The `presenters` were programing the future pogroms of the `serpent`s seed` against `woman`s seed`, that is, what woman is able to produce from her host womb in the way of art, civilization and culture despite men`s depredations against her through war:


`Beware Greeks bearing gifts.`6


 In ancient Greece women`s host wombs were enslaved in institutionalized homosexual pederasty to spread the viral contagion of warfare further, which is what actor, Brad Pitt, presents as the hero Achilles before the gates of the city in the Hollywood, Babylon movie Troy (2004), where a huge hollow wooden horse is placed as a friendship gift for the unsuspecting Trojans to take into the city where the Greeks emerge from inside the horse to enslave the host wombs of the women in institutionalized homosexual pederasty and spread their viral contagion of warfare further. As visitors to the United States, the Al Qaeda terrorists were employing the planes as `Trojan horses` against the host, which is what Judas Iscariot was to Jesus at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion as a dissident betrayed by his disciple to the Roman authorities. Jesus` offer of the `bread and wine` as the host wasn`t understood by Judas even though Christ explained that it was symbolic of the `body and blood` of the host. Born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus represents the `Word` of God about the `seed` of humanity, which is `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen as the future host of the human species from her own womb, so Judas` betrayal of Jesus as a dissident was treachery against the future of humanity.

 Because the terrorist attack of Al Qaeda, `the base`, against mom`s `Big Apple` pie of New York`s World Trade Centre was designed to precipitate global conflict with Saddam Hussein of Iraq, who`d promised bases to Al Qaeda there, the `Trojan horses` of the hijacked planes crashed into the Twin Towers were a virus spread by those engaged in `rough trade`,7 that is, the `brutality and violence` associated with homosexual pederasty and the spreading of war`s contagions, which seem now to have included what the Bible calls `blood plague` (Rev: 16. 2-6). Understandable as `blood feud` and vendetta, which Jesus` teachings of forgiveness and repentance reject, `blood plague` is also identifiable as HIV/AIDS, which was spread in homosexual pederasty by men mixing blood, shit and semen in their anuses during mockeries of human sexual reproduction. The HIV/AIDS virus had the effect of keeping women in fearful faithfulness to her enslavers and so constituted a `biological weapon` against her attempts to escape through sexually reproducing her own brains` power for freedom through technological progress:


`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)





 HIV/AIDS begins to infect the body at the base of the spine, because that`s where the penis` semen of the infected male in homosexual pederasty, engaged in secret warfare against the human species of woman`s seed, injects with its penis, which explains why the terrorists were Al Qaeda, `the base`. As the centre of art, civilization and culture in the Western hemisphere, the `Big Apple` of New York represents the brain of the human species and so was the logical target for an engagement with homosexual pederasty`s `rough trade` of `brutality and violence` perpetrated in symbolic form against the World Trade Centre. The United States` subsequent involvement in a third global altercation represented the mind of the West going berserk after contamination by the `blood plague` sent by God, according to scripture, to convert men from their `original sin` of enslaving the host womb of woman for homosexual pederasty and war:


`For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries.` (Rev: 18. 3)


 In the Middle East the women wear the one-piece coverall of the burkha in public so all that can be seen are their eyes and nothing of what a woman is beneath her traditional costume. The office of the authority of the President of the United States carries the power of the `Great Seal`, which bears the symbol of the eagle:


`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the desert, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14)





 Although the US Navy Seals of `Team Six` killed terrorist leader, Osama Ben Ladan, on May 2, 2011, the role of the office of the Presidency is to protect the woman who has given birth to the `New Redeemer` and remains in the desert while the battle between the `serpent`s seed` and the `seed of the woman` continues. The Navy Seals represent the hymen of the women who are the `futanarian` penis` `seed` of the human species who is `hidden` as the Moslem women of Islamic Arabia are traditionally concealed beneath their burkha in accordance with the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed in the Koran (610-30 CE) as dictated by the angelic host of God for the edification of the human host there.

 As `mom`s apple pie` is the brain, so the `futanarian` women of Islamic Arabia and the Moslem world with their own penis` `seed` beneath their burkha are `burger` to the evil and not `mom`s apple pie`, because the misogyny of the `serpent`s seed` doesn`t want women`s brains at all. Traditionally the pig is `forbidden` in islam and Judaism as an `unclean animal`, which makes the women `hamburger` to the perpetrators of institutionalized homosexual pederasty and warfare. But the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` beneath her burkha can make `apple pies` as `mom` without contamination from male semen, if `apple pies` were what she wanted to make; bearing in mind that it`s a euphemism for murder and reincarnation after the brain has produced something useful for the enslaver. The other traditional term for the `burkha` is `abiyah`, which suggests `a pier`, someone who prefers `apple pie` to burger, that is, a mother who bears brain damage in reincarnation, despite the `unclean animals` who are her pig, men. Jesus` casting out of demons from men into pigs that promptly drowned themselves is indicative, because the evil spirits preferred men:


`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)


 Because `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` are of the family, human, whereas men have become the parasitical alien `serpent`s seed` inveigling itself into her blind womb as she unknowingly accepts their semen without recourse to the wisdom of her generations yet to have Resurrection and Ascension to heaven at the last judgement of God upon irredeemable and redeemed mankind alike, while according to scripture God has already decreed perdition for the `serpent`s seed`, that is, eternal unendurable pain, but the planets and stars of God`s heaven for `woman`s seed` because she will:


`… crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)


 Her `foot` is the `futanarian` human race of woman with her own penis` `seed` and capacity to sexually reproduce her own brainpower to take her to the planets and stars of God`s heaven where she can be free of men, who are no longer kind to her, if they ever were her kind of man, `Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.` (Matt: 24. 41) Jesus` words on the last judgement don`t speak of favouritism. The serpent and its followers go to perdition while `woman`s seed` have heaven. Evil women go to hell just the same even though they`re human because they prefer enslavement for their host wombs to `the whore` riding `the beast`:


`Come, I will show you the judgment of the great whore … a woman sitting on a scarlet beast … in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of her fornication …` (Rev: 17. 1-4)





 The `blood feud` of vendetta in homosexual pederasty`s `perpetual enmity` and war`s contagions, such as the `biological weapon` of HIV/AIDS` incurable `killer disease` of men`s late 20th century`s `blood plague`, deployed against `woman`s seed` in `biological warfare` against her host womb, are the `abominations and the impurities of her fornication`, which are ascribable to the brain damaged victim and inflicted upon her by her enslavers` breeding with her. The contaminating `serpent`s seed` of men is a blood thinned genetic ancestry, but woman`s own species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed`, who might have saved men from living as a brain damaged parasite, has been killed before by them and is awaiting Resurrection and God`s promised retribution for men`s parasitism upon her host womb:


`… the great winepress of the wrath of God.` (Rev: 14. 19)





 Because Britney Spears shaved her head in a `schizophrenic episode` during the period when she was being unseated from her role as a mother of two sons in October, 2007, `If You Seek Amy` denotes `pie` and `bald`. Because `Piebald`, that is, `the Pie`, was the name of the horse ridden by Elizabeth Taylor to victory in the English Grand national steeplechase horserace as a twelve year old, Velvet Brown, in the movie National Velvet (1944), Britney Spears` shaving of her head to become bald in February, 2007, and her wearing of a blonde wig in the video `If You Seek Amy` to make `the Pie` means that she`s `the Piebald`, which wins the race, because `futanarian` woman may be the `futrace` of humanity but the safe bet is on God`s `seed` rather than the whores`.





 The rival English children`s television show to BBC TV`s Blue Peter was ITV`s Magpie (1968-80), which is a bird described for its black and white colouring and so `piebald is the term for a horse of a similar colour because it seems to have bald patches as well as coloured. Before she made the album Blackout Britney Spears would be seen as `going through a bald patch`,8 in idiomatic terms, because she didn`t make an album for four years after In The Zone (2003), that is, she didn`t perceivably grow after the single `Toxic`, which described her perceptions of the danger of HIV/AIDS:


`I’m on a ride. You're toxic I'm slipping under. With a taste of a poison paradise. I’m addicted to you. Don’t you know that you’re toxic.`





 The TV show Magpie was based on ingredients as the essence of the `magazine` format, which is what artists need before they create. It`s `the tortoise and the hare`9 insofar as Aesop`s fable describes how the race isn`t to the swift but to the more persevering, that is, the human `futrace` will win over those of the `serpent`s seed`, who don`t want her to fly, or even drive in Saudi Arabia, where women are forbidden to drive cars:


`I took a sip from my devil's cup. Slowly it’s taking over me.`


 Although Britney Spears` car tyres seemed to be bald in February, 2007, her star`s vehicle took her through to regain success with Blackout in spite of a supposed `breakdown` when she committed herself to a West Indies` drug rehabilitation centre on the island of Antigua having found herself `toxic`. As a `magpie` her concern is with collecting the ingredients to make her `pie`, that is, her mind is her oeuvre contained in potentiam and appearing but sporadically creative to external observers. The human mind is perfectly methodical, however. Britney Spears was bald before she was `the Pie` in `If You Seek Amy`, which demonstrates the independent planning and forethought of the human mind. The `Piebald` will win the human race even though the pieces of the picture lack colour in patches; because the artist has the right ingredients to make more than a pie baldly.



1 John F. Kennedy`s inaugural Presidential address, 12:51 (ET), Friday, January 20, 1961.

2 Cf. `Simple Simon's Misfortunes and his Wife Margery's Cruelty` (1685) in Opie and P. Opie, The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes, Oxford University Press, 1951, pp. 333-4.

3 March 4, 1789.

4 The phrase was originally attributed to Christopher Trace, a Blue Peter presenter since the initial airing of the bi-weekly children`s television program from 16 October 1958 to 24 July 1967.

5 Erasmus Roterodamus, Desiderius, Collectanea Adagiorum, 1500.

6 Virgil The Aeneid, Bk II, 19 BC.

7 Rough trade, .

8 Bald patch, patch .

9 Aesop's Fables or the Aesopica is a collection of fables credited to Aesop, a slave and story-teller believed to have lived in ancient Greece between 620 and 560 BCE.

In The Boy Zone With The Witch Queen Cannibal Vampires

23/11/2013 07:10

In The Boy Zone With The Witch Queen Cannibal Vampires


Britney Spears` album In The Zone (2003) relates to her role as a dancer in the pop videos she makes to promote her music and songs. Because of their physical fitness routines, dancers describe the state of mind reached, when the exercise seems effortless, and the body is running as a machine, where neither pain nor the pressures of time are present, as `the zone`. Timed alarms are used to tell the dancer when to stop their physical workout because, `in the zone`, all worldly concerns are forgotten and the mind goes with what Hungarian `positive` psychologist, Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, called `the flow`:


`It is a single-minded immersion and represents perhaps the ultimate experience in harnessing the emotions in the service of performing and learning. In flow, the emotions are not just contained and channeled, but positive, energized, and aligned with the task at hand. To be caught in the ennui of depression or the agitation of anxiety is to be barred from flow. The hallmark of flow is a feeling of spontaneous joy, even rapture, while performing a task although flow is also described as a deep focus on nothing but the activity - not even oneself or one's emotions.`1



 In young women `the flow` is manifest as feelings approaching vaginal ejaculation during intense physical activity, like horse riding, for example, as practised by the young film star, Elizabeth Taylor, in the Hollywood movie, National Velvet (1944), `I want it all quickly 'cause I don't want God to stop and think and wonder if I'm getting more than my share.` The 12 year old actress had to ride with her legs astride the back of the powerful animal, as if it were an extension of her own body, and not side saddle, which is how women were taught to ride, because the movie concerned the English steeplechase race, The Grand National, in which jockeys bestride their horses:


`I wanna get in the zone, 

I wanna get in the zone.

If you really wanna battle,

saddle up and get your rhythm.`



 As Britney Spears` lyric from `Me Against The Music`, featuring Madonna Ciccione from the album In The Zone reprises, riding side saddle was obligatory for young women, because of the sexual feelings aroused with a horse between their legs, which men didn`t want to encourage. Orgasmic ejaculation resulting from the woman`s `going with the flow` during a ride upon her horse might have reminded her of `woman`s seed`, which God tells Eve in the Bible will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` after Adam and Eve accepted the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` from the parasite in Eden, rather than the `fruit of the tree of life` and immortality, because they`d have enslavement of their species as a reward:

`You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 4-5)



 Because `woman`s seed` is `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen she`s the enemy of the serpent and the `serpent`s seed` that wants to enslave her host womb for pederasty and war, which was the institutionalized mode of the Greeks before the Roman Empire and its occupation of Palestine during the time of Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified as a `dissident` because he was born of his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, and so born of the `futanarian` species of human woman with her own penis` `seed` God tells Eve will:

`… crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)



 Jesus` teachings are of Resurrection because `woman`s seed`, that is, women with their own penis` semen are in a 50/50 relationship with what could be her parasite emerging from her host womb, that is, men, while her own species of humanity with its penis` `seed` for sexually reproducing herself and her own brains` power is 100% of the human `futanarian` race if she looks in the mirror. Because two women together who can sexually reproduce with one another are 66.6% of the species in any given space where they are alone, men who can`t sexually reproduce together aren`t even 33% of the human race, so Jesus` advocation of Redemption through acceptance of the host in the Catholic Communion service, for example, is an aspect of `brain transformation` or metanoia (Mk: 1. 4) which is conversion from maleness to femaleness necessary if men are to have Redemption and Resurrection in heaven through the body of the `futanarian` woman with her own host womb and capacity for sexually reproducing with her own penis` `seed`:

`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)



 In ancient Greece the giant wooden horse before the walls of the city of Troy was paradigmatic of the way that women`s host wombs are enslaved by pederasty for war and its contagions, which include viruses like the biblical `blood plague` (Rev: 16. 6) HIV/AIDS that`s a homosexual STD. In fact 21st century `geeks` have replaced Greeks in the picture because they produce `Trojan  viruses` to infect the machine brains constructed by the spirit of God in the human to assist humanity`s functioning as it labours beneath the handicap of brain damage resulting from generations of breeding between the woman and her virus, men:

`Beware Greeks bearing gifts.`2


 At Troy the Greeks emerged from the hollow insides of the wooden horse to enslave the host wombs of the women for pederasty and its contagions. The Bible describes what happens when a woman is enslaved by homosexuality:`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) Hollywood is often called `Babylon` in books and other media because of its homosexual attitude towards women. The production code of the 1930s, which lasted until 1968 and set the stamp of male homosexual misogyny on the movie industry, insisted that a woman`s foot should remain on the floor during bedroom scenes, to reinforce the taboo against the penis being seen in films, because men don`t want the `futanarian` foot of `woman`s seed` to rise from the Earth and leave in starships of her own human species` brain`s devising, because of her capacity to sexually reproduce it herself.



 In the movie of Margaret Mitchell`s Gone With The Wind (1936), which details the fall of slavery in the Southern States of the United States of America (1661-5), Scarlett O` Hara is depicted as `liberated` because she rides bestride rather than side saddle, which is depicted as a delightful anachronism but the move was made in 1944 when the `Hays code` for production studios was in full force to prevent women`s `futanarian` foot from ever being seen in Hollywood, Babylon, three hundred years after the historical events depicted in the film Gone With The Wind (1939) and almost two thousand years since the tme of Jesus, Christ, who preached `woman`s seed` after God`s warning Eve of the `serpent`s seed` and its desire that her `futanarian` foot shouldn`t `crush` its head as she left Earth for the planets and stars of God`s promised heaven:

`There was a land of Cavaliers and Cotton Fields called the Old South... Here in this pretty world Gallantry took its last bow … Here was the last ever to be seen of Knights and their Ladies Fair, of Master and of Slave ... Look for it only in books, for it is no more than a dream remembered. A Civilization gone with the wind...`3



 Scarlett O Hara`s conflation of masters and slaves with knights and their ladies is fair, which is the tragedy of mankind. Gone With The Wind is about the flow of time and human progress within it, and the antebellum period of the United States of America had much in common with the rise of the Moslem faith of Islam in the Middle East. In the South women of the period wore long flowing dresses that concealed everything but their ankles and face, which left what lay beneath their corsets a secret, much as the Arabian women`s adherence to the teachings of modesty in the holy book of Islam, the Koran (610-30 CE), as dictated to the Prophet Mohammed by the angels of God, exhorts them to wear the black one-piece coverall of the burkha that leaves everything covered but their eyes. In the United States, Babylon Hollywood present nudity as the apex of sexual activity within the genre, but the penis is still invisible, and the females within the cinema-going audiences aren`t aware of their own `futanarian` human species` capacity for independent socio-economic production.through their own penis` `seed` and normal sexuality rather than the `schizophrenic` abnormality imposed upon their psyches by the movie industry`s defining of them as host wombs for its parasitism.



 At the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion Jesus Christ gave the disciples `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood` because he was the host. Betrayed by his follower, Judas Iscariot, who didn`t accept Jesus` teachings of Redemption, because he was a parasite, Christ, the Messiah, was sold by Judas to the Romans for `thirty pieces of silver`. Judas was a follower of Jesus as a psychopathic `stalker` rather than representing the disciplined acceptance of the disciples. Jesus represents the host body of the human race, that is, his `futanarian` mother, prefigured in the Virgin Mary, who is to receive Resurrection and Ascension to God`s heaven, as Jesus himself after his death. Jesus` teachings are quite explicit. The Messiah envisions nothing less than a heaven with a single family of God in a biunity that`s woman no longer enslaved by her knights but living as a species new born and resurrecting the human spirits through her host wombs amongst the planets and stars after she raises her foot from off the Earth by crushing the head of the Earth`s `serpent`s seed` with it:

`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)



 Because they`ll be the `futanarian` species of human woman with her own penis` semen and capacity for sexual reproduction and the race`s continuation after the Resurrection, which is essential, because she`s been killed by the `serpent`s seed` and, to conceal the crime, monolithic organizations like Hollywood, Babylon, have presented homosexual pederasty and war`s contagiousness as human behaviouralism, whereas it`s parasitical devourment of what woman is able to produce of civilization, culture and art from her host wombs despite her parasites` depredations in the ceaseless `perpetual enmity` of war that her enslavers can`t conceive her for. Although the HIV/AIDS `blood plague` seems a misfortune it functions as homosexual pederasty`s maintaining of women in fearful faithfulness to 50/50 monogamous relations with her jailers and so constitutes `biological warfare`:

`Let he that has wisdom have understanding, the number of a man is the number of the beast and his number is six hundred three score and six.` (Rev: 13. 18)


 Because 66.6% is the percentage of human sexual reproductive capacity between women of the species who are `futanarian` with their own penis` semen, whereas men`s 33% of sterile incapacity without a female host womb for its paraistism to prey upon is actually capable of being bred out of the race in a very brief timespan if `woman`s seed` begins to be fertile. In Islam the notion of marriage is much more sensibly oriented towards the needs of women, because the ratio of males to females within a Moslem union can be 80% to 20%, that is, four women to one person with a penis. As`futanarian` women have penis` `seed` of their own, the ratio of penises withi n a Moslem marriage can be much higher, and so the possibility for raising the human level within the Islamic breeding program is greater. In fact the tradition of Islamic women is of the `devil` as `Iblis`, who has no power other than to whisper in their ears, which is true if women are perceived as the human species socio-economically independent of men, who`d then be definable as their parasites. Because women with their own `futanarian` penis` semen`s capacity for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers for technological development are truly free of slavery:

`I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. I have a dream today!`4



 The `Nation of Islam` was the `Black September` terrorist organization that grew out of Martin Luther King`s speechifying on the nature of Civil Rights in the United States of America, which reached its apotheosis in the Al Qaeda terrorists` hijacking of `civil` aircraft to crash them into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre on September, 11, 2001. The attack precipitated and reestablished, as the Earth`s paradigm, that global `rough trade` of `brutality and violence` in homosexual pederasty, which meant the spreading once again of those virulent abominations, war and plague, amongst the women based populations of humanity in the Gulf war (2001-11) against Saddam Hussein, the dictator of Iraq, who`d offered bases to Al Qaeda publically on national television after the events of 9/11, 2001. The Moslem peoples with their marital ratio of 80% women, that is, `four little children`, represent Martin Luther King`s `dream`:

`I still have a dream, a dream deeply rooted in the American dream - one day this nation will rise up and live up to its creed, `We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal.' I have a dream . . .`



 33% of nuthin` is still nuthin`. Before and after the first World War, Emmilene Pankhurst was a leader of the rights for votes for women campaign as a `suffragette` which , resulting in women`s being provisionally given the vote by men on February 6, 1918, perhaps not coincidentally preceded the end of the war with Kaiser Wilhelm II`s Imperial Germany on 11 November, 1918. If women are able to sexually reproduce through their own `futanarian` penis` `seed` and men can`t, women are the humans. The naturally enfranchised `civil` population, from whom men should ask forgiveness for their sins, as they`re parasites upon their host wombs, mightn`t have to accept any other amendment to their constitution:

`We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.`5



 The manumitting movie Gone With The Wind represents `the flow` insofar as the history of peoples is a movement from stagnation and sterility towards progress and technological development, but that`s dependent on all things being equal and the absence of `woman`s seed` from the human stage is telling. The 20th century`s preoccupations were with feminist `political correctness`, which was more or less adopted by the United States of America as an amendment to the constitution. But `PC` had a virus because lesbians were perceived as abnormal homosexuals by feminist thinking, which deduced that women were equal to men because of that, whereas it was a schizophrenic acceptance of their own loss of sexual desirability towards their own `futanarian` human species of woman with her own penis` `seed` everytime they looked in the mirror:

`At night I pray that soon your face will fade away.`



 Britney Spears` lyric from `Everytime` and the album In The Zone tells the truth. When a dancer like her is `in the zone` of physical and spiritual `flow`, she feels free rather than determined, which is what the mirror and a man represent. The Irish band, Boyzone (1993-), represent the antithetical position to freedom, that is, father based determinism, where homosexual pederasty and its contagions of war and plague are congenitally present in the lyrics of a song like `Father and Son`:

`You're still young, that's your fault; there's so much you have to know. Find a girl, settle down; if you want you can marry. Look at me, I am old, but I'm happy.`



 The HIV/AIDS virus emerged at the end of the 20th century and remained incurable because of men`s preoccupations with war rather than medicine. If woman as a `futanarian` species with her own penis` `seed` and capacity for sexual reproduction and socio-economic independence from men lives as an ephemeral rather than an immortal she will never remember her own species penis` `seed` unless, as Jesus preaches, there`s Resurrection and she`ll have Ascension in heaven after her `futanarian` foot has crushed the `serpent`s seed` upon the Earth as she rises. It`s in the interests of the enslaver and devourer of her civilization, culture and art to keep her as an infant and an infantile without brains or knowledge of herself. As Britney Spears` lyric to `Toxic` from the album In The Zone observes, life-prolonging medicines are intrinsically anathema to the `killer disease` of men created in each others` anuses. By mixing blood, shit and semen there in mockery of human sexual reproduction between the `futanarian` human race of women with their own penis` semen that men have despised and killed before because they hate her, men can employ sexuality to spread their contagion further unless an antidote is found to the poison:

`With a taste of your lips I'm on a ride. You're toxic I'm slipping under. With a taste of a poison paradise I'm addicted to you. Don't you know that you're toxic.`



 Britney Spears` superheroine in the video promotion for the CD single `Toxic` breaks into a secret laboratory to obtain the serum, which is kept from humanity to ensure its extinction, while Boyzone`s emphasis upon blameworthiness for the young in `Father and Son` is a celebration of the `happy` parasite who is ancient, as God says the serpent will be after Eden, but its poisonous nature is reincarnated in the host wombs of women and so it shan`t die. Even if the human race is reduced to grubbing for worms under rocks, men have ensured that she can`t breed her own brains` power to develop liberating technologies to resurrect her `seed` and give her the longevity she needs to preserve the wisdom and knowledge of her own race`s destiny in her own memory, which is why the `killer disease` of homosexual pederasty`s enslaving terrorism of HIV/AIDS is preferable to a cure and war is the parasite`s means of spreading its collective contagions further:

`Sexy as I wanna be. Got these fellas chasin' me. It's 'bout time I hit the streets. All my girls still feelin' me.`



 Britney Spears` `Outrageous` lyrics from her album In The Zone represent her perception that the `boy zone` is different to the `zone` where she`s with `the flow` and indeterminate, that is, she feels a part of the collectivity of woman, who is human as the `futanarian` penis` `seed` of her own species` capacity for sexually reproducing her own brains` power, which she can feel in the orgasmic sensations experienced `in the zone` of her dancers` routine performed throughout the promotional video for the song. The chasin` fellas are the parasites. In The Zone was succeeded by Blackout (2007) which lamented her unconsciousness and blindness in the title because censorship and media blackout had prevented her from recognizing the possibility of sexual union with a member of her own species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and she`d married Kevin Federline on September 18, 2004, before producing two boy sons, Sean Preston and Jayden James, who may be perceived as `poisons` born from the host womb of the mother enslaved by men for that purpose:

`She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries.` (Rev: 17. 4)


 For men to experience the metanoia (Mk: 15. 39) of repentance they would have to be reborn from the host wombs of women as `futanarian`, that is, as `woman`s seed`, which was Jesus` teachings as the `first` of the ` seed` born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen. The initial stage is forgiveness for the sin of enslaving and devouring her through men`s spreading of their contagions of war and plague by means of their homosexual pederasty of creating `boy sons`, that is, `poisons`, to produce the `abominable things and the filth of her adulteries`, which is Hollywood, Babylon:

It's getting late to give you up. I took a sip from my devil's cup. Slowly it's taking over me.`



 As Britney Spears` lyric in the song `Toxic` from the album In The Zone indicates, the film industry`s usage of woman`s `cup`, that is, her host womb, to promulgate racist `blood feud` and  `mafia` vendetta is socio-historically understandable as propaganda posing as `action` movies. Hollywood Babylon`s `boy sons` are `poisons`, while Britney Spears` preoccupations are Christian rather than American because she seeks a solution to the problem of homosexual pederasty and HIV/AIDS which isn`t addressed by either her country`s spiritual guides nor its politicians:

`I`m Miss American Dream since I was seventeen.`


 Appearing on the cross, like Jesus Christ, for the cover of the CD single, `Piece Of Me`, Britney Spears represents the concept of `woman`s seed`; although her lower body is concealed by a sarong. Once again the theme is of the human `futanarian` species of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen as the collective biune family of humanity`s future since Jesus` death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven two thousand years before. According to the Bible Jesus`s side was pierced by the spear of Longinus, the Roman guard upon the hill of Calvary outside the walls of the city of Jerusalem where Christ was killed upon the wooden cross that was raised thereupon for his torture and eventual death. Jesus` preachings said that the Holy Spirit would be the teacher after him and, because Christ was called the `Second Adam`, Longinus` perception was that the `Second Eve` must be by his side and so pierced the ribs of Jesus with his spear, where Christian tradition said that Eve was born from the side of the first Adam in Eden:

`Surely, this was the son of God!` (Mk: 15, 39)



 According to European tradition Adolf Hitler of the National Socialist Party, that is, the Nazis, had the spear of Longinus, which was called the `spear of destiny`, for his campaign to enslave {Eastern Europe and implement a pogrom of genocide against the `chosen people` who were the remnants of the Jewish state of Israel globally before the United Nations edict of 1948 restored Palestine to them after the Second World War (1939-45) to defeat German Imperialism. The United States` belief in `Manifest Destiny` makes the `spear of Longinus` a symbol of the `American Dream`, which is represented by the `statue of Liberty` in New York harbor, whose skirts conceal as much as Britney Spears` sarong on the cross for the cover of her CD single, `Piece Of Me`:

`A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.` (Rev: 12. 1-3)



 Christian tradition is that the `New Redeemer` is Jesus Christ in his `Second Coming` after Calvary, and `the sun` the `woman` of Revelation is `clothed with` can be interpreted as the red sun of the flag of Japan defeated by the United States of America after the `sneak attack` by the Japanese on the Pacific fleet at Hawaii`s Pearl Harbour on 7 December, 1941. WWII ended when the USA unleashed the power of the sun to destroy Japan`s cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Because the flag of Al Qaeda was the moon, `Liberty` had it at her feet in her birth waters of New York harbor after 9/11, 2001, that is, she had borne a child who:

`… will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.`` (Rev: 12. 6)



 The concept of the betrayal of the host permeates the Christian tradition and the `sneak attacks` on Pearl Harbour and New York, where `the statue of Liberty` resides in New York harbor, represent the same basic truth, which is that the host is the woman because she`s the womb of humanity and treachery consists in attacking her under whatever circumstances. Although the Gulf war was perceived as a great American victory, the torture and betrayal of the Arabian Moslem women that took place at Cuba`s internment facility, Guantanamo Bay, betrayed the trust that Christianity placed upon the office of the President of the United States, whose seal under George W. Bush remained the eagle:

`And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.` (Rev: 12. 14)



 Although Navy Seal Team Six killed Osama Ben Ladan at his hideout in Pakistan within the shade of that nation`s Military Academy on May 2, 2011,, there`s no evidence that the hymen of the women of Arabia`s `futanarian` human penis` `seed` concealed beneath their own-piece coverall, the burkha, as women of the antebellum period of the Southern United States may once have kept theirs beneath their flowing skirts, were afforded protection by the skirts of `Liberty`, beneath which her eagles had been bred:

`I'm Miss bad media karma. Another day another drama. Guess I can't see the harm in working and being a mama, and with a kid on my arm I'm still an exceptional earner and … you want a piece of me?`


 As a symbol of the women who have borne the eagles of the United States of America, Britney Spears upon the cross for the promotional cover of her CD, `Piece Of Me`, represents the spears of their destiny, that is, the `bad media karma` of the lyric, where `karma` in Hinduism is the cause of reincarnation, because `boy sons` are the `poisons` that force breed women`s host wombs to produce the parasites` contagions of war and pederasty, which became 9/11, 2001, `live on CNN`, and the Hollywood, Babylon `blockbuster` movie, World Trade Centre (2005), based on the terrorist attack by Al Qaeda on the World Trade Centre of New York, when the Arabian hijackers of `civil` aircraft betrayed their host to crash them into the Twin Towers of Manhattan island, New York state:

`No wonder there's panic in this industry. I mean please... do you want a piece of me?`


 The `Second Eve` from the side of the `Second Adam`, pierced by the Roman centurion Longinus in order to release her from the rib of the Messiah, is `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen who is teaching mankind through the spirit of her future Resurrection and men`s need for Redemption by asking her for forgiveness through the worship of God rather than that they show support for Mars, god of war, or they will receive God`s punishment, which is perdition, that is, eternal unendurable pain, after the `serpent`s seed` is defeated in the `war in heaven` against God`s host of angels when the parasites attempt to re-enslave the host wombs of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` to maintain their slavers` system of homosexual pederasty and devouring warfare upon the Earth:

`I'm Mrs 'You want a piece of me?'`


 It has been Catholic dogma since 1950 that the Virgin Mary ascended to heaven like Jesus . All women are technically virgin insofar as they haven`t been able to use their own penis` semen to sexually reproduce their own brains` power without being interfered with by men, whether priests or otherwise.  Britney Spears` `Piece Of Me` is a critique of her own role as a slave to the industry`s making of her a `piece`, which is a slang term for a gun in the United States and  a woman who produces more for boy sons, that is, poisons, for their blood feuds and vendettas:

`Tryin' and pissin' me off. Well get in line with the paparazzi who's flippin' me off. Hopin' I'll resort to some havoc [and] end up settlin' in court. Now are you sure you want a piece of me? `


 The constitution of the United States of America is the supreme legal authority in the nation and Britney Spears` fortune was taken away from her to be put into the hands of a Conservator, her father, and a fiancée who didn`t even marry her, Jason Trawick, but was awarded Co-conservatorship of her property because he was `around`. If women are the human species, because she`s `futanarian` with her own penis` `seed` from God, men aren`t even enfranchised by the US Constitution, so Britney Spears` mother, Lyn Spears, ought to have been Conservator if it were proven she needed care after her divorce from Kevin Federline on 30 July, 2007. The decision by the courts was based on her leaving her child`s hat on the pavement while running for a car near New York`s Central Park, which was snapped by a paparazzi as evidence of her neglect:

`I'm Mrs 'Most likely to get on the TV for strippin' on the streets' when getting the groceries, no, for real … are you kidding me?`



 Just as rules of engagement were applied to conventional war during the Gulf crisis, so rules of engagement apply to conventional marriage, but just as the rules of conventional war limit a nation`s capacity to construct defensive shields adequate to prevent aggression from being successful, that is, the shields have to be weaker than the spears, and so promote war rather than prevent it, so a woman`s conventionality is used against her to limit her defences in the case of an attempt to invade her privacy and take possession of her personal worth, which is the principle that the first Gulf war (1990-1) to evict Saddam Hussein`s invading army from Kuwait illustrated:

`They're still gonna put pictures of my derriere in the magazine. You want a piece of me?`



 A `piece of ass` is US slang for a woman, but it is also used as a term to describe an attack upon someone, which is why Saddam Hussein`s invasion of Kuwait was greeted with slang invective about getting a `piece` of his `ass`, where dismemberment and possession is the issue. In Egyptian mythology Ra, the sun god, is incarnated as the god Osiris who is dismembered by the god Set, as the United States was dismembered on the television set `live on CNN` and other channels on September 11, 2001, because television is TV, that is, transvestism, where the `futanarian` species of woman with her own penis` semen is sundered from her own selves, so the ghouls can watch women in men`s clothes killing themselves in the Gulf war, for example, which was precipitated by the Al Qaeda terrorists` crashing hijacked planes into the World Trade Centre of New York to reestablish the `rough trade` of homosexual pederasty`s `brutality of violence` in warfare. Because men represent the penis` `seed` of `futanarian` woman split off from herself in transvestite torment, Jesus` celibacy symbolizes the desire of `woman`s seed` to be reunited with herself outside of brain damaging contaminated male unions with women. Jesus Christ`s  a `TV` from the ghouls` point of view, that is, a transvestite, because he`s sundered from the body of woman to which his penis should be affixed as hers. The older Egyptian story of Osiris` dismemberment by Set refers to the `schizophrenia` induced in the human race by its sundering and what the ghouls think of as its subsequent transvestism, the consequences of which are depicted on Hollywood Babylon`s `small screen` televisions every day as the women in men`s clothes commit suicide in the various global conflicts and are watched by the `serpent`s seed`` as TVs, that is, transvestites. In the Egyptian tale Osiris is remembered by the goddess, Isis, who refashions his penis because she can`t find the original and that`s representative of the new birth of Osiris as Horus, the `sky god`, who can never return to being his father, Ra, because he is now `futanarian`, like Jesus, with the penis of Isis, his mother, and so isn`t treacherously male like Judas, for example, or the Egyptian god, `television` Set.:

`Penis envy in Freudian psychoanalysis refers to the theorized reaction of a girl during her psychosexual development to the realization that she does not have a penis. Freud considered this realization a defining moment in the development of gender and sexual identity for women - the parallel reaction in boys to the realization that women do not have a penis being castration anxiety. In contemporary culture, the term sometimes refers inexactly or metaphorically to women who are presumed to wish they were men.`7



 In Judaism women are the mothers and it isn`t possible to be born into Judaism unless born from a Jewess, which makes of women the `chosen people` and explains why Nazism was such a fascist misogyny planning her extermination in `concentration camp` pogroms during WWII. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), the `father of psychoanalysis`, argued that women were envious of the male penis, but God`s exhortation to Eve that she should heed the warning that the `serpent`s seed` would prosecute a `perpetual enmity` against her own penis` `seed` refutes Sigmund Freud`s argument. Freud`s theory itself suggests boys` castration fears would disappear if their mother had a penis, because their own fathers` envy for the woman`s penis  has resulted in her `futanarian` penis` `seed` almost being extinguished by them. Britney Spears` lyric to the song, `Break The Ice`, from the album Blackout, recognizes that a woman can`t wait forever for a man:

`Can you rise to the occasion? I'm patiently waiting, cos' it's getting late, and I can't get enough, so let me get it up.`



 A `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen can sexually reproduce without a man and she`s tired of the male chauvinism that tells her she has to accept a man when she`s got her own penis` `seed`.  If men don`t assist her to sexually reproduce it might be too `late` and she`ll be the extinct human species of `woman`s seed` because she couldn`t raise her `futanarian` foot up from the Earth and crush the `serpent`s seed` with it.

 The other `foot` in the drama of humanity is Oedipus`, whose name means `swollen foot` because he`s lame, which in the United States means a poor excuse and probably derives from the central protagonist of Sophocles` ancient Greek drama, Oedipus Rex (c. 429 BC), having no real reason for blinding himself when he discovers he`s killed his father, Laius, and had children by his mother, Jocasta, inadvertently, because `futanarian` women are the human biune family and so men`s incest taboo is used to prevent her from having sexual intercourse that would produce children from her own penis` semen.  Britney Spears` album, Blackout, relates to the problem of Oedipal blindness and unconsciousness due to censorship , taboo, and media blackout on the subject of  woman`s true nature, for example, most classicist scholarship describes the `riddle` solved by Oedipus as `man` derivable from the question, `what walks on three legs in the evening?` The solution is that man uses a cane to walk with because he`s old, but the `foot` of Eve is described by God as rising from the Earth to crush the head of the serpent for `woman`s seed` , which suggests `futanarian` woman is the third `foot` of humanity which is triune in the evening of mankind`s Advent upon the Earth but only if men will allow her to walk beside them. If not, the answer is `man` because the blind old murdering beggar will have to go alone. The Bible makes this very plain in th story of Cain and Abel, where Cain may be understood as the cane of blindness and Abel the able man who is blindly murdered by Cain because his broither is able to cook and so he hinders the progress of the human species by `putting out` its intelligent eyes in murder. Cain is the lazy fool who doesn`t want to cook but to pick fruit because it`s easier, and so he`s the figure of the man wit the rifle walking alone in the evening because he`s killed his own race:

`Wonder if he knows, he's on my radar. On my radar, on my radar, on my radar.`



 Britney Spears` lyric to the song, `Radar`, from Blackout, relates to blindness but the central motif of the fountain with the polo player at its centre and footage of a polo match, which is a sport played by men on horseback using mallets to direct the ball into the goal, derives from the Persian Empire of the Sasanians (224-651 CE), who invented it. In card games of the region, polo games depicting men on horseback were the `clubs` of the modern `pack`.  In `futanarian` terms the sexual union of women as a `race` with her own penis` `seed` is metaphorically a horse and rider, while men prefer horses and the `gay club` that they`ve murdered her with.



 The phrase `swords beaten into ploughshares` is biblical but the idea of swords as spades in the `pack` relates to the concept of `futanarian` women being `spayed` so they can`t sexually reproduce, where `spayed` means to surgically remove testicles. Spades then refer to her burial as an extinct species. The other two `suits` are diamonds and hearts, which translate as cups and pentacles in the tarot deck of divinatory cards that are traditionally believed to be a portable Jewish Torah, that is, a version of the Judaic `book of the law`, saved from the burning of the library at Alexandria when the Roman Empire began to supercede that of the ancient Greeks.



 In terms of the Arthurian myth cycle of ancient Britain, cups are symbolic of the Holy Grail, which was the bowl from which Christ ate and drank at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, while the pentacles signify coins or the money Judas Iscariot obtained as payment for his treachery. In simple terms, diamonds and hearts are food and drink at table prepared by a woman for pay, which is how the knights have enslaved her. The meaning is that men are blind to anything but their appetites because they`re animals:

`Got you on my ... radar … think I can't handle that animal in the sack.`



 If the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` can`t get out of the sacral sac of the scrotum, because the spermatozoa from the testicles of the woman is extinct due to the occluding homosexual black masses of sexual intercourse, without human reproduction between men and women, then that `animal` has been handled by the Satanists` husbanding in the sack, which is a metaphor for species` sexual exclusion and occlusion ending in the pogromed death of the human race by the `serpent`s seed` of men because nothing human can emerge from her host womb if only the alien parasite is breeding with her.



 Games are revealing, The sack race is a children`s game in which a child is placed in a sack and has to compete with others by running inside the sack to the finish line, which is a metaphor for the `futanarian` human species of woman with her own penis` `seed` who can`t get out of her testicle sack because her `seed` is extinct.  The three-legged race in which two children are tied together at one leg is a metaphor for the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` who can`t escape from the Earth to crush the `serpent`s seed` with her `foot` because she`s bound. In the egg and spoon race an egg has to be carried to the finishing line on a spoon, because women`s eggs are human and her husband isn`t:

`Some species of snake are ovoviviparous and retain the eggs within their bodies until they are almost ready to hatch.`8



 The characters used to frighten children into being controlled by supposed adults in homosexual pederasty are revealing. The witch riding her broomstick is a metaphor for the woman riding the penis` `seed` of her own `futanarian` woman`s species and that`s the reason why `wise women` were burned at the stake in places like Salem, Massachussetts, in the United States of America, between February 1692 and May 1693. The stake was a wooden representation of her penis to which she was tied during the conflagration because men didn`t want her `seed` to flourish.



 The concept of the stake is translatable to Vlad III, `the impaler`, of Wallachia (1431-76), who similarly impaled his victims on wooden stakes. Vlad was the prototypical historical figure for the myth of the vampire who lived forever by drinking the blood of his victims, which is what men do who enslave women as ephemeral `blood bags` for the production of brain damaged `boy sons`, who are effectively `poisoned`  from the host womb for use in propaganda and warfare against `woman`s seed` because it`s human.



 The stake in the heart of the vampire to kill him is actually a transposition of the woman`s penis` semen, that is, the brains to rid herself of him through `woman`s seed`, which in the Bible is depicted as defeating the `red dragon` waiting in vain to devour Christ in his `Second Coming` by means of an `iron scepter` corresponding to the transposed woman`s penis as the stake in the heart of the draco.  Vampire men don`t want women to have longevity, because it interferes with their parasitism upon the host of the human species, that is, the womb of the woman, who has her own penis` `seed` as `futanarian`, and so is a threat to the continuation of the draco, because he can be bred out of the human system.



 The `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS` `blood plague` is spread by the male penis as their stake in homosexual pederasty, which infects by mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses by means of a plague injector, their penis.  Because HIV/AIDS is a metaphor for what men are, they`re the `killer disease` of the human race of woman with her own `futanarian` host womb and penis` `seed` that can breed out of her species the brain damage that the draco male has inflicted upon her. In the Bible God envisions `war in heaven` between humanity and the draco with its supporters, who receive perdition as a punishment, while the humans have heaven. Because behavior defines what is human, heaven is for those who behave well, and the host womb of humanity, that is, woman, is where the Resurrection of those who have behaved well can take place, or simply by Ascension, like Jesus and Mary, after an individual metanoia and so through Redemption.



 Behaviouralism has been used in clinical psychology as a form of animal training, that is, individuals who behave are trained, but societally the training of animal men, which is identified as `the beast` in the Bible, is to perceive women as animals. Topless photographs of nubile nude women may be common in the United Kingdom, for example, and `adult` magazines` may contain photographs of naked women, which make plain the absence of the species` penis, and so the behavior pattern is of demonic possession, where the husband is the demon and the female is possessed, because neither are aware that the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen isn`t a part of their relations. European `liberalism` presents transvestism and heterosexual pornography as variegated human activity whereas the human `seed` of women`s penis remains excluded from the picture. In the United States surgical procedures to remodel flesh in the desired form is technologically feasible as a richer version of the variegated activities of humanity purveyed by the pornographers, but the lie can`t conceal the truth, which is that women as the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` can sexually reproduce independently of men, who can`t, and so woman is the enfranchised human on the planet by `God`s law`.



 Clinical behaviouralist psychology may actually be understood as having been created by animal men for human women and children, because they`re not behaving slavishly enough. Bondage, domination, sadism and masochism, known as BDSM, is presented as a training program, but it`s teleology is to make animals from humans, while suggesting that sexual intercourse is central to the variegated activities, which is why `the beast` is depicted in the Bible as being `worshipped`. BDSM seems to be about power but it`s about powerlessness, because power is the ability to sexually reproduce humans, which is what `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen are for. Devotees of BDSM represent sex without power, because they represent sex without reproduction. BDSM is animal training, because the animals are not desired to be sexually reproductive, that is, it`s a torture club for animals, so no one would want them to reproduce humanly, and they can`t because they`re not humans, who are the `futanarian` women with their own penis` `seed` for the furtherance of the race.



 Although clinical behaviouralist psychology may be interpreted as the basis for BDSM, human behavior is otherwise, because the presupposition isn`t that of the human woman and her children needing to be trained as slaves by animal men`s psychotherapy. In the US television series, Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003), actress Sarah Michelle Gellar has the role of Buffy Summers, who is trained to kill vampires.  The metaphor is inaccurate because what her enemies represent are parasitism preventing her from developing as an individual through high school and college to grow into an adult human woman, which requires the presence upon the scene of a `futanarian` woman with penis` `seed` of her own so brainpower can be perceived as the aim of sexual reproduction for women ridding themselves of their vampires. Armed with her stake to drive it into the hearts of the parasites that have enslaved her human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and capacity for self-reproducing her own brains` powers, Buffy Summers`  penis` semen is transposed into the primitive tool she has to use in order to kill the vampire, that is, she has a sharp piece of wood, which illustrates men`s contempt for the brains of women, because it`s a grave plot device for her buried `futanarian` corpse. In technological terms, Buffy Summers has a sharpened twig while Captain Kirk of Star Trek (1965-), a television series about interstellar travel, had the starship USS Enterprise:

`In every generation there is a Chosen One. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer.`9



 21st century perceptions of witchcraft were largely shaped by Buffy The Vampire Slayer and the television series Charmed (1998-2006), which starred three actresses in the first three seasons, Shannen Doherty, Holly Marie Combs and Alyssa Milano as the female witches, sisters Prue, Piper and Phoebe.  Charmed was produced by Aaron Spelling, who`d produced Star Trek, but the basic imagery remained consistently `lesbian`, because women are defined by feminism as `politically correct` or PC if they don`t find themselves sexually attractive in the mirror. For actresses this is doubly difficult and induces clinically diagnosable schizophrenia because women are `futanarian` as a species with its own penis` semen for self-reproducing her own brains` powers, which is the unspoken message implied by the relevance for young girls of the three adult female witches in Charmed. Piper replies when asked by Phoebe what she`d wish for Prue:

`If Prue would have sex with someone other than herself this year.`10



 The death of Shannen Doherty`s Prue in the season three finale meant her replacing by the sibling the Halliwell sisters had thought they`d lost, Paige, played by actress, Rose McGowan. Shannen, who`d been the glamorous teenage star imported from the hugely successful television drama series for young adults, Beverly Hills 90210 (1990-2000), had dominated Charmed sexually because that`s what she was hired for, but Piper`s wish wasn`t related to masturbation. Because all of the `Charmed Ones` are sisters, they`re family, which means they`re representative of the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen who`s told that it`s incest and taboo if she attempts to breed herself. If Prue were having sex, she could only be having sex with herself, because `futanarian` woman is her species` mirror. The loss of Prue and the arrival of Paige actually represent `lesbian` `schizophrenia`, because women are a `futanarian` slave race not allowed to find themselves sexually attracted to each other, which was an issue already explored in Beverley Hills 90210 between Shannen and the other sexy star on that show, Jenny Garth.  In season eight of Charmed, actress Kaley Cuoco was introduced to as the character, Billie Jenkins, who has a sister that isn`t a Halliwell and eventually Billie has to kill her after she and some `demons` attempt to turn Billie against the `Charmed Ones`, who in psycho-physical terms are `spellbound` because they don`t have penis` `seed` of their own, which is their spellbinding `charm` in the homosexual circles of pederasty and parasitism that`s Hollywood, Babylon. Although the dialogues between the Halliwell sisters are `jokey` the theme is serious. When asked for a solution to their plight during an escapade, Paige writes in her notebook:

`Kill Monkey`



 If the human `futanarian` species of woman with her own penis` `seed` doesn`t rid herself of her simian ancestry, she`ll die from `sex starvation` and men`s jailing of her in technologically reducing circumstances that leave no possibility for escaping a lowering of intelligence that will result in her returning to the trees as a `monkey` herself. The TV shows Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Charmed were probably the two most influential series of the late 20th and early 21st century because they presented women as technologically inferior, but somehow powerful, which is what feminism was taught about itself.



 Women are `normal` if `lesbian` and `homosexual` because that gives them equality with men, who are actually 33% of a sterile minority that prefers itself unless `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen, that is, 66.6% of the human race, but 100% in the mirror of her own self-love for her species, is forced by her parasite to breed with him. This can only be achieved by starving the woman of technology and so preventing her from breeding her own brains` power with her own penis` `seed` is the method of starvation employed, that is, `sex starvation`.



 TV series like Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Charmed, featuring nubile young women without a penis of their own, are effectively sex slaves to the Hollywood, Babylon, movie industry, because the attraction is of sexual fulfillment elided. The women don`t have sex with each other, but it`s obvious that they should, which makes Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Charmed perverse and that`s the aim. The women are presented as powerful without technology, which isn`t possible, so the focus is on the nubile body of the young woman, which functions as a cynosure, but that`s counterproductive in terms of the need for technological advancement by means of the development of woman`s human species through her own `futanarian` penis` `seed` and her capacity for sexually reproducing her own brainpower.



 Perceptions that women are powerful because they`re `sex` ignore the fact that she lacks technological power in Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Charmed, which derives from the absence of her own penis` `seed` and its power for sexually reproducing her own brains, so the ostensibly powerful Phoebe in Charmed finds herself bemusedly asking the revealing question, `Since when do demons use bullets?` Guns are for men and spells are for women because it`s a feminist fantasy without substance. The TV shows Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Charmed are a picture of the future insofar as focus upon the nubile body of the young woman to the detriment of her real surroundings means that the future is less likely to transpire. Hollywood Babylon is observing the world through the wrong end of its telescope. As the world shrinks around her and everything else goes to hell, Phoebe still looks pretty:

`Flow has many of the same characteristics as … hyperfocus …  spending `too much` time playing video games, or of getting side-tracked and pleasurably absorbed by one aspect of an assignment or task to the detriment of the assignment in general. In some cases, hyperfocus can `grab` a person, perhaps causing him to appear unfocused or to start several projects, but complete few.`11



 Hollywood, Babylon, is hyperfocused on racial extinction, which is why young nubile women are placed in the forefront of the `action` movie, while the Arnold Schwarzenegger Terminator character destroys large swathes of the civilization, culture and art women have been able to produce from their host wombs despite her parasites depredations over the eons. The wiles of the `serpent`s seed` are legendary as well as biblical. Cannibalism is presented as a great evil perpetrated by humans, whereas humans aren`t parasites, which is what the term `cannibal` actually refers to, that is, the devouring of the human species of woman with her own `futanarian` penis` `seed`. The parasite has inveigled itself into woman`s host womb to steal her penis and devour her in its ceaseless wars of `perpetual enmity` against her. By replicating itself as her devourer, it`s an apparent `cannibal`, which makes of it an erring child to the woman, but actually it`s a parasitical non-human viral organism injecting itself into her system by means of her own now genetically impure penis` semen  and so is representative of men`s stolen technology used to destroy woman in its making of war upon her Earth, which is what Hollywood, Babylon, documents and programs in its productions without the `futanarian` human woman with her penis` `seed` for saving her own brains` future:

`In the poison'd entrails throw -
Toad, that under cold stone,
Days and nights has thirty-one;
Swelter'd venom sleeping got,
Boil thou first i' the charmed pot!` (IV, i)



 The witches from the Elizabethan dramatist William Shakespeare`s MacBeth (1603-7) are associated with poison, and the Bible exhortation `don`t suffer a witch to live` (Ex: 22. 18) is usually translated as `poisoner`, because a `boy`s owner` breeds `boy sons`, that is, `poisons`, in homosexual pederasty for the `boy zone` of war  and, on the evidence of the late 20th century, for `biological war` in the shape of the HIV/AIDS virus. War is humanity`s devourer but the problem can be resolved if the `boy sons`, that is, the `poisons`, are symbolically devoured by breeding men out of the human system as `boy sons` to be replaced by `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and capacity for sexually reproducing women only. The witches` broomstick upon which she is depicted as riding is symbolic of her own `futanarian` penis` `seed`, and eugenics is why she`s persecuted by men because she wants to breed herself rather than be bred by the boys` owner.

 The boys` owners are of course `the beast` and `the great whore of Babylon` who is depicted as riding it. The number of the `emergency services` in the United States of America is 911 and so the terrorist attack upon the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on 9/11 is a sign of `the beast`. `666` is the number of the beast and of the `emergency services` turned upside down in Saudi Arabia and most of the rest of the world on September 11, 2001, because 999 is the number of the `emergency services` almost everywhere but the United States due to the influence of the British Empire (1497-). The Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre was chosen by Al Qaeda to crash its two hijacked planes into because it was actually an attack on King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, who in 1986 had declared himself `Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques`, Al-Masjid al-Haram in Mecca and Al-Masjid al-Nabawi in Medina.

 `Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques` is a traditional title of the Persian Emperors and assuming the mantle constituted an attempt by Fahd bin Abdulaziz Al Saud to unite the former Persian Empire under Moslem spiritual rulership. His rival was Saddam Hussein of Iraq and Osama Ben Ladan, the Saudi Arabian, was the leader of Al Qaeda, so the Twin Towers assault was a transposed assault on the `Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques`, Fahd, and Islamic spiritual guidance. The `beast` and the `whore` were those who wanted to reestablish the global `rough trade` of homosexual pederasty and war`s `brutality and violence`12 by an attack upon the Twin Towers of New York that would be seen as an attack by Islam upon the United States of America but was actually an assault upon Saudi Arabia and Fahd as the `Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques` and the Koran as spiritual guides for the Moslem peoples.



 Saddam Hussein wasn`t the policeman, but policing was the problem because censorship and media blackout is a form of blinding to what is truth, which `the beast` and the `whore` don`t want humanity to be able to perceive. The security forces are used to keep people in ignorance and unconsciousness of their real situation with regard to global issues, which on 9/11, 2001, was the relationship between Judaeo-Christianity and Islam. Both are the people of Abraham by descent from his son, Ishmael, who was of the line of the Prophet Mohammed, and his son, Isaac, who was the patriarch of the tribes of Israel. Obfuscation prevents that truth from being realized and so occlusion is the tool of the `secret police` who`re working to blind the sighted:

`Cameras are flashin while we're dirty dancin`.

They keep watchin, keep watchin'.`



 Britney Spears` song lyrics in `Gimme More` seem inconsequential, but the title of the album, Blackout, suggests George Orwell rather than George oil well, which is what the US President, George W. Bush, was accused of going after during the Gulf wars, that is, the `black gold` of the Kuwaiti and Iraqi oil wells to fuel the US economy founded on the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) for the foreseeable future. George Orwell wrote the novel 1984, which was a reversal of the actual date, 1948. George foresaw that reversals, which the Greeks termed enantiodromia, were what liars and blinders to the truth were about:

`War is peace `


 The US economy built on the MIC is exactly that. Another Orwellian enantiodromia from 1984 is `Freedom is slavery,` but the slogan of the totalitarian dictatorship of the novel wasn`t ridiculous in the 21st century when `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen couldn`t be seen anywhere in mainstream culture and, as 66.6% of the potential starting population and 100% in her own mirror, as against 33.3% male population unable to sexually reproduce together, heterosexual women were expected to understand that the enslavement of their host wombs by men for the purpose of spreading their contagion of war and homosexual pederasty was `freedom`:

`Ah, you gonna have to remove me, `cause I ain`t goin nowhere.`



 Nate `Danja` Hills concludes Britney Spears` `Gimme More` with a speak-song line, and the words can be seen as protective, or as intimidation on the part of the `security guard`, who`s a parasitical `hanger on` refusing to be removed. Most people in the United States or anywhere else upon the Earth are used to being intimidated by the `generals` at the General Store where security guards seem to have nothing else to do other than frighten the customers into realizing that they`re being watched by George`s `Big Brother` cameras and surveillance equipment, ostensibly to protect the sugar and the eggs, but in reality to maintain women`s terrified existence as slaves blind to her devouring by her parasite in its wars of `perpetual enmity` against her human `seed`.



 Because the policing surveillance organizations, posing as `national security` agencies, are `the beast` that doesn`t want to be seen riding their `great whore`, censorship and media blackout, constituting unconscious blindness for the woman, means brain damage in breeding with the parasites, and brain death through murder, to prevent her older eyes from seeing in knowledge and wisdom, while her body remains youthful, thanks to the advanced medical technology, which the evil deny her in the prosecution of their wars against her `futanarian` human penis` semen that is capable of sexually reproducing her own brains` power for liberation from men`s enslaving and devouring of her growth in the sciences of humanity:

`It`s Britney bitch.`



 Britney Spears` spoken introduction to `Gimme More` place her in the role of the female dog, because that`s what bitches are. Britney sits at the bar as a blonde while her dark haired `other` self dances around a pole as a bar dancer on a stage where she can be seen by herself. Because the pole is symbolic of the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen, her blonde self waiting for a drink represents the woman `tapping her foot`, patiently or otherwise, `If you're on a mission. You got my permission.` Although drinks are `on tap` at the bar, the possibility of fellatio with woman`s own species of `futanarian` woman remains tantalizingly unfocused because of the censor. Clearly Britney`s scantily clad pole dancer doesn`t have penis` `seed` of her own, but her blonde self with two blonde girlfriends might have. They`re `dogs` to her bitch, or they could be. The pop video conventions `police` the scene and Britney is depicted as a `lesbian`, but that`s a `schizophrenic program` for any daughter who may be watching, because the `bitch` on the podium is admired by herself and she`s with two other female `dogs`, if they`re women with a penis of their own and the video logic is followed:

`I see you, and I just wanna dance with you.`



 Young women who are taught that their image in the mirror is for a man are being lied to, because they`re sexually normal if they find themselves desirable, but schizophrenic in species terms if they`re attracted to the man sitting alone at a table in the `Gimme More` song promotion video. Because of the video censorship it`s a media `blackout` on the album Blackout from which the song `Gimme More` was released as a single, which means that the only penis` semen `on tap` is the man`s, which has `tapped` the penis` `seed` of woman by somehow inveigling its way into being born from her host womb as her invasive parasitical enslaver and devourer:

`The center of attention, even when we're up against the wall.`



 Britney Spears was accused of being a `drugaholic` when she reportedly shaved her head in a `schizophrenic` bout of fame rejecting insanity and went for rehabilitation to save her marriage to Kevin Federline and keep custody of her two sons. But `pole dancing` isn`t `tap dancing`, whereas for men a `tap dancer` is a TV, that is, a transvestite, because she`s a woman sundered from her own `futanarian` species with her own penis` semen, and so `tapped` because they watch while they booze and urinate from her own stolen penis in misogynistic release of their pent up feelings of hatred for her `tap water`:

`… tell me have you seen her? 'Cause I'm so ... Oh,  I can't get her off of my brain! I just want to go to the party she gonna go. Can somebody take me home? Ha ha, he he, ha ha ho.`



 The single `If You Seek Amy`, which was interpreted for the media as F. U. C. K me, is `schizophrenic` because Britney talks about herself as if she`s a separate personality, which is defined in clinical psychology as `multiple personality` schizophrenia, where `split-off` aspects of a fragmenting personality take on life and identity of their own for the besieged mind of the individual.  Just what is laying siege to the mind is difficult to say, but censorship and media blackout over the existence of `woman`s seed` is obviously a very serious problem.  In the video promotion for the song, `If You Seek Amy`, Britney Spears is `Amy`, the `party girl`, and afterwards the `perfect homebody` with `mom`s apple pie` in her hands posing for the cameras as a `model housewife` with a `suitable husband` and two `regular` kids:

` Love me hate me,

but can't you see what I see?

All of the boys and all of the girls

are begging to [fuck me] …`



 Because Britney Spears is wearing a wig after shaving her head, she`s actually bald, so `mom`s apple pie` signifies `piebald`, which was the name of the horse ridden by Elizabeth Taylor in National Velvet, her debut movie, that is, the film that began her sundering from the human race of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` to be ridden. Britney Spears and her female dancers celebrate the riding of Elizabeth Taylor as best they can under the `watchful eye of the censor` while they enthusiastically jounce upon the couch. Elizabeth died on March 23, 2011, but Jesus` promise is of the Resurrection of `woman`s seed` in heaven.



1 Flow, .

2 Virgil The Aeneid, Bk II, 19 BC.

3 Leigh, Vivienne Gone With The Wind, MGM, December 15, 1939.

4 King, Martin Luther 'I Have A Dream', .

5 Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America, ratified March 4, 1789.

6 By Pope Pius XII`s exercising of the principle of `papal infallibility` during the Apostolic Constitution Munificentissimus Deus, November 1, 1950.

7 Penis envy, .

8 Snake, .

9 Head, Anthony Stewart as Buffy Summers` `mentor`, Rupert Giles, voice over in the opening sequence to each episode of the television series, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, 20th Century Fox Television, March 10,  1997 to May 20, 2003.

10 Combs, Holly Marie as Piper Halliwell in `Something Wicca This Way Comes`, Episode 1, Series 1, Charmed, October 7, 1998.

11 Flow,

12 Urban Dictionary,

The Humans Are Coming!

03/10/2013 16:46

The Humans Are Coming!

MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine) is an empathogenic drug, known as `ecstasy` in the street pill form that`s illegally sold because it`s a clinical psychologist`s tool for inhibitions. In Britney Spears` video single CD ,`Work Bitch` (2013), she appears standing on a plinth that looks like a pill of ecstasy while sharks gather around her in the water, a euphemism for the vulnerability young women are exposed to when they take the uninhibiting drug `e` that`s known for reducing sexual resistance to zero.
 In the developmental school of psychology founded by Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) the waters of the unconscious are a metaphor for the images that appear in art, imagination and dreams to impel the individual ego-consciousness to creative endeavour, that is, work, whereas the school of psychology, founded by Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), perceives the unconscious `id` as being made up of repressed material that the collective unconscious of society doesn`t want to remember and so is repressed into unconsciousness where it appears in dreams, art and imagination as `monsters from the id`, for example, the sharks appearing to surround Britney Spears in the water during her performance of the CD video single, `Work Bitch`, else they`ll devour her:
`Monsters. Monsters from the id.`1 
 Planet Hollywood`s restaurant sign features in the CD video single, `Work Bitch`, because Britney Spears` allusion is to Forbidden Planet (1956), the movie in which `Robbie the robot` is the machine creature that serves the humans while they`re being attacked. The franchise `Forbidden Planet` is a science fiction wharehouse of memorabilia and `scifi` toys and books, while Britney Spears herself is associated with a clothing retail chain, Candy. Her `scifi` CD video singles present her as `eye candy`, because that`s what women are to the devourers of the human race. Britney Spears` alter ego, `Candy`, places her in the tradition of movie educators like director, Steven Spielberg, who had millions of people around the world concerned over the safety of an ugly green alien in E. T. The Extraterrestrial (1982), who wanted to `phone home` to his parents for rescue. It`s evident from Britney Spears` `scifi` video singles that the human species is a little girl being devoured in planet Hollywood, Babylon`s restaurant because ogres are all they`re now producing:
`Here comes the smasher. Here comes the master.`2
 Ever since the early 19th century men have hated machinery, because it made them redundant. The `Luddites`, named for Ned Ludd, who reportedly smashed two `stocking frames` in 1779, were English artisans in the textile industry who protested against labour saving devices from 1811-17. Although machines do take care of humans, men remain `Luddites` who want to limit technological advancement for women as the human species host womb, because freedom through the aid of the machine would prevent men`s enslavement of her human species in drudgery and ignorant blindness to their delimiting of woman`s capacity to escape to the planets and stars through liberating technological achievements that would leave men behind her as an unwanted parasite seeking to devour her here rather than as a `take out`. Britney Spears` perception is that women are E.T and her female dancers in the CD video single, `Work Bitch`, are the ultimate `scifi fantasy` of women with their own penis` semen:
`We're all part monsters in our subconscious, so we have laws and religion!`3
 The spaceman character, Commander John J. Adamson, in the movie Forbidden Planet, speaks for men, but his observation isn`t necessarily true for women, whose brains are contaminated by men`s breeding with her. Just what the unconscious `id` of Freudian psychology contains is a mystery without study, but Freud argued that `penis envy` was at the root of men`s psychology and women have their own as `futanarian` with her own penis` `seed`. In Britney Spears` video single, `Work Bitch`, which is a metaphor for the need of young women to develop rather than stand still, she whips her female dancers on to perform while a luxury sports` car is driven around her. The imagery is `slave, car go`:
`Now get to work bitch (Ahhhh).`
 The car in Britney Spears` `Work Bitch` CD video single is a lotus esprit, because the lotus chakra at the crown of the head is the energy centre in the Hindu system of libidic development, which begins at the base of the spine and culminates at the top of the head in a growth process that raises the individual from the level of animal sexual instinct to developed conscious intellectual and spiritual progress:
`Go call the police.
Go call the governor.
I bring the trouble.
That means the trouble's on.`
 `Ecstasy` or `e` is an unininhibitor but not an intelligence enhancer, because it`s a sexual trap. E-learning is computer based `electronic education` through the research facility of the public internet as a form of distance learning, for example, which produces intelligence through spiritual and intellectual work, and that`s what the Hindu chakra ladder of seven ascending energy levels, from the base of the spine to the crown of the head, represents.
 Lotus sports` cars have an electronic transmission system invented by a developed individual, because the lotus chakra is the crown of the head, not some spiritual nirvana that grants sports cars once the individual has consumed enough `ecstasy`. That notion supports the enslaving of the intelligent human species by an ignorant drug-pushing pillhead`s blinding of the human race to her own destiny amongst the planets and stars of God`s heaven.
 In Britney Spears` video single CD `Work Bitch` mannequins are featured, because they represent the growth of human endeavour to the point at which machines like `Robbie the robot` in Forbidden Planet are created to assist the humans to live, that is, robots that have human form. But `ecstasy` or `e` teaches women sexual capitulation to men`s penis. Britney Spears` female dancers in the `Work Bitch` video CD single are `slave cargo` if they don`t work to be free of their sexual enslavement, and the `manga` style of her female dance team suggests `futanaria`, which are Japan`s cartoons of women with their own penis` semen.
 In Japan the tradition of `foot binding` delimited women`s movements and is a metaphor for the enslaving of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed`, which corresponds to the warning God gave to Eve in the Bible of the `serpent`s seed` and its `perpetual enmity` for the `woman`s seed`, although she:
`... will crush the head of the serpent as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)
 At one point in the Britney Spears` video single CD `Work Bitch` a woman is depicted walking across a desert scene carrying a mannequin that`s wearing a veil because Saudi Arabian women, in particular, aren`t allowed to drive cars. Britney Spears` point is that `slave drivers` are visible. If technology doesn`t develop, women will remain souless shells rather than humans, because their `fut` is bound. As the teacher born from the womb of his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus is the `tanar`, which means `teacher` in the Hungarian language, while `woman`s seed` in Japanese manga is `futanar`. Because `fut` means `run` in Hungarian, Jesus is a teacher of the `futanarian` or `woman`s seed`, which is the program that God wants to `run`. Because `pillango` is `butterfly` in Hungarian, Britney Spears` video single CD, `Work Bitch`, is `slave, car go` and `pill & go`, where `e` is an enslavers` drug that wants women to remain ephemeral butterflies breeding with the evil `serpent`s seed` rather than her own human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen to develop her own species` brainpower:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)
 The perception that drug dealers who sell `e` are criminals is a false perception because a criminal is what Jesus was convicted as. Disagreeing with his society, Jesus was murdered because he was `woman`s seed`. Those who killed him were `monsters from the id`, because they didn`t want the teaching of woman with her own penis` `seed` to spread. Those who deal in `e` are `monsters from the id` who want to enslave women to her sexual desire rather than that she breed her own brains` power by sexually reproducing as an independently liberated species uninhibited by men`s `penis envy`, which causes her to grope blindly along her path to the planets and stars of God`s heaven, because men have bound her `fut` here and worse:
`Hold your hands high; fingers to the sky. They gon' try to try ya, but they can't deny ya. Keep it building higher and higher.`
 Jesus` teachings are of the Resurrection of `woman`s seed` because men have killed the human species here as her `monsters from the id`, which is what the sharks represent in Britney Spears` waters of the unconscious surrounding her Hungarian `butterfly`, that is, her ephemeral `pillango`, in the video single CD, `Work Bitch`. The sharks are `e` for evil enslaving drug dealers that envy the woman her own penis` `seed` and live in her mind as `monsters from the id` surfacing to kill her if she tries to live as a human breeder of her own brains` socio-economic liberation through technological endeavour:
`So hold your head high;
fingers to the sky.
Now they don't believe ya,
but they gonna need ya.
Keep it building higher and higher.`
 In hospitals machines keep people alive so that`s what machines are for, but humanity is an ephemeral `pillango` butterfly, because men refuse to develop technology for anything other than imprisoning the women to make it easier for them to enslave the human spirit. As the drug `e` promotes women`s breeding with the `serpent`s seed`, it`s a suicide pill that ensures her ephemerality without technological advancements in hospital machines to prolong her life and maintain her memory of herself as the human `futrace`, which needs to breed its own species` brains to get its `fut` off the treadmill:
`You better work bitch.`
 Britney Spears` video single CD, `Work Bitch`, presents mannequins rather than robots, because robots are better machines and so more human insofar as humans care for themselves, but robots do it better and so are more human, which is not what humans are taught by the evil, who pretend that machines are enemies and present technology as the threat to employment, whereas machines liberate humans to work, and that`s how humans live; by working:
`Work work work ... work it out work it out ...`
 In Jungian psychology the individuation process is a process of self-actualization arrived at by means of conscious development, that is, work, which is human endeavour, because it`s how humans live and grow. In men`s slave system women`s wombs are hosts for men`s parasitism, because they`ve learned that the human spirit can be enslaved by denying women their own penis` semen to breed her own brains` power. She`s kept blind and ignorant through their killing of her human species` capacity for self-reproduction so her Earthbound `fut` can`t `run`.
 The accusation `lazy` is the basis for slavery, according to Britney Spears` video single CD, `Work Bitch`, but women aren`t slaves if they work to live. Kept in blind ignorance to her own potential for socio-economic liberation through breeding her own brains` power as the `futanarian` human `futrace`, woman can`t work for herselves and so is conditioned to accept men`s false teaching as parasites living lazily and indolently on the spiritual and intellectual fruits of her human race`s host womb.
 What men don`t teach is that those people who work, and aren`t rewarded for the work they do, aren`t rewarded because they`re trying to work for themselves to live and men want them to be slaves. We know that it`s men`s policy because women are the human `futanarian` species with its own penis` semen for self-reproducing its own brains` power and socio-economic independent developed technology for liberating her as a species from drudgery so she`ll remain a slave to the tradmill of her human `futrace` going nowhere but the grave for her willingness to produce art, culture and civilization for men to destroy periodically in their wars of `perpetual enmity` for the human race`s true `seed` and with only Jesus` promise of Resurrection to console her:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
 It`s no mystery, men are her abominations, because they keep a-bombing her nations. Even 9/11 was an attempt to restore the pederasty of war worship by reestablishing the `rough trade` of homosexual `brutality and violence`4 through the terrorist`s crashing of hikjacked planes into the World Trade Centre of New York in 2001 to precipitate global conflict in the Gulf War (2001-11) to depose dictator, Saddam Hussein, who supported Al Qaeda, `the base`, and offered Iraq as a base for their operations against the United States of America.
 What the picture doesn`t tell is that women`s host wombs aren`t in freedom; although the statue of Liberty in New York harbor is what the war was fought over. Britney Spears` penis` semen isn`t visible in the soft porn video single CD, `Work Bitch`, but she drives on her female `devils` as slaves, whereas in truth women are the developers of the race rather than its `devils` because she has her own penis `seed` to fertilize her own ovum in the host wombs of her `futanarian` human species.
 The notion of the woman as `devil` is another lie promulgated by men who are her `devils`, because they want the human race to be devilled so it can`t develop and they can continue whipping her on as a lazy slave who`s not producing enough from her host womb for their parasitism to consume. Whipping on her slave devils is how men perceive themselves, because the developer is the spirit and intellectual power of humanity to live in socio-economic freedom and independence from its enslaver:
`She's just a devil woman with evil on her mind.
Beware the devil woman.
She's gonna get you from behind.`5
 Babylon the great is depicted as `a woman` in the Bible who has been forced to accept her enslavement, but that`s the image of the `devil` woman, which men have branded her developer`s host womb with and, although it isn`t truth, young women aspire to live up to the picture because they mistakenly perceive it as rebellious, whereas it`s imprisoning because the woman`s penis` `seed` remains invisible and so do her own bred brains` powers for genuine liberation and escape from her captivity in humanity`s slavery to men`s devilling lie, which is that they`re working and fighting for the freedom of the human race.
 If men`s breeding of woman is contaminatory, as Jesus` teachings of respect for the host rather than betrayal, which is what Christ`s giving of `bread and wine` to Judas and the other disciples as tokens of his `body and blood` meant before his crucifixion as a political dissident, the devils want to give the human species brain damage so she can`t work to live as an independent species. As it`s her host womb, she can`t work more than she does for men, but she could work for herself, which is what Britney Spears` `Work Bitch` CD video single is about. Women have to take control of their own host wombs so they can breed their own brains` power.
 Capitalism is the perspective that work is necessary for workers to live by producing goods and services for employers, but picking fruit from one`s own tree is work enough to live. What employers represent is ownership of humanity`s `family tree` so that men can have the fruit and women are the slaves who produce it, whereas what humans have been taught is they`re selfish if they want to work for themselves, which makes them `lazy` in societal terms, and `public enemy number one` if independent of the enslaver. Criminals can attack you, because you`re antisocial in behavioural terms, insofar as you don`t need society`s permission to live, as you`re socio-economically viable without it, which means you can`t work to live because you don`t accept slavery.
 Jesus` preaching is of the Resurrection rather than reincarnation, because slavery is rebirth from the womb that bore you, which requires acceptance of men as women`s parasite. `Liberty` is the symbol of freedom to live by means of the fruit women have from their own family tree, that is, by their own brains` power. But men won`t let her breed because it interferes with their enslaving of her by means of the `e` drug `ecstasy`; for example. MDMA canalizes women`s brains to accept men`s penis in an exclusive `ownership of the means of production`, which German socio-economic philosopher, Karl Marx, whose ideas in Das Kapital (1867) formed the basis of humanist ideology, argued was the basis of human slavery. Redemption is the knowledge that `eternal unendurable pain` is God`s punishment awaiting men who`ve enslaved the host womb of the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen for breeding her own brains` technological power instead of repenting from parasitism:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
 Now what men are doing is keeping women in fear and faithfulness to her misogynist enslaver by means of its `biological weapon` of HIV/AIDS` `blood plague` of Revelation, which they`ve created as the human species` endangering `killer disease` by mixing blood, shit and semen in woman rejecting sterile anal non-sexual reproduction with each other as a parasite expressing its devourers` virality, while the virility of `woman`s seed` is extinguished by the enslaving devourer in its wars of `perpetual enmity` with a species not of its own host womb. The metaphor is of the `fut` as food, because the `monsters of the id` eat the contents of the womb of the woman and that`s the business of the restauranteur of planet Hollywood, Babylon, where men don`t want `fast food` to become a `futrace`, so the human species can`t make a `quick getaway`, before she`s `taken out` by the hunters gatherer of the meat packing guns` industry, which is what the `gay` action heroes of movies without women are.
 Women have their own penis` semen and there`s no sign of a woman in Hollywood, Babylon, save for the alien, who stands in for her while the Hollywood honcho kills her vicariously for sport, because the cowards daren`t show her penis on the screen lest the `futanarian` human woman`s species get her foot of the floor in the bedroom scenes and, `shoot the moon`, builds herself a launch pad at Florida`s Cape Canveral space centre in the United States of America and goes to ask God the question, `Where`re the humans?` Men can`t sexually reproduce together, so women with their own penis` semen are the humans. But where are they? Hollywood, Babylon, presents the human `futrace` as extinct, or she`s secretly being extinguished by the `gay cabelleros`:
`Son of a gun, it's a pleasure to see such fine gentlemen ...`6
 Sons of guns are fine gentlemen who prefer each other as women`s slavers rather than that the human race should run. Ellen Degeneres isn`t a degenerate, but the hostess of the Ellen Degeneres Show (2003-) is a lesbian interviewer who`s perceived as `gay`, whereas she`s a member of the `futanarian` human species of woman with her own penis` semen and sexual reproductive capacity to produce her own brains` power and so is `normal` by definition:
`The only thing that scares me more than space aliens is the idea that there aren't any space aliens. We can't be the best that creation has to offer. I pray we're not all there is. If so, we're in big trouble.`7
 The space aliens are the `gay` community who want women like Ellen to think of themselves as aliens who don`t sexually reproduce with women because they`re homosexuals, whereas lesbians are manifesting the sexual desire of the human `futanarian` species of woman to sexually reproduce her own brains` power and prevent her `futrace` from being exterminated by the aliens in their `perpetual enmity` for the Earth`s humanity so it can`run` away and live somewhere else where it won`t be enslaved and eaten by the alien parasites emerging from her host womb ensuring her of their normality as a non-reproductive cancerously self-replicating virus that prefers itself, but will eat her because it`s what she`s well, bred for.
1 Stevens, Warren Doc Ostrow Forbidden Planet, 1956.
2 Spears, Britney `Work Bitch`, 16 September, 2013.
3 Nielsen, Leslie Commander John J. Adams Forbidden Planet, 1956.
4 Rough Trade, trade.
5 Richard, Cliff `Devil Woman`, I`m Nearly Famous, EMI, 1976. 
6 Garay, Joaquin [voice of] Panchito Pistoles The Three Cabelleros, Walt Disney Productions, 1944.
7 Degeneres, Ellen Ellen, Telepictures, Warner Brothers Studios,  Studio 1, Burbank, California, September 8, 2003-.

I`m A Hit Single, Hit On Me Woman And Have More Brains

22/07/2013 15:01


I`m A Hit Single, Hit On Me Woman And Have More Brains
Britney Spears` single ... Baby One More Time is a paean to reproduction. In the video she appears as a schoolgirl and as a collegiate, which is a feature of Britney Spears` career, that is, appearing as different selves within a single video. In the scifi pop video for the hit single Oops I Did It Again, it`s clear there are two Britney Spears, one in a red pilot`s suit and another in a white bikini dress, because Britney in red films herself. In Lucky Britney Spears has herself as her assistants and, in If You Seek Amy, which is a clearer directive even than ... Baby One More Time, that is, F*U*C*K Me, she has the normal `schizophrenic` role of private sex siren and public life`s model wife:
`Oh, oh. Tell me have you seen her because I'm so, oh I can't get her off of my brain.`
 The obvious parallel is Hollywood, Babylon`s sex symbol, that is, actress Marilyn Monroe`s affair with President John F. Kennedy, who was shot dead by a sniper in 1963 while riding in a motorcade in Dallas, Texas, after Marilyn`s apparent suicide and Kennedy`s jilting of Jackie Kennedy, his wife. In mafia terminology a hit is an execution and some suppose John to have been hit, because of his `hitting` on Marilyn while married to Jackie, where `hitting on` is a euphemism in American slang for `demanding sex politely`. `JFK` was felt to be abusing his position:
`Oh baby baby. The reason I breathe is you. Boy you got me blinded.`
 Being blind to what boy sons represent is the bane of mothers, because they`re the poisons from her parasite-hosting womb, who kill her if her eyes are opened in relaization of what they are. The concept of suiciding an era, and John was the one who spoke of `the American Dream` as something he wanted realized, is not unknown to the United States. In 1918 the Germans declared `unrestricted submarine warfare` against all shipping, which precipitated America`s involvement in World War I and its cessation, but it was an attempt by the Germans to suicide the `American Dream` and so the United States began a period of socio-economic `isolationism`:
`The New Deal was a series of domestic economic programs enacted in the United States between 1933 and 1936. They involved presidential executive orders or laws passed by Congress during the first term of [New Redeemer] President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The programs were in response to the Great Depression [caused by World War I] ...`1
 Isolationism ended with the Japanese mitsubishi zero suicide `fighter` pilots crashing their planes into the decks of the US carriers of the Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor, Hawaii, in 1941, which precipitated the USA into World War II (1939-45). The terrorist attack of Al Qaeda`s Arabian suiciding hijackers crashing airliners into the World Trade Centre on 9/11, 2001, precipitated conflict in the Middle East and was yet another attempt to reintroduce the `rough trade` of homosexual `brutality and violence` to suicide the `American Dream`:
`I`m Miss American Dream since I was seventeen.`
 In Revelation `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` is depicted giving birth to the `New Redeemer`, while the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour him, and so she corresponds to `Liberty` after the defeat of the flags of the red sun of Imperial Japan in WWII and the moon of the flags of Al Qaeda after 9/11, 2001, as she stands in New York harbor with the sun and moon reflected in her birth waters there. America`s `isolationist` philosophy has been criticized as her greatest flaw, but she`s been trying to give birth to the `American Dream` since liberating herself from the yoke of the British Empire with her `Declaration of Independence` in 1776, but they keep `hitting on her`:
`Hit me baby one more time.`
 The abused child often responds to a physical attack by a parent or another adult with the admonition, `If you hit me one more time ..,` and the threat is usually perceived as an empty one. But not with the United States of America, because `Liberty` has been going into the `confinement` of isolationism for generations in preparation for giving birth:
`My loneliness is killing me.
I must confess I still believe.
When I'm not with you I lose my mind.
Give me a sign.
Hit me baby one more time.`
 Because women are a biune species with her own penis` seed and independent brain breeding socio-technological valence, men`s enslaving and devouring of the civilization, culture and art she is able to produce from her host womb despite her parasites depredations, is because her `futanarian` partner with her own penis` seed has been killed by men and so woman doesn`t have a mind of her own.
 Jesus` teaching is respect for the host, which is what he tells the disciples before his crucifixion and death upon the cross of the torturers to whom he`d been sold for `thirty pieces of silver` by Judas Iscariot, the disciple. On the single cover for the CD Piece Of Me Britney Spears appears almost nude upon a cross, because it`s `woman`s seed` that has been suicided in the course of the generations since Jesus` Advent two thousand years before 9/11:
`Guess I can't see the harm in working and being a mama,
and with a kid on my arm I'm still an exceptional earner,
and you want a piece of me.`
 Jesus, born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, is `woman`s seed` and the host of her `futanarian` species of woman with her own penis` seed, which God forewarns Eve of in the Bible when he tells her the `serpent`s seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with hers, although she `will crush the head of the serpent as she leaves` (Gen: 3. 15) for the `new heaven and Earth` promised her `seed` by God. The human species of woman is biune. Jesus gives `bread and wine` to the disciples as tokens of his `body and blood`, because woman is the host to parasites who`ll eat her from the womb as she endeavours to produce culture, civilization and art despite its depredations:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 16. 11)
 In global political terms Marilyn was the whore of Hollywood, Babylon, who was used to suicide John Kennedy`s `American Dream`, which is the fate of the `woman`, Babylon, ancient seat of Iraq, who is made to be the whore of war. In ancient Greece women`s host wombs were enslaved in institutionalized pederasty to spread war to her civilizations, cultures and arts. Friendship was the basis of ensavement and devourment.  Leaving a `friendship gift` of a huge hollow wooden horse before the walls of Troy, the Greeks emerged when the Greeks took the `Trojan horse` inside and enslaved the host wombs of the women to spread war further:
`Beware Greeks bearing gifts.`2
 Al Qaeda`s Arabian terrorists, posing as guests of the host on 9/11, 2001, hijacked planes and crashed them into the World Trade Centre to reestablish the `rough trade` of homosexual pederasty`s viral contagion of `brutality and violence`, while the `biological weapon` that keeps women in fear and faithfulness to her parasite is the `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS created by men in mixing blood, shit and semen in their anuses together in preference to women`s host wombs. The `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS, which is described as the `blood plague` of Revelation, even fakes similitude as a white defender cell of the human body`s immune system, before killing it, and so the computer `geek` virus has replaced the original `Greek horse`.
 As the 21st century`s defence systems crashed on 9/11, 2001,  while its architects ran around like headless chickens, the new `Greek`, the `geek`, had devoured their heads, because eating chickens` heads is why those who provide the `bread and circuses` of Hollywood, Babylon`s movie fare of war and pederasty, rather than respecting the `bread and wine` of the host, employ chicken head eating geeks for their entertainment, and so World Trade Centre (2005) was just one more `geek` movie:
`When I'm not with you I lose my mind. Give me a sign. Hit my willy one more time.`3
 Britney Spears` hit singles are a paean to her own biune `futanarian` species of woman and its socio-economic independence from her enslaving and devouring parasite through self-reproduction with her own penis` seed (`willy`) and capacity for breeding herself and her own brain power because women are a single species, and she doesn`t want men hitting her.
1 The New Deal, .
2 Virgil The Aeneid, Bk II, 19 BC.
3 An English euphemism for a penis is `willy`, so Britney Spears is singing about her penis being `hit`, .

Grave Robbers and Oops I Did It Again with Britney Spears, Or What Have You Done With The Humans, Man?

11/07/2013 14:55


Grave Robbers and Oops I Did It Again with Britney Spears, Or What Have You Done With The Humans, Man?

The concept of the `cargo cult` is well known. South sea islanders were found to have built model aeroplanes based on what they`d seen. The theory is that, given long enough, they`d build real aeroplanes, or something similar. The idea of the Earth as `cargo cult` is to show people something and wait until they produce from what they have seen from their imaginations. In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) the engines of human endeavour are the archetypes, which appear in the dreams, imagination and art of the unconscious before becoming realized through the intellectual efforts of the individual who perceives their meaning. According to Jung the archetypes correspond most closely to what humans think of as the unknowable God.
 In India`s Hindu religion, karma is the Hindu belief that reincarnation, that is, rebirth after death, is the repetition of circumstances and events that are repeated until individuals have progressively learned humanity so that God can accept them into heaven. The learning method is applied in schools where children are required to `repeat after me` by their teacher in order to learn something that, according to the reincarnation theory, they`ve repeated before but haven`t learned from the archetypes.
 The concept of the media is that everything is recorded and so can be repeated. In Britney Spears` Oops I Did It Again (2000) accompanying video for the pop song a spaceman appears on Mars where he delivers a gift:
`But I thought the old lady dropped it into the ocean in the end?`
 The reference is to the Titanic movie (1997) in which Rose wears a blue diamond in the shape of a heart called `the heart of the ocean`, which is a metaphor in psychology for the unconscious depths of the psyche from which the archetypes emerge. Seen walking backwards in the video, the spaceman is symbolic of the Earth as `cargo cult` and karma:
`Well baby I went down and got it for you.`
 The spacesuit was developed by science fiction writers, Robert A. Heinlein, L. Sprague de Camp and Isaac Asimov, at the Philadelphia Navy Yard from 1943, when they were asked to adapt divers` pressure suits for the North American Space Administration (NASA) Apollo space program to put a `man on the moon`, which eventually happened in 1969 when Apollo 11`s astronauts landed the lunar module spacecraft there and Neil Armstrong proclaimed:
`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`2
 Britney`s spaceman in Oops I Did It Again tells her he`s dove into the ocean of the unconscious and has developed a spacesuit to bring her the `heart of the ocean` from the wreck of the ship, the Titanic, which sank when it hit an iceberg on its maiden voyage from Liverpool, England, to New York in 1911. Towards the end of the Oops I Did It Again video the spaceman astronaut`s space age technology is displayed for the viewer`s edification when he`s whimsically shown walking backwards to his starting position at the beginning of the recording. He`s recorded and can be replayed as a `workslave` of the `cargo cult` and, as a  human `space monkey`, he`s learned. Monkeys were used when the original NASA spacecraft were `too advanced` for men to feel `in control`.
 Like the automobile industry, which has been controlling humans with its pedal vehicles and little or no progress in terms of the controls since the first cars were mass produced by the Ford company in the USA in 1908, men`s fetish for control over the machine has led to humanity`s allowing of itself to be disabled by the automotive and other industries` disabling of humanity`s machines because men fear women`s liberation from enslavement to them and the kitchen sink drudgery they`re used to. In Arabia men don`t allow women to drive cars, because they`re disabled. The men have disabled the cars so that they can feel in control with their pedal vehicles, and so have disabled themselves, and the women are disabled because they can`t drive and travel, because the men are frightened they`d escape.
 In Britney Spears` video Oops I Did It Again she appears in a red pilot`s suit because the original NASA spacemen were pilots in the X-15 spaceplane program, which was cancelled because of expense and `blackouts`. Pilots discovered that, outside of the Earth`s stratosphere, the pressure upon the suit to provide oxygen was too great for the occupants of the X-15 and some planes crashed because the pilot fainted. One of the more famous incidents involved Chuck Yeager, who was discovered in the desert standing to attention by his crashed plane and the legend arose of the NASA chosen who had the `right stuff`:
`... to fall one hundred goddamned thousand feet in a flat spin and punch out and make a million-dollar hole in the ground and get half his head and his hand burned up and have his eye practically ripped out of his skull ... while screen doors bang and the pictures of a hundred dead pilots rattle in their frames ... `3
  Britney`s album Blackout (2007) contained the single, `Piece Of Me`, and the cover of the single was of her as Jesus upon the cross, because Christ was sold to his torturers for `thirty pieces of silver` when he was betrayed by one of his disciples, Judas. As the founder of Christianity, Jesus became a hero of the Earth`s `cargo cult` and repetition, because of the Bible. Born of the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus was the first of `woman`s seed`, because women have their own penis and `seed` as the independent `futanarian` human species. But men don`t preach that; they catechise, "repeat after me, `Jesus has redeemed me from my sins`, hasn`t he?" without explanation. The meaning of Britney`s Blackout album is `censorship`, because men don`t want women to know the truth, which makes men betrayers of the human species, and so Britney Spears appears crucified on the cross of Jesus on the cover of her CD single release, `Piece Of Me`:
`I'm Miss bad media karma; another day another drama. Guess I can't see no harm in working and being a mama. And with a kid on my arm, I'm still an exceptional earner. You want a piece of me...`
 Britney Spears` observation in Oops I Did It Again is that the Earth`s a `cargo cult` based on reincarnation and repetition through what the Hindus call `karma`, and so it`s possible that the spaceplane program had been run before, so `woman`s seed` could have gotten to Mars first, which is why Britney Spears is able to appear there in her red pilot`s suit.
 Placing a hook in the backpack of the astronaut she suspends him above herself in a white bikini dress so that he can film her `space alien` with the camera attached to his spacehelmet while herself in the red pilot`s suit looks on. Although it isn`t explicit, the penis beneath the white bikini skirt of the second Britney is implicit because she represents the `futanarian` human species of woman, who has her own brains if she`s bred with herself and so could make it to Mars faster if she didn`t have to learn how to pedal herself:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
 Britney`s `bad media karma`, because she gets the message through like Jesus. The pop phenomenon of the 20th century was the combination of the drug `ecstasy` with what was called `techno music` that gave rise to often illegal `rave parties` in giant abandoned warehouses where the party goers consumed huge quantities of the sexually stimulative drug `E`, which contained a mixture of amphetamine, known as `speed`, and the hallucinogenic mind-altering substance lysergic acid or `LSD`, while viagra, the wonder cure for impotence among the exhausted male popultaion, was used to revivify the male to satisfy the insatiable sexual demands of the females high on the `love drug`.
 What the males discovered was that they didn`t like women, because women liked each other. Pop bands like The Spice Girls (1994-) or Destiny`s Child (1990-) with Beyonce Knowles represented the `girl power` phenomenon of women with brains, but that could only materialize if the women were able to breed with each other, and so God created women with a penis and their own `seed` as `futanarian` breeders of their own human species` socio-economic independence and future without men.
The band 10cc (1972-) was named for the average amount of male ejaculate, and the average time taken in ejaculating for a male is perhaps a few seconds, whereas a `futanarian` woman`s ejaculated semen could fill a bucket and take minutes. Moreover, she is female and so has a vagina, which is also capable of ejaculation and, for a woman, orgasm may build for hours without release. Because of the perfunctory nature of the male orgasm, the human species is dealing with a parasite that, having fertilized its host womb, has finished with her. The woman will live only as long as it takes to produce another parasite, which explains the amount of money spent in devouring wars and the paucity of expenditure on curing the parasite`s killer disease of HIV/AIDS, which is just one of its devices to prevent the woman from living and learning about herself as the human species.
 The emergence of the `snuff movie` as an all but acknowledged Hollywood, Babylon, genre in mainstream cinema during the latter part of the 20th century, when the action hero removed his mask to reveal a woman stalker, in movies like Silence Of The Lambs (1991) and Scream (1996), represented the males` discovering that pop culture`s description of their penis as a `love gun` wasn`t metaphorical, because when they`d finished ejaculating, their role as `serpent`s seed` was to `snuff out` her life with guns, because the `biological weapon` of homosexual pederasty`s HIV/AIDS `blood plague` sent by God to convert men from their sin wasn`t quick enough for the numbers of the beast:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
 The giant fork rave symbolism is of a giant for a grave, that is, the death of the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` seed, because her enslaving and devouring parasites didn`t want her:Beside Britney`s spaceman`s  `camera helmet` are what appear to be the tines of a giant fork, which is in keeping with the metaphor of the spaceman as `giant` and of herself as a small footed woman, that is, the human species` `futanarian` woman, who descends upon her film set inside what seems to be a giant`s ring to begin a `rave party` with her dancers:
`I think I did it again. I made you believe we're more than just friends. Oh, baby; it might seem like a crush, but it doesn't mean that I'm serious. 'Cause to lose all my senses... that is just so typically me. Oh, baby; baby.`
 Britney Spears` performance in Oops I Did It Again suggests she isn`t for grave parties, where the parasitical enslavers and devourers prepare to satisfy their giant`s fork cravings for a `snuff` party. The women, `love drugged` on ecstasy, are killed by the almost immediately sexually satiated males who, having made the women believe in their love, lose their senses, frustrated at watching others receiving sexual satisfaction from the still capable, and vent their impotence in snuffing the orgiastic, so expressing the devourers` functionality of their enslaving `serpent`s seed` origins.
 Usually the spade is a gravedigger`s tool, but Britney Spears` take on set is that the fork is also the gardener`s tool since Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden, because even  if women are well bred, the devouring and enslaving `red dragon` and its `serpent`s seed`, symbolized in Christian iconography with their fork tails as what devils humankind, have ensured that men only have a grave mouth yawning open for what remains of her species:
`You see my problem is this: I'm dreaming away; wishing that heroes, they truly exist. I cry watching the days. Can't you see I'm a fool in so many ways?But to lose all my senses... that is just so typically me. Baby, oh.`
 If the `woman`s seed` is culled by the `snuff` industry, or even by assassins, who are called `gardeners` by their grave-digging employers, she`s lost her `senses` and remains a brainless slave of her devouring parasite. In Revelation Jesus is born while the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour him in his `Second Coming` after his crucifixion, death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, as described in the corroborating histories of the Gospels of the Christian New Testament of the Bible written by the traitor Judas` passive accomplices in his crime, the apostles Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. Born uncontaminated by male semen from the Virgin Mary, his mother, Jesus gave `bread and wine` to the disciples at the `Last Supper` before his death, as a reminder to them that his mother and he were good hosts, that is, neither the `futanarian` woman nor Jesus are parasitical devourers of humans.
 In the developmental depth psychology of Carl Jung the devouring imago is the dragon ourobouros archetype that represents the woman bred so that the parasites can devour what she produces from her womb in the way of civilization, culture and art despite the depredations of the parasites that emerge thereform to wage their wars of `perpetual enmity` that God warned Eve the `serpent`s seed` would have with hers before she left Earth, `crushing the head of the serpent with her heel` (3. 15). Consequently, the hero imago in dreams, imagination and art is the enemy of `woman`s seed` and not her support:
`I`m dreaming away; wishing that heroes, they truly exist.`
 The `woman`s seed` will only  have heroines of her own when she`s able to breed herself and be self-possessed of her own brain power, which is exclusive of the enslaving and devouring parasites that want to be in the movie with her so they can fake friendship before killing her, which is the method adopted by homosexual pederasty since at least the time of the ancient Greeks when institutionalized enslavement of women`s host wombs to spread war further was the foundational principle of what came to be Western civilization.
 Rave parties were known for permissive sex in which condoms were instantly forgettable in the naive belief in the love drug `E` as a panacea. Because HIV/AIDS was the main fear in sexual matters at the end of the 20th century, warehouse parties with their plentiful suppliers and supplies of the uninhibiting drug `ecstasy`, were places to surrender the life of the human species` potential. HIV/AIDS spread like wildfire from sharing and injecting from drug-filled syringes with needles dirtied by unclean blood. Women who discovered love for their own species when their inhibitions were lost through ecstasy found their rejected boyfriends feigned love turned to killers` lust because their sex slave was liberating herself for self-reproduction as `futanarian` woman with her own penis` independent socio-economic human capacity to exclude men and produce her own species` brains exclusively. Because men`s brains aren`t human, and they`re seeking to kill the women`s, whose brains are those of the human race, and it won`t have the brains to run from its parasitical devourers until it`s told.
 All Britney Spears was able to with Oops I Did It Again is try to deal with the censorship `blackout` by alluding to the penis of the woman beneath the skirt of her white bikinied self and ask the viewer to understand that she, in her red pilot`s suit, isn`t a trick of the camera, but someone with her `futanarian` bride, and the space program needs to be wrested away from such `Strategic Defense Intiatives` (SDI) as President Ronald `ray gun` Reagan`s ogrish 1982 plan to `ring` the planet with missiles and prevent `woman`s seed` from escaping in the spaceplanes she might conceivably construct by means of her own brain power.
 The Arabian terrorists that crashed hijacked planes into the World Trade Centre of New York on 9/11 2001 were guests of their American host, `Liberty`, reestablishing the `rough trade` of pederasty and war, which would ensure that women would remain enslaved and devourable. Britney Spears, in her red pilot`s suit, would never leave in her spaceplane with her `futanarian` bride in white because the technology of `woman`s seed` would be devoted to escaping her devouring parasites and men don`t want her to.
 The argument would be that the American men were the hosts of the terrorists, but Jesus is born from `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` in his `Second Coming` (Rev: 12. 2). The red sun of Japan precipitated the USA into global conflict after its unnanounced attack on the US` Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor in 1941. The attack upon the Twin Towers of New York by the moon of Al Qaeda`s flags on 9/11, while the statue of Liberty observed from her birth waters in New York harbor, means she`s the host of Jesus in his `Second Coming` as the `New Redeemer`.  Born from the woman, `clothed` in her victories over the red suns of the Japanese flags and the yellow moons of the flags of Al Qaeda, the silver moon of the Earth is reflected in the waters of Jesus` birthing at New York`s harbor.
 Not only is the Earth a `cargo cult` in which the enslaving parasites of the `serpent`s seed` devour the products of the host wombs of women in its ceaseless wars of `perpetual enmity` for her `seed`, they`re robbing the grave of the human species they`ve killed, that is, the self-reproductive `futanarian` woman with her own penis` seed, and to whom God gives a `new heaven and Earth`, according to Revelation, because like Jesus and his mother, the Virgin Mary, she`s remained uncontaminated by male semen, before she leaves with the bride.
1 Tech-Archive, .
2 21 July, UTC 2: 56.
3 Wolfe, Tom The Right Stuff, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1979.

Britney Spears with Goldmembers

24/06/2012 19:00

Britney Spears With Goldmembers



The Britney Spears` single that was supposed to be a puzzle when released was `If You Seek Amy` (2009), which was translated as, `F*U*C*K Amy`. Like Madonna`s Dita, Britney`s character, Amy, is a schizophrenic persona allowing her to explore aspects of herself that were `out there`. Dita was the persona Madonna adopted for her book, Sex (1992), and so she `appeared` on the `Erotic` single released from the album, Erotica, with the book Sex inside its silvered plastic wrapper:


`My name is Dita, I'll be your mistress tonight.`


 Britney`s personality seems dual in `If You Seek Amy`, where she appears in bedroom scenes after what appears to be an orgy, and then in public as a perfect wife and mother giving `mom`s apple pie` to the press while her children and husband look on adoringly. `If You Seek Amy` refers to the star`s `binary` nature in that she`s `twinned`, that is, necessarily schizoid, because private acts are radically different to public appearance. Her plurality, that is, her on screen `split` personality, was evident as early as the `scifi` promotional video for the single, `Oops! ... I Did It Again` (1999), where she appears in a red pilot`s suit hoisting her spaceman visitor to the red planet, Mars, above herself `twinned` in a white bikini dress so that he can film her with his camera, which suggests she`s desirous of `bigamy`, and that`s the reason for the injunction to the viewer to pick `Amy` as the desirable persona in `If You Seek Amy` (F*UC*K Amy). Britney`s a multiple personality, which is `big Amy`, that is, `bigamy`, and has to be divorced from Britney, because `normal` for men is monogamy, although for women who`re futanarian with their own penis` semen species` sexual reproduction with each other isn`t bigamous but `Monarch Amy` (monogamy), because they`re a single race, that is, `bigamy` is women`s human nature.



 In the promotional video for the single, `My Prerogative`, from her Greatest Hits album, My Prerogative (2004), Britney` has a dual personality also. In the grey and white sequences she appears merely celluloid, because colourless, and that`s related to `noggering`, which is a practice illegally deployed by Masons, often with the tacit consent of local governments, who keep people known for creativity imprisoned in virtual isolation within communities to force them to create and produce, that is, add `local color`, whereas the creative individual seeks to escape from their prison and go to Hollywood, for example, and make movies.

 Because `big Amy` signifies `Monarch Amy`, that is, a monogamy of women, which is `bigamy` to men`s perception of the human futanarian race of women, although the term is redundant for a single species, rather than a host womb enslaved in parasitism to produce a single male brained transvestite creature who wears men`s and women`s clothes, which is what `TV` is. Although sexual repression is the basis for slavery`s `noggering` of the imprisoned and isolated human to produce creative `local color`, rather than international `blockbuster` movies, sexual freedom is necessary if human women are to change Hollywood, which is what `nogger` means for them, so Britney`s `snog` with Madonna and Christian at the VMA MTV Awards represents a desire to espouse technicolor, rather than the `drab` of `My Prerogative`, who is depicted as being `noggered` in slavery, although the grayed out colorless film suggests Britney`s is a `snuff film` character being prepared to `star` in monogamy, that is, the singles` game of `TV` transvestite entertainment, which is mourn, `nogger` me.



 Britney was married for less than three years in total; to Jason Alexander in January 2004, before annulment, and Kevin Federline in September 2004, before divorce in July 2007. `My Prerogative` suggests she`s a `multiple personality`, because she`s `noggered`: `People can take everything away from you.` She`s developed schizophrenia as a means of producing herself in slavery to escape the `noggerer`.



 Britney performs the single Boys immediately after the main title sequence to Goldmember (2002) where she appears with guns in her bra, which she aims and fires at Mike Myers, the character actor who plays the spoof sixties` style secret agent, Austin Powers. Dr Evil is Myers` antagonist, and he has a clone called `Mini Me`, because he isn`t `Bigger Me`, that is, `bigamy`, who is evil because he represents the `one game` of `snuff films` in which men aren`t `big Amy`, that is, `Monarch Amy`, who is the single species of human futanarian women, but `bigamy` as the parasitical single male brained creature in monogamous enslavement of the host womb of a species not its own to devour it as its parasitoid.



In character as Austin Powers, comedian Mike Myers appears in Boys alongside Spears making `rabbit`s ears` signs, which are Playboy magazine`s symbol for women in male braining, who aren`t futanarian women with penis` semen of their own for the sexual reproduction of their species` brains` powers for liberation. Playboy features nude women without penis of their own, and Boys features Britney`s `bra guns` as well as her head exploding, because humans are bred by men as `snuff film` entertainment:


`Cry, baby bunting,

Daddy’s gone a-hunting,

Gone to get a rabbit skin

To wrap the baby bunting in.`


 America`s national sports are baseball and American football, where `punting` is a part of the `game`. In baseball `bunting` is a `rib`, which is defined as a `suicide run` in which a success isn`t assured. Because Eve, the first woman, emerged from the `rib` of Adam, the first man, created by God, according to the Bible, human futanarian women`s success isn`t assured in Playboy America. In the promotional video for Britney`s single Hold It Against Me (2011) she appears fighting an alter ego, that is, a woman by her side, which suggests she`s against women from women. In America the baseball legend is Babe Ruth, while the name `Ruth` means `companion`, that is, `bunting` the `companion` by one`s side is suiciding her, which is what heterosexuals do to the human futanarian single species of women who they don`t want by their side or hers either.


`In a sacrifice bunt, the batter will put the ball into play with the intention of advancing a baserunner, in exchange for the batter being thrown out. The sacrifice bunt is most often used to advance a runner from first to second base, although the runner may also be advanced from second to third base, or from third to home.`1



 The `bunt` is similar to the `punt` in US football, where a kicker has to `punt` if the team can`t make the ten yards needed to move forward and so, rather than have the opposition start from where they`ve failed to progress further upfield, the kicker `punts`, that is, kicks the ball as far away from the now defending team`s end zone. Then the opposition, in their turn, have to move the ball upfield and get the ball into the hands of one of their players in the end zone for six points and a `touchdown`. After that the kicker has an opportunity to increase his team`s score another single point by kicking the ball through the goalposts before the ball is given back to the other side and it’s the turn of the other team again to try to score. When Britney Spears` spaceman, `Mars Lander`, arrives on the red planet, Mars, to visit her, it`s a `touchdown`, which was the term adopted by the North American Space Administration (NASA) to indicate the landing of Apollo 11`s astronauts on the moon`s surface in 1969 and has been used ever since:


`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`2



 Because women`s human futanarian species` `egg` is what the spaceman and the American footballers are playing with, `punting` is a celebration of the `game`, that is, the race`s ova, because women`s futanarian `foot` ( won`t ever be on Earth`s satellite, the moon.  The race`s over. Snuff movies are torture for the loved ones as well as the pitchers` victims. Consequently, the movie Sophie`s Choice (1982) is a `baseball` film where Meryl Streep decides whether to give her son, or her daughter, to the `Nazis` for extermination in the 1940s, because it`s a `suicide run` in the reality `snuff movie` game against human futanarian women`s desire to be a single species, and with no chance of success for the child Sophie decides to `bunt` from her side. In Judaism Jews are born only from women, that is, women are Jews, so Sophie `bunts` her son, rather than suicide the species. In Goldmember, Britney`s Playboy character`s `bra guns` indicate that, when it comes to `bunting`, she celebrates with the `snuff film` crew:


`Run rabbit, run rabbit

Run! Run! Run!

Run rabbit, run rabbit

Run! Run! Run!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Goes the farmer's gun

Run rabbit, run rabbit

Run! Run! Run!

Run rabbit, run rabbit

Run! Run! Run!

Don't give the farmer his fun!

Fun! Fun!

He'll get by without his rabbit pie

So run rabbit, run rabbit




1 Sacrifice bunt, .

2 Armstrong, Neil July 21, 1969, 2: 56 UTC.







Onan On

09/06/2012 09:53



A man and a woman were divorcing on the grounds that he wanted anal sex but she didn`t. `You`re an asshole`, said the shit. `Perhaps, but I`m rejecting you,` she replied. `I have AIDS,` said he.  `I have a penis of my own,` she explained, `and I don`t want you. ` She took out her penis and masturbated it gently so that he could see the tumescent tomato of its blushings before, ejaculating creamily. `I have another,` she said. `Who is he?` demanded the shit. `I`ll kill him,` he asseverated vehemently. `She`s not you,` said the woman, `and we`re founding a species together. God says we can. It`s in the Bible:


The woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that there she may be hidden for time, times, and half a time again, before her time to be delivered comes, Revelation twelve six.`


The Shit: `So the two of you are staying with your mother?`


The woman: `The Bible says that the woman who is `hidden` in the desert shall be protected by the New Redeemer, who is born from `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` and the red dragon of Revelation, who`s the shit in the story, wants to devour the New Redeemer but can`t. The woman leaves to sow her seed amongst the stars, fights the dragon and the other shits that are its `seed`, and God gives the woman and her `seed`, that is, me and my girlfriend`s, a new heaven and Earth to dwell in forever, while the shits receive unendurable eternal pain for concealing the fact that women have a penis, are a species, and men want to murder us and the planet with AIDS or – anything else?`


`I guess I`ll just have to cast my seed upon the ground,` said the shit.



Onan On


Britney`s spaceman arrived on Mars having negotiated Freudian symbolism, that is, the `father of psychoanalysis`, Sigmund Freud`s (1856-1939) psychological interpretation of civilization, culture and art, including space rockets, as `nothing but` the repressed expression of men`s `thingies`. Masturbating for millennia, Mankind has succeeded in ejaculating as far as Earth`s nearest neighbour planet, Mars, according to Britney Spears` futuristic `scifi` promotional video for the single, `Oops! … I Did It Again`. When the spaceman, `Mars lander` reports to `Mission Control`, the audience understands it`s `nothing but` an affair: `98% oxygen.`

 In the Bible Onan is punished by God for masturbation, that is, visible ejaculation, which is which is what space travel is from a psychological perspective. Onan`s brother, Er, is slain by God (Gen: 38. 7-10), for some unspecified evil, and God tells Onan to impregnate Tamar, his brother Er`s wife. Onan applies the principle of coitus interruptus because he doesn`t want to give her his `seed`, and so is also slain by God. Onan`s `sin` is masturbation, that is, `casting his seed upon the ground`, according to Christian commentators, who follow the teaching of Jesus from the New Testament of the Bible that many feel supersedes the Old Testament of the Bible, which is the law and history, the Torah and Talmud of the `chosen people`, the Jews: `Love your neighbour as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Jesus is wholly celibate, according to those same commentators, which suggests that, when Jesus was taken from the city of Jerusalem to the hill of Calvary by agents of the Empire of Rome then occupying Jewish Palestine and nailed to a cross of wood and left to die, he was being slain by men for not impregnating a woman, that is, for being a de facto masturbator or Onanist.

 Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after his death belies his celibacy and onanism in a declaration by the Roman guard present at his crucifixion: `Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54) Because Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, he was God`s futanarian `foot`, that is, Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven prefigures that of `woman`s seed`, which is women`s capacity for sexually reproducing with each other to produce human technological progress through their own brains` powers for liberation from Earth to the planets and stars in colonization: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) God`s words to Eve, the first woman, are repeated iconographically in Christian symbolism by Mary`s `foot` crushing the head of the male serpent, because Jesus represents women`s futanarian human nature. Consequently, although rocketry represents male masturbation, which includes all forms of projectile; for example, bullets and missiles, starships are `woman`s seed`, which is why Onan was punished for masturbation. God ostensibly killed Er for unspecified `wickedness`, so that Onan could have sex with Er`s wife, which was recognized by Onan, who refused to accept that, to have sex with a woman, you can kill her husband. However, God`s point of view is that `woman`s seed` is for starships, whereas men are for intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), that is, specific `wickedness`, which is why he kills Er and Onan.

 Onan, whose name means `strong`, perceived the logical fallacy, which is that God will murder Onan for not having sex with Er`s wife, and God does. Similarly, Jesus Christ doesn`t have sex at all, according to the mythmakers, and so he was murdered too; even though his teaching is about how to develop and progress without murder: as God effectively orders `Onanists` to do. Onan is murdered by God because he refuses to `move up` after God has killed his brother Er and has given him Tamar to impregnate. In short, `moving up` by murder is what God advocates, and that`s rejectable. Because Onan precedes Moses and the law of God in Deuteronomy, his refusal to `move up` by murder is an example of God`s unconscious omniscience, rather than conscious knowledge. Onan`s represents the nascent perception in human futanarian nature that God is wrong in murdering Er and Onan, whereas the teachings of Jesus show how to `move up` through self-development. In modern terms, God wanted Onan to reproduce; like a photocopier. Jesus wants humans not photocopies, that is, through that process described by developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) as individual progress, or individuation. What is thought of as heterosexual reproduction equates to modernity`s photocopier, that is, a byproduct, rather than a product meeting the specifications of the designer, God.

 Society is an important aspect of Jung`s individuation process, because of notions such as `political correctness` and `politically sound`. Feminists argue that homosexuals and lesbians are `gay` and so equal, whereas futanarian women who have a penis of their own are `normal` humans by definition, that is, so-called `lesbians` are expressing love for their own futanarian human species, whereas homosexuals don`t, which is because unredeemed men are rather a parasitical organism grown in the `host womb` of the species of women. Consequently, in perceiving men and women as a species, feminism can`t be `politically correct (PC). In artistic terms, the painter Constable isn`t `PC`, because there are men in paintings such as `The Hay Wain` (1821), whereas a picture painted by God, the Artist, would have women in it, while men would be notable by their absence, or by the presence of those few shepherds who, like Jesus, were accepting of `woman`s seed` and so redeemed. Feminism is used as a barrier to genuine political correctness. The concept of equality between homosexuals and lesbians is similar to socialism in that it represents the ideology that everyone has an equal share, whereas the futanarian race of human women with their own `seed` don`t have to share: it`s their species and host womb. Men`s conservative tradition is that women share their womb, whereas the future of feminism is, as writer Virginia Woolf hinted in A Room Of One`s Own (1929), a womb of one`s own, which is politically correct.

On the red planet, Mars, Britney Spears represents `woman`s seed`, who`s endeavouring to get Onan`s masturbatory `seed` off the subject of rockets, and although the spaceman is called `Mars Lander` by `Mission Control`, a space vehicle is conspicuous by its absence. Britney appears in a red pilot`s suit indicative of her disapproval of rocket technology used to develop nuclear missiles to destroy the Earth, because the original X-15 `spaceplane` program that was cancelled in favour of the Apollo rocket program to put an astronaut on the Earth`s satellite, the moon, after pilot`s experienced `blackout` at high altitudes, and which caused planes to crash, should have been persevered with as a solution to men`s obsession with combustion, that is, fuelled explosion as a means of travel. The astronaut in Britney`s `Oops! ... I Did It Again` music video represents the Onanist`s sublimation of libidic energy into space rocket development sufficient enough to ejaculate himself from inside a Freudian `thingy` as far as the red planet, Mars. However, without `woman`s seed` the result is species` defeating. Preference for rocketry, rather than the `spaceplane` technology represented by Britney Spears` pilot on the red planet, Mars, means the development of ICBM technology for a future race war. Men who sexually repress human futanarian women, and the nascent brain power `woman`s seed` has for the developing of labor saving technology and immortality conferring medical science, prefer host womb parasitism for parasitoid devourment in warfare against her.

 Britney`s spaceman gives her a `black box`: `Britney, before you go, there's something I want you to have.` A `black box` is a recording of a plane`s progress discoverable in the event of the loss of a plane; or otherwise inexplicable malfunction: `But I though the old lady dropped it into the ocean at the end.` Britney is interpreted as alluding to the `heart of the ocean`, that is, a blue diamond pendant, which at the beginning of the movie, Titanic (1997), is dropped as a remembrance into the sea by Rose, where the salvaging of the ship is taking place. The Titanic sank on its maiden voyage to New York, the United States of America, from Southampton, England, on 15 April, 1912, after collision with an iceberg, and the call to boarding in `Oops! … I Did It Again` suggests it`s the ship Britney Spears is alluding to: `All aboard!`

 Rose`s dropping of the blue diamond into the sea is a gesture of remembrance that laments the events of the movie in which she boards the Titanic with a fiancée but takes a lover, who her fiancée seeks to discredit by having the `heart of the ocean` placed in his jacket pocket where it`s discovered. The subsequent disaster, and loss of her lover, who is drowned while helping people into the lifeboats, while her selfish fiancée lives, is the `heart of the ocean` inside the Titanic, which is Rose`s `black box`. Britney`s spaceman tells her: `Well, baby, I went down and got it for you.` The `black box` contents are the Earth`s `heart of the ocean`, that is, it`s a coffin for those who prefer ICBMs to colonization of the planets and stars as `woman`s seed`.

 In effect the story of Onan says that God is evil in the Old Testament because God invites Onan to `move up` through God`s murdering of Onan`s brother Er and God`s telling Onan to have sex with Er`s wife. In refusing, Onan effectively declares Mankind to be more interested in sublimating its sexual desires in favour of space rocket design, and is murdered by God, because ICBMs would destroy God`s creation. Although Jesus is depicted as endeavouring to change God`s consciousness through his `sacrifice`, Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven is a prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`, which represents colonization through `starships`, rather than masturbatory missile ejaculations. Britney Spears` `Oops! … I Did It Again`  represents the perception that space rocket design, and other forms of creative endeavour, are doomed, because they`re `Onanist` sublimations of the male masturbatory impulse to propel projectiles by means of combustion.

 Er was murdered by God, because God wanted Onan to reproduce with Er`s wife, and Onan refused as, effectively, Onan wanted to `invent` which, although described as `masturbation`, corresponds to that visual ejaculation sublimated as the emission of projectiles through combustion, or bullets from a gun. Jesus was killed because he represented invention. When a woman was anointing his feet with oil, the disciple Judas, who was used to stealing from the collection plate after a service, suggested that the expensive perfume be sold to raise money. When Jesus offered `bread and wine` to the disciples at the `Last Supper`, as symbols of the `body and blood` of the human host, Judas betrayed him to the Romans as a `dissident`, because he was `woman`s seed`, and so a threat to the male brained Empire of Rome. At his death, the Roman guard, Longinus, pierced Jesus` side with his spear because, as the `Second Adam`, the Holy Spirit Jesus spoke of as teaching after him, was expected to emerge from his side as the `Second Eve`. Because Jesus` teaching was a continuation of God`s plan for futanarian humanity, that is, sexual reproduction between women for liberation through human brainpower, he didn`t represent the male braining transvestite `TV` in which men and women are a single creature wearing each others` clothes that the Roman Empire wanted as `entertainment`, which is why Jesus was too inventive. God`s plan for humanity wasn`t bullets from a gun, but `starship` colonization.



 Longinus` spearing of Jesus` side was representative of men`s desire to penetrate, whereas Jesus` body represented the spirit`s shield, which is analogous to the meteor shields of `starships` in science fiction, for example, Star Trek (1966-69), which is sufficient for colonization, but men want phasers and photon torpedoes to penetrate, because their `masturbatory` impulse is to see the ejaculate, rather than have it accepted by a woman. Parasitical slavery of women`s host wombs by men produces scientists like, Albert Einstein, who posited that the universe was created by a `Big Bang`, that is, combustion, which suggests God is a bomb-maker. In parasitism, libido is channelled into intellectual work, rather than sex, which results in `masturbatory` models and technologies, for example, interstellar travel through `wormholes` by means of combustion, that is, ships like bullets, and ICBMs, whereas the human body is physically designed only for imbibing sustenance and ejaculation. Because parasites upon a host body become parasitoid in devourment of the host, that`s what men`s socio-economic history describes them as. In coercing others into sex-starved isolation sublimated as `masturbatory` activities, perverted technologies are produced. Imprisoned and stimulated by images linked to the pleasure centres of the cerebral cortex, for example, internet porn, `captives` are isolated and so `tortured` until the slaved `creatives` produce better ideas for technologies for combustive penetration in `shoot-em-up` games` systems; for example.

 Britney Spears` `Oops! … I Did It Again` image on Mars is designed to examine the `masturbatory` impulse. When men have finished masturbating, they`ll be extinct. As Onan recognized in Genesis, when he refused to impregnate Tamar, because God had murdered Onan`s brother, Er. For God, fertilization is reproduction, but it isn`t production so far as `Onanism` is concerned, which wants television, Playboy magazine, and Star Trek, so that he can fantasize and develop perverted `combustion` technologies. Onan is a Christ-like figure, because he`s a victim of host womb slavery for parasitoid nature, whereby the amphitheatres of the Roman Empire, in which individuals killed each other for the entertainment of the Romans, become the theatres of warfare where `woman`s seed` is devoured as slavery`s reality `snuff film`, rather than have the Roman war god red faced with embarrassment instead of having the red planet, Mars, named after him.

 In Genesis God kills Onan for not being satisfied with reproduction, and that`s because human futanarian `woman`s seed` isn`t present in the Bible except for allusions to God`s `foot` in Genesis and Christian iconography, that is, men have almost extinguished the foot that could have afforded humanity psychological balance. Imprisoned and coerced into isolated sublimated masturbation fantasies, women would doubtless produce perverted `shield` technologies that contain to devour, although women are better technology because they have the capacity to sexually reproduce all humanity`s brains with each other. Men`s `masturbatory` technology of ejaculation through combustion is universal death in a further `Big Bang`, which is why women are described as `hidden` (Rev: 12. 6) before they leaves to `sow` their own `seed` amongst the planets and stars as colonists.

Sunny Spears

07/06/2012 07:59

Sunny Spears of the Vine



The sharp green vine leaves,

Wrapped entwined.

Sun warmed blue grapes.

Oceans of sky and, shining through,

Britney`s spear tips.

Naked, Obscured By Clouds,1

Porn, know Woman.

The sunshine of her hair spilling upon her shoulders.

The sharp diamond blue of her heart`s eyes,

As her breast milk cascades.

Creamily she spunks as her penis throbs,

And the cunty wine of her womanness flows.

- Sunshine of Your Love The Cream


1 Pink Floyd`s Obscured By Clouds (1972) was the `soundtrack` for the movie La Valée, a woman`s mind altering quest for a paradise of sexual freedom labeled `obscured by clouds` on her map, .

Britney`s Radar

25/05/2012 17:01

Britney`s Radar


Britney Spears recorded the single Radar, which appeared on the Circus album, although it was scheduled for Blackout, when she was filing for divorce from Kevin Federline, who`d `fed her a line` she`d believed in for a time. The video is about polo, which is a sport for men on horseback. Because Britney is from the Southern States of the USA, that is, Mississippi, she`s probably entitled to be a member of DAR, which is `Daughters of the American Revolution`, a membership open to any woman who had family that fought on either side, Union or Confederate, during the American Civil War (1861-65). Because Britney would need help from her sisters during the divorce, Radar is probably her distress call to DAR. Concerned over a possible Confederline `raid` during their `Civil War`, Britney`d want to ensure her sons` future with their mom after their Union had ended in divorce. Consequently, `raid` DAR (Radar) is a `distress signal` to the `Daughters of the American Revolution`.



 The symbolism is couched in terms of the tarot, that is, the Momluk tarot, which is Arabian and features the polo `mallet`; `clubs` in modern tarot decks of cards. Radar features a fountain with the statue of a polo player upon a horse. In symbolic terms, he`s a knight with a lance. The other three suits of the tarot deck are sword, cup, and dish. In the legend of the Grail, centering around the myth of King Arthur and the Knights of la table ronde,  the cup is the holy vessel from which Christ drank at the last supper before his crucifixion. The sword and lance are symbolic of the knights who eat (dish) and drink (cup) in fellowship. Because Britney Spears connotes `lance`, which is `club` in the more usual tarot deck, and the `lance` is a polo mallet in Radar, the polo player is both her symbol, and her signal to the `Daughters of the American Revolution` (DAR) that `clubbing` has caused the `break up`, which is why Paris `hilt on the Sword` became her confidante and, in effect, an auxiliary `brain` during Britney`s divorce.



 In the ancient world, Paris was the prince of Troy that kidnapped Helen, and provoked her husband, Meneleaus, brother of King Agamemnon of Greece. The result was war against Troy, resolved by the device of the wooden horse, left by the Greeks and taken into Troy by the Trojans. Full of Greek soldiers they emerged from the hollowed out horse by night and took the city. Britney, voted `most beautiful woman in the world`, is Helen in `modern` terms.  Paris Hilton, `the sword`, has the role of Paris of Troy to Kevin Federline`s `Meneleaus`. But Britney`s Helen is asking Paris for help because she`s bisexual. In ancient Greece, men were homosexual by `tradition`, and so Paris of Troy was heterosexual by analogy. In the Bible the `hidden woman` of the Earth is described as leaving to sow her seed amongst the stars where she`ll fight a victorious war against the evil `seed` and receive a new heaven and Earth from God as her reward. Because she has seed to sow she has a penis of her own, and so Paris `hilt on the sword` - and Britney Spears - represent the `hidden` woman`s love for her own species.



 According to the psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) there are four functions of consciousness and these correspond to the sword (`Thinking`), spear (`Intuition`), cup (`Feeling`), and dish (`Sensation`) of the tarot. Because the polo player in Britney`s Radar denotes the character from the Momluk tarot that corresponds to the knight with the lance, he`s `positionally` the Arabian knight Saladin.



 The Momluk Sultans were from Kurdistan, Saladin`s birthplace; significant because Saddam Hussein`s treatment of the Kurds in Kurdistan was the main reason given as justification for Saudi Arabia`s support for the Gulf Wars. The Momluks spread Islam by the sword, as far as Hungary in Western Europe (1541-1699). They gave themselves the title of `Custodians of the Holy Mosques`, a title which King Fahd of Saudi Arabia adopted in 1986 thereby `positionally` declaring Saudi Arabia`s support for the descendants of Saladin, the `Arabian Knights` of Kurdistan, and of course Islam.



 Polo is an aristocratic sport in which there are goals, two opposing teams, and a ball. Each period of play in polo is called a `chukker`, which derives from the Sanskrit `cakra`; circle or wheel. Britney`s Radar is alluding to `Fortune`s Wheel` in the tarot deck:


 `... we all change positions, some of us rising some of us falling, some dropping to a nadir, some reaching a zenith.`1



 Polo, as the `sport of kings`, is elitist. Knights have lances, and polo players, in each `chukker` or period of play, wield `mallets` as symbolic lancers, and their opponents are metaphorically `unhorsed` if they score goals; as knights jousting in `tourneys`, that is. The elitism of polo resides in the meaning of the sport, which is that knights aren`t racist.



Traditionally, knights have squires; apprentice knights. This is important because it ensures the continuity of the knightly tradition. In racist slang, blacks are `spear chuckers`, which explains why `clubs` replace `spears` in the modern tarot. The black African peoples have chucked their `spears` and only have `clubs`, that is, the South African Zulus were defeated by the British lancers at Ulundi (1879), for example. A `spear chucker` is in fact a `spear thrower`, a tool used by aboriginal peoples to extend their arm. It`s a piece of wood with a groove into which the shaft of the spear is inserted and then it is used as a `launcher`. After the spear has been thrown what`s left is the piece of wood with the groove, the `spear chucker`, which is in effect a `club`.



 A `club` is what Kevin Federline had after Britney Spears because he signed on for the seventh season of the `reality TV` show Celebrity Fit Club (2009). In Britney mythology, a `club` is for those who want Spears. In Radar terms, Federline had `chucked` his, a euphemism for ending a relationship. Britney`s Spears, not a `clubber`. However, after her divorce, she herself became a `night clubber`; because she`d been `thrown over` and had to `start over`. Her 2012 single Criminal suggests how `night clubbing` degenerates into `knight clubbing` where good knights are robbed by the evil.



 Britney lost control of her fortune to `Conservatorship` (her father, James) because she (and her children) were `chucked` by Federline for `clubbing` rather than `Christian fellowship`, which the `Daughters of the American Revolution` (DAR) might represent for Britney.  In terms of `knight clubs` Jesus` disciples from the `Last Supper`, symbolized by the Grail (cup and dish), are the precursors of la table ronde of the Arthurian knights (sword and lance) persisting into the modern age as a `Rotary Club` that denotes knightly `training` for those who`d `chuck` Spears, as it were, and become `clubbers`.

 Oops I Did It Again shows Britney Spears` early awareness of the meaning of the `Rotary Club`. The spaceman`s first words on perceiving her on Mars are `Whoa there horsey!` Wearing a red pilot`s suit Britney hooks and hoists him to where he`s able to look down where she lies; as if upon a white tablecloth in a white bikini-dress. He`s her knight, and not a polo rider. He`s not going to `chukka` because he doesn`t want to `chuck her` for a men`s `club`, which would be homosexual. Consequently, homosexuality would be defined as men `clubbing` a man who`s a good knight with his lady. The homosexual penis, as an AIDS spreading weapon, is a `members club` for subduing ladies, and their good knights; much in the way that the evil hate laughter and would promote AIDS rather than sexual pleasure. In sexual terms, `clubbers` are `spear chuckers` because they`ve developed homosexuality as a disease. Men`s penises are so small in comparison to futanar women who have their own that it could only be the result of a relationship with Woman that wasn`t supposed to last because they`re homosexual. Their penises are so small it seems almost certain that the rectum is their appropriate orifice.

 Beside Britney`s spaceman is a `giant fork`; one of several `giant` motifs in the video. Descending in her red pilot`s suit, Britney`s inside a giant`s ring and, dancing, she appears inside the rib cage of the giant. When the spaceman gives her a box containing a gift, she says:


 `But I thought the old lady dropped it into the ocean in the end?`


 Again it`s a `giant` reference to the Titanic movie in which the `heart of the ocean`, a blue diamond, is dropped into the sea at the site of the ship`s salvaging by Rose. The Titanic sank after hitting an iceberg on its maiden voyage in 1911. Described as `unsinkable` at its launch, the movie uses it as a metaphor for betrayed love.  Rose`s ex-fiancée `plants` the jewel in her new love`s pocket, accusing him of theft. Her love subsequently drowns while attempting to save people in the lifeboats and, despairingly, Rose drops the `heart of the ocean` jewel into the sea at the movie`s close. Appearing on Mars in Oops I Did It Again the heart, inside the giant rib cage, is a symbol of a titan`s love.

 The titans were gods and goddesses descending from Gaia, the Earth`s `mother, and Uranus. Britney`s allusion is to Tethys, the consort of Oceanus. Tethys would be the `heart of the ocean` in symbolic terms, a Titaness, and symbolically the Titanic would be her ship; the ship of Gaia, the Earth. Anyone trying to see the joke would laugh at the idea of Gayer and Your anus as `received pronunciation` for Gaia and Uranus but it fits the notion of the Earth being Resurrected because Greek culture in ancient times was predominantly homosexual and male, which probably meant that the Earth was the original home of a single species of Woman. The revisionist thesis is not a new one. The Russians have altered history to suit themselves almost since Russia began. It`s highly probable that Greek homosexuality, caring nothing for the enslaved wombs of women, created a mythology designed to create false heroes for posterity. The Lemaean Hydra, for example, protecting the Danaiads, women who have refused to marry, is slain by Hercules. The Hydra has many heads and is female, which suggests that it`s a woman`s collective response to homosexuality as a form of enslavement and parasitism. Hercules, however, is the prototypical Greek homosexual with a  `club`.



If you`d ever seen a statue of the purportedly superhumanly strong Hercules and his incredibly shriveled penis you would laugh out loud. It`s a homosexual lampoon, because they hate Mankind. All war derives from them. That`s why Hercules carries a big club and has a very tiny penis. Because it`s designed for non-reproductive sterile anal masturbation, which is what a tank is. That`s why Hercules carries a very big club, because he has a tiny penis and he doesn`t want to use that. In terms of men`s role as parasites on women`s `host womb`, they breed men with a very tiny penis because the extinction of Mankind is what homosexuals are for and that`s why Hercules has a tiny penis and a big club to compensate his homosexuals` feelings of inferiority. Doubtless Hercules had a large member, but penis envy is what homosexuality is all about. Mankind wants to reproduce with Woman, whereas the homosexual doesn`t. Ridiculing Hercules and giving him a big club is homosexuality`s way of planning Armageddon.

 Because Mars is a desert planet without water, the `heart of the ocean` is a metaphor for Resurrection. In his 1922 poem The Wasteland T.S. Eliot presents similar imagery to, as it were, `water` the imagination of the reader to produce:


`... a revelation of that vanished mind of which our mind is a continuation.`2



 Eliot sought to use what he called the `objective correlative` to foster those thoughts in the minds of his readers that would facilitate their own personal development, a process of correspondence between imagery and imagination which the psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) termed `individuation`. Jung called the elements of the human psyche that aroused inventiveness and creativity `archetypes` and argued that they appeared in mythology and dreams, as well as before and within imagination`s products.



 In The Wasteland T.S. Eliot used imagery similar to Britney`s `heart of the ocean` in Oops I Did It Again to stimulate the mind. The Wasteland refers constantly to the Grail legend and the role of the `fisher king` who is waiting for his kingdom to be restored:


`I sat upon the shore

Fishing, with the arid plain behind me

Shall I at least set my lands in order?` 425


  In Oops I Did It Again Mars is Britney`s `arid plain` and she`s `fishing`. Her spaceman having `landed`, in her red pilot`s suit, she hooks her `fish` and dangles him above her white bikini dressed self who corresponds to her `hidden` woman. In the Bible, the New Redeemer protects the woman of the Earth, who is `hidden` until she leaves Earth. According to Revelation the symbol of the New Redeemer`s authority is a `rod`. Because there are tarot motifs in Oops I Did It Again Britney`s future is present. She has a `ruler`. In astrological terms, her ruler is Mars, and so she`s ruling her red planet, which is unusual; because Mars is a war god.  Because Mars` sandy desert  is arid and barren, the god of war represents sterile homosexuality. Britney needs to overcome Mars `to set my lands in order`. In other words, Mars is the male ego, sterile and homosexual, so Britney has to replace Mars as her `ruler` so that her red planet can become green. Earth is described in science fiction as a `blue and green world` because it`s watery and verdant, so desert Mars should be red and green.



 The desert is important because one of the central figures of the holy book of the Arabian deserts, the Koran, is Khidr `the green one`, who emerges from the Red Sea after Joshua loses a fish he has for Moses` supper. Khidr begins to teach Moses who complains that Khidr does things that only Khidr knows the reason for. But that`s why Khidr`s wise, and Moslems believe in obedience to the `Will of Allah` (God),  because they don`t know the reason for everything that happens. In Judaism Moses receives the `law of God` on Mt. Siniai. They`re for Moses so that he can obey God and not have to know the reason why things happen. Jesus, whose symbol, like Khidr, is the fish, distilled `God`s law` into `love your neighbor as you love yourself`. It`s the simple Arabian perception that growing things need to be `watered`. If your neighbor has fruit trees, so will you.



 In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) the fish symbol represents a content of the unconscious, in dreams, myth, and imagination, that is struggling to become conscious. The fish is a developmental symbol, which is why the `fisher king` is fishing in T.S. Eliot`s The Wasteland. Britney, in her red pilot`s suit in Oops I Did It Again, shows the spaceman to herself in a white bikini dress, to see if she`s sexually aroused.  If he`s sexually aroused, it means that her penis is erect, which is Christian in thinking but not yet Redemption for Mankind as woman with a penis of her own and a species in development. From the Earth`s moon, Earth is a `blue and green world`. From the Earth, the moon is silver. But it`s sterile. So men have been with their war god homosexuality, and Britney`s on Mars in Oops I Did It Again to observe that going back to the moon and pretending that you haven`t been there before isn`t Redemption. Altough it looks silver from the Earth, their moon is pock marked with what appear to be blast craters. God`s plan for Redemption is `green` because men as a parasite on the `host womb` of Woman are the war god homosexuality, whereas Woman with a penis is a developer`s species. Britney appears in three different guises on Mars. In her red pilot`s suit; in a white bikini dress; and in a white blouse with black leather skirt and boots. In her red pilot`s suit she hoists her spaceman and dangles him like bait above herself in a white bikini dress. He`s a small fish and she`s using him to catch a bigger fish. If a woman has a penis, she`d need a woman for sex, but because she`s a woman she also has a vagina, and so she would need a third woman with a penis for sex, which is why there are three Britneys in Oops I Did It Again. Woman as a species is the big fish of religious thought, which provides a solution to Mars` war god homosexuality and predicts a future for Mars as a red and green world.



 In Islam they say that, if you accept Jesus, you`re a Moslem. Because Khidr is the beard of Jesus. He`s `the green one` and all that`s required in Christianity is to accept the meaning of the symbol of the fish, which is the Arabian principle that all growing things need water. Life can`t be sustained without growing things, and so growth and development is what the fish, which lives in water, symbolizes. The lungfish, according to evolutionary theory, is the precursor of all animal life. Mankind has lungs, so men were fish. Jesus was a `fisher of men` because he believed in saving good men. Christian baptism is a symbolic immersion in water to remind Westerners that Jesus was Arabian and water is the stuff of life and those green growing things that can`t be lived without.



 A man will often say to a woman that he `can`t live without her` and that she`s `necessary` to his `well being`. In angling terms, Britney Spears was `fed a line` by Federline, before he chucked his Spears back into the water. In Jungian terms, he wanted to fish for `tuna` and do some `clubbing`. In American slang, a `tuna` is a vagina. In Japan fishermen surround the tuna in the water and club them to death, which is why `fed her a line` preferred `clubbing`. A `tuna boat` is a car with more than one woman, and so the spaceman in Oops I Did It Again represents Britney`s `little man in the boat`, that is, the clitoris. In simple terms, Britney masturbates and the penis gets bigger.



According to Jungian psychology there are four functions of consciousness; `Thinking`, `Feeling`, `Sensation`, and `Intuition`. The eyes are associated with the `Sensation` function and the clitoris is the only organ, male or female, that`s entirely concerned with sexual sensation. Consequently, the spaceman with his camera represents Britney`s `Sensation` function.  Her perception is that the penis gets bigger if she shows herself because the penis finds her desirable and libidic energy is transferred into activities designed to win her. Writing articles about Britney Spears, for example.



 9/11 is a further example. The Twin Towers represent development, which is in accordance with the concept of `the green one`, Khidr, in the Koran, that is, the WTC grew because the woman has shown enough of herself to make the penis grow. The `Islamic fundamentalists` of Al Qaeda were anathema to Moslems because they represented anti-life. Britney`s position is psychologically true and developmental. The penis gets bigger is the woman shows herself. In Islam the woman is only supposed to show herself to her man, and she wears the one piece coverall, the abiyah, in public. Pop stars like Dana, Nancy Aram, Myriam Fares, and Haifa Wahbi show more of themselves; and the penis gets bigger. It`s funny for young girls, but women are a species with their own penis. Consequently, the `bigging` of the penis is important to them because it`s their planet, and the Twin Towers are their erections also.

 Because Britney appears `twinned` in red and white in Oops I Did It Again  it`s a transition. In tarot terms, her red Mars planetary ruler is introducing herself in a white bikini dress to a new man. Britney, however, is bisexual. Her `daughter` is interested in science fiction, and that`s why the astronaut is wearing a spacesuit. Her libido is directed towards space and not Earth. In T.S. Eliot`s The Wasteland the fisher king`s rod is a symbol of the need for the fish that will restore the kingdom. In Christianity, Jesus` symbol  is the `fish` because of his teaching of Redemption. According to Revelation the redeemed are put in a new place, which is heaven. Moreover, the `hidden` woman, protected by the New Redeemer`s `rod`, leaves Earth to `sow` her `seed` amongst the stars, and her `seed` fights a war in heaven against the evil serpent`s `seed`, which is homosexuality, and receives a new heaven and Earth from God as a reward while the evil experience perdition. The `hidden` woman sows her own seed, so she has her own penis. The penis of the `fisher king`  is dysfunctional because of a wound given him by the `Spear of Destiny`, that is, the spear of Longinus that pierced the side of Jesus and, effectively, released the Paraclete or Holy Spirit as `Second Eve` from the rib of the `Second Adam` after Jesus` crucifixion and death. The `fish` is a symbol of development, and the woman with a penis is God`s new woman. Consequently, the `Spear of Destiny` is the liberator. Redemption is Woman with a penis as God`s new species, and Jesus` precept to `love your neighbor as you love yourself` is preparation for Man`s understanding that their future is Redemption as Woman with a penis.



 In symbolic terms, the `heart of the ocean` in Oops I Did It Again corresponds to what Jung terms the `Feeling` function in humans, which is symbolized in Christianity by the Grail or `cup` used by Jesus at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion. A grail could contain both food and drink, that is, it`s a duplex vessel, but in the tarot deck the symbol is separated into suits of `cup` and `dish`. In Jungian psychology, the `dish` represents the `Sensation` function, which is associated with the sense of sight, whereas `Feeling` is associated with the mouth, eating and speech. Undifferentiated, the mouth is for eating, and the ability to speak is consequently indicative of a more differentiated or conscious `Feeling` function. Eating and drinking while conversing is, therefore, a sign of `fellow feeling`  to a refined degree, and as the `fish` on the `dish` on la table ronde Britney in her white bikini dress in Oops I Did It Again is equivalent to the fish supper that Joshua was keeping for Moses before it leapt into the Red Sea and reemerged as Khidr, `the green one`, who is wise and represents development. In real terms, Oops I Did It Again is Britney`s Beard because it represents her wisdom. The giant`s fork beside the spaceman`s helmet as he gazes down upon her is a cannibal allusion. Britney descends inside a giant`s ring to her stage in Oops I Did It Again so she`s supposed to appear as small. Because the eyes are associated with the `Sensation`  function and sexuality, `tuna clubbing` is the concomitant of a male sexuality that has become homosexual, that is, the fork gets bigger. It`s the Mr. Big idea. Who is it that`s developing the Earth in order to devour it? From the eyes point of view, there are never enough women to admire, but the desire to possess is demonic and can result in what the French call crime de passione, which is the murder of what`s desirable. In Jungian psychology `Feeling` is associated with the mouth and eating, whereas `Sensation` is associated with the eyes and sexuality. Cunnilingus and fellatio are definably `Feeling` because they`re associated with the mouth, but eyes and mouths that represent undifferentiated `Sensation` or `Feeling` mean devourment for the women they want. Britney`s Oops I Did It Again is about Britney`s ruler, but not from a tarot or astrological point of view. She hadn`t yet met first husband Alex, never mind Federline when she made Oops I Did It Again. Her ruler was going to introduce her to Federline, because it`s built into the video as a primary concept. In other words, the elements of the video aren`t predictive, they`re coercive. It`s a typically homosexual modus operandi in which the `star` is to be got into position rather than getting herself into a position to do what she wants, which is dangerous because homosexuals are interested in the man and not the woman. Consequently, Federline was theirs and not hers. In terms of the US, he represents the `Federal line`, which is that central government is more powerful than state government. Or, in other words, homosexuality is `the governor` of the women`s prison, which is the Earth before she leaves, and her family`s tree can begin to leaf everywhere amongst the stars. From a Mr. Big perspective, it`s about playing a `fish`. The line that Britney`s been fed is the bait, and then the line is paid out. She remains in the swim, as it were, until she`s reeled in exhausted.  It`s a `fish run` in which Mr. Big allows her to be in the swim, and even breed, but freedom is an illusion, Woman is a `breeding slave`.



 Jesus` symbol is the fish, and in the Koran Joshua loses a fish that he was bringing for Moses and himself to eat by the Red Sea. Upon its disappearance into the waters, the `wise old man` figure of Khidr appears. In symbolic terms, he`s the fish. Moses travels with Khidr, who explains that he rebuilds a wall so that the treasure beneath it isn`t found by evil doers. According to the Bible Moses doesn`t enter into God`s `Promised Land` of Canaan, but does receive the Judaiac law from God on Mt. Sinai. Joshua goes on to fight the Canaanites at the battle of Jericho and `the walls came tumbling down`.4 The analogy is of a small event, the wall, writ larger. The smaller event is as important as the seemingly greater. The wall rebuilt by Khidr refers to the treasure that`s Jesus, who`s to come after Jericho and is `reserved` for the New Testament. Similarly, Jesus was the `fish` because Christianity was yet to develop. As the `wise old man`, Khidr is Jesus` beard. Because Jesus` teachings are accepted in Islam. Jesus is the `fish` because, developing his teachings from infancy, Christianity is Jesus` beard writ large.



 In Oops I Did It Again Britney appears descending in a giant ring. Because Khidr is `the green one`, the giant is green. In the USA there`s a 55 foot high statue of the Green Giant in Blue Earth.5 Although Mars is the red planet and a desert, Britney`s conception is that it`s the bottom of the Earth`s blue ocean and a sterile wasteland is what men would make of it because they don`t value the wisdom of Jesus` beard.

 Britney, in her white bikini dress, revolving slowly upon her round white tablecloth beneath her increasingly rounded spaceman`s eyes (`Sensation`), is a science fictional la table ronde, and also a scifi image of the `Last Supper` at which Jesus offered `bread and wine` to his `knights` as a symbol of fellowship. However, Britney is a woman, and so the offer is physical love.



 Jesus` story is a typical `Greek` tragedy in which the man is murdered by homosexuals who want him to `know` them, in the biblical sense of Sodomites, and he doesn`t want to know. The story of the evil serpent in Eden is similarly about `knowing`. God creates Eve from the rib of Adam and the serpent begins the process of separating Eve from Adam. It`s a homosexual myth. After Jesus` arrest and trial, he`s crucified, and at the `Last Supper` he tells Peter, `the rock upon whom I will build my Church`, that Peter will not admit to knowing him the next  day:


 `A servant girl saw him seated there in the firelight. She looked closely at him and said, `This man was with him.` But he denied it. `Woman, I don't know him,` he said. (Matt: 26. 69-75)


 Peter doesn`t know Jesus, and denies being a Sodomite vehemently to a young woman who, effectively, is a sex slave, which is a normal reaction for a man with a penis to satisfy, whereas following a man who preaches love to men, and for men by men, is intrinsically abnormal. Physical love from a woman is the  sine qua non of development, which is denied Jesus in the New Testament because Mr. Big doesn`t want him to have it.

 In the New Testament  of the Bible, Judas` betrayal of Jesus` unspecific  love is a homosexual `parable`. The disciples criticize the woman who anoints Jesus with expensive oil before his crucifixion because they`re jealous homosexuals. Effectively, Jesus` reply is: `Don`t you think I`m worth a woman`s love?` (Luke: 7. 36-50)

 They don`t because what Jung terms the shadow of homosexuality is upon them, and that`s why the Paraclete or Holy Spirit effectively emerges from the side of Jesus when it`s pierced by the spear of the Roman centurion Longinus at the crucifixion. Afterwards the `spear of Longinus` was known as the `spear of Destiny`,  because the Paraclete, or Holy Spirit, is the `Second Eve` from the side of the `Second Adam`, Jesus.  As a `tutelary spirit` from God, the Paraclete, or Holy Spirit, emerging from the side of Jesus pierced by the spear of Destiny, confers the role of symbolic `vessel` upon Britney Spears:


`I`m Miss American Dream since I was seventeen.` Piece Of Me


 Manifest Destiny and the American Dream are basic tenets of faith in the USA. Consequently, Britney Spears is a symbol of the role of the Paraclete and the Holy Spirit as a `teacher`. The imagery of her videos is designed to promote individuation. As in T.S. Eliot`s The Wasteland, we are meant to decipher her meaning inwardly and outwardly develop because we are inspired. The key is sexuality. As a canalizer of penis arousal, Britney`s a `developer` who knows Woman has a penis. In Oops I Did It Again she appears in a red pilot`s suit to suspend her spaceman above herself in a white bikini dress because, in Jungian literary analysis, such `splitting` of a main character denotes the differentiation of a function. Here the `splitting` is that of man from woman with her own penis as an independent species. Britney, in her red pilot`s suit, is `androgynous`, but sexually desirable to her spaceman in her white bikini dress. He represents the penis, and the Christian `fellowship` imagery suggests he`s to be understood as being her. In her red suit she can only suggest bisexuality and lesbianism, but she has to in order to announce the Advent of the future of God`s plan for the Earth`s `hidden` woman, that is, the emergence of `Woman` as a species from Earth with her own penis.

 As Britney`s white bikini dressed figure revolves upon her white clothed table ronde she`s surrounded by an eight pointed `star`, a symbol of good knights and fellowship, and imagery suggestive of the `star` of Bethlehem that heralded the advent of Jesus upon the Earth. According to Jungian psychology, there are facultas praeformandi pre-existent in the psyche as latent images waiting to be awakened and that foster individuation, that is, developmental functioning. Jung calls these archetypes. In Oops I Did It Again Britney is attempting to constellate, from within the psyche of her suspended spaceman `watcher`, the archetype of the new Christ, described in Revelation as born to the `star woman` , `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`. The `New Redeemer` will protect the `hidden` woman of the Earth before she leaves to sow her `seed` amongst the stars.



 Oops I Did It Again is analogous to the nursery rhyme in which the `dish ran away with the spoon` and the `cow jumped over the moon`. Britney`s the `dish` and the spaceman is the `spoon`. Knights were so heavy in their armour they had to be hoisted onto their horse. Britney suspends her space knight above her white bikini dressed self because she doesn`t want to be `ridden` by a `false knight` who has a controlling demon, which is what `Mission Control` represents. Beneath her white bikini dressed form is her white `saddlecloth`, but she isn`t `saddled` with the `spoon`, that is, her spaceman`s penis, because that`s Mission Control`s `handle`. When he lands on Mars, Mission Control contact him by radio:


`Earth to Mars lander. Report status please.`


 He`s `Mars lander`, that`s his `handle`. We never hear any other `handle`. It`s the `handle` by means of which the demons of Mission Control `spoon` with him. Spooning is sexual and is the placing of the penis between a woman`s buttocks while sleeping.  The Mission Control demons represent homosexual `spooning`, that is, contamination. According to Judaiac thought the Shekinah and the Paraclete or Holy Spirit are the `spirit of God`, which Christianity calls the `tutelary spirit`, and so it`s against `God`s will` to listen to the voices of men inside your mind because that`s `spooning` with demons and would contaminate your relations with your woman and prevent you from hearing the words of the `spirit of God`, accepting the teachings of Jesus as communicated by the Holy Spirit, and adhering to the `will of God`. The Shekinah is female, and `Mars slander` is the homosexual spirit of the war god that wants to discredit Woman`s God by slander, which is what Shaitan is purported to do in Islam. Although Shaitan only has the power to whisper, slanderous gossip based on `hearsay` can ruin relationships. Britney`s bisexuality means that she`s hated, because she`s not open to slanderous accusations about her sexuality. Therefore she was stripped of her fortune and her children, because Mr. Big is a demon who didn`t have a `handle` on her.

 As a hermaphroditic symbol of woman as a species, Britney`s `dish` and `spoon` in Oops I Did It Again suggest the future of sexual love and reproduction. Britney lost her custody battle over her children because the paparazzi noticed that she didn`t care when her youngest son`s baseball cap fell off. It`s the baby`s `spoon` and her demon saw that it could take the child away from her by drawing attention to her losing the `spoon`. Her baby is her egg, and the cap is what they call in English language a `warmer` before they get to the main part of the lesson. As a `trophy wife`, Britney`s the cup of her egg, that is, her child`s `trophy` too. The mouth is associated with the `Feeling` function in Jungian psychology and, in England, they say that aristocrats are born with a `silver spoon` in their mouths, which means that their feelings can be `contaminated` by money.



 In the `egg and spoon race` Britney dropped the spoon but saved the egg, her baby, which is not what her demon, Mr Big, wanted. Men aren`t a species, because women have their own penis, and so the `egg and spoon race` is homosexual. They`re interested in the baby because a `spoon` is interpretable as a male penis, and so the homosexual demons aren`t interested in her because she`s a woman, and the wrong kind of egg product, so they took Britney away from her son after she left his baseball cap in the street. If she`d left the baby with Federline that would have been the end of the `egg and spoon race`, because the baby is her egg product. But the baseball cap is the `spoon` symbol, which suggested to the homosexual demons that she didn`t want the product of her egg because it was male. They used it to `spoon` her son away from her.  In simple terms, homosexuals are the `egg and spoon race` because they`re only concerned with the `spoon`, that is, the penis. To them women are not important. It`s just balancing the egg on the spoon for the cup.

 In Revelation the red dragon waits to devour the child of the woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, which corresponds to Britney on Mars, Earth`s nearest planet and closer to the sun. The dragon is the son devourer, which is the cup that the homosexual wins. The `New Redeemer` is born, however, and grows to protect the woman `hidden` upon the Earth until she leaves, and defeats the evil serpent`s `seed` by sowing her own with her own penis and fighting a war in heaven against homosexuality. Mr. Big, Britney`s demon, is the son devourer who was able to get the `spoon` but not the baby, because she`s the cup and he couldn`t win.

 In Egyptian mythology the soul and the spirit are separate entities; Ba and Ka corresponding to personality and memory. In the myth of Ra the god is incarnate upon the Earth as Osiris who is `dismembered` by his evil shadow brother, Set, a symbol of the way men don`t want you to understand them. Osiris is a multiple personality or `Bau` that knows itself before it becomes evilled by split off components of the group mind that seek power and a reduced level of self awareness for the other elements of their `mind of God`.  Because the `Ka` is the memory, the collective mind is the `Kau`, and so the `cow` that `jumps over the moon` in the children`s nursery rhyme is a symbol of Ra`s return to heaven. In the Egyptian myth, `Ba` and `Ka` are united as the `magical personality` or `Akh` because Isis, the goddess, reassembles the `Ha` or parts of Osiris. All the parts are reassembled apart from the penis, so Isis makes another. It`s a metaphor for lost memory. The penis is the instrument of rememberment and sex is the restorer. Resurrection is the restoration of parts (Hau), personality (Bau), and memory (Kau), which is `Hau`, `Bau`, and `Kau`. The children`s nursery rhyme of the `dish and spoon` is a species` mnemonic. English pronunciation classes often feature the phrase `How now brown cow.` The reason for this is because it `sounds like` the Egyptian mythologem of Ra, and so is a mnemonic for the meaning of Ra:


 Hau Nau Bau Kau.


 `Nau` is the primal water from which all life came, and corresponds to what Jung calls the collective unconscious which contains all developmental archetypes. Consequently, it`s a species` memory. When all the parts of Osiris (Ha) are assembled`(Hau), the multiple personality (Ba) comprised of individuals (Bau) and its memory (Ka) is restored (Kau). Ra-Osiris becomes Horus, the `sky god`, because he`s remembered. He can ascend to the stars as a collective consciousness of individuals because he`s remembered how to.

 In Oops I Did It Again Britney, clothed only in her red pilot`s suit, is on Mars to receive her spaceman visitor in his spacesuit because she knows `Hau`. The spaceman needs `know Hau`, and so must become a `functioning personality` (Bau) with restored memory (Kau) to `jump over the moon` to Mars. If they don`t remember `Hau` it`s because men blind them, a euphemism for the murder of God as described in the Egyptian myth of Ra incarnated upon the Earth as a `multiple personality` murdered by his evil brother Set so that he can`t `see`.

 You can`t drive a car if you`re blind, and you can`t pilot a space rocket if you`re dead. Dead is progressive blindness to a `multiple personality`, which is defined erroneously as `schizophrenia` by psychologists. In fact it`s the `presence of God`, the Shekinah, and `schizophrenia` is, properly defined, a symptom of the murder of God by men who prefer blindness (for others), degeneracy (for all), and so they represent what is regressively evil and unhuman.



 In the Egyptian myth of Oedipus the problem is sight, that is, the central protagonist is metaphorically unable to see from birth and, at the story`s end, he`s physically unable to see. Because men don`t want him to remember. Oops I Did It Again is about the opening of eyes. The woman `hidden` upon the Earth is not able to be seen because men blind. In Arabia women wear the abiyah, a one piece coverall, so that they are `hidden` . Moreover, `Jennah` is the Arabian word for Paradise and translates as `hidden`. In the myth of Oedipus, dramatized by the Greek Sophocles in Oedipus Rex, Oedipus marries his mother, and blinds himself when he realizes; because he`s been taught the incest taboo by men. In other words, they`d murder him for being able to `see` that circumstances have directed him to the perfect woman for him. In dramatic terms, Oedipus is all of the characters; as he would be in Christ`s concept of `love your neighbor as you would love yourself `. Oedipus marries himself when he marries his mother Jocasta  but, if he were able to see that, he`d deduce that his penis is hers. That would reveal her as a species, and so men blind; because they want to continue their enslavement of woman`s `host womb` and remain as a parasite upon her and her Earth. In Islam men are even described as `leeches`3 in accordance with the teachings of their holy book, the Koran.



On Mars Britney Spears is `heaven` and the spaceman represents how men hide her by blinding. Man on her Mars doesn`t remember his `Starship` and, even if he did, men would murder him so that he`d remain blind in his incarnation. It`s director Stanley Kubrick`s 1968 movie 2001: A Space Odyssey in reverse.  Instead of the bone picked up by the monkey representing the evolutionary urge to travel to Jupiter, symbolized by the bone`s transforming into a space station as the monkey tosses it into the air after its having murdered a fellow monkey with it, the bone is the `club` symbolizing how degenerate men murder Man, so that Man won`t be able to travel to Jupiter. In `multiple personality` terms, if you want Britney Spears` God, you`ll have to learn Braille.



 In Islam the `embryo` is called alaqah, which means `leech`, `blood clot`, or `suspended thing`, and is what Britney`s spaceman represents. Suspended above her white bikini dressed self, he represents the `clot` who`s preventing the woman`s `consanguinity`, from the Latin consanguinitas, meaning `blood relation`, from flowing `incestuously` towards her own species. However, Britney`s spaceman has `Mission Control`, and so the real `clot` is the controller who functions as the `demonic possessor`, Britney`s Set, the evil `brother`. Dismembering Osiris in the Egyptian myth, Set represents the murder, and so progressive blinding, of the collective that can see well and know themselves to be God on Earth because they`ve consciously actualized the archetypes of the collective unconscious, the facultas praeformandi of dreams, myth, and imagination, placed in our unconscious selves by God for that purpose.



 Blinding would prevent Britney`s Man from reaching her through `know Hau`, that is, by murdering his `multiple personalities` (Bau), the Set `pieces`, that is, homosexuals with guns, would ensure memory loss (Ra would progressively be reduced from Kau to a single Ka) and the penis would lose its capacity to be remembered. From degenerate men`s point of view, the penis is a `blood clot` that wants to be remembered by the woman, who has her own `Bau`, or `multiple personalities`. Man and Woman`s conjoined parts would give them `know Hau`, and their `Kau`, that is, memory, would remember how to `jump over the moon` to the stars in faster than light (FTL) starships, for example. Otherwise Man will spend eternity with the Starship Enterprise lying in the garage forgotten under a tarpaulin while he tries to build a bicycle. Then, having forgotten how to build a bicycle because he`s murdered and reincarnated, the men`s `club` of evil degenerates will laugh at him as he tries to build a bicycle again.



 The 9/11 terrorists from Al Qaeda used the lowest form of space travel, hijacked lanes, to chuck them at the Twin Towers of New York`s World trade Centre in the USA. It represented the raw aim of the `spear chucker` mentality; to prevent successful development from continuing. Although the white Arabian Moslem population of Sudan received heavy criticism for their treatment of black Moslem West Africans in Dharfur, the Arabs have represented a civilizing influence over Sudanese culture.  In other words, elitism isn`t racism; but the problem of the `spear chucker` remains. Al Qaeda chucked spears at the World Trade Centre. Neither planes nor ticket purchasing genuine visitors to the USA will be coming back from the 9/11 inferno, and the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre are gone. The `spear chuckers` don`t want Man (still less Woman) to get off the Earth. In Oops I Did It Again Britney, in her red pilot suit, represents those who flew the X-15 planes out of Earth`s orbit before experiencing `blackout` and, falling back through the Earth`s atmosphere, awoke to rue the impossibility of ever flying to the stars because their brains couldn`t sustain consciousness under the high gravities they needed to withstand in order to operate a plane`s controls:


`Whisper softly and the world just disappears

 Take me high and just wipe away my fears,

 When you're with me

 Oh boy, it's my heartbeat that I hear

 Ooh, ooh baby

 In your arms I finally breathe

 Wrap me up in all your love

 That's the oxygen I need, yeah ...

 You're fillin` me up with your love.`  Ooh Ooh Baby



 In Islam the figure that finds correspondence with Satan is the djinn Shaitan but according to the Koran the evil one only has the power to whisper. What the individual does in response to the `whisperer` is a matter for free will. In Islamic tradition each individual has a good and a tempting djinn, a `Hamzad`, who record the good and bad deeds of the person to whom they are given. Depending on their records, the actor either goes to hell or heaven.  It`s a metaphor for a `choice dish`. In Arabia it`s traditional to eat only the food on your plate that you want and to leave what you don`t. Oops I Did It Again presents Britney, in her red pilot`s suit, as a good djinn and, in her white bikini dress, as a tempting djinn.

 From men`s perspective a woman with a penis is `Satan` because she`s a threat to their parasitical enslavement of her as a `host womb`. Consequently, Shaitan`s `whisperings` in Islam might correspond to the `tutelary guidance` of the Paraclete or Holy Spirit. Actions in accordance with the `will of Allah`, that is, `God`s will` in Christianity, can produce no evil results; whichever `voices` are audible to listeners who have conscience as their guide.  The Paraclete or Holy Spirit is the `Second Eve` born effectively from the side of Jesus as the `Second Adam` after being pierced by the spear of the Roman centurion Longinus and known thereafter as the Spear of Destiny because of its `potency`. In the Old Testament the `spirit of God` is the Shekinah who, described as a female spirit dwelling within the tabernacle where `God`s law is kept, corresponds to God`s conscience and that`s why she`s associated in Judaism with the Paraclete or Holy Spirit:


`[A] table ... prepare[d] for her ... the bride ... in holy jewels ...`6


 Britney Spears` white bikini dressed self upon the tablecloth of her altar with the star of her Advent about her is a type of the Shekinah in Oops I Did It Again where her suspended spaceman gazes down upon her. Either he`s her `liege lord` and a knight, or he`s a `leech lord` and a parasite. Under the direction of `Mission Control`, these are his `blood-sucking parasites` from her point of view and they`d interfere with their union. The `law of God` must be applied to `test the spirits`, as the Christians say, and remove any `demonic` control. There are indications of `demonic control` because the spaceman is a `camera` from the point of view of `Mission Control`, which means that he can only see what they point him at, a form of blindness in which `seeing is believing` and you accept that what you are able to see is all that`s present.

 The Shekinah is described as the `divine presence of God`, and she contains `All Worlds`, which explains why Britney is surrounded in Oops I Did It Again by `planetary bodies` orbiting her Mars. The video itself is demotic. There are indications of worlds that exist but are `hidden`; even from those who are able to penetrate some of Britney`s story. Only those who accept `God`s law` may enter we guess, and 9/11 holds the key. Those who pretend friendship in order to attack the innocent are breaking the law of God and are haraam. At the outset of Oops I Did It Again Britney`s spaceman uncovers a small icon of her in the desert of Mars and – Open Sesame! – Britney`s `Grail castle` emerges gargantuanly from the sand. It`s as if her spaceman `clicks` on a Microsoft Explorer (ME) icon, and the website corresponding to Britney`s URL appears. After he`s `released`, he`s depicted walking backwards; presumably to his previous position. Shaped like a `cookie` from a jar, the icon is, in fact, a `cookie` in internet terms also, and the `intruder` is safely dealt with by the simple means of `rewinding` him; or anything else that is deemed illegal by Britney Spears: a smarter `cookie` than she might appear to someone not interested in all the stories of all the worlds that the Shekinah contains as `spirit of God`s law` and supreme arbiter of what constitutes a `good yarn`.

 In the psychology of Carl Gustav Jung  (1875-1961) the tarot suits are equated with the four functions of consciousness, that is, `Sensation` (dish), `Thinking` (sword), `Feeling` (cup), and `Intuition` (lance). In Marie Louise Von Franz and Emma Jung`s `Jungian analysis`, The Grail legend, they interpret knife (`Intuition`) and `dish` (`Sensation`) symbolism as relating to the differentiation of the `lance` function. It`s the `sword [`Thinking`] beaten into a ploughshare` concept, but here the `lance` becomes a utensil. In Oops I Did It Again the `giant fork` beside Britney`s spaceman is differentiated `Thinking`, that is, the sword as utensil indicating deliberation; or, in other words, the `choice dish` of which story to enjoy. Of course you have to be interested in a story, and willing to let it unfold and enfold you. Pressing ENTER isn`t enough. You have to pass muster with the supreme arbiter of `God`s law`, the Shekinah; otherwise you`re an unwanted `hacker` into an `Ivory Tower`, a `spear chucker` terrorizing New Work.



1 Tarot, .

2 Eliot, T.S. `London Letter` in The Dial magazine, October 1921, .

3 'A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam', .

4 Thacker, G.A. `The Walls Came Tumbling Down` (c. late 19th early 20th century)

5 Blue Earth is a city in Faribault County, Minnesota, at the confluence of the east and west branches of the Blue Earth River.

6 Luria, Isaac Sabbath Bride, .


The moon is Qareen

03/05/2012 11:41

The moon is Qareen,

she`s maid of silver,

and the sun is orange;

and the orange is Qareen.


Back Cars, or Arse Backwards With Britney Spears

03/05/2012 11:28

Back Cars, or Arse Backwards With Britney Spears


Don`t drive a car, because it`s pedal-pushing to give the illusion of adulthood, rather than a trained monkey. Observing grown men, carefully watching the back of the car in front, especially in Saudi Arabia, where women are forbidden to drive, brings the monkey analogy into focus. Men aren`t watching the arse of the woman; it`s the backs of the men`s cars: to avoid recognizing a sublimated homosexuality in which the penis transmits sexually the disease (STD), HIV/AIDS` , an`incurable killer disease` through the asshole ahead, as a form of `biological warfare` against `woman`s seed`.



 Scientists believe AIDS derived from monkeys, although parasitical host womb slavery in homosexuality and pederasty for parasitoid devouring through war was institutionalized in ancient Greece. Moreover, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen: 18, 19), according to the Old Testament of the Bible, because men wanted anal, that is, monkeys are what HIV/AIDS produces. In Revelation everyone has the `mark of the beast`, while: `...ugly and painful sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped his image.` (Rev: 16.2)



 The pseudo-psychology of behavioralism is the `mark of the beast`, because men behave as monkeys, if they`re homosexual, and homosexuality is defined as `brutality and violence` called `rough trade`, which is why the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre were chosen by the Al Qaeda terrorist group operating under the auspices of the misogynist Taliban regime in Afghanistan on September 11, 2001. Homosexuality is `biological war` with AIDS as a terror weapon used to keep women in fearful faithfulness to men`s misogynistic ring slavery for host womb parasitism to feed their parasitoid nature as the devourers of `woman`s seed`. Men watch the back of the car in front because it`s behavioralism. They have car registration numbers to identify them, `phone numbers, and other numbered IDs, which is why the `number of the beast` is 666 in Revelation, that is, perversity, because the police are 999: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) They perversely prefer homosexual behavior, so 666 is 999 reversed, and the police are the bullies who enforce animal behavior.



 Traffic lights prevent motorists from going forward into the boot of the car in front, because it`s a bullet to go through the boot. Annoyed by the car ahead in traffic jams, the impulse is to `ram`, which is why Satan is often depicted with ram`s horns, as Satanism is sublimated homosexual behaviour opposed to Christian shepherding, because the `boot` of the car at the rear represents God`s foot`, which is `hidden` futanarian humanity. In Christianity Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent, Satan, with her `foot`, because God told the first woman, Eve: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) The serpent, Satan, was the angel placed on Earth for rejecting God`s plan that the human host should be greater than the angelic host, and he gave Eve the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which was death, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) God had given Eve and the first man, Adam, `the fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality, and expelled Eve and Adam, who must labor, while Eve would experience labor pain, before Redemption, which Jesus born uncontaminated by male semen as the `foot` of God represented as the futanarian teacher of the human species: `Love your neighbour as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Because human futanarian women can sexually reproduce brainpower with each other, they`re the `foot` of God that can crush the host womb enslaver of the race, Satan.



 Jesus` death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven prefigured that of `woman`s seed`, whereas the motor car is a machine gun. Behavioralism suggests that repressed homosexuality will result in aggression, which materializes in the shape of the tank of petrol with the elephant gun on the turret as a symbol of the repressed penis` seeking to penetrate the futanarian race and spread homosexuality`s `incurable killer disease` throughout human nature.  Bored with watching the boot, tank battles ensue. The `hidden` face of homosexuality emerges with a gun, and a `biological bullet` for the plain of `Megiddo`, which is the location prophesied in Revelation for the last confrontation between good and evil. Human futanarian `woman`s seed` is expected to triumph over homosexual behavioralism, which is the system of those who`ve trained humans as animals, so they`ll be `beasts`. However, acceptance of the `spirit of God` is the `spirit` in the `Word` of the law of prohibition, that is, the promise that humans won`t have to steal, murder, or be jealous: `Thou shalt not [have to] steal.`

 Behavioralists rely on rules that treat humans as monkeys. Driving behind another`s car for decades in denial of anal desire resulting in `Armageddon` is behavioralism. Telling a monkey it mustn`t be anal encourages interest, but God isn`t a behavioralist. Adam and Eve are told not to eat the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` because it`s poison, that is, their boy sons will have HIV/AIDS if they encourage anal. Developmental psychology provides cogent reasons against anal, for example, it`s unproductive and sterile, that is, death rather than life. The serpent in Eden is a behavioralist, because it wants Eve to eat the fruit and die, which they do. Naked in Eden, Eve and Adam discover their nakedness after the serpent`s direction. Before God they`re unashamed, so their behaviour is directable, and boy sons, that is, poisons, result. Cain kills Abel because Abel is able, which suggests he won`t be trained as an animal by Cain, who kills him as a behavioralist. Evil people don`t want life, or to live, and Adam and Eve accept slavery in ephemerality in exchange for power, that is, death, which is what Satan offered Jesus, who replied: `Avoid me.`

 Because Jesus wants immortality amongst God`s planets and stars, which Adam and Eve lost when they accepted slavery in ephemerality, although human futanarian women`s penis` semen would sexually reproduce the brainpower needed to take humanity to heaven as `woman seed`. In Revelation the `hidden` woman is protected by the `New Redeemer`, who will `rule the nations with an iron sceptre`, until she`s ready to leave and sow her `seed` against the evil serpent`s `seed`, that is, those who`ll receive God`s punishment of eternal unendurable pain, while God gives the woman and her `seed` an eternal heaven and Earth. Because women have their own penis` `seed` as futanarian humanity, she`s `hidden` partly because men want to occlude humanity from knowing they`re a species enslaved by an alien. Men without futanarian women`s reproductive capacity are sterile parasitical organisms, which the late 20th century `incurable killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, spread by men`s mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses, illustrates. As a viral life form, men are a parasite that somehow inveigled itself into women`s host wombs to steal her penis` semen and enslave her as a parasitoid nature which now breeds her to produce civilization, culture and art to devour in its `biological warfare` against women`s human futanarian nature. Emerging as viruses formed in women`s host wombs, men feed upon women as parasitical `leeches`, which is how they`re described in Islam, before devouring women`s human futanarian nature as dragon`s grown since their days as women`s symbolic paradise`s serpent:


`... the embryo ... obtains nourishment from the blood of the mother, similar to the leech, which feeds on the blood of others.`1


 In Greco-Roman times a roadside `herm` was a `signpost`, a symbol of Hermes, the god, an upright stone pillar with a penis carved on it, and a bust of the god`s head atop the column. Insofar as roads are homosexual behavioralism, the penis` herm is symbolic.  In Egyptian mythology, the `Shu` is the `feather of truth` of Ma`at,2 the goddess who balances it against the heart`s worth, and if the two balance the balanced human enters heaven, which is a metaphor for psychological balance deriving from the sexual reproduction of human futanarian brainpower. Traditionally, vampires can`t be seen in the glass of a mirror and so the mirror is the Shu`, which shows women why they`re not psychologically balanced, because the vampire has devoured their penis. Consequently, if a car is understood as having a rear view mirror, that is, the `Shu`, the `woman`s seed` can`t be seen, while the killers make a getaway in their vehicles, although the vampire`s there driving them on demoniacally with its HIV/AIDS` virus.



 Humans want to see what`s human, which is what sexual reproduction is for, although `human` is an adjectival, rather than a physical, characteristic. Men`s `Shu` isn`t women`s futanarian humanity, that is, the driven cars, are equivalent to the `Ka` or `spirit` of Egyptian mythology, represented in Moslem Islam by the Ka` Ba, which is the temple of Abraham in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, and where `Ba` is `soul`, because it represents Hajer, the Egyptian woman, who bore Ishmael, whose descendant Mohamed founded Islam after receiving the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from angels. Abraham`s wife, Sara, bore Isaac, founder of Judaism, and gave Hajer to Abraham after Sara became barren. Consequently, Islam is permitted four wives, which is why the Ka` Ba` represents women`s futanarian union of spirit and soul, whereas men`s cars (Kau) represent the prison bars (Bau) of the soul as they`re driven away from their crime of patricide against `woman`s seed` by their demons. 



 In the Greek drama Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C.) Oedipus kills his father without knowing him upon the road to Thebes. When Oedipus arrives he marries Jocasta and later discovers she`s his mother. Consequently, he`s metaphorically blind. Afterwards Oedipus blinds himself because of the incest taboo. However, because women are a single species, incest is a taboo designed to prevent them from sexually reproducing with each other, so Oedipus is an Everyman archetype demoniacally possessed. When Oedipus` daughter, Antigone, agrees to guide his steps, he`s a slaver, because women are humanly sympathetic, which is why they`re slaves.

 If Oedipus could remember being his father and mother, he`d have a penis with `vision`, because he`d have human ancestry, which is what Jesus` teaching of the Holy Spirit is for. Envisioned, Oedipus wouldn`t kill women`s human futanarian species, because he wouldn`t be alienated, but the `spirit of God` is women`s, which is why she`s depicted as dwelling with the law of God as the Jewish Shekinah in the Old Testament. Jesus` distillation of God`s law is `love`, which accords with the Shekinah`s female nature. Consequently, women are God`s species and men aren`t, although Jesus` teaching of shepherding `woman`s seed` is Redemption for men.  The Greek `herm` is a symbol of the killer`s getaway, which is why the Roman Empire built so many roads. Homosexuals don`t want humans to see, because they`d see the alien. Antigone can guide blind Oedipus, because she isn`t homosexual, whereas men deny the path to those who can see, because they`re alien pogromers. They don`t want Jocasta`s species to see enough to remember men are the alien enslavers of her host womb in parasitism for parasitoid entertainment dramas.

 The Greek `herm` is a symbol of the false path that men`s parasitoid natures want to be taken for truth, which is a part of their behavioralist program for reducing humanity to degeneracy through homosexuality in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed`. Humanity has a path, but the `ape of God`, as Satan is often described, represents the spirit of homosexual men prepared to kill the eyes of the penis that can see its alien nature, so that the monkey brained can live, which is why Revelation speaks of the `beast` on his `dark throne`, a symbol of blind unconscious ignorance: `...what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?`3


 Although women`s feelings for each other as aspecies with its own penis are repressed and condemned as homosexually `lesbian`, human futanarian women are sexually normal, and `lesbian` is a sexually perverse term devised by men as a tool to deprive women of their ordinary sexual heritage. The confusion arises from feminist assertions that women are homosexual if `lesbian`, whereas futanarian women are a sexually reproductive species, while men can`t sexually reproduce, and so even in democratic societies they`re a disenfranchising parasite upon the host wombs of the human society, which isn`t allowed to see that it`s belief in democracy is a lie promulgated by an alien parasitoid waging war against the human race.



 `PC` feminism argues that women are equal with men, although in Saudi Arabia, for example, women aren`t allowed to drive a car, because seeing a woman might cause `phantom` arousal, and rememberment, which the alien discourages because it interferes with the `prison system` of heterosexuals` producing a single male brained creature as a transvestite `TV` wearing each others` clothes for `snuff film` entertainments for men`s parasitoid natures, which is how the demon of homosexuality possesses, because it likes to torture its manifestations, for example, crucified Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen, and so was attempting to escape as an unreconditioned `TV` producer the homosexuals wanted to repossess, because they want the `TV` for their human species` `snuff film`. Heterosexuals are conditioned into believing in heterosexuality, but imprisoning and enslaving women`s `host wombs` to demoniacally possess themselves of the `remnant` of women`s human futanarian race is what men`s parasitoid nature does. As a homosexual parasitical organism, it defines itself as `men`, whose `behavioralist` system is ignorance, even at the expense of species` extinguishing global thermo-nuclear war against `woman`s seed`.



 Kate Millett`s feminist polemic Sexual Politics (1968) is how the homosexuals put the gun in the hands of women, and have them shoot themselves, because homosexuals don`t want women. Heterosexuality is a `TV` argument, whereas women are a species, which doesn`t need the `gay` argument, whereas homosexuality is socio-historically the basis for slavery, war, plague and death. The `father of psychoanalysis`, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), argued civilization, culture and art was `nothing but` expressions of the repressed penis, although he didn`t understand that it was the woman`s penis that was repressed. Modern psychologists believe the gun a repressed penis, which is a way of saying that male brained women are committing suicide, because men in misogyny want to kill them. Equating homosexuality with war, the anus is a ready made bullet hole into which the homosexual inserts his penis gun to kill the brain with HIV/AIDS` `biological warfare` bullets.

 Even if futanarian women practiced anal, she wouldn`t be homosexual, because men are, and women are the species, that is, in reality there` s no one else to see the women. Women are definable as `homosexual`, if they`re male brained killers of their own species, which is `the fall` for `woman`s seed`, that is, racial suicide, and that`s what the pseudo-attractive war god`s homosexual weapons are for.

 Nosing the bumper of the car in front metamorphoses into the tank with its barrel as a penis extension angrily denying its interest in sniffing the fumes emanating from the rear of the demon driven. In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), there are four functions of consciousness associated with ears, eyes, mouth and nose in undifferentiated form, and `Intuition` is the function of consciousness associated with the `nose` or smell, and the feminine soul or anima in a man, which Jung views as an Antigone-like guide of the blind. Consequently, the tank is Oedipus` elephant gun, because he doesn`t want Antigone to see, that is, `woman`s seed` is the elephant, which is Jocasta and Antigone, who`re the species` pair in the tragedy.

 According to Jung, there are two feminine functions of consciousness (`Intuition`, and `Feeling`, which is associated with the mouth, that is, speech, kissing, eating and drinking), and two masculine functions of consciousness (`Thinking`, the ears; and `Sensation`; the eyes). Consequently, the car, with its four wheels, is analogous to the Jungian `Self`, with its four functions of consciousness, although the `Ka` spirit of Egyptian mythology aligned to the `Ba` soul, because futanarian women are humanity, suggest that men`s car has a problem with its tank, that is, what drives it. Tanks represent the undifferentiated `Self`, which has `Sensation` and `Thinking` (ears and eyes), but undifferentiated `Intuition` and `Feeling` (nose and mouth), because its elephant gun tank barrel is its killers` `Intuition`, and it’s a devouring maw, that is, men`s car (Ka) bereft of soul (Ba) is anti-life and productive of a planetary consciousness repressed by its parasitoid alien nature manifesting as a sadistic homosexual.



 If the demon driven refuses to accept the car behind doesn`t want to `get closer` to the `source of pollution`, and the tank barrel isn`t a big enough penis extension to hotly deny any suggestion of his homosexual parasitoid nature, he`ll resort to missiles, because men aren`t human. Insisting that sodomy isn`t contemplated, as distance is maintained from the rest of the demon driven, the planet will be destroyed by the parasitoid natures of the alien invaders, although homosexuality will have been denied by them, while the humans died sympathetic to the parasites` true feelings, whatever they might still be.

 Masculine `Sensation` and `Thinking` suggests that the ears and eyes of men, which hear and see women, are occluded by what Jung terms the personal shadow or subconscious that contains the inferior function(s), that is, the feminine functions of `Intuition` and `Feeling`, associated with air, food, water, and speech. Because, Jung argues, the shadow is often projected onto others who are seen as inferior rather than the person to whom the inferiority belongs, men are unable to hear, or see women, as the species of the planet Earth that they`ll destroy.

 In Islam, women are invisibled in their one piece black coverall, the burka. In pederastical occlusion men are everywhere visible in their white `thob`, but women are `hidden`, because their species isn`t expected to reappear. Men prefer that men hear and see each other. However, if women represent Jung`s human futanarian functions of `Intuition` (nose) and `Feeling` (mouth), that is, traditional desert concerns of air, food, water, and speech, modern men have repressed them, so they`ll have ears (`Sensation`) and eyes (`Thinking`) for each other only as an alien parasitoid nature`s telepathic communal understanding, which doesn`t want those who speak, because speech is `animal`. Men`s having to be polite with men, because men are all that`s visible, results in men`s deep hatred of men`s politeness, that is, war, and women, who`re their voiceless victims, are the humans.

 Eyes and ears are important, because they represent the tools necessary for understanding without telepathy. Eve, the first woman, and Adam, the first man, in Eden, perceived themselves naked, because they telepathically `sensed` the serpent spying, which is the basis for human occlusion, because the `serpent`s seed` of men don`t want others to see. In Islam, the serpent is `Iblis`, an evil genius, who whispers in the ears, which are the conduits to the brain, and so in Jungian psychology `Thinking` is associated with the ears. According to Moslem belief, `Iblis` hasn`t power; but it`s whispers affect the mind and, consequently, whatever is being performed for the voyeur. Adam and Eve`s nakedness in Eden, together with the phallic symbolism of the serpent, suggests pornography, but parasitoid nature is a devourer and so sex films are the appetizer for `snuff films`, which is why Satan is identified with Armageddon. The serpent`s evil is represented by the gun as an anal perversion, because HIV/AIDS is a `biological weapon`. In Revelation `666` is the `number of the beast`, and the `six shooter` is the infamous handgun of the American Wild West, which revolutionized killing by allowing the killer to shoot six times.  



 As the host at the Last Supper, Jesus had spoken to his disciples, offering food and drink in fellowship, that is, `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood`, but Judas, who was known for stealing from the collection plate after a service, and had suggested that the expensive perfume a woman was anointing Jesus` feet with should be sold to raise money, betrayed the human host for `thirty pieces of silver` to the agents of the Roman Empire then occupying Jewish Palestine, and so Jesus was taken to the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem and nailed to a cross of wood and left there until he died, although he had Resurrection and Ascension as a prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`. Born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus was uncontaminated by male semen, and Judas betrayed him as a `dissident` threat to the male brained Empire of Rome because he didn`t want Jesus` `woman`s seed` to sexually reproduce with a woman and psychologically balance a parasitoid nature`s psychopathy to save women`s futanarian human species.

 Although it`s received wisdom that HIV/AIDS came from monkeys, in a case of Jungian shadow-projection, monkeys and HIV/AIDS would have originated with men, that is, monkeys are their degenerate` descendants. There are many videos of chimpanzees who`s actions, when threatened, are of an anal rape victim; behaving as children abused by strength.  Satan`s the `ape of God` because he `apes`, that is, behaves, which is what pederasts teach.  Because children are weaker, homosexual cowards want more children, which paradoxically is degeneracy. Hollywood movies depict the emulated male, but boys aren`t aware that the woman has their eyes, although the pederast encourages belief in the man, whereas the boy is closer in spirit to the woman, who is women`s futanarian humanity with her own penis` `seed` for the sexual reproduction of her species` brainpower for liberation from the `gay` scene in which the parasitoid nature is preparing to encourage the boy to devour the human host, women, in a glamorous battle against human nature.

 In the Greek dramatist Sophocles` Oedipus Rex, Oedipus is blind throughout, because he doesn`t understand that the homosexual doesn`t want Oedipus to see that Oedipus is Jocasta, that is, he doesn`t want Oedipus to see with Jocasta`s penis. Hollywood is notorious for homosexuality, and may be said to have even caused 9/11 by presenting movies like Towering Inferno (1973), starring Steve McQueen as a firefighter trying to prevent a tower from burning, as `entertainment`. In simple terms, the boy watching movies is expected to identify with the man who`s homosexual because he implies that the woman doesn`t have a penis, and therefore she is alien to boys, whereas movies are for boys who`re being educated without the understanding that women have a penis, that is, that women are the human futanarian species on the planet.  As the `spirit of God` is the species`, boys have the eyes of women, and see with their penis which, as `The Lord`s Prayer` suggests, is deliberately `hidden` in pederasty`s blinding, so that boys will worship their fathers: `Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name...`

 Behavioralism is consistent with a homosexual degenerate`s approach to a labor camp, where humans are consistently reduced to creatures of lesser intelligence by those who want humans to be trained animals. Pedal-push cars painted to look futuristic are behavioralism`s `Pavlov`s dog`. If humans developed, they`d escape degeneracy, and host womb enslavement in parasitism to men`s parasitoid devouring nature. Reduced to `apes` by behavioralists` spying to ensure that hands are washed in the lavatory, for example, humans degenerate into mimicking what they see on the assumption that it`s fatherly and educative, whereas it`s routine slavery.

 In Islam the left hand is `forbidden` or haraam because it`s `unclean`. Associated with the anus, and gun, because HIV/AIDS is an `incurable killer disease` looking for a bullet hole, the left hand is, in psychological terms, associated with homosexuality. The Greek poet Homer relates in his Iliad (760-10 B.C.) how the Greeks left a huge hollow wooden horse outside the gates of the city of Troy, which the Trojans took inside, and the Greeks emerged therefrom to capture the city for institutionalized host womb slavery and the spread of the `Greek` contagion of homosexuality in pederasty for warfare against `woman`s seed`. When the Al Qaeda terrorists hijacked civil airliners on September 11, 2001, to crash them into the World Trade Centre to spread homosexuality in pederasty`s `rough trade`4 of `brutality and violence` across the globe, they were the equivalent of `Trojan horses` that had got through the system of defense as HIV/AIDS through the `Trojan` condom brand used widespreadly in the United States to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS. The successors to the Greeks were the computer `geeks` who devised `Trojan horse` viruses to infect and kill computer brains, because they didn`t want `woman`s seed` to have permanent knowledge of human women`s futanarian nature. Consequently, the Al Qaeda terrorists were `unclean` in Islamic terms, because they were homosexually transmitting a `Trojan horse` virus designed to kill the brainpower of the USA and precipitate a Dark Age through warfare against `woman`s seed`. Behavioralism`s training humans as animals to wash their hands is provoking rather than educational. The 9/11 terrorists bought airline tickets as visiting students, before hijacking the passenger airliners and turning them into guided missiles to crash into the WTC, which is how dictator, Saddam Hussein, cultivated the right hand of the friendship of the US, before Iraq`s invading Kuwait city raised legitimate concern at the possibility of Moslem nations having chemo-biological weapons. Terrorism is directly attributable to Islam`s preoccupations with repression of the left hand, because repressed psychologies react.



 The car didn`t develop from basic mechanical operations in over 100 years, which suggests behavioralism, that is, `ape`, because it`s slave training, rather than progress. Apeing is what behavioralism encourages, so training is homosexual, because trainers want humans to ape behavior. War wants apes, so behavioralism is psychology imposed by an alien.  Jesus was killed, because he was peaceful, and afterwards he was labelled a coward for not fighting, which is how the evil kill. The perspective of the evil is that the peaceful should be killed for not fighting, and labelled cowards if they won`t be easily killed, because the peaceful shun evil and that`s how they live. In ancient Greece, a few men held a pass at Thermopylae allowing entry by single file only. Xerxes` Persian army was stopped and Greece defended. In psycho-symbolic terms, the pass was the anus, and Greece was wanted, because homosexuality in pederasty is war.



Women are the `device` used by the spirit of homosexuality upon the Earth to make war on her species` and its planet. The defence of the pass of Thermopylae is archetypal, that is, shun homosexuality, if you don`t want male brained Empire: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Gen: 3. 15) Women have their own bathroom cubicles, because they`re trained for secrecy, that is, to be courtesans, whereas men stand together, and are `trained`. What they`re trained for is not to look, which is the accusation that they`re spies, and the associated idea that they should be blind, so it`d be better if they had cubicles, like women, to prevent the `trainers` from blinding them, because they don`t want them to remember the women`s penis. Consequently, spying is what humans are persecuted for, because they need to know.  Who people are taught are spies, are killers, because governments in the male brained Empire don`t want humans to know, so movie characters like James Bond, British secret agent, 007, `licensed to kill`, is a killer because he`s a killer, whereas humans are those who want to know, but are accused of spying, and so are killed by the alien, which wants parasitoid devourment of the Earth, rather than `saving the planet`, as James` boss, `M`, for murder, tells Bond for the benefit of successive generations of gullible audiences that have been seeing James Bond on screen since the first movie, Dr No (1962), was made of the novel, Dr No (1958), written by `real` British `spy`, Ian Fleming.

 007 is British because homosexuality was endemic in the Empire, and the concomitant of spies is gangesterism, which wants whores and boys. Although gangsters and whores is easily explainable in terms of `Babylon`, that is, parasitical host womb slavery, which is why Hollywood was named `Babylon` after the woman in the Bible who gave her name to the capital city of the Persian Empire, gangsters want brainless senility, because homosexuality in pederasty for war is what the American Empire, like all the others, was for. Although female nudity is taboo in Britain, in the United States of America, female nudity is supposedly common, whereas human futanarian women with penis` semen of their own aren`t. Consequently, no one sees nude women, because either the spies and the gangsters have killed them, or everyone lives in the West`s reaction to Moslem Islam, where women can`t be seen publically and have to cover themselves beneath the one piece coverall of the burka from which only their eyes can be seen see, and Western gangsterism`s response is that they could still see, so they killed them. Spying to kill is what homosexuals do, because that `s what gangsters are. Evil aliens who want brain dead wombs for parasitism and brainless boys, or oldsters who seem childlike because they`re `senile`, which is a medical term for a human race that`s been killed so that it`s brain doesn`t function. Brainlessness produces low technology, whereas human futanarian women`s capacity for sexual reproduction is psychological balance, and advanced medical science for conferring immortality as the Redemption God promised Eve in Eden. Consequently, humans die because slavers kill them to produce new whores and boys, because high technologies would confer permanent knowledge to operate and maintain, which is why aliens kill humans; to prevent humans from escaping and living away from slavery. Paradoxically, spying to ensure men wash their hands ensures homosexuality, because gangsters are homosexual spies, that is, HIV/AIDS was a Western conceived terroristical `biological weapon` spread by men`s mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anus. The aliens` murdering human futanarian women`s `seed` is killing God`s penis and brainpower, which is why homosexuals` spy, because gangsters are slavers of whores and boys and don`t want argument.

 The behavioralist pattern of trainer driven cars nosing behind to avoid anal results in men facing each other to deny their homosexuality through the barrels of their tank guns` penis extension, so men`s behavioralist paradigm of boys standing blindly ignorant, while urinating together, is the `spirit of homosexuality`, rather than the `spirit of God`, which is the female Shekinah, or Jesus` Holy Spirit, which he said would be sent to teach after him, and that was called the `Second Eve` because Eve emerged from the `Second Adam`, according to Genesis, that is, from his rib, and the Roman guard at Jesus` crucifixion, Longinus, pierced Jesus` side with his spear to perform a `caesarean` section on the `Second Adam` to birth the `Second Eve` as the Holy Spirit, which the Jews called `Shekinah` who indwelt as the `spirit of God` in the place where the `law` that Jesus distilled as `love` was kept: `Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54) Consequently, on May 1st, `Labor Day` in Moscow, the `Red Army` parade `Satan`, which was the name US defense analysts gave in 2012 to a proposed new 100 ton Russian warhead, because slavers and gangsters prefer blind ignorance.



 In Revelation the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour the `New Redeemer`, who`ll protect the `hidden` woman of the Earth, who bore him, with an `iron sceptre`, until she leaves. Symbolically, fathers are `Satan`, the `red dragon`, and the `New Redeemer` isn`t their son. In Roman mythology Saturn (Satan) is given a stone by Rhea, Zeus` mother, to swallow, because he believes it to be Zeus. Saturn is the father who doesn`t want his son to inherit, so war is about inheriting pederasty, which boys don`t want, so they`re kept in blind ignorance by pederasts to prevent human futanarian women`s `seed` being known, as women can psychologically correct the unbalanced brain of human psychopathy, although their species doesn`t need either father or son.



 The `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, who gives birth to the `New Redeemer` while the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour her child, could leave as the Earth`s human futanarian species of women with their own penis` semen, that is, she`s a female child with male `seed`. Consequently, what passes for men here is an unredeemed alien parasite preparing its parasitoid nature`s devourment phase, and the Russian Red Army 100 ton Satan `warhead` represents her destroyer, because extinction of the human race is what Satan and Satanism planned, as women are God`s heirs.

 In her red pilot`s suit, `Oops! ... I Did It Again`, is Britney Spears` recognition of woman`s role. On her red planet, Mars, she`s `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, while the `red dragon`, symbolized by Mars, the Roman god of war, waits in vain to devour her child, the `New Redeemer`, who is represented by Britney in her white bikini-dress, while the US spacemen hangs poised above her with his `spy` camera, as a symbol of the global ICBM missile threat, while the red, white and blue `star spangled banner` symbolism is completed by the spaceman`s gift of the `heart of the ocean`, which is the blue diamond pendant dropped by 100 year old Rose into the sea as a remembrance of the ship that sank after hitting an iceberg on its maiden voyage to New York city from Southampton on April 15, 1912, `But I thought the old lady dropped it into the ocean in the end?` The Titanic (1997) film is about an ocean going liner, although the Hollywood, Babylon, propaganda film starring 007`s James Bond, British actor Sean Connery, The Hunt For Red October (1990), about a `rogue` Captain Marko Ramius` Russian submarine with nuclear capability, before the threat is nullified, isn`t a red ruby, because pederasty wants slave wars:


`I`m Miss American Dream since I was seventeen.`


 On the cover of the CD single, `Piece Of Me` (2007) from the album Blackout, a reference to censorship and occluding blindness through murder producing ignorant unconsciousness and senility in the human race, Britney Spears appears in the place of Jesus on the cross, and is construable as a reference to Longinus` piercing the side of Jesus with a spear to release the Paraclete, which is woman`s `tutelary spirit`. The North American Space Administration (NASA) used monkeys in its `unmanned` Space Program, before Apollo 11`s Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon on July 21, 1969, UTC: 2. 56, `One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.` When Al Qaeda terrorists chose the World Trade Centre to crash their hijacked civil airliners into on September 11, 2001, it was because `rough trade`, that is, a re-establishing of homosexuality in pederasty`s `brutality and violence` would cause the US to invest in war, rather than the Space Program, that is, 9/11 was `nein` to 11 Apollo`s continuation, where `nein` is a German fascist negative, because the National Socialist (Nazi) Party`s elected dictator of 1933, Adolf Hitler, fought WWII (1939-45) to enslave the Earth by exterminating human women`s futanarian `chosen people`, the Jews, whose tradition is that Jews are born from women, because women are futanarian Jews. 2012`s proposed `Satan` 100 ton nuclear Russian warhead suggests that the monkeys want to destroy the Earth, rather than resolve the problem of the war god, Mars, symbolized by Red Russia, although US ICBMS are as devastating:


`I made you believe,

We`re more than just friends.

Oh baby!

It might seem like a crush;

But it doesn`t mean that I`m serious.`



 Satan is `the ape of God` in Christian iconography, because men can be trained to `ape` whatever the `serpent`s seed` decides for men is `man`. Men, who want to be thought of as `father gods`, train boys to be an ape from the neck up, that is, a nape of the neck for the facist axe of the beheader, which is why the Italian mafia sent a statue of a fireman to New York city two days before the Twin Towers burned on 9/11, with a fascist emblem on his back, that is, a bundle of wood with an axe in the centre, the fasces symbol of Rome, which the Italian fascists used as a symbol of the `death camps` constructed to behead the `chosen people`. Only if the brains of God`s penis` `seed` can see can Satan be defeated, which is why Britney Spears` twin in `Oops I Did It Again` is her.



1 Ibrahim, I. A., A Brief Illustrated guide To Understanding Islam, Darussalam, Houston, Texas, USA, 1997, pp. 74, p.6.

2 Shu, .

3 Yeats, William Butler `The Second Coming`, 1919.

4  Merriam Webster .


Game: Conservation

27/04/2012 07:20

Game: Conservation



After reading The Criminalization Of Bad Mothers by Ada Calhoun, in The New York Times online for April 25th, 2012, and recalling how Britney Spears (1982-) was forced to give control of her wealth to her father, Jamie Spears, because she was defined as a `bad mother`, doesn`t it occur to anyone that there`s a certain incongruity in Jason Trawick, the formerly sacked manager of Britney Spears (indeed, sacked by Britney Spears), being given authority over her estate as Co-Conservator to her father? Why didn`t Jamie Spears implement the huge intellect of the USA`s legal system that made of him a Conservator and prevent Trawick, the failed ex-manager of Britney Spears` pop career, from ever being in a position to handle her? Moreover, didn`t the legal fraternity of the USA perceive the incongruity of Britney Spears losing her fortune to a Conservator primarily because her kids hat fell off as she was harried by paparazzi one afternoon and, not finding herself in a mood to be bothered to pick up the cheap headgear because she was worth billions of dollars and could buy a roomful, was labelled a `bad mother`, effectively on account of her `neglect` of the baseball cap rather than her kid?

Hope Ankrom, interviewed by Ada Calhoun for her article The Criminalization Of Bad Mothers, relates how, after her infant tested positive for cocaine, she was breast-feeding before they took her to jail: `I had toilet paper crammed in my bra. There is nothing more painful than needing to [nurture] and not being able to.`1 Hope was a `junkie`, whereas Britney Spears` kid lost his hat. Nevertheless, a mom is a mom; as Hope`s story reassures us and, having followed what seems a `crooked` path` to the law, to give Conservatorship to Britney Spears` father, on the strength of her being `unfit` to take care of her son`s hat, it`s surely within the Attorney General`s purview, as the chief law enforcement officer of the United States government, to take a serious look at a sacked `Svengali` wheedling his way back into Britney Spears` life to the point at which the interpreters of the law of the USA have given Trawick, a failed businessman, that is, failed according to Britney Spears` sacking of Trawick for mismanaging her career, Co-Conservatorship over her life and, effectively, without any actual social bond other than the reinterpreting of the title of putative fiancée to mean `leech`, the power of life and death over her ideas, image, music, and business empire.



1 'The Criminilization of Bad Mothers', The New York Times .

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01/01/2012 12:42
Remembering    `You`re remembered` is a phrase in English that is used to initiate vendetta and constitutes a threat against your life. In Egyptian mythology, Ra is the sun god who`s incarnated as Osiris: as God is incarnated in Jesus. Jesus is resurrected from the dead and has Ascension...

Queens of Heaven

01/01/2012 12:40
Queens of Heaven     In the psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) the contrasexual component of woman, which is the soul or anima in a man, was not fully understood by Jung and much study has been made by the Jungian school of psychology he founded.  Jung thought that woman has...
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